Author Topic: #1101/1102: Robservations 09/11/03: Caught!  (Read 1284 times)

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#1101/1102: Robservations 09/11/03: Caught!
« on: September 10, 2003, 10:16:05 AM »
1101 - Gerard covers the windows of the dollhouse with little boards, then sets it on fire, trapping Daphne inside the real Rose Cottage.  She struggles to get out, but Gerard presses his finger over the little door in the doll house, effectively barring it, making her escape impossible.

Daphne yanks on the doorknob, staring in terror at the encroaching flames.

A crucifix hangs around Maggie's neck.  Very pale, she lies asleep in her room at Collinwood.  Carolyn, sitting with her, reads a book--she suddenly feels something terrible is happening in the house--someone is going to die--and I must not let that happen!  She flees the room, leaving Maggie alone.

Daphne continues to work, fruitlessly, at getting out of the burning room.  Gerard! she calls, please don't make me die!  Ignoring her pleas, he stands, watching the dollhouse burn.  I know you're doing this to punish me! cries Daphne--but please don't, please, for Carrie and Tad--I have to live!  Gerard continues to sneer, ignoring to her pleas.  Carolyn enters--Gerard, she asks soberly, what are you trying to do?

Daphne, realizing that death is imminent, presses her forehead to the door and begins to sob.  Suddenly, the flames disappear.  She backs away from the door, staring around the undamaged room.  Finding the door opens easily, she quickly leaves.
You were doing something to the doll's house, weren't you, Gerard? asks Carolyn--you were trying to destroy it--I won't let you do that--it isn't yours to do with as you wish, it belongs to Carrie!  Gerard glares at her.  I gave it to her for her birthday, and she's so devoted to it--I will not allow anything to happen to it, Carolyn (Leticia?) insists--why must you always be so cruel, Gerard--why have you no feelings for others?--poor Carrie never did anything to you, why would you want to hurt her--or was it someone else you were trying to hurt?  He looks away, almost guiltily.  It was, wasn't it? demands Carolyn.  She looks in the doll house--you've made a mess of this room, she says, knocked all the furniture over, the dolls...  She straightens it out--aren't you just a tiny bit ashamed? she asks.  He comes at her threateningly.  Stay where you are! she orders--I know all your tricks and they don't frighten me--I am going to leave now, but remember what I said--you are to do nothing to Carrie's doll house!  She leaves.  Gerard looks in at the righted room in the dollhouse, furious his revenge has been thwarted.

Collinwood drawing room - Barnabas stands at the open window, listening to the dogs howl.  Hearing Julia enter, he asks, how did everything go?  There were no problems at all, relates Julia-- the children were surprisingly cooperative--I briefed the staff on the children's case--how long have you been here?  A few minutes, he says--now that the children are safe, we'd better see to Maggie before her condition gets worse. Have you seen her tonight? asks Julia.  No, I waited for you, he says.  Together, they head upstairs, Julia removing her coat along the way.

Maggie awakens to the howling of the dogs and the squeaking sound of a bat.  She takes off the crucifix and rises from bed, looking anxiously at the bat hovering outside her window.

When Julia and Barnabas enter, they find Maggie moaning.  Julia struggles to force her back into bed while Barnabas checks the window, scaring away Maggie's attacker.  You're much too weak, Maggie, says Julia, struggling to get her back into bed.  I've got to go! cries Maggie.  Who do you want to see, where do you want to go? asks Barnabas.  Maggie can't answer any questions, says Julia--her condition is worse than last night.  That's impossible, says Barn, unless "he's" been back here in her room.  Perhaps he was, says Julia, there was nobody here when we came in--she should not have been left alone!  Maggie writhes on the bed.  Mrs. Johnson informed me that Carolyn was here with Maggie, says Barn.  Julia leaves to get the accouterments for another transfusion--watch Maggie! she orders Barn.  Hearing the dogs howling, Barnabas gazes out the window.

Drawing room - Julia stuffs a bottle of blood into her doctor's bag.  Spotting Carolyn hurrying downstairs, she asks, why did you leave Maggie alone?  There was something urgent I had to do upstairs, says Carolyn.  Nothing is more urgent than keeping Maggie out of danger, Julia reminds her.  The danger isn't as great as you think it is, says Carolyn--Maggie is going to be all right, I feel certain of that, I must be going now, please excuse me.  You're not leaving the house?--it's dangerous outside, warns Julia, as the dogs howl again.  Why? asks Carolyn.  You could be attacked like Maggie was, Julia points out.  Oh, no, nothing like that is going to happen to me, Carolyn says.  The possibility does exist, says Julia, exasperated--can't you do whatever you have to do tomorrow?  I can't! insists Carolyn, it's most urgent.  What is it? asks Julia. Nothing I can talk about, says Carolyn--there's something I must do at Rose Cottage.

Carolyn heads for the door.  When I asked you about Rose Cottage before, you claimed not to know where it was, says Julia.
Carolyn, perplexed, says, that's odd, why would I say a thing like that?  Perhaps you can tell me about it now, suggests Julia.  What do you want to know about it? asks Carolyn.  Whatever you want to tell me, says Julia--where is Rose Cottage, who lives there?  You know that as well as I do, says Carolyn irritated.  No I don't, says Julia.  You know perfectly well no one has lived there since she died, says Carolyn.  Since who died? demands Julia.  Why are you asking me all these questions? asks Carolyn--what do you want from me?  Important information, responds Julia.  Why? asks Carolyn, why are you suddenly so curious about Rose Cottage.  I'm not really, says Julia, if you don't want to discuss it, we can just drop the subject.  Yes, says Carolyn, I think it might be best left alone.  She starts to go.  Will you be passing the front gate on the way out? asks Julia.  Of course I will, says Carolyn.  Would you mind mailing a letter I've written to Windcliff? asks Julia--it's about the children.  The children? repeats Carolyn softly.  Yes, I would mail it myself, but I have to attend to Maggie, says Julia.  Carolyn reluctantly agrees.  Thank you, says Julia--I'll go up and get the letter--I won't be a minute.  She leaves.  Carolyn nervously stands, waiting.

Look at me Maggie, says Barnabas--do you recognize me?  Yes, she says.  Tell me who you were trying to see when Julia and I am in the room, he asks gently.  She looks away, moaning.  Please, he begs.  She shakes her head no.  Julia comes in--Barnabas, I have to talk to you, she says quietly--she leads him away from Maggie--Carolyn is downstairs and on her way to Rose Cottage, but I couldn't learn anything else except that she's on her way there now--I asked her to wait.  Julia hastily scribbles something on a piece of paper.  Rose Cottage really does exist, says Barn.  Yes, says Julia, and we must find out where it is--I asked her to wait and mail a letter for me--I said it was very important--I want you to take this letter down to her--she licks the envelope, closes and stamps it--and follow her, instructs Julia--I'll stay here with Maggie.  Julia picks up the bottle of blood and hangs it on the stand beside Maggie's bed.

Carolyn impatiently waits outside the front door.  Barnabas comes down and hands her the letter.  Is Maggie feeling any better? she asks.  I'm afraid not, he says.  I'm sorry, she says, and heads away.  Barnabas waits a few moments, then closes the front doors of Collinwood and follows her.

Hearing the dogs, Maggie insists, Julia, you can't keep me here, I don't want to stay!  Julia struggles to make her lie quietly--it's for your own good, she assures her, if you'd only realize it.  Julia sticks her with the needle, sending the life-giving blood flowing into her body.

Rose Cottage - Carolyn lights a candle.  Daphne, she calls--where are you?--can you hear me?--please answer me, you know I'm your friend--I only want to help you.  The door opens; Barnabas walks in.  He murmurs Carolyn's name, then, "So this is Rose Cottage."  You followed me here! accuses Carolyn.  Who is your friend? he asks--who were you talking to when I came in?  That's no concern of yours, she says evasively.   You must tell us everything you know about this place, says Barn--who lived here and who you are trying to find.  Why are you and Julia so interested in this place? she asks angrily.  We told you before, he says, one of the events that's to happen before the disaster at Collinwood is the destruction of Rose Cottage.  She repeats the name of the house and giggles--that's a strange name for a place like this.  I know now why it was so difficult to find, says Barn--how did it get such a name?  Carolyn smiles--oh, it happened a very long time ago, when Carrie was very small.  Carrie lived here? he asks.  Are you going to be quiet and let me tell you? asks Carolyn.  I'm sorry, go on, he says.  Carrie always dreamed of having a doll's house which she would call Rose Cottage, says Carolyn, so for her birthday, I asked Quentin to build her one--Quentin was so good with his hands, you know, and so terribly inventive, he actually built a replica of this house and they gave it to Carrie for her birthday--I told her she'd have to find another name for it, but she said no, it would always be Rose Cottage to her
--so she kept calling it that, and before long, people called the mansion itself Rose Cottage.  When was all this? asks Barnabas.  I'm not going to answer anymore of your questions, she says--you were very rude to follow me here--very rude indeed!  She leaves the room.  Barnabas thinks to himself--we finally know where and what Rose Cottage is--now we will be able to find out more--much more!  He blows out the candle and leaves the room, too.

Julia takes Maggie's pulse.  Barnabas enters--I've seen Rose Cottage, he announces--it's the old MacGruder house.  Why is it called Rose Cottage? she asks.  That's what it was called in the past, says Barn--I couldn't learn much else from Carolyn--I tried to find out more, but she wouldn't tell me--how bad is Maggie?  Reluctantly, Julia says, she's so weak that if she's attacked one more time, it will be the end.  The dogs howl.  Barnabas looks outside--he's out there, he mutters, somewhere, waiting for another chance to get at Maggie. . .I'm doing no good here, I'm going outside again to find who is doing this--and destroy him--I'm the only one who can!  He leaves.  Maggie lies sleeping, the cross back around her throat.

Julia sits at the desk in Maggie's room, reading a book.  She glances at her sleeping patient.  Suddenly, a figure appears in the room, someone in a black cloak and hat.  Julia suddenly feels very tired and wonders why--I was wide awake just a moment ago.  She rubs her chin and stares at the book, totally unaware of the intruder in the room.
I mustn't go to sleep, I've got to stay awake! she urgently warns herself, but she soon nods out in the uncomfortable chair.  Maggie awakens, takes off the cross, and wanders eagerly toward the creature awaiting her.

NOTES:  Brrr, that was creepy!  Who is the vampire?  Will he get Maggie, or will Julia awaken and stop him?  Will Maggie succumb and die?

So the kids are safely at Windcliff.  Will that foil Gerard's plans?  Interesting that Carolyn was able to stop him, but you sense it was more Leticia, who is periodically possessing Carolyn.  She has a hold over Gerard, enough so that she was able to stop him from burning Daphne to death.  This is one mean dude--but this little gal was able to convince him to do the right thing!

I always thought one vampire couldn't slay another, but Barnabas is going out to destroy one of his own kind because he cares for Maggie. Doesn't that have to be done during the day?  How is he going to accomplish that, given that he has the same bedtime as the other vampire?

1102 - As Julia slumbers, Maggie walks eagerly to her vampire lover--and perhaps to her doom.  Quentin enters--Maggie! he cries, sending the vampire fleeing.
Maggie cries out in protest, flailing at Quentin--you caused it! she accuses.  Stop it, he orders.  She faints in his arms.  It's all right, he croons, Barnabas told me you wouldn't be able to help yourself, I know that--You've got to let us help you!  He lifts her in his arms and carries her back to bed.  Come back to me, moans Maggie, come back.  Quentin shakes Julia awake--Maggie, he asks, what that creature do to Julia?  Nothing, says Maggie.  Julia comes to--Quentin, she murmurs.  The vampire was in this room, he says.  Julia instantly rises from the chair and goes to Maggie.  I got here in time, Quentin assures her.  You saw who it was? asks Julia.  No, all I saw was a form, a hat, cape, and then it was gone, he says.  I fell asleep, says Julia.  You were doing more than just sleeping, he tells her.  I don't understand what happened, says Julia, I suddenly felt so sleepy, I couldn't keep my eyes open--I hadn't been sleepy before.  A vampire has a great many powers, says Q.  Yes, agrees Julia, a great many (who knows better)?  We can't afford to leave Maggie here with anyone, he says.  Maggie sits up, begging, let me go!  No, says Julia, you can't go.  I've got to go, they're calling me, she insists.  Quentin, give me my medical bag, request Julia.  He brings it right over.  Maggie, I'm giving you a sedative, she says, it will make you feel much better.  Let me go, begs Maggie again--no, she protests as Julia injects her.  Rest, says Julia, it will be easier if you rest--Quentin, if you hadn't come in...  The dogs howl.  I had to see you, says Quentin, you got a call from Windcliff.  Something's happened to the children! says Julia.  It was your head nurse, he says, she wants you to call her ASAP.  Julia races out of the room, leaving Quentin with Maggie.  He covers her up--oh, this house, he says to himself--can one more thing happen in it?--why can't we ever find out what causes these things?--Maggie, the children--I'm partially to blame for the children, and I know it--I haven't told anyone the truth--I've held Daphne in my arms--I wonder where she is--where has she gone?  (Think Hellmouth, Quentin.)

Foyer - Julia gets off the phone and reports to Barnabas, Hallie and David were fine for a while, then about an hour ago, the nurse found David lying on top of the bed, with an incredibly high fever, and the same thing has happened to Hallie.  Gerard! guesses Barnabas, he's going to make them suffer!  There's seemingly no medical reason, says Julia, that's true--we blame Gerard, but none of us have seen him.  You've felt his presence in the house here, says Barnabas.  Do you think he's followed them to Windcliff? asks Julia.  Obviously, says Barnabas, he's not going to let us win, Julia, he's even going to kill the children if he has to--I'm going to Windcliff with you.  No, insists Julia, you've got to stay here and take care of Maggie--if that vampire could cause me to go to sleep, you are the only one who can keep Maggie safe--I'll let you know as soon as I have something concrete to tell you.  He stands at the foot of the stairs and asks, if it isn't a medical problem, what can you really do?  With any luck at all, says Julia, I can stop the fever from getting any higher (your nurses could do that).

Maggie, asks Quentin, who's doing this to you?--I don't know what right I have to ask you to help yourself--I'm not very good at helping myself.  Barnabas enters--Quentin, Julia told me everything.  Uncomfortable, Quentin says, you certainly have every right to reproach me.  No I haven't, says Barnabas.  Yes, says Quentin, rising from the bed, I saw the vampire in this room--I could have at least tried to find out who it was.  You couldn't, Barnabas assures him--I want you to go downstairs--Julia is on her way to Windcliff, she'll let us know if there's anymore news--stay by the phone, I'll stay up here.  You must be exhausted, insists Quentin.  We all are, says Barn.  Yes, but you've been searching all night, says Quentin.  Yes, and I made a rather interesting discovery, says Barn--Rose Cottage.  You've been there? asks Q evasively.  Barnabas' forehead creases--that's rather an odd reaction, he remarks--you sound as if you knew where it was.  How could I? asks Q innocently.
Exactly, says Barnabas, but you go downstairs--it's the old MacGruder place--Carrie called it Rose Cottage for one reason or another--I followed Carolyn there.  Did you see anyone or anything there? asks Quentin.  No, says Barn--should I have?  No, says Quentin, I think I'll go downstairs and wait for Julia to call--did she say when she was going to call?  Not for half an hour or so, says Barn, why, Quentin?--is there something else you want to do?  Of course not, says Q, and leaves the room.  The dogs howl.  Barnabas goes to the window and listens, then gazes at Maggie, who looks dreadful.  Oh, Maggie, says Barnabas to himself, how often I used to think of you--how I wanted to make you mine--and now I know how much suffering I caused you.

Quentin goes downstairs, thinking of Rose Cottage--of course, Daphne is there!  He leaves the room--and his post.

Quentin enters the cobweb-filled room in Rose Cottage--Daphne! he calls.  He lights a candle--I know you're here--don't hide from me--I'm not going to leave this house until you come to me!  She enters the room and flings off his hand.  Why did you disappear? he asks--and why did you come here?  There's nothing for me at Collinwood, she says.  I let you go to the children, he reminds her--what happened there?--what were you trying to make them do?--Willie told me about the pentagram and candles--what were you getting them to do?--does it have anything to do with why they are now sick?  Daphne whirls around upon hearing this, staring at him.  They are sick, you know, he tells her, She shakes her head in disbelief.  You promised me you wouldn't hurt them, she says.  I didn't! she cries.  Then who did? he asks.  Don't ask me that, she says, turning from him again.  He faces her and demands the name--say the name!   Go back to Collinwood, she says--you'll only make things worse.  How? he asks--by being with you, by asking questions?  Please, she begs.  No, he says--I will not leave until you tell me what is going on--why you've come here, what are you going to do?  She looks sad.  I'm very foolish, he says--also vain--I thought the reason you came here was for me--I see that isn't true, isn't it?  If they are sick, she says, you must leave, let me think.  Think about what--about whom? he asks--say the name.  Gerard, she says.  Do you love him? he asks--is that what all this is about?--I don't believe it--not when I see the love in your eyes for me.  You see no love, she insists.  Why are you denying it? he asks.  I can't explain anything, I told you that, she says.  Why?--are you so terrified of Gerard? he asks.  Every moment you stay here, the worse it is for the children, she says--believe me, go!  All right, he says, if I believe you, if I leave, eventually, will I find out what's going on around here?  She nods--if you leave me now, I must think and decide what I am to do.  He takes her hands--I promise to help you fight Gerard, he says.  Don't say that, she says, pulling her hands away, don't say that here!  Why, is he here? asks Quentin--do you feel his presence in this room?  Just go before you make things worse, she pleads.  He backs away and leaves without another word.  Daphne calls to Gerard--I sent him away, she says, I'm trying to do what you want me to do--please don't punish the children for what I've done!  Oh, Gerard, don't kill them--I'll do anything if you'll just let them live!

Tad lies in bed--I must not sleep, he mutters.  Why? asks Julia, what will happen to you if you sleep?  He smiles--go away, he says, you aren't my doctor, Dr. Whittaker is my doctor, he and Gabriel ride just to see me from the village on their horses.  Who is Gabriel? asks Julia.  You don't know, he says.  There are so many things I don't know, says Julia desperately, so many things you could tell me if you only would.  Go away, he begs.  I'll check on Carrie and see how she is, says Julia--you stay here, I'll be back.  She leaves the room.  Tad reaches over to the night table and takes a piece of chalk.  I must--we must bring Gerard tonight, he says, kneeling down to draw yet another pentagram.

Quentin sits drinking in Collinwood's drawing room, staring at the fire.  Daphne joins him--are you alone? she asks.  He hustles her into the drawing room and closes the doors.  Help me, she begs.  I think I should be much wiser than that, he says, helping you doesn't seem to help anyone else anymore.  You're the only one who can, she says--the children will die unless you do.  Can you stop it? he asks--how?--by changing them back to David and Hallie?  You know I can't do that, she says.  What CAN you do? he asks.  I can't tell you, she says.  And you really expect me to help you? he asks with a bark of laughter.  He drinks.  You must take me to Windcliff, she says, I must be alone with them for just a little while.  Impossible, he says, it is a hospital, there are doctors and nurses there, Dr. Julia Hoffman is there, you'll be discovered.  We must take that chance, insists Daphne.  No, he says--Julia Hoffman will see you and know who you are.  No!-- how? she asks.  She saw you as a ghost, he says, she'll never let you go, my dear, you are the proof--the enemy.
She stares at him--you would be, too, she says, because Julia would know you helped me.  I'm not thinking about myself, he says, if you are discovered, if they learn you're alive, I'll never be able to help you again.  Quentin, we must hurry, she urges.  No! he says.  All right, then, I'll go by myself--I'm going to save those children's lives, with or without you, she says.

Tad finishes drawing the pentagram on the floor.  I must get candles now, he tells himself.  He opens the door.  Julia comes in--what are you doing up? she asks--get back into bed.  (She calls him David.)  She spots the pentagram drawn on the floor--what are you trying to do? she asks--"what?--what?--tell me!"  Julia shakes Tad, demanding answers--there was a pentagram on the floor in his bedroom, with candles, Willie told me--why, why--tell me?  Tad faints in her arms; she eases him back into bed and takes his pulse.  Quentin enters--what happened? he asks.  He collapsed, explains Julia, he drew that--she points to the floor.  A pentagram, says Quentin.  Why are you here?--did something happen at Collinwood? she asks.  No, I was just very worried, he says, so I came here.  Stay with Tad, orders Julia, I'll go and check Hallie/ Carrie--usually when something happens to one, it happens to the other.  Julia leaves, but not before asking Quentin, find out what's happening.  Quentin! calls Tad weakly.  you'll be all right, soon, Q assures him--and ushers Daphne into the room.  She rushes to Tad and kisses his cheek.  I knew you'd come, he says--you'll make me better.  Yes, she says--Quentin leave us.  No, he says.  But you must, she insists.  Julia will be back soon, he says.  Just give us time, she says.  Time for what? he demands--to practice black magic with the pentagrams?  If he and Carrie live, what difference does it make what we do? she asks.  I might have a lot of trouble keeping Julia out of here, warns Q.  But you'll do it--you must, says Daphne.  He looks briefly at Tad and leaves the room.  Tad, asks Daphne, do you feel well enough to help me?  Are we going to perform the ceremony tonight? he asks.  Yes, she says, helping him up, we must hurry.  How can we do it without Carrie? asks Tad.  It won't be as easy, Daphne admits, but we have to try.  She takes out a fat red candle, hands it to him, lights it, then another.  Quentin sits outside the door.  Julia comes by.  How's Carrie? he asks.  She kept trying to leave her room, says Julia, but the nurse stopped her--she kept saying she had to go see Tad.  Was there a pentagram in her room? asks Quentin, standing by the door, preventing Julia from entering.  No, says Julia, but when I told her about it, she wasn't surprised, she thought it funny.  Take me to see her, suggests Quentin.  I don't think that's a good idea, says Julia.  I've never questioned Carrie and really thinks I should, says Quentin.  Not tonight, says Julia.  You and Barnabas, in 1995, found David's grave, says Quentin, desperate--David died in 1970--I think we must find some supernatural means of curing this.  He notices Julia listening at the door--what are you doing? he asks.  Nothing, she says, I just thought I heard something.  That's ridiculous, David's sound  asleep, says Quentin--I think we'd better go back to your office and phone Stokes--he may know of some way of battling this supernatural thing.  I want to check on David first, says Julia.  Quentin bars her entrance--there's no need, he insists.  I'm the doctor, she says.  He stops her.  What's wrong with you? she asks--I'm going into that room!  He physically stops her this time--let him alone! he orders.
A weak Tad kneels in the center of the pentagram, Daphne beside him.  "Let the earth turn in eternal space," intones Daphne, "until the candle is touched by the light of the star."  She turns to see Julia standing in the doorway.  "Daphne!" cries Julia.

NOTES: Now a living Daphne has been caught by Julia performing a rite to bring Gerard back to life.  Apparently, that's his price for letting the children live.  How will Julia handle this?  Will Gerard appear and make her one of his, which shouldn't be difficult, considering that she already came under his power in 1995?

What will become of Maggie now, left alone to fend for herself?  Quentin doesn't seem able to think about more than one crisis at a time, and it might mean doom for poor Maggie at the hands of the vampire.

It appears that Daphne now knows that Gerard is totally evil and she has decided to give in to him to save the children's lives.  Quentin, hating himself, gave in to everything she asked, even though he knew it would be risky.  He isn't happy that she appears to love Gerard, but one wonders who she really loves, and suspects it's the children and not either Quentin or Gerard.

It's best that Barnabas watch Maggie, and perfect, too, since she's most vulnerable during the night hours when he's available to help.  Doesn't he get hungry?  Where's he getting his blood supply?

How will all this end?  Will Gerard claim the children?  Bring Daphne back to the dead?  Come back to the land of the living himself to wreak even more havoc on Collinwood?

Love, Robin