Author Topic: #1095/1096: Robservations 09/08/03: Chilling Farewells  (Read 1326 times)

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#1095/1096: Robservations 09/08/03: Chilling Farewells
« on: September 07, 2003, 12:55:51 PM »
1095 - To Julia's horror, Carolyn finishes her song. It's too late, laments Julia, running to check the children. Carolyn begins to sing the song again, wandering around, looking faint--and finally passes out. Liz runs to her--"Carolyn!"

Julia! calls Liz, forcing her to come back downstairs. Carolyn lies on the sofa. Julia takes her pulse--she just fainted, she reports. Carolyn comes to.  You fainted, says Liz.  I finished my song, says Carolyn. Yes, dear, says Liz. I feel so weak, says Carolyn, very weak. Lie here and rest for a while, advises Julia. You didn't like my song, pouts Carolyn--you were very rude and interrupted me, I shan't forget that, Julia. Why did you sing that song? asks Julia--when Barnabas and I came back from 1995 with clues, one of them was the night you sang your song. Those clues are ridiculous, pronounces Carolyn. You haven't talked that way before, points out Julia.  I do now, says Carolyn. Why do you? demands Julia. She wasn't herself, that's all, says Liz. Why wasn't she herself? asks Julia, that's what we've got to find out.
Outside the drawing room door, David and Hallie eavesdrop. We certainly aren't going to find out now, says Liz. Yes, insists Julia, this is the only time--Carolyn, you have seen Gerard. The kids, retreating from their eavesdropping spot, stop in their tracks upon hearing that name. Carolyn bursts into laughter-- "Gerard, your ghost, that vanishing creature?" she asks.  Don't hedge, Carolyn, says Julia, he is making you act this way. Carolyn shakes her head--no, she says, covering her face. Stop this, orders Liz--not now. Fine, agrees Julia--I'll go check on the kids. Carolyn thanks her mother.

Up in David's room, Hallie tells him it's all beginning, just as I knew it would. Why do you think Carolyn is Leticia? he asks. She isn't acting like Carolyn at all, says Hallie, she's someone else!--David, don't you want Carolyn to live with us in Rose Cottage? He nods. Julia knocks and enters--how are you? she asks. Terrible, replies David, handing Hallie a book--the Middle Ages, he complains--schoolwork--why do we have to work in the summer?--can't we wait until we get back to school? I'm not very good at history, anyway, adds Hallie.  Did you hear Carolyn singing downstairs? queries Julia. Carolyn singing? asks David disinterestedly--she must have flipped out (!!!)--What page were we supposed to start from?  86 Carolyn said, Hallie responds--we didn't hear any music. I'll see you later, says Julia and exits, giving them a long glance first. She closes the door. If only she knew, says David.  Once, says Hallie, we wanted to tell someone, anyone (he nods)--sometimes, I wish we had. Maybe we can, he says--maybe there is a way!

 Old House - Barnabas rises for the night. Julia joins him--Carolyn saw Gerard, she reports--tonight, she sang her song
--why doesn't anything happen?--or did it happen and we don't know? When did she sing her song? he asks. Just now, says Julia, I went up and checked on the children, then came right here--Barnabas, she is possessed, I'm certain of it--she's convinced she has second sight--she's become a different person. Did you hear any spirits in the room while she sang? he asks. No, says Julia, even when I went up to David's room, everything seemed normal. Something has to happen now, says Barn--did you try to stop her from singing? Of course I did, says Julia, but I couldn't. What was the song? asks Barnabas. I don't know, she answers. Try to remember the words, he urges. I want to dance with you, says Julia. Barnabas repeats the words, then adds, "Dance all my cares away."--do you remember Pansy Faye when we were in Quentin's time, in 1897? he asks. Yes, she says. That was her song, says Barn. Pansy Faye couldn't have been alive in 1840, points out Julia. Did Carolyn know what the song was? asks Barn. I don't think so, she says. There must be some connection, insists Barn--I want to talk to Carolyn, she might have the clue that will help make everything clearer--Gerard has made his one mistake--he doesn't know I was in 1897 and that I knew Pansy Faye. He dons his cape and takes his cane. Julia closes the basement door and they go.

Sitting on the sofa in Collinwood's drawing room, Carolyn says, Mother, I want you to know why I've been behaving so strangely--I feel so different now--I think, after Jeb...Don't talk about Jeb now, says Liz. I want to, insists Carolyn, all those months after his death, I was so inside myself, numb, but now I've changed. But change for the sake of it, begins Liz. Isn't good, Mother? finishes Carolyn--but it is, I know that it is. Barnabas and Julia enter. So Julia ran to you, Barnabas, and now you've come to question me, says Carolyn--you should be very pleased another of your clues has come true and we're all still alive, she says mockingly. I thought you took our situation seriously, he says.  Please, Barnabas, Liz says, Carolyn's been questioned quite enough by Julia. Carolyn rises from the sofa--Mother, go to David and Hallie so Barnabas can know once and for all that his fears are needless. When this night is through and nothing has happened, says Liz coldly to Barn and Julia, I hope you'll forget this ridiculous fantasy of yours. She leaves the drawing room. First question, says Carolyn flippantly--where and when did I meet Gerard?  No, says Barnabas, I want to know about the song you sang--where did you find it?  In a book of songs, she says. But you've never been interested in music that much, he says. I didn't think so either, she says, but I found the song in a book and I liked it. Enough to have an impromptu concert? asks Julia. I overheard you reading from Quentin's diary that there was a concert this day in 1839, says Carolyn--I thought it would be amusing!  Have you ever heard of Pansy Faye? asks Barn.  No, says Carolyn, but I love the name--should I know her? The old Carolyn wouldn't, says Barn, but the new one, with second sight, would. You don't believe that either? she asks. It's difficult to believe that anyone with second sight, a talent like that, could get it that quickly, remarks Barnabas. Perhaps I've always had it, she says, and simply didn't realize it. Could you demonstrate this talent for us, asks Barn, or do you p[refer to keep it a secret?  It's no secret, she says. Prove it, he challenges. I don't have to! she insists--I can see the past, it's as real to me as this day here. You've always been willing to help us, he says, are you now?--I must know why you want that song--can you see into the past?--if you can, you can help us--where did you learn that song?--in some other time--some other life?  I think so, replies Carolyn, smiling, yes. Where? asks Barnabas, think!--in this room, Carolyn? She sees a vision of the turning carousel.  "There's a carousel, turning," she describes--"toys, so many toys..." She stops.
Go on, says Barnabas--you were in the playroom Julia and I saw in 1998 (?) the playroom that doesn't exist in this house now. Then how could I have been there? she asks. Because you found it, says Julia, you must take us there. You're mad! she accuses, I simply described the room! But a room with a toy carousel, points out Barnabas--you must have seen it. In my mind I saw it, she says. Is that all? he asks--you must be honest. I AM being honest, says Carolyn, near tears, why do you keep after me, I've helped you all I can, why do you keep bothering me like this?--leave me alone!  She sits in a chair and cries. Julia, says Barnabas, we must get David and Hallie out of this house tonight!

David picks up what is obviously a Barnabas doll (in a cape!) from the table. He hands it to Hallie, who asks, if we put this doll in Rose Cottage, will Barnabas find the room?  Carolyn did, he reminds her.
Hallie looks at the doll and says "David!"  Why not let him know about Rose Cottage? asks David. You scare me sometimes, she says--do you think Barnabas will be able to help us then--is that why you want to do it?  David nods. Well he won't be able to, she insists-- Gerard sees to it that no one ever tells when they go into hat room--we can't tell--you know that. But he's different, says David (?)  From Carolyn?--from us?--how different? she asks. I don't know, he just is, says David.  What will he be able to do against Gerard? she asks. I don't know, he says--but it's worth a try, isn't it?  She hands him back the Barnabas doll, which he holds in his hand, staring at it as if it's their last hope.

Barnabas, on the landing, awaits Julia.  She joins him--Carolyn seems calmer, she says. Liz comes out--are you finished with Carolyn, Julia? she asks. I just took her to her room, says Julia. I hope you will leave her alone after this, says Liz.  I'd think you'd be more concerned about her than this, opines Julia. I am concerned, Liz assures them. You should be, says Barn, I'm convinced that her condition proves there is something happening in this house--with your permission, I would like to take David and Hallie to Stokes' tonight. Absolutely not! says Liz. Carolyn is not herself for a reason, says Julia. The reason is not your ghosts, says Liz, it's the way she's lived since Jeb died.  Do you really believe that? Barnabas asks--all the children and everyone in this house--their lives hang in the balance--are you willing to risk them? Liz thinks that over.

David, do you think Gerard knows we're putting the doll in Rose Cottage? asks Hallie. He can't be everywhere, says David--just don't talk about it when we're in the room. They enter the playroom and call to Gerard. Receiving no response, they add the Barnabas doll to the doll house. Will it work? asks Hallie--will Barnabas find the room?  David takes Hallie's hand and the kids exit the room.

David's room - Barnabas, says Liz, annoyed, I don't know why I allowed myself to be talked into coming here. Barnabas, Julia behind him, says, I want you to see the children. I've seen them--they're perfectly all right, says Liz. Is it worth the risk? he asks. Hallie and David enter. "What is this, a convention?" he asks (LOL!)  Where have you been? asks Liz. In Hallie's room, says David. He wanted to read my history notes, says Hallie. Barnabas, hearing the carousel music, asks Julia, do you feel something in the room?  David watches Barnabas intently. Julia looks around. What is it, what are you talking about? demands David. It's so cold, says Julia. I'm chilly, too, says Liz. Do you feel it, too? asks Barn. David and Hallie insist, we don't feel cold. Go to Hallie's room, orders Barnabas. Why? asks David. Come on, David, let's go, says Hallie.  They exit. You can't deny there is an unnatural cold in this room, now, Barnabas tells Liz--I want your permission to take the children from here, now--let's call Stokes, Julia. The two of them leave Liz standing there, a creeped-out expression on her face.

Playroom hallway - Barnabas didn't have a chance to come, David, says Hallie. I knew something was wrong the minute I felt Gerard's presence in my room, he says, and opens the door. The Barnabas doll, destroyed, lies on the floor. Gerard didn't want Barnabas to come here, says Hallie--he doesn't want him to know.

Julia slams down the phone--how stupid of me, she says, Eliot lectures tonight!  We will take the children there anyway, says Barn--he should be home by 11. Barnabas, says Liz--promise not to alarm the children.  I will handle them, he assures her.

David's room - Gerard is angry with us, Hallie tells David. Go to your room and stay there, orders David, no matter what. Will you stay here? she asks. Yes, he says. She grips her wrist--I don't want to be punished again, she says fearfully, and leaves the room.

Foyer - I should tell the children myself, says Liz--but I don't know what to say. Julia and Barnabas volunteer to do that.  I'll go to Hallie's room, volunteers Julia. Liz closes herself in the drawing room and calls to Gerard--I didn't know what to do, she confesses.

Barnabas finds David's room empty.

David comes downstairs. We hear the carousel music. Yes, he says to the air, yes. He opens the front door and goes out. "Are you going to punish me, Gerard?" he asks. "I know. . .I know, I must follow." And he walks away.

NOTES: Gerard is luring David to where? To what? Just when Liz finally caves in and agrees to allow the children to be removed from Collinwood--is it too late?

I'm surprised the kids really thought they could place anyone in the doll house. Gerard is running that show, and Barnabas is the last soul he wants there. Note how David said Barnabas is "different." Does he know something, or at least suspect something? Has Gerard clued him in, or does David have some glimmer of those days when he feared Barnabas and suspected what he was?

Carolyn and Leticia or Pansy have someone become intertwined. Why? What is the purpose of giving her second sight?

1096 - I don't want to go with you, David tells Gerard--they'll see I'm gone from my room and come looking for me--please let me go back!  An enraged Gerard appears before him.  He locks eyes with David, communicating with him.

David nods, all right, I'll follow you, he says, can't you tell me where you're going?--why isn't Hallie here? Where is Hallie? Why can't you tell me anything?  He receives no answers, and continues to follow Gerard.

Hallie sits on the sofa at Collinwood, Julia beside her--it's urgent that you tell us where David is, says Julia. I've told you a dozen times, says Hallie--I don't know--why won't you believe me? I know you're frightened, says Julia, and that's why you won't tell me anything. Please, begs Hallie, I don't know what you're talking about--just let me go back to my room. No, says Julia, you will stay here, we're safe here--you'd be at their mercy in your room--wouldn't you?  Who are you talking about? asks Hallie. Gerard and Daphne, replies Julia. I don't know anyone by those names, cries Hallie. You were talking to one of them when I came to your door, says Julia--which one was it? I wasn't talking to anyone, says Hallie. What do they want you and David to do? demands Julia. Please, leave me alone! begs Hallie. No, says Julia, I am sorry, but you will not leave this room until you tell me everything. But I told you, says Hallie, I don't know anything--can't you understand that?--I haven't seen any ghosts, and neither has David!  Ghosts, Hallie? asks Julia, smiling slightly, I never said anything about ghosts. Hallie realizes she's given them away. What made you say that? asks Julia. I don't know, the girl replies.
You knew all along I was talking about ghosts, says Julia, but I didn't mention it, and there was only one way you could have known. Please let me go, begs Hallie. I've got to find some way to make you understand, says Julia--you don't want David to come to any harm, do you? Oh no! wails Hallie, shaking her head, no! Then you must tell me where he is, says Julia, because he's in danger--his life is in danger, and yours might be, too!  I don't believe that! insists Hallie. I swear to you that it's true, says Julia, now tell me where he is. Hallie spots Daphne through the window, who gazes at her warningly. What's wrong? demands Julia--you've seen one of them, haven't you? Daphne has disappeared. Hallie runs from the room, Julia in pursuit. She grabs Hallie's arm--tell us which ghost you saw, commands Julia.  Hallie tries to free herself, begging, let me go!  No, says Julia, forcing Hallie back to the drawing room, they want you to go where David is, and I can't let that happen--where is it that they want you to go? I don't know! wails Hallie. You do know and you will tell me, insists Julia.

From the landing, Quentin has witnessed this scene, and goes to Daphne's room.  She stands in a corner, waiting for him. She goes to the desk and takes out a piece of paper depicting a drawing of Rose Cottage. She smiles at it. Quentin enters. "Daphne!" he says sternly.  She drops the paper on the desk behind her.

I must speak to you, says Quentin--I just heard David was missing and want to know if you know anything about it--if you do, you must tell me--someone believes he was forced from this house--is that true?
His blue eyes flash fire at her. Daphne, you listen to me, he demands, I've protected you, I've not told anybody you're in this house, and I've done that because I didn't believe any harm would come to anybody--you led me to believe that--if it isn't true, and if David is in any danger whatsoever, you've got to tell me--I'd do anything to help you find the peace you want, but you've got to tell me if David...She disappears.  Come back! he calls.  He finds the drawing of Rose Cottage on the table.  Why, he wonders, is it familiar to me?--why? He takes it and leaves the room.

Woods - The carousel music plays as David follows Gerard to the cemetery. I'm getting so tired, says David--how much further is it?--can't we just rest here a minute? Gerard gestures for him to follow, and parts some branches to show him...Rose Cottage!
It's real, says David, it really exists--is that why you're taking me there?--why are you taking me, why? Gerard moves on and David follows.

Hallie and Quentin listen anxiously as Julia finally succeeds in reaching Stokes on the foyer phone. I've been trying to get you since early today, she says, relieved--now listen--David Collins disappeared from the house tonight--we believe he was lured outside by Gerard--Barnabas is out looking for him now--Hallie is here--it's obvious to me they've been trying to take her away, too. She grins--that's exactly what I was going to suggest, says Julia--I'll get her things ready and bring her there immediately--thank you. . .Quentin, you stay with Hallie while I get Hallie's bags--if Barnabas comes, tell him I'll be right back. (Leaving the fox in charge of the henhouse.)  Quentin, begs Hallie, please don't let Julia take me to my uncle's house--I want to stay here at Collinwood. What Julia says is for your own good, Quentin says--you don't realize the danger you're in--now come inside. He leads her through the closed drawing room doors, where they smell lilacs--she's here, declares Quentin. Who's here? asks Hallie.  Daphne appears before them.  Quentin smiles--I knew you'd change your mind, he says, I knew you'd come! You know about her? asks Hallie--you've seen her before and you've never told anyone either?  Daphne looks balefully at Hallie, then locks minds with her. Quentin blathers, "I knew that you wouldn't let anything happen to the children--you're going to tell me where David is, aren't you?--AREN'T you, Daphne?" He turns and finds Hallie gone, the front door open. Come back! he calls.  Realizing she's gone, he runs back into the drawing room to accuse Daphne of deliberately tricking him--but she's gone, too. He runs to the stairs.  Julia! he yells, frantic.

Daphne leads Hallie through the woods. Are you taking me to where David is? the girl asks--is that where we're going. Daphne grins evilly, and nods.

Drawing room - Julia is horrified to learn Quentin let Hallie get out of the house--I don't understand it, you know the danger they're both in!  It all happened so suddenly, he says, I simply didn't realize she'd slipped out of the house. What happened? asks Julia. Quentin turns away, guilty--I thought I felt a presence, and I turned around to see if anyone was there--when I turned back to check Hallie, she was gone.  Is there anything you're not telling me? she asks pointedly. No, nothing, he lies--I'll go look for her, and I'll find her if I have to search every inch of this estate. He leaves Julia alone in the drawing room. She finds a handkerchief on the floor. Lilac! she exclaims.

Rose Cottage - Gerard, says David, tell me why we've come here?--what's going to happen?--is Hallie going to come?--are we going to wait?--if we're going to wait, can't I just sit down, and rest? I'm so tired, Gerard. He sits in a high-backed chair and drifts off to sleep.

Woods - Daphne shows Hallie Rose Cottage through the bushes. Rose Cottage--it's a real place! says Hallie. Daphne grins.  They continue walking.

David sleeps in the chair, dreaming: He and Hallie enter a room in Rose Cottage. They recognize that they've been there before, but only in a dream. Look at the dolls, says Hallie, which don't resemble department store mannequins. They're crying! observes David. But why? asks Hallie--dolls don't cry!  Voices, I hear voices! says David. They hear the girl doll (Hallie's voice) asking the other, are we going to die? Yes, responds the male doll (David's voice), we are. But I don't want to die, protests the girl doll. Don't worry, says the boy, we're only going to die so we can live again.
Neither David nor Hallie understand this exchange. How is it possible to die, then live again? asks Hallie. I don't know, says David, but I want to get out of this house.  Daphne stands in the doorway, looking really creepy. She comes toward them, as if to attack.  Both children yell, stay away from us, stay away!  David awakens from this nightmare, upset.  He gulps, rises, and finds Daphne reaching for him as she did in his nightmare. David puts his hands on Hallie's shoulders--we've got to get out of here! he says--something terrible is going to happen!  How do you know? she asks. I had a dream, he says, and we went into that room with the dolls, and heard voices talking about death. At the sound of that last word, Daphne grins. Death? asks Hallie. Yes, says David, we have to run as fast as we can back to Collinwood. No, says Hallie, it's too late to run, we have to do what they want us to do. Gerard glares at them. David, feeling his presence, turns and looks into the ghost's eyes. "Yes, whatever they want us to do," he agrees in a dead voice.

Quentin roams the woods, calling David and Hallie. He checks the drawing he found in Daphne's room and remembers--this is the old MacGruder mansion--why did Daphne have it in her room at Collinwood?--it's obviously a child's drawing--Daphne was once the governess at Collinwood--there must be a connection--maybe Daphne and Gerard have taken the children there--but why there of all places? He moves on.

Gerard and Daphne lead the children into the same room David and Hallie saw in their dreams. I know, says David. Everything is exactly the same except for the dolls that were sitting at the table, says Hallie.  The dolls aren't here, says David, because we don't need them anymore. What do you mean? she asks--what's going to happen to us?--David, answer me!  Daphne steps forward, puts an arm around each of the children and seats them in the chairs at the table. Gerard watches approvingly, standing by the door. What's going to happen to us? asks Hallie fearfully. Daphne stands by Gerard. It's too late, replies David woodenly, it's too late, Hallie. Why is it too late? she demands.  Gerard, sneering, goes over to David, grabs his hand and holds it. He locks eyes with the boy, then does the same to Hallie.  The children now resemble dolls more than they do living human beings. Gerard and Daphne leave the room. David and Hallie, mesmerized, gaze at each other blankly. David, I'm so frightened, she says. You mustn't be frightened, urges David, you mustn't be. The camera moves back.  We see Tad standing behind David, Carrie behind Hallie. The ghosts merge into the bodies of David and Hallie, becoming one with them.  "Goodbye, David," says Tad's ghost. "Goodbye, Hallie," says Carrie's ghost. Now it appears Tad and Carrie are sitting at the table, completely replacing David and Hallie.

NOTES: Chilling. There's no other word for it. Tad and Carrie have taken over the bodies of the 1970 David and Hallie, and what will happen now? Even if Quentin gets there in time, will he be able to undo what has already been done? Brrr. David's dream was totally eerie and this ending made me cold all over.

Quentin muffed it up because, once again, he trusted Daphne. She must really have him by the short hairs if she makes him so stupid that he is tricked into leaving Hallie alone just long enough for Daphne to kidnap her. I can understand Julia's anger with him--and her mistrust. Daphne used him, obviously.

Speaking of which, without speaking a word, Kate Jackson was very good in this ep. I've rarely seen more sinister smiles. and they look even more creepy on her pretty, porcelain doll face. Gerard was up to perfect snuff in sneer mode here, and he and Daphne together a perfect twosome of evil.

You can feel Julia's frustration, trying to communicate with an uncommunicative Hallie, and a secret-hiding Quentin. No wonder she's having such a tough time preventing the disaster. One has to wonder if Gerard and Daphne didn't somehow mold events this very way, not just Quentin, David and Hallie, but even Sebastian Shaw and his incorrect horoscope.

You can feel Julia's frustration, trying to communicate with an uncommunicative Hallie, and a secret-hiding Quentin. No wonder she's having such a tough time preventing the disaster. One has to wonder if Gerard and Daphne didn't somehow mold events this very way, not just Quentin, David and Hallie, but even Sebastian Shaw and his incorrect horoscope.

Well, I believe every clue has already happened except the murder (unless David and Hallie are the murdered ones) and the destruction of Rose Cottage--who's going to be that victim?

Love, Robin