Author Topic: #0980/0981: Robservations 06/13/03: Farewell, Leviathans, Hello, 1970PT!  (Read 1365 times)

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980 - Barnabas does the intro, a rare treat.

Carolyn and Sky struggle on Widows' Hill, but just as he's about to toss her over the cliff, Jeb appears, on the attack. He and Sky grapple viciously for a few moments.  Sky sends Jeb tumbling over to his presumed death.
"Oh, no, what have you done?" screams Carolyn, covering her face with quivering hands. Realizing she could be next, she races away. Sky looks down for the moment at the roiling sea, then takes off after Carolyn.

Collinwood - Barnabas paces the drawing room. Julia returns, medical bag in hand. I came from the cottage where I examined a very weak Sabrina, reveals Julia. Barnabas apologizes. "Why did you do it?" demands Julia--you gave Quentin your word that you wouldn't go to her again. I stayed at the Old House and fought the urge to leave, says Barnabas--Sabrina came to me. And you couldn't help yourself, accuses Julia. Ashamed, defensive, Barnabas asks, do you think I do this by choice? No, she assures him, I am aware of that--I know what you're going through, and that the injections are responsible. Don't blame yourself, he urges.  Until the effects wear off, you're in danger of exposure, warns Julia--people in the town are worried about the attacks now. And you're afraid I'll kill Sabrina before the effects wear off, says Barnabas, I'm quite aware of that. There must be something we can do, says Julia desperately--some way to control your urge for blood.  for the past hour, says Barn, I've been thinking about that east wing room--if I could only transcend that time warp, if I could get to that other world!  Do you think getting back to that other level of time would change things? she asks.  I don't know, admits Barnabas, it might be a way of saving Sabrina--it's just possible I might not be a vampire there, but able to live in the daylight. Trying to transcend that other time level could be very dangerous, warns an obviously in-love Julia, you could get trapped there forever. Who is to say that might not be a blessing? he asks. Once, we were able to find a way of allowing you to live during the day, she reminds him, we can again--"You belong in this time band with us!" she says passionately. Perhaps I do, says Barnabas, but I'm fascinated by that room and everything I've seen there.

Carolyn enters the house, hysterically calling for her mother. "There was nothing I could do, it happened so quickly," murmurs Carolyn disjointedly. What happened? asks Julia.  Carolyn turns to her mother, who has just come down the stairs, and barrels into her arms, sobbing wildly. Jeb is dead! she wails, causing Julia and Barnabas to exchange stunned glances. I saw it, says Carolyn.  Nearly fainting, she calls out, "Jeb, Jeb!"  Barnabas helps Liz lead the sobbing Carolyn into the drawing room. Julia reaches into her medical bag. Tell us what happened, Liz urges Carolyn.  The young widow explains, i feared the dream would come true, and tried to stop it, I went to Widows' Hill, but there was nothing I could do--"Oh, God, why was he taken from me?" cries Carolyn. Julia suggests a sedative. Carolyn rises from the sofa and screams, I don't want a sedative, I only want Jeb!  Liz comforts her--how did it happen? she asks.  Tell us something more, says Barnabas.  You always hated Jeb, Carolyn accuses him--you're glad he's dead! Barnabas knew, as I did, that you were happy with Jeb, says Liz soothingly. I went to Widows'' Hill after the dream, says Carolyn, but he wasn't there, so I thought it didn't mean anything. Then I saw Sky Rumson. "Sky Rumson?" repeats Julia.
I had no idea what he was doing there, says Carolyn, and then he told me--he had come there to kill me.  Liz is horrified. He tried to, says Carolyn, but Jeb got there, and saved me, and Sky pushed him and Jeb went over Widows' Hill. This begins a new round of weeping for the freshly-minted widow. Julia searches her bag. A strange, determined look steals over Barnabas' face; he quietly leaves the house.

Carolyn, calmer now, mutters, "He's gone, Jeb is gone." Liz and Julia tend to her.  She'll sleep now, says Julia (who presumably gave her a sedative). I think we should have taken her up to her room, says Liz.  No, says Julia--she'll sleep through the night. I don't understand any of it, says Liz--why would Sky want to kill Jeb? If it's true, says Julia, Carolyn is in danger until Sky is caught. Liz goes to the phone to call the police. Julia closes the double doors. Liz asks for the sheriff. Did you see Barnabas leave? asks Julia. No, says Liz. I wonder where he went? says Julia.

Bruno's house - Sky locks the front door, looks out a window. He begins to pack. Barnabas suddenly appears in the room and asks, are you going on a trip?  How did you get in the house, here? asks Sky nervously. I can do many things ordinary people can't, says Barnabas--you should know that. Look, says Sky, I've got to get out of here, I'm leaving. Barnabas blocks him-- why are you in such a hurry? He asks. I have important business in Boston, says Sky. I have only one question, says Barnabas--did you kill Jeb Hawkes tonight?--answer me!  Why do you care about Jeb Hawkes? hedges Sky. I care about Carolyn, says Barnabas, and I've seen what this has done to her. He would have died anyway, insists Sky, and should have after destroying the box and the cairn. He should have, but he didn't, says Barn--he married Carolyn and she was very happy with him. Look, begins Sky.  I assure you that you won't leave this room tonight, says Barnabas.  Nicholas made me do it--I had no choice, stutters Sky. What did he promise you in return? asks Barn. Sky doesn't answer at first, then replies, Nicholas just said it was my duty. "Perhaps the thing I'm going to do now is MY duty," says Barnabas, smiling cruelly, "you're not going to leave this room alive. "NO! shouts Sky--"you can't do that, stay away from me."  Don't let me frighten you, says Barn, advancing on him, you wouldn't haven gotten out of here tonight even if I hadn't come. What do you mean? asks Sky. There's somebody else with a score to settle with you, says Barn--Angelique--I'm almost sorry I haven't given her the pleasure of killing you herself. Nicholas! shouts Sky, looking around, terrified--you promised you'd help me! Even if Nicholas were here, he'd have no power over ME! gloats Barnabas.  Sky runs over to a drawer and pulls out a gun--I'm leaving, he says, and you won't stop me. Barnabas advances.  Stay away, warns Sky, and shoots him twice, only to realize the bullets had no effect. Sky gazes at the gun, incredulous.  Barnabas, grinning, asks, why has no one ever told you more about me?--but then again, Nicholas and the others never did tell you much, did they? Sky backs away.  Barnabas comes closer--I'm glad you have a pistol, he says--it will save me the trouble of killing you myself. "Please, Barnabas, let me live!" begs Sky.
Barnabas grabs the hand in which Sky is holding the pistol and encourages him to turn it toward himself... "There will be momentary pain, then it will all be over," Barnabas assures him. The gun goes off; Sky falls to the floor, the gun still clutched in his lifeless hand.

Collinwood - On the phone, the sheriff tells Liz that the police haven't been able to find Jeb's body--they searched the entire area below Widows' Hill and found nothing (leaving open the possibility that Jeb isn't completely dead). Perhaps it washed out to sea, Julia suggests.  That's what they figure, too, says Liz. What about Sky Rumson? asks Julia. He was found dead at Bruno's house, says Liz, a revolver in his hand--they listed it as a possible suicide. Possible suicide? questions Barnabas, who has returned to Collinwood. Only one thing puzzled the sheriff, says Liz--he died of one gunshot wound, but three were fired from the revolver--I don't understand it.  We shouldn't try, advises Barnabas--the man was obviously deranged. An odd look comes over Julia's face, as if she's already figured out the truth. My only concern right now is Carolyn, says Liz, and how she's going to survive all this. She leaves them. Barnabas, you never did say where you were going when you left earlier this evening, says Julia.  Didn't I? he asks evasively. "You went to find Sky Rumson, didn't you--and you found him?" she asks, quite pleased over Barnabas' disposal of Sky. You heard what Liz said, says Barnabas--I'm sure Sky's death will eventually be listed as a definite suicide. He wasn't the kind of man to take his own life, she says. But apparently he did so, says Barnabas snippily. I'm not condemning you, says Julia, just. . .what's wrong?  Go to Carolyn and Liz, commands Barnabas, agitated.  It's happening again, she says, realizing his blood lust has fired up. Yes, he says, there's no way I can control it, the urge is becoming overwhelming, I can't stay here any longer. Where can you go until dawn? she asks. The room in the east wing, he says--maybe there's an answer there, perhaps an escape. He rushes upstairs, Julia calling after him to wait.  He pays no attention to her.

Drawing room - Liz checks on the sleeping Carolyn and covers her with an afghan (not THE afghan). Carolyn dreams: Jeb is calling her--where are you? he asks--I must see you one more time!--Carolyn, I must see you!--can you hear me?  Carolyn stands on Widows' Hill, smiling, asking to see him. He appears, delighting her.  I'm so glad you came back to me! she cries.  I came to tell you something, he says--don't come any closer. Why not? she asks. I don't really exist, says. You do, she laughs, I can see you, you're alive, and everything will be all right now.
I want you to know how much I love you, he says.  I knows that, says Carolyn--I love you, too. I couldn't die without telling you that someday, we will meet again, he says--you'll know when it happens, and so will I, and it will be different then. Carolyn shakes her head--I don't want to lose you. I must go, he says, but remember what I said. I don't want memories, she sobs, I want you. We will meet again, he promises, then topples backward over the cliff.  Carolyn calls his name, over and over, and his name is on her lips when she awakens, crying. Liz pulls the afghan over her daughter's shoulders.  Carolyn, crying, continues to call to Jeb.  Liz looks very angry.

Barnabas goes to the east wing room but finds it empty. He enters and slips THE LIFE AND DEATH OF BARNABAS COLLINS out of his cape.  Holding it in his hand, he wonders why do I feel drawn to this room, belong in that other time? Is it because of this, the book, because my life was so different in that other time? He hears Julia calling to him--Barnabas, I must talk to you! He covers his eyes with one hand--Julia shouldn't have followed me, he thinks to himself.  He turns around, stunned, to find the room has changed around him--it's happened, he says, calling to Julia. She sees him in the changed room and shouts his name.  Julia, can you hear me? he cries. Yes! she replies, but when he yells her name again, she realizes he can't hear her--we can't hear each other.  Julia struggles futilely to pass the barrier herself. He's in that room, sobs Julia, and he can't hear me--he may be trapped in there--forever!  Barnabas looks around, wondering how it happened--why did the room suddenly appear?--what will I do now?
He suddenly realizes he isn't alone. "Who are you?" demands the parallel time Carolyn, "And what are you doing in this room?"

NOTES: Goodbye, Jeb! Farewell, Sky! Hope you got some acting lessons after your DS stint, ...cause you really needed them. Geoffrey Scott was once voted the actor more wooden than the double doors at Collinwood. The body count is quite high as a result of this storyline, isn't it?

Barnabas struck me as the Collins family Mafia today, for some reason.  He heard that someone did something bad to his beloved cousin and he went to fix things, making it appear that Sky killed himself. Julia knows what really happened, and approves. So do I. Sky was a creep, and how Angelique could have fancied herself in love with him is beyond me.

I felt sad for Carolyn when she had her dream and Jeb told her he'd return to her--but had to leave now. Nancy Barrett turned in a stellar performance today, mourning her lost Jeb. Does the fact that his body couldn't be found mean he might have come back someday? And if they continued the present day storyline, might Carolyn have been pregnant, with a half human, half Leviathan offspring?

Now Barnabas has transcended time, leaving poor Julia behind, but how is he going to handle things there? He's already been caught in Angelique's room by the PT Carolyn. Will be pass himself off as yet another cousin from England?

981 - Carolyn, says Barnabas.  How do you know me? she asks.  I am Barnabas Collins, he says.  Sarcastically she retorts, "Are you?"  You've been dead 200 years, she says, how well I know that. He smiles at her.  I am Barnabas' descendant, he assures her--there's a portrait of him in the great hall. She gazes at him disdainfully and says, there's no such portrait in the great hall, or anywhere. Before you leave the room, look, he advises, and holds up the missing book--I found it in the hall beyond that door. Will looked there, she says--why are you in this room, why haven't I ever heard of you? Barnabas flips through the book to show her a sketch of his ancestor, attempting to point out the strong resemblance. You aren't answering my question, notes Carolyn--does Julia Hoffman know you're here? No one does, he says casually. Someone will shortly, that's for sure, she says, as he continues flipping through the book. Please, let me explain, he begs.  Don't come near me, orders Carolyn--I don't trust you, stay away. Not yet, Carolyn, not yet, he says roughly, and grabs her into his arms for a silencing bite. She screams as he drives his fangs into her throat.

In the drawing room, Liz goes through the mail.  I must be honest, Julia, she says--there is no check there addressed to me and it's most embarrassing--when Quentin was here, Roger and I got our monthly checks on time. I'm sure Chris just overlooked it, says Julia. Chris knows our position, says Liz--it's almost as if he's trying to insult us. I'll talk to Chris myself, promises Julia.  That would be most kind, says Liz--such a nuisance, money--I felt that way even when I had plenty of it--I suppose that's why I let Roger manage it for me--there's no doubt my side of the family has little financial sense. The phone rings; Julia picks it up. She greets Quentin, welcoming him back to America.  We will be arriving at Collinwood tonight, says Quentin. All will be ready, Julia assures him all will be ready--will you be here for dinner? No, says Quentin, for supper, we won't be eating on the plane. As you wish, she says. Just for two, he says. It will be good to have you back, says Julia.  He hesitantly thanks her--see you at 11, he says. She wishes him a safe flight and hangs up. Are they coming tonight? asks Liz--I suppose everything will be changed, I knew her father, a painter who lived in the village, moved away years ago--there were two little girls, it will be odd having one of them return as Quentin's wife. Julia agrees, unsmiling. I've been worried about Quentin since Angelique died, says Liz. You needn't have worried, says Julia. I hope he will be very happy, says Liz.  He WAS happy, says Julia, happier than he will ever be again--he had EVERTHING! (she sounded very creepy saying that.)  Did he tell you what room he wanted? asks Liz, tauntingly. No, says Julia, I'll take care of it. She leaves the room (she wears a black, severe housekeeper's dress).

Barnabas apologizes to Carolyn--it was necessary, he adds. She looks thoughtful. I will need your help, he says.  I will help you, she promises.  We must find a hiding place for the coffin, says Barn--do you live in this house? Fingering her throat, she says no, in the Old House, called Loomis House now. There's a room in the basement, he says, one in particular--is your husband an inquisitive man? She grins and says, "Is he inquisitive, yes, will he find you if I hide you at Loomis House, no."  I can tell him I've rented a bedroom, we've talked about that, we're not rich, as others are. They hear a door slam. Julia approaches the room.  Hide, says Carolyn.  Julia enters--you again, Mrs. Loomis--and this time you've brought someone with you. Carolyn shakes her head--no. I heard voices, insists Julia, who is here? Barnabas, hiding behind draperies, looks nervous.

You are mistaken, says Carolyn. What are you doing here? asks Julia.  I came to look for the book, says Carolyn--but this time I found it.  She shows it to Julia.  Where did you find it? asks the housekeeper.  In the hall under a chair, explains Carolyn--I must have missed it. Carolyn looks faint.  What's wrong? asks Julia.  Nothing, says Carolyn, I feel a bit lightheaded, it's finding the book, very important to Will, if the publisher should decide to reprint it... She sits down before she falls and asks Julia, might I sit here a few minutes?--even when she was alive, says Carolyn angrily, I was allowed to sit in this room! Julia coldly asks to be excused--I have to open the suite down the hall--Quentin is arriving tonight.  Carolyn asks, snidely, "With his bride?" Yes, says Julia--I'll look in on you when I'm finished. Not necessary, says Carolyn, who quickly closes the doors behind Julia. Barnabas comes in and apologizes to her, taking the book from her hand. It's all right, she assures him, but we must go--Julia will be coming back soon. Barnabas tears out the front page of the book--no one will realize it's the same copy with the inscription taken out, he says--fewer question, don't try to understand...who is Quentin married to? A girl none of us knows, says Carolyn--she lived in the village as a child--her name is Maggie Evans. Barnabas is shocked.

Quentin sips a drink, so lost in thought he doesn't even hear his gorgeous bride calling him. She kneels behind him, hand on his shoulder, and says, you used to sit this way in London when I first met you--far away, making me afraid to talk to you, as if you were thinking about things I couldn't possibly understand--you haven't even spoken since you called Collinwood.  Perhaps we should have stayed away longer, he suggest.  You were the one who wanted to go back, she reminds him. A mistake, says Quentin.  Why do you hate going back so much? she asks.  I didn't say that, says Quentin, draining his glass. You obviously do, says Maggie--it's Angelique, isn't it? He stands, moving away from her. Oh, Quentin, she says, I' m sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned her. He's moved to the terrace.  It's me, isn't it? she asks--I'm why you're worrying about going back--She clings to his arm--I'm much more efficient than you think, I'll manage the house well. Miss Hoffman's very good at that, he says, so don't worry about it. Oh, Quentin, she begs, noting his dark mood, please love me!  She goes into his arms. I DO love you, he assures her, I do. I know you do, she says. Never forget that, ever, he begs.  They kiss, a nice, long, hot one. If you don't want to go home tonight, says Maggie, we can stay there in Boston, go to the concert and then... No! he says firmly, we leave tonight.  He hugs her, obviously upset.

Barnabas leads Carolyn into the basement room his coffin used to occupy in regular time. She's astonished--how did you even knew this room was here?  Didn't you? he asks. No, she says. Chances are, you husband won't, either, he says. I know he doesn't, she says. This will be the room, he says--we must find a coffin. How do you know so much? she asks.  Contemplate a different band of time running parallel to your own, he suggests--we live in both, but are different because of the choices we made--I came to this time hoping desperately to escape what I am
--and I failed. What choice did I ever have? she asks bitterly. In that time, says Barnabas, you are an heiress to Collinwood. I'd like that time, she says. No, you wouldn't, he says, because today, you see, your husband was killed. Will? she asks--maybe I would mind that less than you think. Not Will, says Barnabas, the man's name is Jeb Hawkes. I don't know anyone by that name, she says, I don't understand it. In the time I come from, he says, Julia Hoffman is a doctor. Maybe she's happier there, suggests Carolyn. Maybe, agrees Barn, but how did she happen to come to Collinwood?  She came with Angelique, reveals Carolyn. They were friends? asks Barnabas. "It was hard to tell who was in charge of the other." says Carolyn.  What do people actually know about Angelique? he asks.  She always wanted to marry Quentin, since she was a child, explains Carolyn. She lived here as a child? asks Barn. Yes, says Carolyn, her father raised her, Tim Stokes--she outgrew him when she became a Collins. All so similar, yet so different, remarks Barn. You meant what you said about the band of time4, didn't you? she asks. Yes, he says. I don't want to think about that, she says, rubbing her hair. We have much to do before dawn, he says.  You can tell me more on the way to the cemetery, says Barnabas--he turns and asks, did you like Angelique?  "You don't have a right to know everything!" she growls.  You just answered my question, Barnabas says--come. They leave.

We see Angelique's portrait. Julia stands talking to it--Quentin is coming back, she says, bringing HER with him
--even he must know that there can only be one mistress of Collinwood!

Standing next to Quentin, looking at Collinwood, Maggie says, you have no idea how often, when I was a child, I used to dream about coming to this house--I thought you had to be grownup to be inside here. It's all yours, he says. Mine? she asks, then hugs him, laughing happily.

Hoffman has prepared a dinner for the newlyweds in the drawing room. I'm not sure he'll want supper here, cautions Liz. He always did before, says Julia. ANGELIQUE always did, says Liz, checking one of the dishes
--did you make ALL he favorites? she adds caustically. He asked me to make the decisions, says Hoffman. The front door opens; Quentin enters first. Maggie waits outside, cleaning her throat--you're forgetting something, she says--you always forgets the traditional things--you're supposed to sweep me off my feet and carry me across the threshold! He laughs, and remarks, you're very young. Too young? she asks anxiously. Never, he says, hoisting her into his arms and kissing her as he carries her. (white panty shot)  Liz throws open the double doors, and says, "Welcome, welcome! How romantic!" Quentin sets her down and introduces Maggie, his wife, to Cousin Liz.  We're happy to have a new member of the family, says Liz. Hoffman, looking far less welcoming, pastes on a smile and welcomes Quentin back. Quentin introduces Maggie to Hoffman, who will, he assures his wife, take care of you 100 times each day. Maggie greets her. I have supper waiting, says Hoffman, but if you would rather go up to your rooms first... No, no, says Quentin, putting his arm around Maggie and heading to the kitchen. I took the liberty of setting the table by the fire, says Hoffman. Furious, Quentin demands, why the devil you do that?  I thought Mrs. Collins would prefer it, says Hoffman, clearly wanting to make trouble for the new bride. Maggie intervenes--what's wrong? she asks. Nothing, says Quentin curtly, it's all right--this time. I have to go catch up on correspondence, says Liz, but I want to have a long chat with you tomorrow.  Maggie agrees.  Quentin gives Hoffman a look that spits poison.  Liz goes upstairs.  Quentin is still giving Hoffman the evil eye as he and Maggie enter the drawing room. Maggie exults over the room's beauty--Quentin, she gushes, you can't imagine how happy I am!  Maggie looks into a chafing dish--crab meat, I adore it, and champagne!  Did you do this deliberately, Hoffman? demands Quentin.  I love it, Maggie tries to tell her husband.
Quentin orders her, stay out of it, gets in Hoffman's face, and demands, how do you dare this--woman?... Hoffman insists she doesn't understand his ire.  Yes you do! he says--and stomps from the house in a fury.  Maggie, baffled, turns to Julia.  I'm afraid coming back to Collinwood has upset Mr. Collins very much, says Hoffman, and ascends the stairs, leaving Maggie alone. Maggie calls to Quentin outside, but receives no response.  Dejected, she returns to the house.

11 PM - The table is still set for two, but Maggie is just standing beside it, unsure of what to do. She sits on the sofa, wondering where Quentin is and why he left. A note is pushed under the drawing room door.  Maggie kneels down to get it. She quickly opens the doors, but doesn't catch whoever left the note. She reads, YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE, NOW OR EVER--ANGELIQUE. "That can't be," says Maggie--"she's dead!"

NOTES: Poor little bride, coming home to a house of such turmoil. I love the cynical Carolyn, the middle class Liz, the nasty, manipulating Hoffman. We will meet other denizens of PT, and each is wonderful in his or her own way. When everyone starts disappearing when HODS is being filmed, I'm not so happy anymore, but will try to enjoy it this time around. It definitely has its good moments.

Barnabas bites the characters portrayed by Nancy Barrett more than any other. They always seem to have excellent chemistry for those scenes, especially Charity in 1897. What do you think of Carolyn so far?

So, what's the story with Quentin and Angelique? Will his old marriage haunt his new one? Who sent the note? Hoffman, trying to instigate more trouble? Angelique or her ghost? She was a witch in regular time, what is she in PT?

Love, Robin

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I haven't been around much lately, but I had a question about this.

It seemed as though the Leviathans left Collinwood like crackheads scrambling out of a trailer when the cops are coming.

Everything was just wrapped up so very quickly with the body count piling up in just a matter of a few short episodes.

Did this storyline tank in the ratings and the producers decide to move along quickly or what?

BARNABAS: Here at Collinwood, old hates don't die. They lie in wait for the innocent and unsuspecting...

QUENTIN: We're guaranteed to make you believe (spells) exist. Our entire family can be explained in no other way...