Author Topic: #0988/0989: Robservations 06/19/03: Dr. Longworth and Mr. Yaeger  (Read 1227 times)

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988 - Notice that Angelique was only 30 when she died, perhaps 29. Does that mean she and Quentin had Daniel when she was only 16? Did the poor girl seduce the rich boy and get pregnant?

Bruno, hammering away at Angelique's tomb, is interrupted by an angry Quentin and a horrified Alexis. Quentin smiles--I didn't even think you capable of something like this, Bruno.
The latter defensively says, I couldn't think of any other way to find out the truth. This is monstrous! pronounces Alexis. Get away from the vault, orders Quentin. I'm going through with this, insists Bruno--I'm convinced this grave is empty! You're insane! cries Alexis. Quentin grabs away Bruno's hammer--get out!--before I report you to the police. Bruno laughs--I doubt you'll do that--it might just open up a lot of the past--"If you know what I mean," he says pointedly. Quentin, uncomfortable, gulps. What are you talking about? asks Alexis. He's trying to threaten me, something he's quite good about, says Quentin sourly. I don't understand, says Alexis. Get off the estate and out of Collinsport, commands Quentin--I know you won't leave voluntarily, so I want to make a deal--I'll give you 25 thousand dollars, in cash, for the deed to the cottage. I don't want your money, sneers Bruno, but since you're in a mood to make a deal--let me open the vault--if I'm wrong and her body is there, I'll give you the deed to the cottage, go away and never come back. NO! shouts Alexis, I won't have my sister's grave defiled. She walks over and stands dejectedly in a corner of the mausoleum. Want to get rid of me? offers Bruno--I'm giving you your chance. I'll find a way to get rid of you, promises Quentin--the answer is no--get out of here! Quentin adds a parting shot as Bruno exits--I'm going to have the entrance to this tomb sealed, and if I find it's been tampered with in any way, I will go to the police. In a huff, Bruno leaves. Quentin apologizes to Alexis. It wasn't your fault, she assures him. That man's a parasite, gripes Quentin. Alexis looks at her sister's grave and says, I don't want to stay here now after what's happened--I want to come back another time. I understand, says Quentin--I'll take you back to Collinwood. He puts an arm around her and leads her out.

Cyrus' lab - I'd have had that grave opened in just a few more minutes, bitches Bruno to Cyrus--I'm certain Angelique's body wouldn't be there! That's why I'm a scientist and you aren't, says Cyrus--I only believe in things I'm certain I can see, but sometimes I wish I had your daring--you're an endless source of wonder to me. I would stake everything I own on the fact that the woman at Collinwood is Angelique, says Bruno emphatically. Cyrus, writing in a ledger, reminds him, you own little, so the risk would be minimal. Do you think me crazy? asks Bruno. The notion of bringing the dead back to life is fascinating, agrees Cyrus, the majority of people don't believe it because the notion has no precedents--I think you believe this woman to be Angelique because, psychologically, you want her to be--of course, I wasn't involved with her in quite the same way... Bruno, annoyed, interrupts him--put your notes away and help me--there must be some way to prove... I told you when you came in that I have a lot of work to do, Cyrus reminds him. How long are you going to stay cooped up in his tiny little world? asks Bruno, irritated. Cyrus mildly retorts, your world is the narrow one, because there is no one in it but you--my world is open to expansion, and expand it shall, very soon now. I realize you aren't going to help me, says Bruno angrily--I'll go mad if I don't find out about Angelique tonight! He stalks out.

Collinwood - Quentin and Alexis return. As they take off their coats, she apologizes for what Bruno did. I don't want you blaming herself, insists Quentin. Has there been any news from Maggie? she asks. None, he replies. If there is anything--anything--I can do. . .she offers. You're very kind, he says, but I must work it out for myself. Of course, she says, and bids him good night--you'll be here if I need you. She heads upstairs.

We see the black and white bunny in his cage. Sabrina is playing with another animal. Mr. Gladstone comes downstairs. Sabrina is upset when he says the door was open--I was sure I locked it--Cyrus will be upset with me. She heads upstairs, excusing herself. Gladstone quietly unlocks the lab's outer door. Sabrina returns. Can I reach Cyrus? asks Gladstone. No, says Sabrina, he said he had business to do, and wouldn't be home until late--he asked me to close the lab for him. She pushes all the books and ledgers inside the desk and locks the roll-top. Why would Cyrus be upset to learn you left the upstairs door open? He asks. His work is very important to him, says Sabrina--he considers this his private sanctuary--he is very dedicated to this experiment, she says.
Yes, I gathered as much from my conversation with him, says Gladstone. I'm finished, says Sabrina--I must close up now. Ask him to call me tomorrow, requests Gladstone, I'll be at my hotel. Of course--and good NIGHT, Mr. Gladstone, says Sabrina. After you, says Gladstone. Sighing, she turns off the lights and precedes him upstairs.

Alexis is brushing her hair in her sister's room, sitting in front of the mirror. Angelique's portrait is reflected above her head. Bruno bursts into the room. How do you dare come here again? demands Alexis. Maddened, he says, I don't intend to leave--not until you tell me why you're torturing me this way. Alexis looks very upset--what is she going to do with this loon?

I don't believe I've ever met anyone quite like you, comments Alexis. Those are the first words you spoke to me two years ago, he informs her. Listen to me, she begins, but he stops her--YOU LISTEN TO ME! he says
--if you have any regard at all for a man's sanity! I'm beginning to have my doubts about yours, she says. Why are you doing this to me? he demands--pretending you aren't who you are?--is it because you no longer care for me, are you trying to spare my feelings--that's impossible--if you're never to be a part of my life again, then life itself will become pointless to me--if that's it, tell me why, that's all I want from you. She turns and says, I'm beginning to feel a little sorry for you. Bruno, incensed, says, I don't want you or anyone else feeling sorry for me. You give me no choice, she insists--anger, frustration, becoming outraged, means nothing to you, and anyone who would mold his life around the belief that a loved one can return from the grave only deserves to be pitied. I believed that, he says, because you MADE me believe it! We are never made to do anything, she insists. You were something unique in my experience, you gave me reason for being, he says passionately--if you're going to tell me you're going to reject me and why, I'll believe you again, it's got to be that way, because I love you, more than I've ever loved you. I will tell you only one thing, says Alexis, and for the last time--I am NOT Angelique. I'LL NEVER ACCEPT THAT! shouts Bruno. Then you must leave here and never try to see me again, she insists. No, he protests. I will use force, if necessary, to get you out of here! she warns. Then use it, he challenges. All right, I will, says Alexis, and runs out of the room, about to cry. Bruno stands there, helpless.

Gladstone enters Cyrus' lab through the door he left open and jimmies open the roll-top desk. He opens a drawer and finds Cyrus' ledger, which he begins reading with a flashlight. His eyes widen.

Alexis enters the drawing room--I'm sorry for disturbing you, Quentin, she says, I realize you've been through enough tonight--but that man, Bruno, he's back, here now, in my room. Bruno, standing in the doorway, chortles, it's nice, at least, to hear you refer to it as "your room." I told you you're forbidden to enter this house, Quentin reminds him. I think it's possible Angelique fooled us all at the seance, and didn't die at all. You're stark, raving mad! accuses Quentin. Oh, no, says Bruno, I'm anything but mad, and you know it. If you go on about people returning from the grave, people will begin wondering about you, warns Quentin. Let them wonder, says Bruno--I know what I know, and I'm surprised you don't realize who she really is--but then again, I didn't know her as well as you did, did I? Quentin darts forward, enraged, and grabs Bruno by the shirt front--get out before I have you carried out! shouts Quentin. The master of Collinwood has spoken, says Bruno sarcastically--all right, I'll retire to my cozy little cottage, and live to fight another day. You're living on borrowed time already, says Quentin. That sounds suspiciously like a threat, says Bruno. Interpret it any way you want, invites Quentin, just get out and stay out! Well, we'll meet again, we always do, says Bruno. He bows and says goodnight to Alexis, calling her "my dear." Quentin just about has smoke coming from his nostrils. Alexis gazes at him in consternation.

Gladstone reads from Cyrus' ledger, which says, "With each passing day, I draw steadily closer, morally and intellectually, to the inescapable truth that man is not truly one, but truly two, the one being good, the other, evil. Now I am prepared to prove that each of these elements can he housed in separate identities." Gladstone repeats the last three words. He hears someone coming down the stairs.

Cyrus enters his lab and turns on the light. Gladstone is no where to be seen. Cyrus realizes his desk has been tampered with, and finds both flashlight and crowbar. Come out where I can you, orders Cyrus. Gladstone reveals himself, admitting, I find this a trifle embarrassing. I'm not surprised to see you, says Cyrus, my instincts told m you couldn't be trusted. Were my instincts as good, laments Gladstone--your young lady told me you wouldn't be back until late, and I believed her. How long have you been here? demands Cyrus. Long enough to realize I have contributed to a most intriguing experiment, says Gladstone. You have contributed nothing, says Cyrus, you were paid for that ingredient you contributed. Forgive me, says Gladstone, but I just couldn't contain my curiosity. Has your curiosity been satisfied now? asks Cyrus. No, I regret to say it hasn't--your handwriting leaves something to be desired, complains Gladstone, but I understand more of your theory now--I, too, share in your interest in the elevation of our fellow man, I could be of enormous help to you. I don't think we have anything in common, says Cyrus angrily--please go, I have a great deal of work to do today. Think it over, says Gladstone, I'll be around for a few days--I think you have embarked on a very lonely and perhaps dangerous course--you may find yourself in need of a friend along the way. I'll keep that in mind, says Cyrus defiantly--good night! Gladstone leaves.

Quentin paces the drawing room, then sits down--Alexis enters with a tea tray--I hope we're rid of that Bruno, she remarks, pouring tea. You can be sure we aren't, he says. Isn't there some way you can force him off your property? she asks. Not according to my lawyer, says Quentin. Bruno said something about a seance? She asks. Guarded, Quentin says yes. Did that have anything to do with my sister's death? asks Alexis. He rises from the sofa, perturbed. Did I bring up a painful memory for you? she asks. No, you have a perfect right to inquire about anything concerning your sister, he says. Would you rather not discuss it? she asks. If you don't mind, he says. Of course I don't, she says, grinning and batting her eyelashes at him.

Cyrus' lab - He's brewed some dark concoction and adds a powder, which makes it start to bubble. He pours some of the mixture into a glass, carries it over to the desk and sets it down. He writes in his ledger, my theory is ready to be put to the test--I am aware of the potential power of the drug I have created, and of the danger I face, perhaps I am even risking death, but I am not afraid. He takes the glass and is about to drink, but hears Sabrina coming downstairs. They each wonder what the other is doing here at this hour. I came to check the lab when I saw the light was on, she says. I came back to do some work, he explains. She touches his face--you're tired, she says--will you ever think of taking a rest? Perhaps I will, he says, taking her hand in his--the experiment is almost at an end. It would be nice to see more of you, she says lovingly. I did warn you about me, he says. I know, she says, you're very dedicated to your work, and I'm glad it's almost over. She kisses his hand--maybe you'll tell me about it. If it's successful, I will, he agrees--run along, I have much to do tonight. I don't mind paying second fiddle to your work, she says--you're such a gentle man, that's what I love most about you. She kisses his mouth and bids him goodnight. He starts to follow her. You don't have to come up with me, says Sabrina--I'll lock the door. She leaves. Cyrus picks up the glass and, after a moment's hesitation, drinks it down.
Instantly, pain courses through him, and he drops the glass to the floor. He falls to the floor, writhing in agony.

NOTES: So, folks, is Alexis really Angelique or not? I remember wondering back when I first watched this storyline. She seemed so nice, gentle, and very unlike the witch Angelique we were familiar with in RT. Lara Parker does a marvelous job with this one, keeping us guessing.

Bruno is a nut job, for sure. You would think if Quentin really wanted to get rid of him, he'd have him arrested for grave-robbing, but he seems reluctant to take real action against him, he just keeps making threats. Wonder why?

What's with the seance and Angelique? Why doesn't Quentin want to discuss it? There are mysteries building here, interesting ones.

Cyrus has downed the mysterious concoction he created. What will happen to him? Gladstone was fascinated with his concept to the point of obsession. The guy was paid for the ingredient, so he had no right to break into Cyrus' lab and read his notes. I wonder why Cyrus didn't take more action against him, too, but then again, the good doctor is probably doing something that flirts with the illegal himself.

Poor Sabrina, so trusting, unknowing and accepting. Cyrus is doing something that could potentially kill him, and she doesn't have a clue. How could a man embarking on such a potentially dangerous experiment give a woman an engagement ring?

989 - We see Barnabas' portrait, then the blasted chained coffin. Carolyn Loomis tells us, "He cannot see the strange things going on in parallel time."

Cyrus plods down into his lab, looks out the open back door, the closes it, locking it securely. His phone rings. Looking like a man with a bad hangover, he answers, but no one is there. He hangs up, then notices his desk has been trashed. He looks through the mess, picking up and dropping a piece of paper. In his jacket pocket, he finds a mostly empty bottle of booze; his glasses lie on the floor, broken. He opens the desk drawer and takes out another pair of specs, puts them on, and reads the piece of paper he'd dropped earlier, which says, "IOU one hundred dollars." It's signed John Yaeger. Who is that? wonders Cyrus. He could be someone I met last night, after I took the compound, but I remember nothing about last night--why?--what could have gone wrong? he agonizes. He checks his jacket pockets and finds a matchbook from the Eagle Bar. A man named Paxton inquires, may I come down?--I'm from the police. Cyrus invites him down. I want to ask you some questions, says Paxton, about...last night! Cyrus gulps, unnerved. What happened?

What about last night? asks Cyrus nervously. I have something unpleasant to tell you, says the cop--how is your fiancee, Sabrina Stuart? Has anything happened to her? demands Cyrus fearfully. Don't be alarmed, says Paxton, she apparently had a bad scare, but wasn't hurt--it seems that Carolyn found Miss Stuart wandering in a dazed condition on the Collins estate; they questioned her, and she mumbled about a strange man who attacked her in her room. Good Lord! whispers Cyrus. Fortunately, explains the cop, a neighbor heard the commotion and scared the intruder away. Did Sabrina describe this man? asks Cyrus. She never really got a look at him, answers Paxton--but the neighbor saw him--Doctor, I'd like to know if you left your house last night? You think I was responsible? asks Cyrus, horrified. No the cop assures him, you don't even fit the description--after we left Sabrina's apartment, we got a report of an attack on Clover Street. I don't understand all these questions, says Cyrus. The description we were given, says Paxton, seemed to be the same in both instances; then, at 3 o'clock, one of his men saw a man who fit that description in this neighborhood, and he followed him--into your house at 3:10--did you have a visitor at that hour? No, Cyrus assures him, and I was in the house, I'd gone to bed at midnight--did the witness describe what the man looked like? Yes, and how he got into the house, says Paxton--he let himself in, by himself, with his own key. Impossible, says Cyrus, my housekeeper and I are the only ones with keys. Nothing is impossible for an accomplished burglar, says Paxton, assuming that's what the man was--he could have made his own skeleton key--did you find anything disturbed? Nothing at all was, lies Cyrus.
That's very strange, says Paxton, because I left my man at Cyrus' front door until dawn, and another man at the back door--the stranger never came back out, so either he's still in the house, or there's an exit we don't know about. Cyrus shows him the cellar exit--it leads to a courtyard outside--I always lock it from the inside, but this morning, it was wide open. So he could have made his escape without being spotted, says Paxton--I suggest you change your locks ASAP. I will, Cyrus promises, immediately--what does the man looks like, so I can watch out for him. The descriptions were vague, says the cop, but everyone agreed that he was a big man, broad-shouldered, and curiously enough, very well dressed--and he had a mustache. This puzzles Cyrus, but Paxton says, that's one thing all three witnesses remembered about him. Was Sabrina was taken back to her room? asks Cyrus. Yes, and Mrs. Loomis is with her now, says Paxton--thank you for your cooperation--I'll keep you appraised of the progress in the case. Cyrus, puzzled, ponders the description the cop gave him, looking at the note from the mysterious John Yaeger again, and the matchbook.

Sabrina's apartment - Sabrina tells Carolyn, I want Cyrus. I haven't been able to reach him all night, reports Carolyn. Neither woman understands this. Carolyn starts to dial him again. There's a knock at the door--it's Cyrus. I've been trying to reach you all night, says Carolyn. He apologizes--I had turned off the phone. He kneels at his fiancee's side. I've been waiting for you, she says, almost accusingly. I'm sorry, says Cyrus, but I'm here now--can you tell me what happened? He was evil...evil, she says--he took my ring, it makes no sense!
She holds out her empty hand. Cyrus looks sickened. I don't understand, says Sabrina. (A simple robbery, what's to understand?) Carolyn tells Cyrus, Sabrina has been this way since I found her last night. I want to call a druggist and order her a sedative, says Cyrus--she needs a good night's sleep. He searches his address book and is about to dial when he finds something else in his pocket--Sabrina's large, lovely, pear-shaped engagement ring!

Sabrina lies on the sofa, eyes closing as she drifts off to sleep. Carolyn covers her. I'm glad she's asleep, says Cyrus--you don't have to stay if you don't want to, Carolyn. I don't mind, says Carolyn. There's nothing more you can do for her, says Cyrus, she'll sleep well into the night, the sedative lasts that long. I'll go home and take a nap, then, says Carolyn, and check Sabrina later this evening. I'm grateful to you, says Cyrus. I hope Sabrina will be all right, she says. I do, too, says Cyrus. Carolyn leaves. Cyrus watches Sabrina sleep and gazes down at the ring still clutched in his hand, telling himself, the man who attacked her, "Had to be me!"--he couldn't have been anyone else! There's no other way I could have gotten the ring--why can't I remember anything--and what else did I do last night?

Will adjusts his tie in front a mirror in the drawing room. Carolyn, exhausted, comes in--Sabrina is sleeping, she says, Cyrus is with her, but they didn't catch the guy who attacked her. What's the occasion for your well-dressed man number; you haven't paid this much attention to yourself in years. He checks his nails, combs his hair, and asks, don't you think I look like I did before we got married? I have trouble remembering, she says. Maybe I'm trying to recall the image, he suggests sarcastically. She laughs with equal sarcasm and bitterness, noting, you've just decided, out of the blue, to look respectable again? No, he says, irritated, it so happens I ran into Quentin, who invited me up to meet Angelique's sister. Oh, is that all? she asks--if I'm not mistaken, Alexis is Angelique's twin sister, isn't she? You know perfectly well she is, says Will--and just stop it. Upset, she asks, how can I?--we can't go through this tacky little drama without HER, she's part of it! He pours a drink. It isn't Angelique, it's her sister, says Will through gritted teeth. Her TWIN sister! rants Carolyn--it will be like Babylon revisited, won't it, Will?--you know, you really aren't going about this properly--you should be in the middle of a book, you know what I mean, something she can lure you away from. Well, he says viciously, let's give credit where credit is due, sweetheart, I will be in the middle of a book very soon, thanks to your strange friend down in the coffin, Barnabas Collins! She looks away. At least the companions I pick are human, he gloats. I didn't choose Barnabas, she reminds him, you know that--I was helpless to prevent what happened.
Is that right? he sneers--then why are you so anxious to get him out of the coffin, huh?--what would the local society editor think if he knew that the former Carolyn Stoddard has become intimate friends with a vampire? Carolyn, at first leaning on the mantle with a sad look on her face, whirls around and says, I don't care what he is!--it's wrong and cruel to keep anyone chained up the way Barnabas is! He's going to stay chained up, baby, Will assures her, because he's my way back to the top--do you understand that?--and if you do one thing to free Barnabas, you'll be sorry, he swears, you'd better remember that. Will, she says, please don't go to Collinwood. I was invited and I'm going, he says defiantly. It can't do you any good, she protests, you know that. She puts her hands on him, caressing his hair, his shoulder, murmuring, I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it. He jerks away from her--we both know you did--baby--but I'm going because I want to prove something to myself--I've got to prove I've lived her down. He leaves. She closes her eyes with misery and says, "I hope you do, Will."

Sabrina tosses her head from side to side as she dreams in her drugged state: She enters her room, closing the door behind her. A man attacks her, grabbing her engagement ring from her finger. Sabrina awakens, a silent scream on her lips.

Collinwood - Will and Alexis have a drink together. I've enjoyed your visit very much, she bubbles. Call me Will, he reminds her. I want to tell you that you haven't made me feel ill at ease the way the others have. You shouldn't be upset, advises Will--take it as a compliment--your sister was very special around here. Hmmm, she says noncommittally, I gather you were quite fond of her. Yes, says Will, we became good friends, had a lot in common--I suppose you and Angelique didn't correspond much. No, she says, we weren't close, and I regret that now. Maybe I can help you to know her better--posthumously--suggests Will, tell you what her interests were--maybe we could have dinner and talk about her? I think I'd like that, says Alexis. Will pounces and suggests tonight--if you're free. Carolyn eavesdrops in the doorway.
Alexis begs off--I'm having dinner in town with Quentin. Some other time, suggests Will. Alexis agrees--I'd be delighted. You know where to reach me, says Will. Yes, the house that bears your name, says Alexis, grinning, how could I forget that? Moving in even closer to Alexis, Will asks, have you ever been out to the estate? No, she says, I haven't had the opportunity. I'll show it to you sometime, offers Will, their lips dangerously close. I would hate to be a burden, she says, you're a writer, correct? Yes, he says. It must take up a lot of your time, she says. You know how we writers are--we accept any and all distractions, says Will intimately. Hearing this, Carolyn winces and looks as if she's about to cry. Think about it, suggests Will. Carolyn turns to exit the house, covering her heart with one hand. Will and Alexis are holding hands. I'll think about it, she agrees--it's been a pleasure meeting you. Same here, he says, caressing her fingers.

Carolyn returns to Sabrina's room and finds her gone.

Lab - Cyrus reads from his journal aloud--I'm sure that this can control and shake to the very foundation the mind of man--I am not afraid! Nothing after that, fumes Cyrus, slamming his hand down on the ledger, nothing but that terrible scrawl, which I couldn't have made--or could I? What sort of condition was I in? He hears someone coming down and goes to meet the person. It's Carolyn, reporting, Sabrina left her room. Impossible, says Cyrus, that sedative should have lasted well into the night! I don't understand how you left her; had I known that, I'd have stayed with her myself. Don't be upset, says Cyrus, I'm sure she's all right. How can you say such a thing? Demands--Carolyn, what if the man who attacked her came back? That's impossible, asserts Cyrus. How do you know? asks Carolyn. He hesitates, then admits, I don't. We must go find Sabrina, insists Carolyn. The two of them take off.

Sabrina stands in the woods, musing, this is where it all began, long ago. She enters Collinwood and wanders through the foyer and into the darkened drawing room, which now contains a table and chairs and looks ready for a seance. A black candle stands in the center of the table. Sabrina sits in one of the chairs and puts her hands down--"Our fingers must touch," she says--"the circle must not be broken--let the seance begin!"

NOTES: The concept that John Yaeger is Cyrus' "bad side" always interested me. Why would Yaeger take Sabrina's ring? Is he trying to sabotage Cyrus' relationship with his fiancee?

Sorry, I can never and will never like Lisa Richards or any of her characterizations. She simply doesn't appeal to me in any way at all.

Will and Carolyn have such a sad, cruel relationship. He knows she couldn't help what happened with Barnabas; why does he taunt her about it? They are embittered, yet still so young, one must wonder what Angelique did to sabotage what was probably a loving marriage at one time. Why aren't there children? That's puzzling, too. Will drinks too much, and his attraction to Angelique, if that's what it was, has made Carolyn perpetually jealous. Did Will have an affair with her, physically, or was it all an affair of the mind?

Another excellent performance from Pennock, wondering what his alter ego did. You would think that he'd want to keep such a creature bottled up and away from his fiancee, but noooooo!

Love, Robin