Author Topic: Robservations 4/2/03 - #874-875 - Beth's Realization; Beth's Mistake  (Read 1370 times)

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874 - The face in Quentin's portrait is really deteriorating, isn't it?

Mill - Hearing Josette's music playing, Kitty tells Petofi, I first came here in 1795 with my father and Aunt Natalie, to marry Barnabas, and brought my servant, Angelique, with me--that's why she frightened me so much--what is she doing here? She babbles on. Petofi gazes at the hand which wrought all this and comments, "Many inexplicable things are happening here tonight."  He moves to leave.  Kitty begs him--I must decide what to do!  Please wait here, he says, I'll return. I'm afraid to stay here knowing I am two people, possesses the memory of a woman who's dead, protests Kitty.

"How embarrassing this must be for you, Count Petofi," remarks Barnabas, clearly delighted. Quentin doesn't understand--you're not human--that's why the power didn't work, because of the supernatural trickery you and Angelique used to enable you to stand here. How fascinating, says Barn, smiling, that your celebrated hand does have its limitations. There are still ways to defeat you, says Q, and I'll find them--I had other powers before I acquired this hand, and I can still force you to bring me the portrait. Not until I find it myself, says Barn--I'm leaving you now, with much to think about. Quentin gazes after him with hatred, and at his hand with equal disgust.

Kitty asks herself, how can I return to Collinwood knowing part of me wants to see Barnabas? (which part?) That some part of me loves him?  Edward? What of my plans? Why did this have to happen, and how can I end it? She sees a letter opener lying on a table and takes it into her hand, intending to kill herself.  No, she admonishes herself, no.  She puts it down and leaves the mill.

Collinwood - We see Barnabas' portrait. Charity comes downstairs to a knock at the door-- Petofi, who brushes right past her, calling for Barnabas--is he here?--I must see him.  Charity looks at him in wonder, then drags him into the drawing room. Where is he? asks Petofi. I know who you are--you're Quentin! she cries. How did you know? he asks. I'm not, she says, but as soon as I saw the other one, I knew it wasn't Quentin--it's strange, looking at your eyes, seeing the real Quentin behind the glasses--oh, my poor love!  She hugs him and promises to do something--everyone will know, not just me. He warns her (calling her Pansy) not to do anything now. But Petofi is planning something, says Charity, I know--and he's a mean one. Something has happened, he says--don't tell anyone until I have a chance to talk to Barnabas--I'm so grateful, he says, that you realize who I am. Barnabas enters.  Petofi asks Charity, leave us. Come to me later, and explain, she asks.  I will, he promises. Barnabas closes the doors and tells QIPB, I have lost the portrait, but more importantly, he's lost the power of the hand. It's here, says Q, I don't understand it or feel different, but the power is here--Kitty came to see me at the mill--she wanted my help...

Kitty enters Josette's room at the Old House. Her room--my room? Is this where it's to end, she wonders. Look at my picture, bids the woman in the portrait. NO! cries Kitty, not yet!

So Lady Kitty knows now? asks Barnabas, glad to hear this news. Petofi nods.  "I must go and find her," says Barn, but QIPB stops him--what about Petofi? Hide in the rectory, advises Barn, it's just possible he may use some incantation to take the power away, don't let him see you.  QIPB holds out the hand and says, I'm certain this will help me.
Possibly, agrees Barn, but the change of power might only be temporary, we can't tell--I can't go with you, I'm sorry, but I must go to Kitty--I fear for her, knowing what she knows, but as soon as I find her, I'll come back--beware of Petofi!

In Q's room, Beth asks, what's wrong? He's holding his hand in a limp, lifeless way. Nothing, he says, but she knows something is--let me help you!  You can't help me, he says, you brought me back from the future to face this, he accuses. Face what? she asks. Get out! he orders--now,  this instant--go! She leaves without a word. He's angry, wondering if the trip through time lost him his can't be gone, try again and see, on some mortal it worked on before--Charity Trask, whom I possessed with Pansy Faye--yes! He leaves the room.

Quentin hustles Charity into his room, fighting him every step of the way--I don't want to come in here!  He locks the door, warning her, don't cause me anymore trouble. I'll scream! She threatens.  It will be the last sound you ever make, he threatens. What do you want from me now? she demands.  I'm doing you a favor, he says.  She shakes her head--you don't do people favors!  He grins--I'm going to do both of us a favor--look at my hand!  She refuses. He commands her again; she turns and looks at it. Quentin didn't have evil in his hand, she says, but YOU do. Do you see evil in the hand? he asks. I know it's there, she replies. You're right, he says, I'm not Quentin. I know that! says Charity.  And you will forget that, he says--Charity. Don't call me that! she blares. I will return you to being Charity Trask, he says, holding the hand out towards her--the memory of Pansy Faye will be gone, you will not remember her voice or any of her memories, you will be as you were when you first came here to live, the minister's daughter, Charity Trask. He laughs--Pansy, begone from this body and back to the grave--I who called you here, made you rise, sends you back now, forever to rest in peace. He touches Charity's face...

Josette's room -  Do not despair or fight, Josette tells Kitty--no, I mean you no harm--"Let me live through you, Kitty!"

Quentin removes his hand from Charity's face and says, you she can leave now. "What are you trying to do to me?" she demands, the Cockney accent still in full sway. Q is horrified--it didn't work!--no, he gasps, no! It makes a girl feel all creepy having all that hocus pocus done to her,  complain Charity. It can't be, says Quentin, shaking his head--leave me alone, I'm going to the mill. He leaves. A puzzled Charity says, he seemed so different--again...  Beth comes in and asks her where Quentin is going--what's wrong with him? He's in the wrong body, answers Charity--how could you allow yourself to be so fooled?--not even know your own man--doesn't he seem different to you? He's just upset, says Beth defensively, that's all. Of course--Count Petofi is always upset when he doesn't get his own way, says Charity--the real Quentin would go off and have another brandy! Do you honestly believe, asks Beth, smiling, that the man who just left here is Count Petofi? I've got second sight, Beth, Charity reminds her--you'd better believe me! Beth frowns--I don't!  "There's a little temptation to, ain't there?" asks Charity.  No, says Beth, none--he's done some strange things recently, but that's the only reason I'd even consider it. Charity asks, do you want to find out, once and for all?--there's a way, and it just came to me--do you want to try it before you go on being fooled any longer?
Beth reluctantly asks for the way. Charity smiles...

Josette's room - The music plays.  Kitty stares up at the painting, entranced. Barnabas enters and closes the door. I know what's happened, he says. Do you? she asks--I don't think you, or anyone, can--"Kitty Soames calls you Mr. Collins and tells you to leave the room; Josette..." Barnabas finishes, "Josette calls me Barnabas and wants me to stay. Don't be afraid," he says.  I am, says Kitty, more afraid than I ever have been in my life--I've been standing in this room, staring at the portrait, knowing if I allow it--if I become her...  "If you become her, you will be happy!" promises Barnabas.  No, objects Kitty.  You will be, he assures her. "The day that I become Josette duPres, forget Kitty Soames, something terrible will happen, I know it," says Kitty You can't know it, he says. I know everything Josette knew, she says--there was no picture in London, was there, Barnabas--you did not fall in love with a portrait. No, he admits, I fell in love with a woman. A woman who lived 100 years ago, she reminds him--how can I accept that? "I want you to accept that," he says gently. We focus in close-up on Josette's portrait; the music plays. "Yes," says Kitty, back under the spell, "yes, you are my love--but alive!" Oh, Josette, he murmurs.
"You've changed--able to live during the day, but alive!" she exults, then reverts back to being Kitty--"The man that I met, the man Kitty Soames met the first night at Collinwood--I met you in the forest and you started all this!"  By living! he says. "By the chance that I came here!" she cries. "I would have found you," he counters. Becoming Josette again, she says dreamily, "Yes, yes, you would have found me!" Kitty: "OH, WHAT AM I SAYING, I CAN'T BEAR IT!" She covers her face and tries to flee, but he grabs her, not letting her go. I must leave Collinwood! sobs Kitty, now!  That won't stop it, he insists, detaining her--"You'll come back to me!" Please, she begs, but he refuses to release her. He holds her close, his hand on her hair, calming her down.  She leans against him, once more Josette. "At last," she says, "I do remember what it was like, being in your arms--I don't care who we are, or what we are, we must be happy, we must." They kiss.

Mill - PIQB flexes his useless hand, wondering where Quentin is, and why he hasn't come--has the power gone to HIS hand; why has it simply disappeared? Beth comes downstairs.  Charity said I'd find you here, she says--good news, there's no need to fear Count Petofi anymore--the gypsies are about to catch up to him again. This greatly upsets Quentin.  Beth notes his extreme reaction and adds, "They arrived at the Collinwood estate a few minutes ago." That means they'll be coming here, he frets--someone is bound to tell them about this place--I must get out. Why? she asks, you aren't afraid, are you?  Of course not, he says, I just don't want to be here when they come around. I see, she says. Look at me, he says. She does, reluctantly.  Has something  happened to make you feel differently toward me? he asks.  No, she assures him, nothing has changed--"I still love you very much." She presses her head against his lips, hands on his chest. He holds her.  You're a good girl, he praises--I'll see you back at Collinwood.
He races off.  Beth, her face filled with revulsion and fear, realizes, "My God, it's true, he IS Petofi!"

NOTES: Great performances today, by pretty much everyone. KLS' vacillating back and forth between Kitty and Josette was especially good, and that was such a romantic scene between her and Barnabas, especially at the end.

Nancy Barrett was her usual superb self as Charity/Pansy, as was Selby in his role of the now-terrified Count P.

How close Petofi came to getting where he wanted to go, but would he have had the power of his hand once he got there? Perhaps not!

The dance scene in Charity's dream was cut to ribbons, if you want to see the whole thing (and it's really romantic), check out the DS music video tape.

Now that Beth knows for sure who is who, what will happen next? Will Kitty end up permanently as Josette? Now that the hand has gone back to it's original body, what about the rest of it? How long will it take?

875 - Petofi's mind in Quentin's body, Beth muses, panic-stricken--soon he'll find out I know about it, and kill me!  I can't go to Collinwood, there must be someone in Collinsport...but even if there is, they'll think me crazy! No, wait, there's Tim Shaw--he knows about Petofi and how much power he has, Tim Shaw is my only hope!  She hurries from the mill.

Tim reads a book in his room. Beth knocks, and enters, hysterical--I need your help! she begs--I don't know you well enough to ask a favor, but my life is in danger, and I need your help. He encourages her to sit down and calm down.  Beth insists, I must leave town ASAP. He's puzzled--why? I don't know how to tell you, she says, it's so unbelievable, but you must believe it. Begin at the beginning, he advises.
She explains about the mind/body switch between Quentin and Petofi--I know it's difficult to understand, but Petofi wanted a way to the future, and once he learned Quentin would be alive in 1969, he knew he could get away from his enemies if he switched minds with Quentin--and that's exactly what he's done--when he finds out I know about it, he's going to kill me--you must believe me, Petofi is so powerful. I know about Petofi's talents, says Tim. (These two were having problems remembering their dialogue.) You think I'm crazy, says Beth. No, Tim assures her. How else can I prove it to you? she wonders.  You don't have to prove it to me, says Tim. Yes I do, she sobs--you're just humoring me. I want to help you, says Tim, if you will just tell me what you want me to do. There's no way you can help me if you go on thinking I'm insane! she wails. An idea comes to her--there IS something I can do to prove it to you--go find Petofi and bring him here--when he tells you that he is really Quentin, just as I told you--Tim, please, go find and talk to him, that's all I ask, Beth implores. I'll go, he agrees--you stay here and wait for me--don't worry about anything at all. I can't help it, she cries, I'm so frightened--if Petofi finds out, he'll kill me. That won't happen, Tim assures her, you are to stay in this room until I return. I promise, she says--I have no where else to go--I'm depending on you, you're my only hope. He squeezes her hand, looks reassuringly into her eyes and leaves. Beth sits down, clearly in a dither.

Mill - Petofi opens the magic cupboard and rummages through it.  Barnabas, coming downstairs, remarks, you'd make an excellent assassination target--I thought we'd decided it was too dangerous for you to come here. One place is as safe as another, says Petofi.  I have learned nothing about the portrait, says Barnabas.  I was so busy thinking of Petofi, I had no time to find it, either, admits Petofi.  You still shouldn't have risked coming here! chastises Barnabas.  QIPB explains, I had to--all Petofi's belongings are here, and I was wondering how he was able to work the mind switch--the answer must be here, and I want to transfer both minds back to their rightful bodies--stay and help me, suggests Petofi, since I won't leave until I find what I'm looking for.

Barnabas, tired, looks through a book--I haven't found anything useful, he says. There must be a clue somewhere, insists Petofi. Perhaps, says Barn, we've made a mistake looking for a clue--my guess is what we are looking for doesn't exist--perhaps he did it through his own willpower. The power of his mind was greater? asks Petofi. Exactly, says Barn, and if he could do it, perhaps you can, too. Insane, pronounces Petofi. No, says Barn, there's one factor that we haven't yet taken into consideration--the hand, and the power of it has gravitated to you--now you might be able to use its power on HIM.  I'm not sure how to begin, says Petofi--even if I did, I'd never succeed.  Try, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, says Barn--where was Petofi just before the mind switch? Here, in this back room, says Q, because that's where I woke up. "Then that's where you're going now," says Barnabas. Exactly what do you want me to do? asks Petofi. Go into that room and concentrate until you put yourself into a trance, says Barn, you must try to concentrate and use your willpower and reach him with your own. Very well, says Petofi, I'll try it. I will stand in the doorway and watch you, says Barnabas. It may be dangerous, warns Petofi, because if I succeed, Petofi's mind will return to this body, whether I succeed or not, at the first sign the trance has ended, you must get out.
Don't worry, I will, promises Barn. Petofi enters the room and sits in the chair. He leans back and concentrates...

Collinsport Inn - Beth sleeps on a sofa, dreaming about Quentin and Petofi telling her things they said in the past--we're going to be together again, just the two of us...he is Count Petofi and I am Quentin, you must believe me...the voices war back and forth, Quentin's and Petofi's--just you and me, Beth, you and me...  She feels a hand on her shoulder and looks up to see Tim.  Don't be frightened, he says, it's only me. She sits up and says, I was having a terrible dream about that first night. She notices Tim came back alone.  Everything will be all right, he says. But you promised to help me! protests Beth. That's exactly what I have done, he says--sit and try to be calm. He opens the door.  Beth gasps--it's Quentin, who gazes balefully at her as she shakes her head in fear.

Terrified, Beth looks at Quentin.  He stares back, cold. No one will hurt you, he assures her, no need to be frightened. You betrayed me, Tim, accuses Beth, you promised to help me. (should have consulted Rachel's ghost about Tim's lack of trustworthiness)  That's exactly what he's done, says Q--and now, my dear, I'm going to help you, too. He approaches her.  Don't touch me! cries Beth.  He wants to take you back to Collinwood so you can be cared for, says Tim. Stop talking to me like I'm crazy, cries Beth, I'm not, I told you the truth!  I'm sorry you're being subjected to this, Quentin says, if only I'd known...  It's all right, says Tim--I just want you to take good care of her. "Oh, I will, believe me," says Q--I'm going to take her back to Collinwood, and she'll make things much easier by cooperating. His eyes glitter.

Petofi concentrates as Barnabas watches over him.

Quentin assures a hyperventilating Beth, I'm not going to hurt you. don't let him take me! she implores Tim--he's going to kill me--don't you understand?--he is Count Petofi, and his mind is in Quentin's body! Quentin moves to grab her, but Beth pulls away, still pleading for Tim's help--don't just stand there and let him take me, help me! she sobs. Quentin places comforting hands on Beth's shoulders as she cries, assuring her everything will be OK in a little while. Are you sure he can make it back to Collinwood all right? asks Tim.  Yes, answers Quentin over Beth's crying.  Thanks for coming to me with this, says Quentin.  What else could I do? asks Tim--her story was so...fantastic? (Believe her, you idiot!)  It will never happen again, promises Quentin, who feels suddenly dizzy. Sit down and catch your breath, urges Tim.  Beth, released from his grasp, takes the opportunity to close the door and run off. She's getting away! says Q.  You can't go after her in your condition, argues Tim. Quentin darts for the door--she's dangerous and--I've got to catch her! he says, soon long gone.  Tim is concerned.

Barnabas looks closely at Petofi's face. His eyes are closed as he concentrates hard on the task at hand. Beth runs through the woods, Quentin not far behind. He suddenly collapses, another dizzy spell overtaking him. Beth goes to Widows' Hill. The ocean roars.

Barnabas watches the concentrating Petofi, who writhes and moans in the chair. Nervous, Barnabas exits--the switch must be taking place!  Suddenly, Petofi screams, loudly, hideously.
So does Quentin, lying in the woods, who grabs his head and realizes he is back in his own body.  We hear his music and know what's happened--he's back in his own body.  Delighted, Quentin knows it worked--I'm myself again and have defeated Count Petofi--I must find Barnabas and tell him. He turns to go, but, hearing the crackling of leaves, turns back. Beth is sitting on a rock on Widows' Hill. She stands when she sees Quentin, who asks, what are you doing here?  Wide-eyed, she gazes at him--don't come near me! she says.  Something's happened--I'm the real Quentin, he assures her.
"You are Count Petofi," she accuses. No, he says, my mind has been restored! He moves closer to her.  Beth backs away, not believing him. It just happened a few minutes ago! he says. You can't trick me again! cries Beth, continuing to back away from him--I hate you!  Please, Beth, listen to me! he pleads.  She nearly tumbles backward over the cliff, so close is she to the edge...horrified, she stares down at the crashing waves, her mouth hanging open in terror...

NOTES: Oh, those screams when Petofi and Quentin returned to their rightful bodies! Was there such a racket when it happened the reverse way? I don't think so.

Is Beth a goner? Will she pull a Josette and tumble down Widows' Hill?  Or will Quentin be able to help her? It's a shame Tim didn't even try to believe and accept what she was telling him, as ridiculous as what she said sounded, it makes plausible sense to anyone who knows Petofi and how scared he is of the gypsies. It was really scary when PIQB was trying to take Beth with him, because you know she'd have been dead meat then and there, once her captor got her away from Tim. Would he have believed her more if she ended up dead in an alley near the Inn?

Sad, exciting!  Are we going to lose yet another character in the next ep?

Love, Robin

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Re:Robservations 4/2/03 - #874-875 - Beth's Realization; Beth's Mistake
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2003, 11:46:02 PM »
I was pleasantly surprised to see that Pansy has moved beyond her early superficiality.  Considering that she had initially been drawn to Collinwood largely by hints of Carl's alleged wealth, it was gladdening to see how warmly she greeted the real Quentin today.  She seemed honestly happy to see him, and not dismayed by his situation and appearance.  Unlike Angelique, Pansy appears to be genuinely attached to Quentin.  I've really developed more respect for her, especially since she's teamed up with Judith.

In fact Pansy's character has come a long way in recent episodes.  Instead of the irritating, jealous, and murderous opportunist present in the first stages of the possession, Pansy is showing herself to be generous, independent, and even courageous.  I admit that the character grated on my nerves in the beginning, but when Petofi lowered his hand after attempting to restore Charity's original personality and she spoke in that familiar, high-pitched Cockney accent, I was delighted to see that she was still around.  Pansy has more roles to play before 1897 is over, and she will prove her good qualities in those cases too.
