Author Topic: Dark Shadows Captions, Episodes 57-58 Released  (Read 637 times)

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Dark Shadows Captions, Episodes 57-58 Released
« on: January 25, 2012, 05:50:59 AM »
Episodes 57 and 58 of Dark Shadows Captions, the photocomic retelling of the original series, closed captioned for the comedy impaired, are now online at:

Widow's Hill Notes (like Cliff Notes, but better) to previous episodes can be found at

Offline BurkeDevlin

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Re: Dark Shadows Captions, Episodes 57-58 Released
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2012, 05:57:46 AM »
Recap of Last Week's Episodes

EPISODE 55 (released 1/16/12)
Sheriff Patterson is ready to question Roger about what happened to Bill Malloy, but Roger is more interested in asking the Sheriff what happened to Constable Carter. Apparently, he's on a permanent book tour after cracking the Bleeder Valve case, proving once again that these reality shows can make a star out of anybody. They break the news to Roger that Bill is dead. Liz tells him that Matthew found the body and pushed it out to sea to save the family from gossip. This is quite a shock to Roger, who all this time had thought that Matthew was stupid.

Sam shows up to visit Maggie. Apparently, Burke has cancelled his sitting again, to go look for Malloy, so Sam has come in to the Coffee Shoppe to see if any news about Malloy has come in over the grapevine. Unfortunately, since all the customers are non-speaking extras, they don't say much.

At Collinwood, Liz is serving hors d'ouvres. George says they'll know more about the case once they find Bill's body and perform an autopsy. Roger seems a bit uncomfortable about this, and wonders why you'd need an autopsy for someone who fell off a cliff. Wasn't it proven that Bill had drowned? Or didn't they all agree that he'd drowned? The Sheriff says that usually isn't good enough for a judge. They tend to be sticklers about the law, which is probably why most of them became judges in the first place. Roger persists in asking why you'd need an autopsy to determine how a man that fell off a cliff died. George says perhaps to find out if he'd been shot before he went splat. Liz tosses away the tray of hors d'ouvres, her appetite now shot.

Back at the Coffee Shoppe, Sam is trying to get that Full Confession letter of his back from Maggie. He's started to get cold feet, and reasons that the mere fact that the letter exists will keep anyone from harming him, even if it doesn't exist, as long as someone thinks it does. Maggie says that's not fair to her. If she destroyed the letter, and something did happen to Pop, she'd have no idea what had happened or who to get revenge on.

At Collinwood, George is grilling Roger. Roger says he last saw Bill at 10 p.m., until he realizes that that might make him the last person to have seen Bill alive. He retcons the time to 8 p.m. until Liz points out that Bill's housekeeper Mrs. Johnson saw him at 10:30, prompting Roger to put the time back to 10 p.m. Roger tells George about the meeting in his office once it becomes clear that George knows about it already. But he claims to have no idea why the meeting was called. Sam and Burke didn't know either, although he now remembers that when Burke realized that Malloy wasn't coming, he tried to come up some story that the meeting was about exonerating him of the manslaughter charge. For some odd reason, George puts away his pen and starts taking Roger's testimony down in pencil.

Roger tells George that Bill didn't seem the least bit upset when they talked. Liz, on the other hand, says that he'd seemed very upset indeed, and talked about having a difficult decision to make. Roger changes his story again to say that yes, Bill did seem upset, come to think of it. Very upset. Maybe even suicidal. George says strange, five minutes of talking with Roger, and he feels the same way.

At the Coffee Shoppe, Maggie is jumping to several wrong conclusions. As soon as Sam let it be known that the letter existed, Bill Malloy disappeared. Is he the one threatening Sam? Sam says that's rubbish. There's nothing the least bit suspicious about Bill. He's the most innocent, clean cut, clean living, upstanding guy he knows. Maggie says that for a sailor, that's actually pretty suspicious.

At Collinwood, Roger elaborates on his theory. Liz had talked about bringing Ned Calder back to run the plant. Perhaps Bill was upset at the thought of losing his desk job and going back to the boats, and decided to end it all. Liz points out that Ned turned the job down, but Roger maintains that perhaps Bill was taking no chances. George says that Bill was at the Blue Whale all day on the day he disappeared. Could he have been inebriated? Roger says yes, now that you mention it, he did seem absolutely blotto when they talked. In his condition, Bill might very well have walked off widow's Hill without realizing what he was doing. George wants to know how come Roger never tells him anything until he mentions it first? "Because I didn't know... that it was important, I mean!"

George leaves, but Roger still has to face Liz. Liz is incredulous that Bill called a meeting in Roger's office with Burke and Sam and that Roger claims to have no idea what it was about. Bill had talked about finding new evidence in the manslaughter case. Could that have been it? Roger says he'd thought it was going to be a surprise birthday party for him. ("But it's not your birthday." "That's what would have made it such a surprise.")

George shows up at the Coffee Shoppe, and asks Sam how the artwork is going. It's dull, almost like watching paint dry, which is why Sam stopped in for a bite. George takes a quick phone call, and tells Maggie that the Coast Guard has just pulled Bill's fetid, moldering, blue, seaweed covered body out of the ocean. As all of Maggie's dinner customers file out the door, George realizes that he might have come up with a better way of phrasing that.

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Re: Dark Shadows Captions, Episodes 57-58 Released
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 06:06:40 AM »
EPISODE 56 (released 1/16/12)
Liz reports that Joe Haskell found Carolyn's watch at the bottom of Widow's Hill (fortunately, the watch took a licking but kept on ticking). Carolyn apologizes to Liz for her and Vicki's behavior. She realizes that Vicki was a real idiot, and that she was something less of an idiot, but still slightly blameworthy, for letting Vicki convince her that there was a body down there. Liz says that Carolyn is an idiot, but not for the reason she thinks. It turns out there was a body down there, so Carolyn is an idiot for talking herself out of it.

Carolyn wants to know how Matthew could have mistaken a body for a clump of seaweed. That's dim-witted even for him. Liz explains that he was just trying to cover up what he assumed was another deep, dark family secret. Carolyn hopes that maybe Matthew really did push a piece of seaweed out to see, and only imagined that it was a body (which would mean he was telling the truth even and only thought he was lying, if you're following this), and that maybe Bill is safe. Liz says no such luck. Bill's body washed ashore in the lagoon of an outdoor restaurant called Joe's Crab Shack, down the coast. There's definitely no mistake; half the patrons are in therapy and the other half have become vegetarians.

Roger finds Sam getting plastered at the Blue Whale. There was some disturbance at Joe's Crab Shack, involving a lot of screams and sirens and the like, so he came here for dinner instead. Sam tells him that was the body, and wonders how on earth Roger can be so cavalier about human life. Roger asks Sam how he can be so roundheaded about it. Nobody laughs, proving that jokes about the English Civil War just don't get over in Collinsport.

At Collinwood, Carolyn and Vicki are making Vicki's bed. Vicki takes the opportunity to bore Carolyn with tales of how she made beds at the Foundling Home. (There's not much to tell, other than that vicki made beds at the Foundling Home. Somehow, she just thought that everyone would be fascinated with that tidbit of her live, which proves that Vicki is going to fit in just fine when Facebook is invented). Carolyn lets slip that Bill Malloy is dead. Vicki can't understand how that could be. According to Art Wallace's Story Bible, Malloy is still around when Jason McGuire comes to town. Carolyn regretfully concludes that the Story Bible isn't gospel.

Back at the Whale, Roger is vowing revenge on whoever killed Malloy... if anyone killed Malloy. Sam says that won't bring poor Bill back. Roger says of course not. If it would bring Bill back, he wouldn't do it. "You know what he was about to reveal about us! Use your head, Evans!"

At Collinwood, Carolyn is telling Vicki the sad story of how Bill's body was found, for the benefit of any viewers who missed yesterday's episode.

At the Whale, Roger is instructing Sam as to what new lies to tell the Police to help cover up the old lies they've already told. Sam is getting cold feet, but the ever-practical Roger points out that if telling the truth would have meant a prison sentence before, that it would mean being held on suspicion of murder now. All they can do is stand together. Sam wants to know how they can stand together when they can't stand each other. Roger suggests that they stand together several feet apart.

At Collinwood, Carolyn finds the Family Bible (not to be confused with the Story Bible). Vicki wonders if Malloy will be honored by having his name inscribed in it, after what happened to him. Carolyn says probably not. Merit has nothing to do with it, the book is reserved only for members of the family, both the Holy and the Damned. Vicki is shocked. ("YOU have holies??")

Vicki asks Carolyn what she knows about a man named Sam Evans. Not much, she explains. They're married in real life, but have had absolutely no association with each other so far on the show.

Later, Roger comes in, all smiles and jokes, and even suggests giving the cannery workers the day off in honor of poor Bill (they can always make up the time on Christmas Day). He's shocked to hear that Vicki went to see Sam Evans, but tries to downplay it. He only looked upset when he heard the news because he was still thinking about Poor Bill. And that musical stinger only played when he heard the news because he'd stepped in a piece of David's chewing gum on the floor. As cliffhangers go, it's not much, but you take what you can get.