Author Topic: BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!  (Read 3422 times)

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2003, 03:42:49 AM »
I've never actually seen the movie version of "Harvest Home"....despite the fact that I re-read my 30-year-old copy of the book once a year, ritually.

On the other hand, I thought the movie version of "The Other" was excellent....but I've never read the book..... ???

I've mentioned "The Other" on this board on a number of occasions, and you are the first to ever acknowledge it, so I can only assume that you and I are the only two people here ever to have seen the movie, Raineypark!

I read the book in junior high, and as I remember the movie was nearly as good.  I mean, the movie is very good, having seen it for the first time in 20 years on AMC a couple of years ago.  (Do not pay attention to imdb posters who refer to "The Other" as having been a made-for-TV movie; it wasn't -- nor was my other favorite chiller (filmed near my home growing up) "You'll Like My Mother", despite ill-informed posters on imdb.  You'd think they'd be able to tell the difference or at least double-check their "facts."   [rleyeg]  Seems odd that the same designation is accorded to two very well-made suspense thrillers.  Not to mention the clueless wonders who think that "The Other" is supernatural   ::)  [8311])

"Harvest Home," on the other hand, was a made-for-TV movie.  Was "Burnt Offerings"?  :)
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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2003, 04:01:24 AM »
Karen Black discussed Bette Davis on the commentary track but had nothing but nice things to say about her, so I think the rumors of them feuding are entirely false. Black talked about how in awe she was of Davis and how shw found it hard to concentrate in one scene because she was so enthralled watching Davis perform. I believe Black was totally sincere.

I'm sure Karen Black, of whom I am a fan, was being sincere.  I suspect that Bette Davis' "feuds" were probably one-sided.  She seemed to have a fondness for trashing her young female co-stars on talk shows.

Karen Black appears in a making-of documentary on the DVD of FAMILY PLOT, and her interview segments are very entertaining.  I'm sure that her contributions to the commentary track on BURNT OFFERINGS will be just as enjoyable!



Offline Darren Gross

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2003, 04:54:49 AM »

You're friend is right- having a DVD player connected to your TV is an either/or position. You'd have to switch the cables each time to use the DVD player or simply buy a switcher which would allow you to just hit a switch and watch either, depending on your preference. I'm assuming your TV is a fairly basic set.

As for DVD recorders, they are already out- there's about a dozen different ones in the $599-$1000 range, but even so, you wouldn't want to use them as your regular player...that's not their specialty.

As for multi region discs, the Apex has been eclipsed in quality, first by the Malata and now the Cyberhome 500. The Apex has problems in playback with certain UK discs. Everyone seems to like the Cyberhome, as do I. It's cheap and does the job but it should in no way be your main player though. I got mine for $69 at best buy during the holidays, but you have to get them direct from the company now.

The Others scared the hell out of me as a kid- gave me unsettling nightmares while staying at my Aunt's house for the summer...I wouldn't dismiss comments about it being supernatural- that's one of the ambiguities built into the film, posing the question s it psychological or supernatural? It's open to debate, and that's the way they want it.

DARK SECRET OF HARVEST HOME was a 4hr miniseries about a family that moves into a town of pagan types. BURNT OFFERINGS is about a family staying at an evil summer house that absorbs the life from them in order to rejuvenate itself. It was a theatrical feature, not a TV movie.

Offline Raineypark

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2003, 02:50:41 PM »

DARK SECRET OF HARVEST HOME was a 4hr miniseries about a family that moves into a town of devil worshipping pagan types.

I dont' know what was portrayed in Dark Secret of Harvest Home as I have never seen it.  But the book "Harvest Home" portrayed Goddess worshipping women who engaged in ancient rituals to guarantee the Eternal Return.

The rituals would certainly be considered horrific by any measure, and the Goddess a particularly dark and dangerous one...but they were absolutely NOT engaging in  "Devil worship" as pagans do not believe in the Judeo-Christian concept of a Devil.

Say what you think of the film, by all means, Mr. Gross.....but please, be careful that you have your facts straight when you're talking about religious practices.

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Offline Darren Gross

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2003, 04:28:39 PM »
I almost wrote pagan as there is a distinctly Wicker Man feel to it and I believe the dark deeds are done to ensure crops and such, which would imply paganism, but I'm not 100%.

I was merely trying to give the equivalent of a TV Guide 1-sentence description in the hopes that it might instill a more distinctive memory of the miniseries in the poster above who asked.

No offense meant- I'm going by very vague memories and that's how it seemed to me, through the clouds of time.

I must say though that if I misremembered the pagans as devil worshippers than its because the film portrays them in a dark light, like the wicker man, as a bunch of manipulative, evil people who use human sacrifice to ensure their corn will grow...It doesn't match any pagans I know and if that's how they appeared to me than perhaps the film is to blame.

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The Dark Secret of Harvest Home on IMDb
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2003, 06:24:00 PM »
I'm sorry that I can't remember more about the DSHH miniseries, but the IMDb lists this at --

Plot Outline: A young couple moves to a quiet New England village, only to soon find themselves mixed up in devil worship, satanism and human sacrifice.

What a shame that the book was so perverted.

Offline Raineypark

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2003, 07:10:01 PM »
I wouldn't be surprised to find that the film wasn't perverted at all.....but rather that the plot outline as written is simply completely incorrect.

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2003, 07:20:21 PM »
Hi Raineypark, this is so weird... on another of my lists, we are currently discussing Harvest Home as well, as someone had a dream of the enactment of the Dionysiac Sacrifice last night--the beautiful young God torn into pieces by a horde of ecstatic women, then borne in solemn funeral procession through the fields and sown amongst the crops to revivify the Land.

Bear in mind that any time any mundane person sees an image of a Horned God, they think "Satan."  It does not matter that for thousands of years before mediaeval Christianity, horns represented authority and wisdom.

I also do not think that people who do not at least have some sort of basic emotional or psychic attunement to the Old Religion understand about the harvest sacrifices and the turning of the wheel of the year through ritual acts.  For instance, in the Wicker Man (I am finally supposed to see the restored version of that this weekend), according to what I recall of the film, the islanders did not feel they were being evil or manipulative.  They were doing what was necessary to ensure the survival of their own community and the fruitfulness of their Land.

I really pray that none of us has to experience the harsh realities of life in a subsistence society, but I wonder whether our continued trashing of the environment may not result in a time when we go to the supermarket and find the shelves bare.

Thoughtfully,  Gothick

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2003, 09:57:32 PM »
Very thoughtful indeed, Steve.

I never expect people who aren't Pagan to understand the concepts of Immanence as opposed to Transcendence, the Wheel of the Year as opposed to Linear time, or even the very simple Mother/Father nature of the dieties.  I don't expect it, don't lecture them about it....don't even bring it up most times.

But I NEVER, EVER allow the perverse Christian calumny of "devil worship" to pass.  It was the "justification" of the torture and murder of too many people to go unchallenged.

As for the sacrificing of human life in order to propitiate the gods.....well.....I think we've already soaked Mother Gaia with enough blood to satisfy THAT thirst for all eternity.

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Offline Luciaphile

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2003, 11:00:17 PM »
For instance, in the Wicker Man (I am finally supposed to see the restored version of that this weekend), according to what I recall of the film, the islanders did not feel they were being evil or manipulative.  They were doing what was necessary to ensure the survival of their own community and the fruitfulness of their Land.

Speaking of the Wicker Man, did you all hear? There's some sort of remake in the works. Not looking like a good thing. I heard something about Nicholas Cage being cast. Apparently because of that, in response, some of the people involved in the original production (Christopher Lee to name one) are going to make a sequel called "Riding the Laddie" starring Lee and Vanessa Redgrave.
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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2003, 11:06:06 PM »
Hi Luciaphil,

Yes, I heard about a proposed US remake of The Wicker Man starring Nicolas Cage.  It sounded like a revolting idea.  Hopefully, nothing ever came of it.

Plans were for Riding of the Laddie to be filmed last Autumn in the UK. I do not know whether this happened or not. It's been a year since the IMDB page on the film was last updated, but the concept sounded fabulous, and the idea of Lee and Redgrave chewing scenery in tandem is the sort of stuff of which my dreams are made.

Thanks for your great comments on Joan's dress today!


Offline Darren Gross

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2003, 12:38:05 AM »
This thread has gotten way off topic. How about starting a new thread for any further Dark Secret of Harvest Home comments.

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2003, 03:37:31 AM »
I've never actually seen the movie version of "Harvest Home"....despite the fact that I re-read my 30-year-old copy of the book once a year, ritually.

On the other hand, I thought the movie version of "The Other" was excellent....but I've never read the book..... ???

I highly recommend Burnt Offerings.  True it seems a little tame by today's standards but believe me, the acting is better and the filming is exquisite.  I wish we could have more movies with Karen Black.  She's great as the wife who slowly turns into something awful.  There are numerous sexual themes running through the entire movie.

Love the scenes with the chauffeur too! They were certainly spooky and you could feel the terror of the young boy during them. There is a particular scene of Oliver Reed and his young son in the swimming pool that is riveting!

As far as 'The Other'....I recommmend the one from around 1980(?)   It's about two twin boys.  There is a scene involving a baby that will leave you gasping.

'The Others' with Nicole Kidman was very good also  but 'The Other' is better in my opinion.
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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2003, 04:09:49 AM »
I wish we could have more movies with Karen Black.

I'm definitely in agreement with you. Ms. Black is a very busy actress these days but, unfortunately, she's been relegated to low-budget/direct-to-video productions that tend to be of the horror/suspense genre.  It's interesting to think that, back in the 1970s, she was one of the bigger stars in Hollywood.  She gave an Oscar-worthy performance in FIVE EASY PIECES, and was memorable in FAMILY PLOT, DAY OF THE LOCUST, and especially NASHVILLE (as country-western vixen Connie White).  I'm always hoping that she'll make a full-fledged comeback and be returned to her former A-list status.



Offline Philippe Cordier

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Re:BURNT OFFERINGS to be released on DVD in August with commentary!
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2003, 12:24:14 AM »

I highly recommend Burnt Offerings.  True it seems a little tame by today's standards but believe me, the acting is better and the filming is exquisite.  I wish we could have more movies with Karen Black.  She's great as the wife who slowly turns into something awful.  There are numerous sexual themes running through the entire movie.

Thanks for giving your recommendation and rundown on "Burnt Offerings."  You've nearly convinced me to buy the DVD (and hopefully someday I'll buy a DVD player)!

There is a particular scene of Oliver Reed and his young son in the swimming pool that is riveting!

Sounds like a great cast!  I remember Oliver Reed going back to his performance as Bill Sikes in "Oliver!" (Not that I knew who he was back then.)

As far as 'The Other'....I recommmend the one from around 1980(?)   It's about two twin boys.  There is a scene involving a baby that will leave you gasping

Yes, that's "The Other" I'm talking about.  The "twin boys" you mention were actually played by brothers (rather than having one child play both roles, a la Haley Mills in "The Parent Trap," Bette Davis in "Dead Ringer," etc.).  The casting of this movie overall was excellent, and the choice of using boys who looked like real boys and not Hollywood children (i.e., the monstrosities a la Spielberg or Stephen King TV movie adaptations), brought a grounding and realism to movie, along with its plain, country setting.

I do disagree with comments that the supernatural element was left ambiguous. There may have been a hint of a possible supernatural element early on in the book/movie, but other than the grandmother's Old World beliefs, the crux of the story is psychological/thriller, not horror/supernatural.

Sorry for going off-topic.

My curiosity is up regarding "Burnt Offerings"!

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