Author Topic: Robservations 3/5/03 - #838-839 - Julia, Prisoner of Petofi!  (Read 1435 times)

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Robservations 3/5/03 - #838-839 - Julia, Prisoner of Petofi!
« on: March 04, 2003, 09:39:03 PM »
838 - Angelique's intro tells us that Quentin avoids contact with other human beings--only six more hours remain to this day.  He has locked himself in his room, waiting for either salvation or death.  Six more hours, thinks Quentin, it can't happen, Jamison would never turn me away--and who would try to kill me tonight?   Petofi knocks at his door.  Of course, Quentin figures, HE could be the executioner.  Petofi continues to knock--I must speak to you, he insists, you must let me in.  Quentin walks further away from the door, trying to decide.  We see a close-up of an 1897 calendar, homing in on September 10th.

Quentin nervously licks his lips, wondering, is it safe to let Petofi in?  It's imperative you open the door, says the Count.  Quentin walks slowly toward the door and, without opening it, asks, what do you want?  Petofi explains--Charity came to me several hours ago--she said she had a vision in which she foresaw you dying before the end of the day.  Are you really surprised by what she told me? asks Quentin.  I was, indeed, says Petofi--I want to guide you safely through this dangerous night.  This gives Quentin a sick chuckle--YOU guide me safely?--how to I know you aren't my killer?  I wouldn't harm you, Petofi assures him.  I'll believe that, says Quentin--tomorrow!  Do you refuse my help? Asks Petofi  I'm safe in my room, behind a locked door, says Quentin.  See that you stay there until after midnight, advises Petofi--good luck.  Thanks for the concern, says Quentin sarcastically.  Petofi exits Quentin's living quarters.  Jamison watches him go, then enters the outer room himself and knocks at Quentin's door.  It won't do you any good; Petofi, cautions Quentin, I'm not opening the door.  "Quentin, it's Jamison, let me in," says the boy.  Quentin opens the door (idiot!), lets his nephew in, then closes it.  Thank you, says Jamison, for helping me get better--I haven't spoken to you since I was ill (?)  You don't have to thank me, says Q, I'd never let anything happen to you.  He kneels so he and Jamison are eye to eye--do you know that? he asks.  Of course, says Jamison--we're best friends--I've missed seeing you, you've spent so much time away from Collinwood--why?  Lots of reasons, says Quentin--after tonight, I'd like to spend more time at Collinwood--and with you.  Jamison, delighted, says, I'd love that!  This pleases Quentin.  Is something  wrong? asks the boy--the way you were, you didn't seem yourself.  I haven't been, for a few days, admits Quentin--I've been thinking about the long hikes we took, the games we played, how we used to pretend to be two different people--do you remember? Of course I do, says Jamison--they were such happy times.  Quentin is relieved to hear him speak this way.  Why can't it be that way again? Jamison asks.  You'd really like that, wouldn't you? asks Quentin.  Of course I would, replies Jamison.
Maybe it will be, after tonight, promises Q, kneeling and holding Jamison in his hands.  Quentin stands, pinches his nephew's cheek, and says, You've made me feel better already--I don't feel like being cooped up any longer.  Together, they leave.  (OH, NO!)

It's 8 PM.  Quentin heads downstairs, a spring in his step.  Beth joins him--where have you been? she asks.  I was working in my room, he says.  (uh oh, deja vu, folks!)  Every time I want to see you, you've been busy, complains Beth--I just want to know why you've been ignoring me.  I've been really busy, he answers evasively, but doesn't look at her--family affairs have been taking up all of my time.  Beth doesn't understand--you didn't used to concern yourself about such things.  As in the ghost-Beth's explanation to Julia, Quentin angrily retorts--it's happening now, and I don't see why you can't understand that--I'm still a Collins.  That wasn't what I meant! protests Beth.  I don't care what you mean, he retorts.  Beth is hurt.  I don't want to talk about it, he says, I can't--and he goes upstairs.  Angelique opens the double doors and asks Beth into the drawing room for a "frank conversation."  Once inside, Angelique breaks Beth's heart by telling her, "I am engaged to Quentin."
The scene plays out exactly as the ghostly Beth related to Julia--Beth runs from the room, sobbing; Angelique declares that you'll get over it in time, everyone does.  It's 8:10.

10:10 - Beth, looking sad and miserable, sits in her room with the bottle labeled POISON.  The same scene plays out (two for one, Curtis obviously used the same exact scenes in both episodes).  Jamison comes to her room, shows her the puzzle, and figures out she is going to take poison because of Quentin's betrayal and engagement to Angelique.  He makes her promise not to take the poison, takes her hand and assures her he'll come back later--"There's something I must do."  Beth withdraws a handkerchief from her dresser to wipe her eyes and comes across the gun.

Angelique and Quentin play out their scene--she reveals that she told Beth where she stood, believing it her duty, and the two of are caught by Jamison in mid kiss.  He demands to speak to Quentin.  When Angelique leaves the room, they have the fight about Quentin's engagement to Angelique.  Jamison can't understand why his uncle is marrying someone else when he claims to love Beth, and reveals the lather's intention to kill herself.  Quentin explains he's too young to understand--it's a grown-up thing.  All I understand, says Jamison, is that you have hurt someone I love--I don't want to speak to you anymore, nor see you, or have anything to do with you--"I HATE YOU, QUENTIN!" he screams, perhaps sealing his uncle's fate.  I did it for you! Quentin yells after him, to save your life--"I loved you, Jamison," says Quentin, looking at the chiming clock.  It's 9 PM, and he's been rejected by the one person he truly loves.  Quentin, terrified, locks himself in the drawing room.

Beth rises from her bed and takes the gun in her hand.  She hides it under her shawl, a determined look on her face.

Quentin paces the drawing room and hears the clock chime midnight.  It's over, he tells himself, relieved.  He hears Beth knock at the door and eagerly lets her in.  The clock is just chiming midnight as he says, I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt you, I tried to tell you, but couldn't find the strength.  He takes her in his arms, explaining gently, I didn't have any other choice.  "Forgive me, Beth," he says, holding her close.  "Forgive me."  He realizes that she's pointing something at him and quickly releases her, backing away in horror as he sees the gun.  "It's you!" he says.  "No!"

You don't know what you're doing! Insists Quentin desperately.  Yes, I do, she says angrily--I almost killed myself because of you, but now I have to save myself--as long as you're alive, I'll love you, I can't help myself, but I can't accept seeing you with another woman!  This isn't the answer, he says.  It's the answer for ME, counters Beth.
--I'm thinking like you now, I'm going to just look after myself and do what's best for me.  She's just about to shoot him when Petofi, standing in the doorway, demands, Beth give me the pistol.  No, says Beth petulantly.  He reaches out his deformed but powerful hand and takes the gun from Beth.  She retreats to a chair, crying.  "Well, my boy," says Petofi, "are you ready to trust Petofi now?"  I never dreamed it would be her, says Quentin ruefully.  Considering the number of women you've scorned, says Petofi, it's incredible this hasn't happened before--go to your room and pour yourself a drink--I'll be with you after I attend to Miss Chavez.  Quentin leaves.  Petofi goes to the crying Beth--leave Collinwood as soon as possible, he advises--your part in this drama has been played out, and it would be most unwise for you to stay any longer.  He leaves.  Beth cries hysterically, unable to believe her love for Quentin has come to this.

Quentin, in his room, pours himself a drink.  He invites Petofi in when he knocks, and thanks the Count for saving his life.  "Your life was never really in danger, once I decided to change your fate," says Petofi.  Why did you? asks Quentin.  I already told you, I like you, says Petofi and now I've come to ask for my price--to perform a very great service for me--since Barnabas is such a great friend of yours, I want you to find out how he came to 1897 from the future, and how he intends to return--he can't know you are doing this for me.  In other words, you want me to become an informer--no, says Quentin.  You can refuse me nothing now, says Petofi.  If it's payment you want for saving my life, says Q, I'll do whatever I think is reasonable.  You'll do whatever I tell you, insists Petofi--you don't understand the extent of my influence on your life--if not for me, you'd have been prowling the woods last night, looking for another victim--I prevented that, doing what no other living soul could ever do--I ended your curse.  I don't believe that, says Quentin.  Then why didn't you change last night? queries Petofi.  I don't know, admits Quentin.  Didn't things become clearer when you came home and saw your portrait last night? asks the Count  That portrait wasn't of me, says Q..
It was, says Petofi--it had the face of the werewolf because the moon was full.  "You mean..." asks Quentin.  Look at your portrait now, advises Petofi, see what I mean.  Quentin turns and takes out the portrait in his closet, which now looks like his normal self.  "The portrait changed, Quentin, and you did not," explains Petofi--"What would you give if you could always look as that portrait looks now?"  Anything, says Q.  "And so it shall be," says Petofi.  "You'll find the betrayal of a friend is a small price to pay for what I can offer you--you're impressed, I can see it--you've decided to join me and betray Barnabas Collins--and a very wise decision it is, too--yes, my dear boy, now you belong to Petofi, and who knows, perhaps to the ages!"

NOTES:  Talk about a devil's bargain, whoa, baby, which way will Quentin go with this one?  It's true, Petofi has saved his life and lifted his curse, giving him immortality in the bargain, but will the new, improved Quentin really accept Petofi as lord and master?  Stay tuned.

I wondered why Barnabas wasn't with Quentin during this all-important evening, but I assume he was with Julia.  You would think he would have at least sent Magda to check and see what's going on and report back to him, but his influence was no where in sight.  Excellent scenes between Thayer David and David Selby, and between David Henesy and Selby.

839 - Quentin stands outside the rectory, thinking to himself, "That's where Barnabas is--where he waits for me--can I betray him?  A wolf howls.  What if I don't?  Petofi...I'll leave Collinwood, he'll never find me, all will be different, and Barnabas safe.  And I, what will I, Quentin, be?  He hears a rustling in the woods and looks away.

Quentin looks up and sees a hideous wolf's head staring back at him.  It disappears, but--I know I must do it, I must!  He goes on.

Barnabas rubs his hands together nervously.  Julia lies in bed.  He calls to her--surely you remember me, Barnabas, he reminds her.  She opens her eyes, but still looks blank.  He shows her the letter he wrote her--surely you remember finding it--you had it with you when they found you outside Collinwood--you came back in time to help me, you must try.  She touches the letter and says, "The letter."  You read this in the future, he says, and now you're back in 1897.  The clock strikes one.  Julia says, "One o'clock."  This September 10th is past, Barnabas tells her.  David, she murmurs, upset.  What about him? asks Barnabas, begging her, try to remember.  Barnabas hears Quentin call him.  Come upstairs! he yells.  "Thank God you're alive," says Barn.  Quentin indicates Julia and asks if she's out of it yet.  No, says Barnabas.  Charity was right, says Q, Beth tried to kill me--I deserved it, I couldn't explain that while I have no feelings for Angelique, I must marry her.  What stopped Beth from killing you? asks Barnabas.  Petofi, says Quentin, he just happened to come into the drawing room at the right time.  Do you feel grateful to him? asks Barnabas.  I'd be grateful to anyone who did that, says Q.  He isn't anyone, Barnabas reminds him--nor has he done anything FOR anyone, without expecting something in return--come to me if he makes any demands on you, says Barnabas.  I will, Quentin assures him.  Are you sure? asks Barn.  Of course, says Q, why wouldn't I be?  Julia stirs, moaning.  Barnabas goes over to her.  Quentin is all right, Barnabas says--do you understand?  Julia begins to cry.  Quentin asks why.  Oh, no the wreath on the door, mutters Julia--Elizabeth, Carolyn, don't cry, Carolyn, don't cry.  Barnabas asks, why is Carolyn crying?  Don't run out of the room, Carolyn, begs Julia, stay, Elizabeth, Roger...  Barnabas tells Quentin--Julia is watching the family in the future, watching them this very minute--she is caught in time, trapped between two worlds, she isn't able to see or do anything about what's happening--tell us what you're seeing, Julia!  The door...the door with the funeral wreath, mutters Julia. . .Roger...  We see a funeral wreath hanging on a door, Roger with tears in his eyes.  He enters the room where David is laid out--David is dead.  David is dead! repeats Barnabas.  Roger stands looking at his dead son.  "You did not want to go with Quentin," says Roger, "I know that, David.  A part of you that you still controlled wanted to stay with us, but he was too strong, his power was too great, my son.  Now you have joined him--may you have peace at last--may you BOTH have peace."  Roger starts to walk away, covering his face with his hand in sorrow.  David's hand drops from his chest--he awakens!  Roger turns.  David calls to his father--what am I doing here like this? Asks the boy.  Roger holds him.  "Oh, my son, oh thank God!" he cries.
"They're gone," says David, "Quentin and Beth have gone, forever!  I was with them!"  Julia rises from the pillow, laughing, repeating, "David is all right!"  Barnabas is relieved.  Quentin asks what it means--"Quentin is gone, what does that mean?  What?"

You must tell me, demands Quentin.  Julia calls Barnabas.  He goes to her, assuring her everything is all right--"You're here with us in the past."  Julia looks around, asking if it's the 10th of September.  He's saved, Barnabas assures her, this is Quentin, and he's no ghost.
Julia stares nervously at Q, he looks back.  You look the same, she says, but there's no evil in your face.  "You saw me in the year you came from?" asks Quentin disbelievingly.  Yes, she says, you were with David just before...  David's all right, says Q quickly--you told us that.  Barnabas nods.  How can we believe you? asks Quentin, no one can come back to life (considering Quentin himself did, when resurrected from zombiehood by Angelique, this is NOT something Quentin would say).   Someone could, says Barnabas, if the reason for David's death was eliminated--since you didn't die, there is no ghost, David was never possessed.  I can't live from now until then, protests Q.  How do you know you won't? asks Barn--and even if you should die, you will not have the obsession with David you had.  Why DID I have it? demands Q.  What happened yesterday with Jamison? asks Barnabas--tell me!  Quentin looks evasive.  Did he reject you, Quentin? queries Barn.  Yes, admits Q.  And what are you going to do about it today?  Make him change his mind, says Q defiantly--I'll do anything, I've got to make him understand.  If you'd died last night, says Barnabas, you wouldn't have been able to make that effort, even beyond the grave, you would not have rested, would always have wanted Jamison's love and approval--when you saw David, he was Jamison's reincarnation for you.  Then that means, says Q, I have what no other man has ever had--a second chance.  See that you take it, Quentin, advises Barnabas.  Why did Beth's ghost disappear from 1969, too? asks Q.  Julia reveals that Beth killed herself just after killing you--that's what her spirit told me.  Collinwood is free of its spirits, says Barnabas.  What about the skeleton in my room? Quentin asks.  What skeleton? asks Julia.  Quentin explains that when Jamison was possessed by David, he told me he found my room sealed, and there was a skeleton sitting in the chair beside the desk--if those bones aren't mine, whose are they?  Barn says we'll have to wait and find out about that.  Who would die in my room, speculates Quentin--and seal the room?  We can't answer all the questions tonight, cautions Barnabas.  So, says Q, it seems all my life, I've caused trouble--I really hate having come back and continued after my death.  He excuses himself--I don't want to talk about it--thank you, Barnabas.  Julia, I'm glad you're feeling better--I hope you will tell me about the world you know--Barnabas was very secretive about it.  Don't say anything to anyone about this, cautions Barnabas.  "Who would I tell?" asks Q, and leaves.  Julia rises from bed.  I feel sorry for Quentin, she remarks.  Do you? asks Barnabas.  Is that wrong? she queries--what is it?  I have a feeling something has happened to him, says Barnabas.  "He's just lived instead of died!" points out Julia.  Perhaps it is just the shock, agrees Barn, I hope so.  At least we can go back, says Julia, and you must come back with me.  Neither of us is going back, insists Barnabas.  Julia argues--you accomplished what you came here to do--David is free of Quentin.  But there's still Chris, Barnabas reminds her, still a werewolf--Chris must be a great-grandson of Quentin's.  This shocks Julia.  Quentin has a baby girl, Lenore, explains Barnabas--she's been rejected by the family, but I'll explain that later--the curse applies only to male heirs, and the only male descendant of Lenore is Chris.  (what about poor Tom?)  What can we do to save Chris now? asks Julia.  Quentin didn't change to the wolf when the moon was full this month, says Barnabas, and I must find out why--something to do with a Count Petofi--if I can learn what happened, I can save Chris.  I don't want you to take this chance any longer, insists Julia--you've been lucky, but that could stop.  Yes, my luck nearly has--everyone knows what I am, he says.  "And they're hunting you?" asks Julia, gasping--let's both go back!  NO! he says in his anal retentive manner.  There something I haven't told you, says Julia--when you left, concentrating on the door, your body remained there.  I expected that, says Barnabas.  It disappeared the other night, she says, the night before last, the night I found the letter, which was the only reason I knew you were still alive.  Edward came down to the basement and scattered the wands, says Barnabas--the spell was broken.  "And your body disappeared in the future?" asks Julia--what if you can't get back--what if your body disappearing means that?--we must try to get back together, that way, it might work.  Not while Petofi is still here, insists Barnabas, Quentin won't admit it, but Petofi is determined to control him--I know it--Petofi has already threatened to extinguish the whole family, to kill Quentin, and if that happens, there will be no family, no Quentin, no Collins family, ever!--I know what Petofi is capable of, I must deal with him here, or I'll have to in the future--so you are going to stay here with me!  Julia looks up at him and fondly, resignedly, says, "I always lose with you, don't I?"  (Yes, honey...cause you're in love!)  All right, what do you want me to do? she asks.  I want you to cure me of vampirism, says Barnabas, so I can live in the daytime and deal with Petofi.  I can't do that, says Julia, I don't have the right drugs.  "Don't fight with me!" shouts Barnabas, getting right in her face--"You will use substitutes!"  Impossible, she insists.  He hands her a period dress and tells her of Evan Hanley, who practices the black arts--go to him as a member of the New York coven--when you introduce yourself to him, he will know you (how?) and be afraid not to cooperate--he will help you quickly get what you need--"Now this is what you are to say to him," he says, handing her the dress.

Quentin listens to his music, drinking, looking a lot, for a moment, like Abe Lincoln.  Edward, in night clothes, comes in.  Turn down that infernal racket! orders Edward.  Quentin pours himself another drink and says, swaying, "Don't you sound grim, brother.  Dance to it.  Music is to dance to."  Edward calls his dancing brother disgraceful and turns off the music.  No, the tune is quite melodious, insists Q.  I'm talking of you, says Edward, why are you drunk again?  Do you really want me to tell you, brother mine? asks Quentin--tonight, for once, I can
--I have a conscience, brother mine--that surprise you?--it almost does me--I did something that I shouldn't have done--(self hatred creeps into his voice, and his eyes gleam with anger) whatever I did, I shouldn't have done it.  That's why I'm drunk tonight, brother.  He breaks the glass in his hand, with difficulty.  Edward looks really concerned.

3:30 AM - Julia prepares an injection to administer to Barnabas, who has his sleeve rolled up.  It may be painful; she warns, if I had known, I'd have brought my equipment with me--Evan was helpful, not my favorite person, but very helpful, he woke a druggist who was a close friend.  Barnabas winces as she injects him. You got everything you needed? He asks.  No, I had to make some substitutions--this may not work, she warns--you must face that--even if it does, it will be another unknown voyage for you--the change in drugs could affect you any number of ways, and I'll have to keep close watch on you until dawn.  Barnabas shrubs into his overcoat--I must see Quentin, he insists.  You must have another injection tonight, she objects--I can't give you too much all at once.  I'll come back, he promises, but I must see Quentin right away about something.
Julia looks extremely worried.

We see Quentin's portrait, and the man himself, drinking, thinking how I'd said to myself how much I'd like to look like that always--I don't ever want to see that face again!  Barnabas comes knocking at his door--when Q lets him in, he tells him to lock it.  Quentin remarks how my cousin likes to take chances.  Barn says I must see you about the portrait.  Quentin drunkenly recommends the artist, Charles Delaware Tate, a master of realism.  Barnabas takes the drink from his hand--sober up, he insists--I saw the painting when the moon was full--it changed but you yourself didn't--why didn't you change?  "The gods laugh sometimes," says Q bitterly.  That's no reason, says Barnabas.  There is none, then, says Q.  There is, insists Barnabas--did you ask Tate?  He can give no reason, says Q.  Did you see Petofi? Asks Barnabas.  No, why would I? asks Q, looking away from his cousin.  Because you know that he was a werewolf and isn't one now, says Barnabas.  "I also know that he's an enemy!" says Quentin angrily, "and an enemy doesn't give kindness or explanations, now that's alllll there is to it, Barnabas--m throat is parched, I have talked too much tonight!"  He holds up his drink as if in a bitter toast.  "You're in charge of finding my mystery, you find out why I didn't change, you discover the secret of the portrait."  Quentin pours more booze.  "I'm tired of secrets, I'm tired of living this way, I want to be decent again, I want to be normal again!  I want to be myself again."  And he drinks.

Thunder rolls.  It's 4:35 AM.  Barnabas returns to the rectory to find it Julia gone, the room a shambles.  "Julia!" he cries--but she's gone!

NOTES:  Julia kidnapped!  So exciting!  We know Quentin did a bad bad thing, and whatever he did, something bad happened to Julia.  Love how Barnabas argued Julia into helping him, against her better judgment.  Love is a tough thing, but Barnabas loves his family, and Julia, who has obviously grown to love the Collinses in the future, loves him for that.

What will happen to Julia now?  To Barnabas?  Will they force Barnabas to give in to their demands using Julia as bait?

How did you like Quentin's little pity party?  Is he becoming a better or worse human being?  He wishes he could be HIMSELF again.  Was that Quentin necessarily a decent guy?

What will become of poor Beth now?

Love, Robin