Author Topic: Robservations 11/4/02 - #712/713 - Angelique Toys With Barnabas  (Read 1497 times)

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Robservations 11/4/02 - #712/713 - Angelique Toys With Barnabas
« on: November 03, 2002, 03:49:09 PM »
712 - (Roger Davis) - This is Collinwood as it looked in the year 1897. A grave emergency in the present has caused Barnabas Collins to go into the past, back to a time when intrigue and terror filled the lives of all who lived on the Collins estate. There, in that time, Barnabas has begun to relive old experiences and suffer the tortures of an old enemy.

It's can't be Josette, it isn't possible, insists Barnabas. He turns to Rachel, who can't breathe. Angelique is pulling the string tighter around the doll's neck, saying that Barnabas forgets so easily--he may love anyone he wishes, but no one may love him, no one may even have the chance to love him. Dirk enters the cottage, interrupting her. He demands to know who she is and what she's doing there. Released from the spell, Rachel recovers. Barnabas cautions her not to speak, and helps her to the sofa.

Angelique asks if he always enters rooms without knocking, and he tells her it's part of his job.
He's overseer of the estate. He saw a light, and the cottage isn't supposed to be occupied. Does the family know she's there? Not all the family, she says, and he wants to know who does know--it's part of his job to keep strangers off the estate. She gets into his face and assures him she isn't a stranger. He says she is until he finds out who brought her there. She tells him Quentin asked her to meet him here. "I might have known," says Dirk, annoyance in his voice. No other member of the family would arrange a "meeting" here. He knows Quentin too well, and she asks about him. She's better off not knowing, he insists, by her or any other woman. He ruins everything he touches. She asks Dirk if he isn't taking a chance talking this way in front of her. How does he know she won't tell. Dirk says she can tell him anything he'd like--nothing would please him more. Oh, I see, says Ang. Dirk doesn't think she'll tell. She says he doesn't know her or her life, but he thinks she's very nice, and he advises her to leave this place and never come back. She's flattered and appreciates his concern, but she's going to stay--she must. She's a big girl, he says, and knows what she's doing. He asks for her name and she says it doesn't really matter. If she comes back after tomorrow night, he'll know who she is soon enough, and if she doesn't. . .it doesn't make a difference, does it? He supposes not. If they do see each other again, she says, she thinks they will become good friends. She bids him good night, a weird smile on her face.

Rachel drinks some water and Barnabas takes the glass and asks if it helped. Yes, she says, thanking him. He asks what happened. Nothing like it has ever happened before. She kept murmuring "Widows' Hill," but Rachel has no idea what that is. It's a place that overlooks the ocean, he explains. She can't figure out why she would say it when she doesn't know what or where it is. He suggests she overhead someone in the house mention it, but she doesn't think so. What else did she say? He turns away from her, but doesn't tell her what else she said beyond Widows' Hill.
It makes no sense, she says, she thought she was dying, and suddenly was all right. She insists there's something wrong with her, but he disagrees. It's the only answer, she cries, falling into his arms. He surveys her pretty neck, the one Ang just strangled a few moments before, and has to fight the urge to bite into it.

Edward comes in, demanding to know the meaning of what looks like some form of foreplay. Edward demands that Rachel explain herself, but Barnabas gallantly jumps in and tells his cousin that she summoned from a shock a few moments ago, and fainted. Edward asks Rachel what caused her to faint, and she says she doesn't know. He suggests calling a doctor right away, but she objects. It might happen again, he says, but she doesn't think it will. She doesn't know that, he argues, but she assures him she feels fine, and has always been in perfect health. Suspiciously, he asks if there's some reason she doesn't WANT to see a doctor (does he think she's pregnant?) No, she assures him, she's sure it was just fatigue and anxiety over her work. Edward immediately asks if she's unhappy about her work, and Barnabas jumps to her defense, assuring him she was just telling him how fond she is of the children. Edward is glad to hear that, and trusts she hasn't been treated badly since she's been there. No, everyone has been considerate and helpful--and she's fine.

Angelique tells the doll she isn't finished yet--this is the first of many "experiences," and each will seem very mysterious to you, but not to Barnabas, for he has lived through it all before, and will know soon enough what has happened. Rachel, she says, Rachel you will leave Collinwood now, you will not tell anyone where you are going, you will walk through the woods to the cottage door, and enter it, now. Leave Collinwood--now! Rachel, seeming in a trance, tells the men she wants to go to the terrace for fresh air. Barnabas offers to join her, but she refuses--she'll go there for a few minutes, then to her room. She thanks Edward, and trails out. Edward admires the music box, which Barnabas says he brought to Rachel as a gift. Perhaps what happened to her was his fault, suggests Barn. Why, asks Edward. He was telling her the legend of the music box, an unpleasant story, and perhaps he frightened her, says Barnabas. He opens the music box and the melody plays.

Rachel leaves Collinwood, hearing Angelique's voice ordering her to come to the edge of the woods and follow the path to the cottage. Rachel complies.

Edward doubts the legend Barnabas related could have scared Rachel into fainting. It must be something else. Perhaps, says Barn. He asks Edward about Rachel's background. She's well-educated, her references are quite good and she managed herself nicely during the interview. What about her childhood or family? Edward doubts those things caused her fainting spell. Barnabas agrees, then asks if Edward's wife is deceased. Guarded, Edward wants to know why he asked. He was bound to ask sooner or later, says Barn. He's met the rest of the family, all but his daughter and a few others. Edward stiffly says he misjudged Barnabas, thinking him a man shrewd enough to know which subjects they were discuss and those they wouldn't. Barnabas apologizes for offending him, but Edward says he isn't offended, just disappointed. His wife isn't dead, she's away, and is going to stay away. That tells him all he needs to know, says Edward. Barnabas says that's more than he needed to know, and assures him the subject won't be brought up again. Edward thanks him.

Rachel shows up at the cottage, looking around. Angelique lights up in a corner. "I have been waiting for you, Josette," the witch tells the clone. "My name is Rachel," says the governess. So it is, says Ang, but you will be Josette whenever I want. I am someone you will never know, Angelique assures Rachel. Rachel says she wants to return to Collinwood, but Ang says no. The night isn't over and she isn't finished yet, with Barnabas. Rachel asks what she wants with her, and Ang says she must be a part of this cruel game. It isn't necessary for Rachel to understand--just look into her eyes. . .Rachel will do everything she tells her to do--is that clear?
Yes, agrees Rachel. And she won't remember any of it. You went outside to get some air, and after that, you remember nothing. Rachel understands.

Edward offers Barnabas a glass of sherry, but he refuses saying it's getting late and he should return to the Old house. Edward leads Barnabas to the door, and they run into Dirk on the way. Edward introduces him as someone who can help him if he should need it--he looks after the entire property. Dirk assures Edward he completed his rounds and wants a word with him. Edward assures him he can speak in front of his cousin. Dirk describes the light he saw when he went to the cottage. He found a young lady there, who wouldn't reveal her name, but she said she was there to meet his brother (Roger Davis had some problems with his line here, and Edmonds assisted him). "My brother Quentin?" barks Edward, disgusted. Edward is furious that Quentin, who isn't welcome at Collinwood as it is, has now brought some person he's attracted to to stay at the cottage. Dirk says he feels she seemed rather respectable. Edward finds it hard to believe Quentin is developing a taste for respectable women. She was very pretty, says Dirk, long blonde hair, and (this interested Barnabas a great deal) very large, blue eyes; he'd never seen anything like them before.
At Barnabas' probing, Dirk admits he was very impressed with this woman. She might have looked innocent, says a disgusted Edward, but if she was there to meet Quentin, she was anything but. Barnabas leaves Edward to deal with his brother's indiscretions; he's sure they are none of his business (if only you knew that your one and only wife is this woman)! Barnabas bids the others good night. Edward orders Dirk to tell this woman, should he encounter her again, that she isn't welcome on Collins property. He will speak to Quentin and tell him to keep his women off the estate. He bids Dirk good night and head upstairs.

Barnabas goes to the cottage. He walks through the dark living room, checks the bedroom, but all is still and quiet. He picks up a candle (Angelique's knitted Rachel doll is right there) but then hears the cock crow--time for him to get back to his resting place!  He heads down into the basement and opens his coffin. To his horror, Rachel is inside!

NOTES: LOL! That Angie, she just loves tormenting the man who won't return her love! Edward's reaction to Quentin's latest tryst was hilarious. I thought Dirk was going to keep quiet about Ang, but he broke that promise quickly enough. I think Barnabas smelled Angelique all over this one, and decided he was going to investigate. If he'd found the mysterious doll, I'm sure he would have put two and two together. What's the story with Edward's wife, and no FLAMES, please!

713 - (Grayson Hall) - Collinwood in the year 1897. Strange and terrifying events of that year remain a mystery to Barnabas Collins. He must unravel this mystery in order to save the life of a young boy in the present. Now, in the past, he must live by night, for day would claim him as a victim. But as he returns to the one place he thinks he is safe, he finds terror there.

Who's been sleeping in my bed?

Rachel stares up at Barnabas and asks him not to take her with him. "You're dead!" she whispers, then passes out. Barnabas lifts her head, pondering who could have done this. He decides only one person could do such a monstrous thing--Angelique!

Barnabas brings Rachel upstairs and seats her in a chair. He tries to rouse her. She awakens wondering how she got to his house--she doesn't remember coming here! I remember seeing you, then going out for a walk--how did I get here?
He fibs and tells her, I found you in the woods, dazed--when I brought you into the house, you fainted. Rachel wonders what's wrong with her. Nothing, he assures her, but you did have that choking spell and now this wandering in a daze business--something must be wrong! My mind is a blank, she says, I didn't see anyone in the woods--do you know something you aren't telling? He denies it. The clock clangs. Rachel says she has to return to Collinwood. Lucky for Barn she refuses his offer of a walk home, because he has to get into his coffin--and fast!

Magda finds Barnabas' coffin empty. She paces, hands on hips. When Barnabas comes downstairs, she demands to know where he was. I really needs your help, says Barnabas--I am expecting trouble from an old, formidable enemy--I'll pay you well, he promises, and asks her for an amulet to protect him against a witch. This upsets Magda--if there IS a witch, I need that amulet for myself. No, says Barn, you aren't in danger, but Rachel is. Magda is puzzled--why does Rachel need the protection if this is your enemy? Barn has no time to explain now--just get me the amulet, he orders. She asks him to promise to return it to her should she need it, and he agrees, requesting two more favors--first, guard me during the day, so the witch can't get near me--I don't know why she's here or how she got here--I haven't seen her yet, but the witch effectively made her presence known. Her name is Angelique, says Barn, and she has one mission--to destroy me--go to Collinwood and take your cards with you--tell Judith you've seen a sign in your cards that will solve the mystery of the missing will.
Magda is fascinated--do you know where it is? Don't play innocent, orders Barnabas--you knew Sandor had it and was forging a copy for Quentin when I found and took it from him--I hid it somewhere in Collinwood--you are to tell Judith where it is, but not that I had anything to do with it--she must believe you found the will through your cards' magic. Why do you want me to look good? Asks Magda suspicious. Perhaps I have a fondness for gypsies who have fallen on hard times, suggests Barn. Magda doesn't believe that. Barnabas advises her not to look his favor in the mouth and stop asking questions. He opens his coffin and gives her an upraised eyebrow look. He returns to Magda, pushes her hair from her throat, and warns her not to betray him: "You know what I can do," he says, running his hands over her exposed throat. (Magda almost looked as if she enjoyed it, and Julia would have loved it!) Barnabas climbs into his coffin. Magda, looking very nervous, touches the lid and looks both angry and serious.

Collinwood, 3:15 - Rachel exits the servant's quarters. Judith comes downstairs and asks how she's feeling. Fine today, says the governess, smiling. Judith tells her when she spoke with Mr. Collins this morning, he was very concerned about what happened to her last night. (Which Collins? Edward? Quentin?) Rachel says it was kind, but she's going to take the kids for a walk after their lessons--I like the children a lot, but Jamison is a bit of a daydreamer. Judith blames this on Quentin, who has always been a bad influence on his nephew--the boy is young and impressionable, and Quentin, who has been to sea and is a ladies' man, fills the boy with stories of romance and adventure, none of which are true--she knows Quentin, who never tells the truth to anyone else. Jamison dreams of being like Quentin, and Judith hopes the boy will wake up and realize what a fraud his uncle is. Beth enters carrying a doll and a package. Rachel greets her and comments on the beautiful doll. Judith asks her where she got it.
Beth says it just came in from Boston, in one of the stores in the village. Rachel assumes it's for Nora. Beth, exchanging glances with Judith, tells her it IS for Nora. When Judith asks for a word with Beth, Rachel offers to bring the doll to Nora. No, says Beth, I'll bring it up in a few minutes. Still carrying the doll, she joins Judith in the drawing room. Judith shuts the doors. Rachel can hear the first words Judith almost shouts: "Have you lost your mind?" Beth apologizes. Judith is upset she just marched in through the front door as though nothing were wrong. Rachel continues to eavesdrop. Anyone could have been standing in the foyer, rants Judith; both agree Beth didn't think about her actions. I am annoyed that I have to keep reminding you how careful you must be, chastises Judith--you can't become emotionally involved. Beth insists she isn't becoming that way. You must have been, insists Judith, or you wouldn't have been so careless. Again Beth apologizes--I felt sorry for "her," she says, she's so lonely. Feeling sorry for her isn't part of your job, Judith reminds her--you know what your job is--if you can't do it without becoming involved, a change will have to be made. Beth says yes and Rachel, having heard all, hurries upstairs.

7 PM - Barnabas rises from his coffin. Magda, hands on hips, stands guard over him.

Rachel asks Beth for her help--when did Jamison and Nora's mother go away? Rachel wants some information. You know I can't give you any, says Beth. Rachel persists.
Mrs. Collins is a forbidden subject, Beth reminds her. Rachel explains, I'm in a difficult situation with the children--I'm with them a lot and they talk about their mother now and then. Beth asks what they say. They want to know if she's coming back, says Rachel, and I know so little about her, I can't answer. That's how Mr. Collins wants it, says Beth prissily. Why? asks Rachel. He has his reasons, says Beth, and I won't tell you what they are. Will she ever come back? asks Rachel. Even though she's still alive, says Beth, Mr. Collins refers to her as the LATE Mrs. Collins. (Whew, nuff said!)--does that answer your question? Yes, says Rachel, I suppose it does. No one knows where she is now, says Beth--I advise you to forget about Mrs. Collins and ask no further questions about her--if Miss Collins learns of your curiosity, it could mean trouble for yoiu. Beth promises not to tell anyone Rachel was asking questions. Judith, heading downstairs, overhears the last part of this, and Beth scuttles away. Judith tells Rachel there's nothing wrong with being curious--just don't let it go too far and embarrass someone--Beth gave you good advice--I hope you listen to it. Yes, I will, says Rachel, and scurries off.

Judith answers a knock at the door. It's Magda--I have something urgent to tell you. Judith is not at all pleased to see the gypsy and tells her that she and her husband are no longer welcome at the house. Magda thinks she will be when she knows why she's there. Judith nastily tells her if you're trying to ingratiate yourself with ME as you did with my grandmother, you're wasting your time. You're wrong, says Magda, I'm here to tell you where to find the will--"Now may I come in?" she asking, grinning.

"You have something up your sleeve, gypsy," accuses Judith. "What is it?" I have seen signs in the cards, says Magda. If that's all it is, leave now, says Judith disdainfully. You know we were right before when we predicted the stranger, says Magda. That's no stranger, that's my cousin, says Judith--I think you ran into him in the village somewhere before you came there to make your "prediction." Again, Magda says, I have seen a sign in the cards, and if you don't hear it, perhaps no one will find the will. She starts to march off, but Judith stops her, admitting--I do want to hear what you have to say.

They go into the drawing room and Magda begins to lay out the cards. The arrangement means nothing to you, but it will, soon, assures Magda--you have the card of the queen, inverted, representing your mother after death--below the queen, the joker, on the side of the queen, the tower of destruction--the three card surround the ace, protecting them from the outer circle of kings and knaves and fools. You're making no sense, complains Judith. It's simple, says Magda--the tower is the room where your grandmother died--the secret is safely hidden in the "heart" of the room, from all the family members. Where's the heart of the room? asks Judith. It's a book that was very important to Edith, a very, very old book, reveals Magda. The family history, suggests Judith. Magda agrees that that's the place, all right. I'll check the family history book tonight, says Judith. She and Magda walk to the door, where Judith assures her if there is a will, everyone will know soon enough. The door barely closes behind Magda when Judith races upstairs.

Outside the front door, Barnabas asks Magda, how did it go? Beautifully, as I was brilliant, Magda brags--Judith is as greedy as the rest of them and didn't suspect a thing. Barnabas orders her to wait for him at the Old House; she nods and walks off. Barnabas knocks at the door. Rachel answers. They greet each other. I came to give you something, he says--I want you to wear this, a good luck charm--if you wear it constantly, no harm will come to you. He hands her a Coptic cross on a chain. She laughs. I want you to put it on and keep it on, he says. Are you serious? asks Rachel. I couldn't be more so, he assures her--and call me Barnabas. Rachel smiles and agrees. She slips the cross around her neck. I'm not sure it will stop me from fainting the way I did last night, she says, but I appreciate the thought and will wear it just for you. I must be going, says Barnabas--may I see you tomorrow night? Rachel, thrilled, accepts. Don't remove the charm, cautions Barn. I promise not to, says Rachel. She gazes at it, tickled at her new present and new potential suitor.

Judith, her face glowing with joy, the will clutched in her hand, runs downstairs. She closes the double doors behind her and thinks, "I can't believe it--she said she'd take care of me, but I never imagined it would be anything like THIS! I'm in control now, control of everything, and things are going g to be very different in this house, from this day on." Rachel knocks at the door and asks to speak to her--without thinking, I asked Nora how she liked her new doll, and the child said Beth never gave her a doll. I will speak to Beth about the doll and see to it that she gives it to Nora, Judith assures her.

Outside the tower room, Beth walks, carrying a lantern in one hand and the new doll in another. "Jenny, it's Beth," she says outside the door. "I'm coming in with a nice surprise for you." Beth unlocks the door and goes in.

NOTES: Who is Jenny? Why didn't Nora get the doll? Don't Barnabas and Rachel look like a couple of high school kids together? How much did Judith get--everything? These questions and many others will be answered, perhaps even in the next episode of DARK SHADOWS!

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservations 11/4/02 - #712/713 - Angelique Toys With Barnabas
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2004, 11:22:55 PM »
DVD episodes for October 22nd and 25th.
The 7th and 8th episodes on Set#13/Disc#2 (2nd and 3rd episodes on MPI tape Volume #96)

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Re: Robservations 11/4/02 - #712/713 - Angelique Toys With Barnabas
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2004, 02:40:42 AM »
Edward comes in, demanding to know the meaning of what looks like some form of foreplay.

Chortle... good ole Edward. I love revisiting these episodes...  ;D

He suggests calling a doctor right away, but she objects. It might happen again, he says, but she doesn't think it will. She doesn't know that, he argues, but she assures him she feels fine, and has always been in perfect health. Suspiciously, he asks if there's some reason she doesn't WANT to see a doctor (does he think she's pregnant?)

LOL... imagine Barn's reaction if that woulda happened!  lol

Edward is furious that Quentin, who isn't welcome at Collinwood as it is, has now brought some person he's attracted to to stay at the cottage. Dirk says he feels she seemed rather respectable. Edward finds it hard to believe Quentin is developing a taste for respectable women.

--Chortle...snicker. As if that hasn't happened before in *that* family...  ;)

She was very pretty, says Dirk, long blonde hair, and (this interested Barnabas a great deal) very large, blue eyes; he'd never seen anything like them before.
At Barnabas' probing, Dirk admits he was very impressed with this woman. She might have looked innocent, says a disgusted Edward, but if she was there to meet Quentin, she was anything but.

--LOL!  And I love the looks on each of their faces. I'm just amazed dirk isn't stroking that mustache of his...  ;)

Why do you want me to look good? Asks Magda suspicious. Perhaps I have a fondness for gypsies who have fallen on hard times, suggests Barn. Magda doesn't believe that. Barnabas advises her not to look his favor in the mouth and stop asking questions. He opens his coffin and gives her an upraised eyebrow look. He returns to Magda, pushes her hair from her throat, and warns her not to betray him: "You know what I can do," he says, running his hands over her exposed throat. (Magda almost looked as if she enjoyed it, and Julia would have loved it!)

No, no no no no no no.....there's only one man for Magda - her big, beautiful Sandorrrr. ;D

Surviving the flu in W. PA [cough, sniffle],



In case you didn't realize....Julia rules!  :-*