Author Topic: #1054/1055: Robservations 08/07/03: Everyone in Jeopardy!  (Read 1316 times)

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#1054/1055: Robservations 08/07/03: Everyone in Jeopardy!
« on: August 06, 2003, 10:12:50 AM »
1054 - Down in the drawing room, Roger thinks to himself, I must find a way to dispose of Liz' body. Angelique spots him going upstairs and notes, I frightened you. I thought you were upstairs, he says.  We should all be asleep by now, she agrees.  (since when?)  I was going to my room when Barnabas interrupted me, explains Roger--Barnabas was looking for Hoffman--have you seen her? No, says Angelique, with a small smile, not for a very long time. He said you'd gone upstairs with her, says Roger. Yes, says Ang, I don't think she was feeling very well--her nerves...but then we're all nervous in this house--with reason, she adds nastily.

Angelique's room - Roger opens the door and closes it behind him, then locks it. He goes to the window seat and suddenly backs away, conscience-stricken--how could I? he asks himself, then assures himself, I had to kill her, I had to, "My sister..." he laments. She would have called the police, he says, someone else will, is this never going to end? I know--Quentin! He killed her. They could be made to think that! Yes, they must be made to think that. And he goes over to the window seat to retrieve and dispose of his dead sister.

Later, Angelique also locks the door to her former room behind her. Quentin, hiding behind the drapes, comes out. You shouldn't have come here in the daytime, she hisses. (WHY did he have to go on the lam in that dreadful jacket??)  Go back to the cave! advises Ang. I overheard the servants talking, says Quentin--why didn't you tell me Carolyn was murdered?  Angelique doesn't respond. You think I killed her, don't you? Quentin asks. No, she says. Maggie did it, he insists--don't be afraid to tell me the truth--I'm strong enough to take the truth--Maggie killed Carolyn, isn't that right?  I don't know, says Angelique.  Don't you really know who did it? he asks. I don't know, she insists, and I can't really say unless I'm sure. I don't know what I'll do, says Quentin. He sits on the window seat, then chuckles ruefully over having said how strong he is--I have no idea how to stop what's going on around here. Angelique puts her hand on his shoulder-- maybe you can stop it, she suggests.  You should get Maggie out of this house before anyone else dies, urges Quentin. Do you still love her? asks Ang.  She's a witch, he says. Quentin! she cries.  She is, he says, closing his eyes with misery, that's what you told me and I know it. She sits beside him--do you really know it?--soon everything will be different, she promises, our lives will be free of all this. He hugs her tightly.

Julia's candle has melted down to its final half inch. She lies on a filthy cot in the corner (this looks just like Maggie's old cell at the Old House in RT). She uses the candle stub to light the other candle, then begins to bang on the door, crying for help, begging someone, hear me!

Angelique's room - Roger enters, no longer wearing his natty three-piece gray suit, but more casual clothing. I must look carefully, he tells himself, make sure I left no evidence behind.  Angelique joins him--what are you looking for? she asks. Nothing, he says.  Aren't you afraid to be in here? she asks--the room keeps changing, you know that. Yes, I am rather afraid, he says, but perhaps I want to be in the room when it changes, go into that other time. Would you like that? she asks, surprised. Yes, he says, if it should change now, you and I would be together there, we could start over, yes, all over, you and I together--none of this would have happened, none of it. He grabs her, gives her a little shake.  Angelique's music is playing in the background. What's wrong? she asks, I don't know anything about it--tell me! she begs. Maggie comes screaming into the room to report, Elizabeth is dead, in the tower room. Oh my God! cries Roger, and races out. Maggie cries hysterically; Angelique comforts her. Oh, Quentin, why? sobs Maggie--Elizabeth was strangled, just like Bruno. This information puzzles Angelique.

3:15 - Roger is on the phone in the foyer, telling someone, the police have just left, and yes, it's been an incredible shock to all of understand, I can't talk've been very kind, thank you. Roger enters the drawing room and explains to Maggie, it was the village newspaper--someone has to talk to him. She nods, sadly, and says, we've had our difficulties adjusting to each other.  I resented you, yes, he admits. I want you to know I understand the pain you're in, she says. Do you? he asks. She bursts into tears. Quentin, how could you? she asks, you loved Elizabeth. Quentin Collins is insane, pronounces Roger (pot calling kettle black). Maggie agrees--he must be. Calculatedly, Roger says, I can't stop thinking about it--how long has Quentin been that way?--why didn't we see it before?--after Angelique was murdered, if only we had known, all those other deaths would have been avoided--oh, I'm to blame, too, every member of the family was aware of his vicious temper, but it seemed merely that--temper--we were very wrong in our judgment. Maggie begins to cry, hard.  Roger looks down at her, knowing he's done his job well.

Angelique notifies Quentin that Elizabeth was strangled, just as Bruno was. What about the doll, did you go to Maggie's room? he asks. I haven't had a chance, she explains--the police were here. They searched the house? he asks. Yes, she says. For me, they must have done that, he says ruefully. I was so frightened, she says, I was afraid you hadn't taken my advice and stayed here instead of returning to the cave. Elizabeth, poor Elizabeth, he mourns--she was Maggie's one friend; when Maggie was in New York, Elizabeth wanted me to send for her--she even went there to see Maggie--this is her reward!  Quentin...she begins.  I know what you're going to say says Quentin--stop tormenting myself, is that it?  No, you must go back to the cave, she urges. Will that stop me from what I'm thinking? he asks. No, she says, the police have been here, I should never have sent my father for you. Yes, he says, go back to the cave, Quentin, sit there and think, the same thoughts keep running through my mind--how was I ever fooled by Maggie?

Maggie looks at Roger, who is staring out the drawing room window. I'll take care of the funeral arrangements, she says, but there's one other thing I'd like to do first--take David (Daniel) and Amy away from here first. Yes, he says, of course. I could take them to the Inn, she suggests. Until Quentin is caught, he says. Yes, until Quentin is caught, she says--I think you and Alexis should go away, too, we should close this house completely. I don't know, says Roger. He could kill you, she warns, then races off--I'm going to have Hoffman pack the children's things. Roger looks stoic.

Angelique returns to Julia greeting her with a taunting "Good morning", then starts in on her, asking, are you cold?--hungry?--you must be thirsty. Julia doesn't respond. Angelique offers her a glass of water. Yes, says Julia. Good, says Ang, then tell me Barnabas' secret, Doctor!  Julia looks at her, then away, frightened.

Tell me all you know about Barnabas, demands Ang, then I'll let you out. You'll never let me, says Julia. But I would, Angelique assures her, Barnabas Collins is the only thing between us--after he's gone, I'll let you go back to your own time--if you still can--it's your choice, you don't have to decide now--you can stay here in this room. Barnabas will be looking for me, says Julia. I told him all about you, exults Ang, it seems that Hoffman got quite nervous, decided to leave. He'll never believe that, says Julia. In a few days, says Ang between gritted teeth, it won't matter if he believes it or not
--have you ever really been hungry, starving, without food or water?--you know how you feel right now--imagine how you'll feel tomorrow, or a week from tomorrow--it's not a pleasant death. Angelique moves to leave.  No! cries Julia, and tries to bolt past her through the door. The two women struggle; Angelique succeeds in pushing Julia onto the bed, allowing her the time she needs to run from the room and lock Julia in again. Oh, no! moans Julia, banging on the door, then sinking slowly to the floor in despair. (This was painful to watch, poor Julia.)

Drawing room - I can't find Hoffman, Maggie tells Roger. Perhaps she's with Alexis, suggests Roger, they've become very good friends.  Angelique enters--who has? she asks. You and Hoffman, says Roger. Hoffman told me last night she was leaving, says Anf--she doesn't want to stay in this house any longer. That's incredible, protests Roger, she should have told me, or Maggie. She was afraid if she did, you'd have tried to convince her to stay, says Ang. I certainly wouldn't try to do that, says Maggie--I've taken the children into town, and I think you should go, too, Alexis, it isn't safe here anymore, you must realize that.  Roger pours a drink.  Whoever is doing this has nothing against me, points out Angelique. These murders have been irrational, says Maggie. I'm not afraid, Ang assures her. I don't understand you, asks Maggie--why would you want to stay here?  Perhaps you're right, perhaps I should leave, says Ang, realizing how odd she sounded, wanting to stay. I'll be up in David's room, says Maggie, you can ride into town, if you'd like.  Ang nods. Maggie leaves. Do you want to? asks Roger--are you going? I don't know, says Ang. You have no fear of death, have you? asks Roger. Why did you say that? asks Ang, suddenly suspicious. You weren't at the seance that started all this, were you...Alexis?  Roger speaks her name with a creepy significance (does he KNOW)?
She stares at him.

Quentin stands outside the door to Maggie's room, calling himself a fool--I should return to the cave. No, find the doll, find out how Maggie killed Liz--find it, destroy it! He enters the room and closes the door. He begins looking through drawers; in a desk, he finds a handkerchief that says ECS on it. Elizabeth's, he realizes, taking it.  The door opens--it's Maggie!

Quentin and Maggie stare at each other. She's terrified. He shows her the handkerchief, it's Elizabeth's, he says--give me the doll--you killed her!  No! wails Maggie.
I will kill you if that's what it takes to stop what's happening in this house, Quentin assures her, I'll kill you--he pursues her from the room.

Roger stares up at Angelique's portrait, wondering why he can "Talk to you but not to her--you're one and the same." Oh my God, you saw me kill my sister in this room--do you know how I feel?--the hate I have inside me? He hears Maggie screaming for Alexis. She bursts into the room--Roger--Quentin is out there, he tried to kill me! Roger locks them in--he can't get in here, he assures her. He will, he's mad, she insists, he will! She covers her face with her hands and sobs. Tell me exactly what happened, orders Roger. She rapidly explains--I sent the children into town and Chris was supposed to get us; I went into my room to pack and he was there--his eyes were horrible, so full of hate--we must call the police. Roger unlocks the door--there's a phone in Alexis' room, he says. Quentin will kill you, she warns.  No, he says, he'll be afraid to stay, he'll know you're calling the police--I don't hear him out there. Please be careful, please be sure, begs Maggie--he accused me of killing Elizabeth. You? asks Roger. Maggie presses her face against him--what are I going to do? she cries--we should leave this house, let it stand deserted, let him stay here until he's caught--we must leave. I will never come back to this house again, even when it's over, says Roger--this room that has meant so much to me, I will never see it again--oh, Elizabeth, why did you ever come here that night, why?--you would still be alive...
This registers peculiarly with Maggie, who withdraws from his shoulder. Elizabeth didn't come here, she says. No, of course not, agrees Roger. No, she says, because Elizabeth was found in the tower room. Yes, that's right, says Roger. Yes, says Maggie, unless...unless somebody took he there. She gazes up at him. Oh, no, he says, Quentin killed her there.  What were you just talking about now, then? she asks.  I don't know, just rambling, he claims. She rises from the chair--no, she says, you weren't, you know something, don't you?--something you haven't told? No, he says, his lips compressed.  The truth hits Maggie, who starts backing toward the door--we should get some help, she says, because Quentin...she tries the locked door, finds she can't get out, and asks him for the key. He holds it out.  She gratefully comes to get it, but he pulls it away. Why Maggie, he says, aren't you afraid Quentin will be out there?  She smiles nervously and says no--I'm sure you're right, he's gone away--no, please, just...  You weren't going to call the police, were you? he asks, his voice rising with madness--what were you going to tell the police, that I killed Elizabeth...and Carolyn...and Angelique?  He advances on her as she blathers denial. He grabs her around the throat--"Well, you were right, my dear!" he says, "but they'll never know, will they?"  He begins to strangle her as she calls out his name, frantically fighting to free herself.

NOTES: Women in jeopardy--Julia fears a slow death at Angelique's hands, imprisoned, starving, thirsty; while Maggie is struggles in Roger's grip. Will she become his next victim in PT?

Chilling scenes with Roger--doesn't Louis Edmonds play insanity beautifully? He is really scary in this ep, talking to himself, to Angelique's portrait, seemingly sane one moment, crazy the next. He has realized that to cover his crime, he must kill, and does it now without thinking about it. Soon, he will be the only one left.

Angelique's plot to convince Maggie and Quentin that the other is a witch/killer is going too well. Unfortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Collins would have probably weathered even this if they had known each other well enough and trusted each other enough. They didn't, so Angelique didn't have to work too hard to turn them against each other. That Quentin hasn't realized that the gentle Alexis wouldn't be going to these lengths for him, that she can't be anyone other than his dead wife, shows how much in denial he is, poor fool--or is he just dumb?  He believes in witchcraft, so why not his witchcraft-practicing wife returning from the dead?  And Maggie, despite Barnabas' warnings, still trusts Alexis.

Will anyone save Julia? Maggie? Will Roger be the only one left in PT, and perhaps enter RT and start a killing spree there? Now there's a scary thought!

1055 - Roger continues to throttle Maggie as she violently works to free herself from his murderous grasp. Angelique comes to the door, hears the commotion, and demands, what's going on in there?--"Roger, open this door!"  Roger drags the unconscious Maggie over by the fireplace and leaves her there, first dropping a pillow on the floor to rest her head on. He opens the door just enough so he can see Angelique, who again asks, what are you doing in there?  I thought I heard a noise, he says, and came in to investigate, but there's no one here. She hears Maggie coughing for air and runs past Roger, who continues to insist it's nothing. Ang kneels beside Maggie--Roger tried to kill me, she mutters.  Roger, in the meantime, has fled.  Angelique helps Maggie up and into a chair; the latter chokes out, Roger tried to kill me because I know the truth--that he killed Angelique!
This stuns Ang, who goes wide-eyed at the news. Roger--how do you know?  He said something that made me realize that he killed Elizabeth, explains Maggie--then he admitted everything--he even killed Carolyn , who knew that Roger had killed your sister. Roger, of course! says Angelique--"Why didn't I guess it before--he was at the seance, he sat right beside Angelique--and everyone knew he loved her--but she hated him!--how could anyone love a man like that?" I think we should call the police, says Maggie. I suppose so, says Ang--but declares, the man who killed Angelique deserves a very special punishment.

Roxanne lies asleep in the makeshift basement lab.  Barnabas stands over her, musing, Julia could revive her--but where is she, where?--if I could only make you rise, Angelique would lose her strength, but what if I were successful?--if you speak, Angelique would be destroyed, but I wouldn't be able to prove Quentin's innocence, or discover the fate of Julia--yet I've got to try--to do nothing would help neither of you--Roxanne, he says aloud, if you only knew how much we depended on you--and on me. He starts up the power. Roxanne's face glows, the machinery buzzes, Barnabas checks the dials. The fluids bubble, electricity flows between two wires as he attemps to bring her to consciousness.

Roger goes downstairs at Collinwood, stands in the foyer, then leaves the house.

Drawing room - Maggie opens the window and remarks to Angelique, I've never seen so many state troopers in my life. They'll find Roger, don't worry, Ang assures her--I'm going upstairs--will you be all right now? Yes, the latter says, she place is surrounded by state troopers, there's even one right outside the window. If you want anything, let me know, says Ang, and heads upstairs. Maggie says a silent prayer that Roger is caught quickly.

In her room, Angelique gazes into the fire and casts a spell--Roger Collins is trying to escape, she intones, but he will not be able to--somehow, he will find his way past the police and come to me--"We have had this rendezvous for a long time!" she announces, nothing can prevent it now--and she looks straight at us with THOSE EYES.

Barnabas continues to send electricity pulsing through Roxanne (the headband is off this time, so where he's infusing the power, I do not know); she glows. He finally turns off the power. I've failed, he says, nothing's happened to you--or, I'm sure, to Angelique--my only hope is to find Julia, if she's still alive. He leaves the basement.

Claude North is hanging out outside Loomis House, prowling around, staring through windows. He hides when he hears Barnabas departing, then enters the unlocked house.

Angelique's room - Roger enters as if sleepwalking, then stands in front of the portrait. Angelique approaches him--good evening, she says.  He turns to her--Angelique! You know, she says. Ishould have known from the beginning, he says, smiling. But if I am Angelique, then I'm dead, she says. I know, he admits. And you're not afraid? she asks. No, he says, nothing frightens me anymore--I have only this love for you--that's all that I have--I don't ask to understand anything, only to be near you, always. And yet you murdered me, she accuses. Forgive me, he says, I did it because I love you--I always will love you. She is suddenly beset by a terrible chill. Come to my arms, he offers--I'll warm you. Yes, yes of course, she says, that is fate, isn't it? Fate or whatever, he answers, I want to hold you. She clasps her arms, shivering. Are you sure? she asks. I want it more than anything, he assures her, beckoning her into his embrace. She goes to him. Oh, Angelique, Angelique, he croons, you have forgiven me, haven't you? "Hold me, Roger, hold me!" she begs. He does so, noting, you're so cold!  Closer, she says, closer, and pulls him more tightly into her grasp. I feel the chill, too, he says. Oh, Roger, I have searched for you for so long, and now you are here--hold me closely, Roger, kiss me. "Angelique, my darling," he moans, and presses his lips over hers in a long kiss. Feeling the cold being transmitted to him, he draws away, drops to his knees by the fireplace--it feels like the chill of death! he says. She kneels with him, takes him in her arms, and begs him, hold me closely. Feeling death claiming him, Roger cries, "I'm freezing, help me!" Can you feel the cold, she asks--do you feel it now, hold me, hold me near--you said you loved me, said your love was stronger than anything... What's happening to me? implores the dying Roger. She releases him from her grip; he falls to the floor. "You are dying, Roger, dying!" she cries.
Noooo! He wails, but he takes one las breath, then dies. Angelique rises above him--you introduced me to the cold of the tomb, she says--"I felt I could do no less for you." She smiles bitterly down in triumph at the dead man who loved her so much, he felt compelled to kill her.

Claude North enters the Loomis House basement and surveys Roxanne.  Can you hear my voice? he asks--I've come for you--Roxanne?  He takes out his dagger--open your eyes and look into mine, he orders--feel the light flashing into your mind--it means I've come--you could never resist me--hear my voice--look into my eyes--Roxanne.  .  .Roxanne! Her eyes flutter open, making him smile. She looks at him.

Collinwood drawing room - Tell me what you've done with Julia Hoffman, Angelique!  demands. Nothing, she responds weakly, I don't know what you're talking about. Is she dead?--have you murdered her, too? he asks. Perhaps I have, she taunts--and perhaps not. You're  feeling faint, he comments although you deny it. No, she says, but he catches her mid-swoom. You are weak, he says, helping her into a chair. It's Roxanne, says Ang, something is happening to her--she must not be allowed to speak, Barnabas. For once we agree, he says, she must not speak, at least not yet. He leaves her almost unconscious in the chair.

Do my bidding, Roxanne, as you always have, commands Claude--when I tell you to come to me, you will do it, and when I order you to speak... Barnabas, standing on the stairs, says, "She will do nothing of the kind, Mr. North!"  Claude greets him--I'm surprised you know my name, he says. From the signature on Roxanne's portrait, explains Barnabas, and from a time I discovered a grave marked with your name. My grandfather's resting place, reveals Claude, an old trysting place of Roxanne and me--say good evening to the man, Roxanne, instructs North. No, says Barnabas, she will say nothing. You don't seem to understand, says North, she does as I tell her, not you. Barnabas warns him--one more word to Roxanne, and it will be your last. Claude grins, then chuckles--you have to forgive me if I don't believe that, he says. Very well, says Barn, moving to make good on his threat. Roxanne stands protectively, defiantly, next to North, who warns Barnabas, if you don't want her to speak--take one more step and I'm sure you'll force her to do exactly that. You don't understand, says Barnabas desperately, the life of Quentin Collins depends on her silence. What a shame, says North, that the life of Quentin Collins means nothing to me. Don't you realize how Roxanne has been used? asks Barnabas. No, says North, it doesn't  matter--I've found her again and that's all that matters. Isn't there anything I can say to either of you? begs Barnabas--if Angelique is destroyed... Then I have my Roxanne again, interrupts Claude, and that's exactly what I want!--find Angelique and tell her that her final destruction is only a matter of minutes. Barnabas gazes at Roxanne, who looks back at him, about to speak, but she doesn't. He gives her one last, long look and leaves. She lifts her hand towards him in supplication, but he doesn't see it. Claude puts his hands on Roxanne's arms and looks deeply into her eyes.

Angelique's shake violently. She thinks to herself, Roxanne must not speak, Quentin is coming to my room, I'm to meet him there--I've got to get upstairs, I must find the strength--if I'm going to be destroyed, Quentin will be destroyed, too!  Maggie enters--Alexis, she asks, have you seen Barnabas?  She realizes the other woman is struggling to rise from the chair and asks if something is wrong.  I haven't seen Barnabas and am just not feeling too well, says Angelique.  Is there anything I can do? asks Maggie. No, thank you, says Ang, then changes her mind--you can help me to sit by the fire, she asks.  Assisting her nearer the flames, Maggie suggests, a blanket or robe if you're cold. No, I just want to look into the flames, says Ang.  Brandy? Maggie offers.  No, says Angelique, I feel better now--stay here with me, would you?--do you mind?  I don't, Maggie assures her. Angelique speaks to herself, asking Maggie, can you hear me, feel my power?--if you do, touch my hand. Maggie.  The latter does so, patting Angelique's hand, looking mesmerized. Now, bids Ang, look into the flames, the light, the colors...look into the flames, Maggie, and now, look into my eyes. Maggie does so. "Can you still see the flames reflected in my eyes?" asks Ang. Yes, says Maggie, as if in a trance. Look more deeply, urges Ang, deeper into my eyes--and now you will do as I bid you, will you not? Yes, agrees Maggie. You will find a gun, instructs Angelique, in the desk drawer--go, find it. Maggie rises from her kneeling position and walks to the desk, where she opens a drawer and finds a gun. Now, says Ang, you will take the gun to my room--to Angelique's room--and there you will wait for Quentin--he will come to you, and when he does, you will raise the gun and point it at his heart--and you will pull the trigger--do you understand?  Maggie nods. Go now, orders Angelique--quickly, hurry, Maggie, hurry!  The other woman leaves the room, gun in hand, and heads upstairs.

Roxanne, can you hear my voice? asks Claude--if so, then speak to me--do you hear me?--speak!
She doesn't say a word.

Barnabas has joined Angelique, who is so weak, she's leaning her head against her hand on the fireplace seat. He kneels--Claude North is with Roxanne now, he says--he's going to make her speak--there was nothing I could do to stop him. Ang looks up at him and says, in a pain-filled voice, "No!" In a matter of minutes, says Barnabas, you are going to be destroyed. It can't be! she protests. But before you go, says Barnabas, striding to the desk, you are going to sign a confession that will clear Quentin Collins. I will never do that, she says.  Barnabas begins to write, and adds, "And you're going to tell me where Julia Hoffman is." Angelique refuses--never!

Maggie sits, eyes glazed, gun in hand, waiting for Quentin.

Barnabas has brought the paper to the weakening Angelique for her signature, warning her, it will be all over for you in a few minutes--"Sign this confession--I beg you!"  I returned to destroy, not save, Quentin. But it will give you peace! Protests Barnabas. Peace, she mutters, getting into his face, I don't want peace!--I want his destruction!--and I will have it!  You have only minutes
--seconds! he says desperately. "If that is true, dear Barnabas, than so has Quentin Collins!" she says harshly.

Maggie sits, waiting. The doorknob begins to turn. She points the gun at whoever is about to enter. . .

NOTES: OK, so we're down to our last few players in PT. Claude, less bombastic in this ep, is about to make Roxanne speak, ending Angelique forever. Barnabas is on his knees, begging her for her confession. Maggie waits to murder her own husband, a deadly robot sent to finish  Angelique's dirty business. Since Quentin DIDN'T kill Angelique, as she now knows, why does she want him destroyed, unless it's just so Maggie can't have him? Her motive for revenge was wiped away in this episode, wasn't it?

Roger did it, he did it all--murdered Angelique, Liz, his sister, Carolyn, his niece. Why did he do it? Because, as she admitted, she hated him, yet he loved her so deeply? Very strange man, obviously tortured in so many ways. He's better off dead, even if his death at Angelique's hands was particularly grisly. Like Alexis, it was clear that Roger, miserable as he was, did not want to die. It seemed only fitting that she kill him the way she did. Odd, too, considering how long it had been since she claimed a victim in this manner--unless it's been happening behind the scenes all along.

It hurt Barnabas that Roxanne sided with Claude, but what did he expect? She barely knows him, even if he feels he knows this no longer sleeping beauty upon whom he has a crush, quite well. He looked very disappointed in her, but she reached out for him, as though sorry she had done so. Will Claude be able to get her to speak, thus ending Angelique's reign of terror forever?

Maggie still seems to want to aid and be friends with Alexis/Angelique, even though Barnabas warned her. Now Angelique, with one of her dying breaths, has set up Maggie to murder Quentin, thus ridding her of both of them in one swell foop. Will it work? We shall see!

Will anyone remain alive when this storyline ends?

Were you surprised Roger turned out to be the murderer?

Love, Robin