Author Topic: #1016/1017: Robservations 07/11/03: A New Cousin From a Distant Land  (Read 1319 times)

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1016 - Quentin's first wife has returned from the dead and taken the place of the sister she murdered says the intro.  (isn't that a creepy line?)
As Quentin collapses to the floor, Angelique orders him, via the doll upon which she has cast a spell, to bring Maggie back. Liz enters to find Barnabas kneeling beside Quentin, who is breathing with difficulty. Who are you? demands Liz.  We must get a doctor, he insists. Cyrus! gasps out Quentin. He's had an attack, explains Barnabas, ignoring Liz' ill-timed question--call a as calm as you can, he urges Quentin, who says, "I'm dying, I know it!"  Liz phones Cyrus, who promises to be right over. Angelique comes hurrying downstairs--is something wrong? she asks. It's Quentin, says Liz.  His former wife flies in and kneels beside him, calling his name. He's had an attack, says Barnabas, leaning on his cane. There must be something we can do, frets Liz. It would be best if you both left the room, suggests Barnabas--he doesn't need hysterics, and the doctor will be here soon. (ooh, Barn, that was very un-PC, even then!) What right have you to take charge? demands Liz. I'll explain later, Mrs. Stoddard, says Barnabas. Who are you; how do you know me? she asks. Angelique gazes down at Quentin. "Barnabas Collins", responds the vampire. He's dead! insists Liz. A distant relative, says Barn briefly by way of explanation. He leads her out of the drawing room, closing the double doors behind them. You'll be all right, Angelique assures Quentin, I know it. Take care of Daniel, he begs, stay with him, get Chris for him--my will. Upset, Angelique protests, "Quentin, no!"

Out in the foyer, Liz apologizes to Barnabas.  It's all right, he assures her--how long does it take the doctor to get here from town? No longer than 10 minutes, she says--how did this happen?--Quentin's always been so healthy. Angelique, beside herself, joins them--where is Cyrus? She asks.  The other two stare at her mutely.

Cyrus arrives.  Liz lets him in, saying, thank God you're here. Cyrus rushes into the drawing room, where Quentin now lies on a sofa, covered with an afghan (no, not THE afghan). Was it very sudden? queries Cyrus, taking Quentin's pulse. We were talking, Barnabas explains-- Quentin suddenly experienced chest pains. Liz introduces Barnabas as our cousin.  Cyrus, not especially interested, asks them all to wait out in the foyer. Liz immediately leaves, but Ang prefers to stay. I prefer to examine my patient alone, insists Cyrus. Barnabas escorts Angelique out.

Cyrus listens to Quentin's chest with his ear (no stethoscope?), opens his tie, loosens his collar, tells him not to talk. will...get Chris, mutters Quentin. Cyrus fumbles his stethoscope from his bag and says, I will tell you whether you need a will or not.  He listens to Quentin's chest as the latter gasps for air. It's pretty bad, isn't it? he asks Cyrus. Let me do the diagnosing, says Cyrus.  Barnabas paces the study.  Angelique stares and watches him. Liz, seated, frets over what's taking so long.  I'm sure Cyrus is giving him a careful examination, says Barnabas. Angelique, arms crossed, gazes resentfully at Barn, then tells Liz, I think we should send for his wife. I think we should wait and see what Cyrus has to say first, insists Liz. If I were married to Quentin, says Ang, I would want to be here, no matter how much trouble there was between us--I really think you should call Maggie in New York, Mrs. Stoddard. Cyrus enters--that would be a rather useless gesture, he says. He's dead? asks Liz. No, but he hasn't much time, answers Cyrus sadly. That's impossible, says Liz. Angelique lets out a moan of protest. I find it as hard to believe as you do, Cyrus assures them. Barnabas asks, is it a heart attack?  Yes, a very severe one, says Cyrus--I wish I could be more reassuring, but I can't--I'm sorry, Mrs. Stoddard. Angelique looks overwhelmed with guilt. How much time does he have? asks Barnabas.  Is there nothing we can do? asks Liz. I wish there were, says Cyrus. He's just about to leave when Liz suggests calling in another doctor for consultation. Cyrus agrees--but I think we're going to reach the crisis point soon, and I'd better get back to Quentin. I can't believe it, says Liz. Barnabas comforts her. Angelique runs from the room. You must pray that he will live, Cousin, advises Barnabas. Yes, we must have faith, agrees Liz--his life has been such a strange one, so much tragedy, so very much--he can't die now, he can't. Barnabas looks upset and worried.

Angelique returns to the room where she left the doll--you have failed me! she accuses the lump of clay.  Oh, God, she cries, let me undo what I have done--let me make him well again! She withdraws the pin. Cyrus is listening to Quentin's heart at this moment; Quentin's mouth opens wide and he gasps as if in terrible pain.

Cyrus prepares a hypo as Quentin continues to fight for air, crying out in agony.  Barnabas and Liz rush in. Mrs. Stoddard, please, says Cyrus, giving him the injection.  Barnabas closes them out in the foyer. He's worse, I know, cries Liz. Angelique runs down--what happened? she asks. We heard him screaming, says Barnabas, just a moment ago. Angelique wants to go right in.  Cyrus doesn't want us there, cautions Liz. Please, says Ang, bursting in. Quentin lies asleep. He will not die, Angelique states to Cyrus.  Wishing won't help his condition, warns the doctor.  Yes it will! she insists. If these attacks keep occurring, says Cyrus, each one will worsen the condition-- he'll only have a few moments left.

The clock chimes 7:15. Barnabas hands Liz a cup of tea. I can't finish it, she says. At least he's been resting for an hour now, Barnabas reminds her. I so hoped he and Maggie could have gotten back together, she says. What made them part? asks Barnabas. She looks at him. Forgive me, he says, I know I'm a stranger here, although I hardly feel like one. Quentin's always been very complex, explains Liz--I thought they could be happy, I was so sure of it after I saw Maggie in New York. Perhaps if you call her, she might fly here, suggests Barnabas. Yes, agrees Liz, even seeing her might help him. Has he wanted to see her before? asks Barnabas. Yes, says Liz, how easily I say that--I think he has, underneath, but he has so much pride. Pride, or is he still in love with Angelique? asks Barnabas. Liz is surprised he knows so much about them.
I've listened carefully since I've been here, says Barnabas. At first, says Liz, I thought he'd married Maggie because he couldn't bear to be alone--I don't know, but I do know that Maggie loves him, and deserves to be here.  Liz picks up the phone and dials.

Maggie sits at a desk, writing a letter to Quentin--I haven't heard from you, she writes, and even I must know what you silence means. Tomorrow I will talk to my sister's lawyer--there's no point in continuing to be married this way. She crumples the letter just as the phone rings.  It's Liz--Maggie, you must come to Collinwood immediately, she says.  Maggie listens carefully.

Drawing room - Cyrus tells Angelique Quentin's pulse is weaker. But he's still alive, she reminds him--five hours ago, you gave him minutes. He pulls the cover up over Quentin and asks are you criticizing me?  Of course not, she protests, but that does mean we have some hope, doesn't it? Some, he says. She kneels beside Quentin and says, I never thought I'd see him like this, so helpless--he's so young, so pale--Quentin was always the strong one, others gave in to weakness, but not him. Cyrus is listening to her, perplexed by her words.
He always fought so well, adds Angelique. You talk as if you've known him a very long time, notes Cyrus. Caught, Angelique rises to her feet--no, she says, I just feel like I've known him a long time, that's all, is that so unusual?  No, I suppose not, says Cyrus--I think you're very lucky, it took me a long time to get to know Quentin, I think that's true with most people. If there was just something someone could do, frets Angelique.  Cyrus says the only possible way is for his inner resources to save him. She thinks about that.

6:05 - Foyer - It's time to send the car for Maggie, Liz tells Barnabas--perhaps I should go, too. I think you should stay here in case there's a change, advises Barnabas. How careful you we all are to avoid the word death, she remarks. Angelique exits the drawing room, near tears.  "Not now," insists the blond when Liz says, there's something you must know. Poor child, says Liz, she's so upset. Isn't she? comments Barnabas--and yet she's the one who suggested they call Mrs. Collins.

Angelique sits in front of lit candles, extinguishing them one at a time. Fire, you have always been my friend, she says--you and I have shared a kinship like no other--be my kinsmen now and help me--burn the pain from Quentin's body, burn away the spell I placed there, make him well again, you must make him well--fire, free him from what I have done, fingers of flame, make healthy again what I have diseased, I pray you. She takes the unlit candelabra and brings it over to the desk. Liz enters--what are you doing with all the lights out? she asks Angelique.

Angelique turns on a light--I was just sitting in the dark, she explains--I thought it would make me feel better, although I don't know why (good cover, Ang)!  None of us is behaving normally, says Liz.  Has there been any change? Queries Angelique. None, answers Liz.  I feel that there has, says Ang--I want to go check. There hasn't, says Liz--Cyrus was called back to the hospital and Barnabas is with Quentin--Cyrus promised to return as soon as he could. (Cyrus works with a hospital? He should have taken Quentin there with him.) This isn't easy for me to tell you, says Liz, but Maggie will be here any moment. Angelique turns and smiles--you called her? Yes, says Liz. I'm so glad, says Ang--I'll be so happy to see her. We all will, says Liz--I know you don't want to cause any trouble here, but I can't help remembering that your presence here was the reason Maggie left. She was jealous of me, says Angelique. I think both of you would be more comfortable if you went to stay with your Aunt Hannah for a few days, says Liz--not that I mean to be understand that. Of course, says Ang, but I also feel I must stay here, at least until there's some change--surely you can understand that. Liz doesn't answer, but you can tell she disagrees.

Maggie returns home, looking around Collinwood with a slight smile on her face. Barnabas exits the drawing room, and although he is startled to see her, he cordially greets "Mrs. Collins." Maggie immediately asks for Quentin.  Barnabas closes the doors, explaining, we haven't been able to move him from the drawing room. Maggie asks this man, whom she assumes is the doctor, how is he? He's sleeping, says Barnabas, he's been given an injection--I'm not the doctor, but Barnabas Collins, a distant relative. Maggie apologizes.  It's a logical mistake, he assures her. "May I see him now?" she asks. A door opens.  Liz and Maggie hug.  I'm so glad you called me, says the younger woman. I had to, says Liz. Angelique listens to this exchange.  Did you tell him I was coming back? asks Maggie. I must see her, Angelique thinks to herself.  He DID ask for me, didn't he? Maggie inquires. He hasn't said much of anything, says Barnabas. The attack was very sudden, reveals Liz--he's had severe pain. Then he didn't, concludes Maggie--he may not want to see me. I'm sure he will, says Barnabas. If he's awake, adds Liz--I'll tell him. She goes into the drawing room. Angelique appears. "Mrs. Collins?" she says. Maggie greets her with a hello and calls her "Miss Stokes." You have all my sympathy, says Angelique. Thank you, says Maggie. Liz returns and reports, Quentin is still asleep. I'd like to sit with him, if I may, offers Maggie. Barnabas follows her into the drawing room. We've done all we could, Liz tells "Alexis."  Yes, agrees Angelique.

Maggie kneels beside the very pale, ill Quentin. She touches his hair, puts a hand on his chest. When he stirs, she immediately walks away from him--I don't want him to wake and see me, she says. Barnabas leans over the patient--Quentin, Maggie is here, he says. No! cries Quentin, no, she must not stay in this house, get her out, get her out! He squeezes his eyes shut as if in pain.
Quentin, please! objects Barnabas. "Get her out, get her out!" insists Quentin. Maggie walks over to her husband--I've come to stay, she says. Quentin looks at her.  Barnabas is worried--what will happen now?

NOTES: Angelique has gotten her wish, nearly killing Quentin in the process. She really doesn't have control over her powers, such as they are, does she?  If she'd killed him, her entire plan would have been ruined.

Confused about Cyrus being called to the hospital. It's been my assumption that he's strictly a research doctor, so this is an odd development. I guess they had to come up with a good excuse for him to leave his very ill friend behind, but you'd have thought he'd have wanted to send Quentin to the hospital by ambulance.

Maggie is home, and now that the gang's all back, things will really get going. Angelique will be able to begin working her wiles on the poor young bride, and one must wonder what made Quentin so anxious to get Maggie out of the house--does he have a premonition about what is to come, or is it that he's fearful of what has already transpired, including his own near-suicidal madness? Barnabas has insinuated himself into this new family unit with only a few snags. Liz was right, he was trying to take over, but I guess he still thinks only men can handle crises--like he's handled all his so well, LOL.

1017 - (Black and white kinescope) - Maggie kneels and holds Quentin's hand. You can't stay here, it's not safe, he insists.  There's only one place in the world I'm safe, she says--here with you--I love you, always did--please, don't send me away, she begs.  Barnabas, uncomfortable listening to this intimate talk, suggests, if there's nothing else I can do...  Thank you for how wonderful you've been, says Maggie.  (Liz told her)  Quentin's recovery will be my thanks, Barnabas assures her.  (plus, perhaps, a nice juicy bite of her throat)? He will get better, says Maggie, hugging Quentin, calling him darling.  Quentin romantically says her name in return.  Barnabas, anxious to bow out, bids them good night. Quentin stops him--I don't believe I told you when you first asked me--you are welcome here at Collinwood.  Barnabas thanks him and leaves. Is there anything I can do for you? asks Maggie.  I'd feel much better if I knew you were out of danger, says Quentin. Is that the only you don't want me here? she asks.  What other reason is there? he asks.  She smiles, thrilled; and they hug. I've been a fool, he admits.  I've been vain and selfish, she counters--and we've both acted like children. Now it's too late, says Quentin. I don't believe that, she insists.  You've got to, says Quentin. He sits up and looks around. Concerned, she asks, is it the pain--I'll send for the doctor. The pain is going away, he says--I can breathe much easier now. He stands up. Hey, he says, I can really hold you now--he does so, hugging her tightly--I'm going to be better--I know I am!  I want you to rest, she says.  Not only am I all right, he says--WE are all right now--I'll take care of you for a long time and see to it that nothing happens to you!  She goes into his arms for more hugging. We'll be together for a long time, he says, and nothing will hurt either one of us.  Passionately, they kiss kiss.
Barnabas, standing against the wall outside the door, listens to their exchange. MAGGIE! he thinks to himself greedily. He leans his head against the wall, imagining God knows what.

Loomis House - Will and Carolyn troop downstairs.  I'm not afraid to do it, she assures him.  Not so loud! cautions Will.  I'm going to tell people the truth! Says Carolyn--won't I?--just wait and see! She faces him and adds, you can be Barnabas' slave if you want to be... Will grabs her by the arm and drags her into the drawing room, reminding her, I have no choice in that matter--and neither do you--if you keep it up, he can do it to you again. Yes, and that's why I can't wait to tell the truth, she says. He might find out, warns Will. Not until it's too late, she insists. You must stop this, says Will. Angry, she asks, are you going to stay Barnabas' slave?  Of course not, answers Will. Don't try to stop me, Will, she commands. He might go back to his own time, says Will (who today wears a turtleneck sweater). He'll never get back there! she says. He might, says Will, and then we can forget about it all as if it had never happened. I'm not waiting another minute! she cries. Barnabas, who has just entered the house, says, "I strongly suggest that you do." Will nervously asks, how long have you been here?  Long enough to hear words I'd have preferred not to have heard, replies Barnabas. I will tell, threatens Carolyn, and you can't stop me. Can't I? asks Barnabas, advancing on her.  She backs away. Barnabas! says Will--"Barnabas, no!" Carolyn gazes at Barnabas with terror.

Stay away from me, don't come near me! orders Carolyn. Will begs his wife, tell Barnabas you didn't mean it. She meant it, I have no doubt, but she will be silent, says Barn--there are enough difficulties at Collinwood tonight without further disturbances--Quentin is extremely ill and his wife has just returned. Your concern doesn't impress me in the least, says Carolyn--you care nothing for them and you know it. That's not true, says Barnabas--Quentin is my cousin. Quentin is NOT your cousin, retorts Carolyn, whirling on him, that's in another time band, here he's nothing to you. He's my cousin, counters Barnabas, as you are my cousin, in this and any other time--you are a Collins, as I am, that's why I prefer not to harm you. You are NOT a Collins! she cries, you are not even human. CAROLYN, THAT'S ENOUGH! screams Will. I can't live this way, neither can you! she says, running into Will's arms to hold him. "One does not always choose the conditions under which he will live or not live," says Barnabas evenly, "no one knows that better than I."
Why don't you go away and leave us alone? asks Carolyn, her face still buried in Will's chest. Because this is the one place that can offer me a chance to get back to my own time, to the room that brought me here--now I must have a word with Will alone. Carolyn reluctantly leaves her husband's arms, but not before he gives her hand a tender kiss. Before she goes, Barnabas reminds her of one simple fact--expose me and it will mean destruction for your husband and yourself. You wouldn't, she says. "I would without hesitation," Barnabas assures her. (Zing!)  Carolyn says nothing more; she leaves looking beaten. Will, says Barnabas, open the secret panel. Barnabas has to ask again. Will, terrified, does so. Barnabas and Will enter the room.  Will closes the door behind him. You must not allow me to leave this room, instructs Barnabas. How can I stop you? asks Will ironically. I give you complete power over me this one night only, says Barnabas. I don't understand, says Will. Do you still have that cross? Barnabas asks. Yes, why? asks Will. Get it, bring it here, and do not let me see it unless... ...Unless you try to leave, finishes Will. Yes, says Barnabas. Will is still puzzled. No need for you to understand, says Barn--get the cross and bring it back--I must not leave this room. Barnabas struggles with his internal demons.

Collinwood - Maggie and Quentin head downstairs.  I'm perfectly all right, he assures her--you can see that for yourself. The doctor told me to bring you to the hospital for tests and that's what I'm going to do, insists Maggie. Why not tomorrow? he asks. Arms around each other, she reminds him, just a short time ago, you were a dying man. Now I feel fine, says Quentin. There's one way to make sure, she says, and that's to bring you to the hospital for tests--I promised the doctor I'd bring you there. I don't want to go, protests Quentin. He gets an odd look on his face and asks, how can it be?--doesn't it make you wonder--one minute I'm dying, and the next... Let's wait and see what the doctor says, she suggests. They go. The clock says one-thirty.

Loomis House, 2 AM  - Will, holding the big wooden cross, hears the clock on the mantle chime. He opens the secret shelf and enters, then closes it behind him. Barnabas asks, do you have the cross? Yes, says Will viciously, shoving it in the vampire's face. Put it away! orders Barnabas. "Put it away!"  Forced by the vampire's will, Will cries out helplessly, and turns away. You will use it only when necessary, orders Barnabas. Why can't you leave this room, why? asks Will. Can't you guess? asks Barnabas. I suppose I can, says Will, facing Barnabas again. They hear Maggie's voice outside calling to Will and Carolyn--is anybody home? "Maggie," whispers Barnabas to Will. Carolyn comes out to greet Maggie--how are you?  asks the latter. All right, answers Carolyn--Barnabas mentioned to us that you were back--how's Quentin?  He seems much better, says Maggie--I just took him to the hospital for tests, and he seems to be coming along fine--I can't understand what went wrong. You must feel very relieved, says Carolyn, and moves to stand in front of the secret bookcase. I do, says Maggie--I just wish I could stay at the hospital with him--I should apologize for coming by so late and just walking in like this, but I did want Barnabas to know that everything seems to be all right now--he's not here, is he? No, he isn't, says Carolyn. Perhaps you could give him the message, says Maggie--tell Will, too--I'll let you know the results of the tests. Inside the secret room, Barnabas listens to Maggie's voice. I would hate to think of what would have happened if Barnabas hadn't been there when Quentin had his attack, says Maggie--Liz told me how calm he was, took complete charge--it's difficult to believe he's a distant relative, but more like someone who had known us all our lives, and how strange that is. Barnabas listens, smiling a bit, liking what he's hearing. Carolyn agrees--it's strange.  I should get back to Collinwood, says Maggie--Liz and the others will want to hear the news, too, and the doctor might call tonight--it's good seeing you, Carolyn, she adds, and leaves.
Will says to Barnabas, "It's SHE you're hiding from, isn't it, yes, when I was writing the book, you mentioned, how much she reminded you, in the other time, of Josette?" That's enough, Will, orders Barnabas (notice that they're on a first name basis since Barnabas bit him). And this Maggie reminds you of that one, doesn't she? asks Will. Outside, a dog howls. Open the panel, commands Barnabas. WHAT? asks Will.  I said open the panel! Barnabas repeats, clearly beset by blood lust. No, you don't want to leave here, says Will, you know you don't--you told me to stop you!  Nothing can stop me now, says Barnabas. Will pulls out the cross and holds it in front of the vampire's face. Barnabas turns away. This is what you wanted me to do, Will reminds him. I've got to get out of here, put that away! cries Barnabas. You told me not to let you out no matter what! argues Will. LET ME OUT OF HERE, I'M WARNING YOU! shouts Barnabas.  I'm only doing what you told me to do! wails Will. Carolyn enters, distracting Will; Barnabas hurls him to the floor and begins beating him with his cane. Carolyn screams and goes to her fallen husband.  Barnabas hurries out into the night, staring wildly around as the dogs howl fiercely.

Will sits on the sofa, where Carolyn dabs a cut on his head. You should have known you couldn't stop him, she says. Will sits up straighter--I must warn Maggie, he says. Carolyn, her hand on his face, asks, what are you talking about? That's why he shut himself up in the room, explains Will, then he heard her voice...  Do you mean he's going after her? she asks. Yes, says Will, I've got to get to Collinwood. Carolyn urges him to sit back down--you can't go in your condition, she says, I will. He holds her hand--be careful, he cautions, then leans back, wincing with pain.

Collinwood - Barnabas stands outside the front door, looking up at the house. He hears someone coming and hides. Carolyn appears.  Barnabas' voice issues from the bushes, asking, isn't it late to be making social calls? She faces him nervously.  He comes out of hiding--what's the reason for your visit? he asks. I wanted to ask Maggie if she's heard anymore about Quentin, says Carolyn shakily. Wasn't it Barnabas you were asking about? he inquires. No, she says, I said I wouldn't do that, you warned me--that was enough. Apparently it wasn't enough, he says, moving closer to her. He's about to attack when they hear Maggie's voice--who's out there? Barnabas hastily returns to his hiding place in the bushes. "Maggie, it's Carolyn."  Maggie, wearing a nightgown, opens the doors.  I was wondering, says Maggie, is there somebody out here with you?--I thought I heard voices. No, Carolyn assures her, I'm here alone. If something wrong? asks Maggie. I felt terrible after you left the house, explains Carolyn--is there anything Will and I can do for you?  That's very kind of you, says Maggie, but all we can do now is wait for the results of the test. I just thought I would ask, says Carolyn--good night...don't you think you'd rest easier if you went to the hospital and stayed with Quentin. I suggested that, says Maggie, but Quentin told me to come home--I'll be fine, don't worry about me. Very well, you know best, says Carolyn, and leaves. Maggie, seemingly puzzled, wishes her good night and closes the doors. Barnabas comes out of hiding. A dog howls as Barnabas gazes up at the full moon.

3:15 AM - Maggie lies asleep in her bed. A bat comes to her window, squeaking noisily, then turns into Barnabas. He stares longingly at Maggie, standing between the curtains, then walks forward.
Fangs bared he goes in for the attack.

NOTES: Poor Barnabas, no matter how many ladies he has in his life, there's always someone there to remind him of his lost love, Josette, and he wants to possess her in the only way he can--via the blood bond.

Back in the bad old days of RT, Willie was the subject of many a beating from Barnabas' cane; it became dubbed the "Willie beater" after a while. It was really creepy to see Barnabas reverting not just to his violent ways, but to see the blood-lust coming on him so strongly, he couldn't muster up the willpower to keep away from the Josette lookalike. This is more like the cruel, take-no-prisoners Barnabas who originally came to RT Collinwood, and it's always fun to see glimpses of him.

Whew, fortunately for Angelique and her plans, Quentin has apparently fully recovered. I guess it took his heart time to heal from the affects of the "pinning."

Good to see Maggie and Quentin back together, even if we know Angelique plans to blow their marriage apart ASAP. They reconciled so easily, it's hard to believe Maggie was considering asking for a divorce just yesterday. Poor Barnabas, forced to listen and watch to the two of them hug, smooch and say endearments to each other, while he's lusting for the new bride himself. Barnabas, don't wreck PT the way you sometimes do RT! Keep those fangs to yourself!

I think we'll soon be seeing Thayer David return in yet another fascinating character, totally different from what we've seen before.  He's always enjoyable to watch, but this one is really, well, interesting. Unfortunately, that means we never again see Aunt Hannah, and no explanation as to where she went.

How quickly Will figured out why Barnabas wanted to be kept from leaving the secret room, but what about subsequent nights--or might the blood lust not be as strong then? How could Barnabas really believe Will could prevent his leaving? Not only did Will fail, he got beaten for his attempt. Proves you just can't win with Barnabas!

Love, Robin