Author Topic: Robservations 10/16/02 - #690-691 - Deathly Silence at Collinwood  (Read 1369 times)

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690 - (Don Briscoe) - Soon dark, threatening clouds will gather over Collinwood, and long, ever-lengthening shadows will creep menacingly toward the great house. By late afternoon, rain will come--a rain that will begin slowly, but steadily increase into a raging storm. And with the storm will come a terror of unimaginable proportions. Terror to a young woman who dares to solve the mystery of unknown forces that seek to possess the very souls of this she is entrusted to protect.

We see images of the tower, then Maggie's face. David's opposite arm is on fire in this episode, but who's quibbling? When Maggie finds him, he's lying flat on his face, instead of fetal position as we saw him at the end of the previous episode.

Maggie kneels beside David and finds his arm burnt. When she tries to rouse him, he calls to Quentin--don't hurt me--I'll be good! David awakens, staring wildly around. She asks who was in the room with him; she heard a man's laughter. David denies that anyone was with him, but Maggie is sure of what she heard.
David claims he was pretending to laugh like a man, but she doesn't believe him--I would only harm you by pretending to believe you, she points out--who was in the room with you, and why were you lying on the floor? I was going to play, he insists. "With someone named Quentin?" she demands. David is horrified--who told you that? YOU did, she says. No I didn't, he cries, it was a game, I was just pretending!!!--make-believe! She shows him his burnt arm--no innocent game caused that, she says. He insists he fell while playing. Quentin is real, she says--the man I saw that night--and he's in this house. Sickened that his secret has been found out, David protests madly, then buries his face in his pillows. Maggie pulls him into her arms, holding him tightly as he sobs. What kind of a monster is he? asks Maggie, what has he done to you? She encourages him to cry--I understand, she assures him--I promise I'll find this man and you'll never have to be afraid again. David wrenches himself from her grasp, bellowing, "No one can do that!" He runs from the room, Maggie in pursuit.

Ned knocks at the door of Collinwood. David shoots downstairs, flings open the doors and races past Ned, who tries to stop him. Maggie comes down, asking Ned if he saw David. Stuart sensitively asks if he gives her the slip once a day. That isn't funny, says Maggie. Ned apologizes and tells her David went outside. She puts on her coat, pushing him off about questions he has, and leaves the house. He closes the outer doors and hears singing in the drawing room--it's Amy, working on a puzzle. He joins her and they introduce themselves. She tells him she can't find a piece that goes in one place. He tells her Maggie left to find her brother, David. My brother is Chris, she corrects. Jennings? he asks--I know him well--he'll be surprised to see me, predicts Ned--I'm the last person in the world he's expecting to see. Why do you want to see Chris? asks Amy. I have a puzzle I'm trying to put together, too, says Ned, and if I find the right piece, everything would make sense. What would happen then? asks Amy fearfully. It depends on what the picture looks like, replies Ned. Amy wants to help David find Maggie (that's what she said), but Ned stops her from leaving. He asks if she's afraid of him. I'm not sure, she says.
Chris almost married my sister, reveals Ned. I didn't know that, says Amy. Ned is surprised to hear this. Amy backs away from him, right into Chris, who gives Ned an evil look.
I was just telling Amy about Sabrina, reveals Ned.

Ned tells Chris he was looking for him, went to the cottage, but he wasn't there. Chris tells Amy to go upstairs and play. Amy, afraid, doesn't want to leave him. Chris gently tells her to go upstairs and let us talk. She goes. Whatever is between them must stay that way--leave Amy out of it! orders Chris. I know what it's like to love a sister, says Ned sarcastically. Chris looks guilty--"I know," he responds. If that's so, says Ned, I'm surprised you're willing to be alone in the same room with me. I wish you would be more direct in getting rid of me than poisoning my drink, says Chris. I might want to kill you later, says Ned, but I have questions first. Chris now realizes it wasn't Ned who poisoned him. Ned, however, is annoyed he has competition in the Kill Chris Sweepstakes. What do you want? asks Chris. To know what happened between you and Sabrina, says Ned, and why you left so hastily. There was no way to convince people I had nothing to do with her death, says Chris. What makes you so sure she died? asks Ned. "She didn't?" says Chris.  No, says Ned--I want you to come see her. I can't, protests Chris, I vowed I'd never go back there. I have her right in town, in the Collinsport Inn, reveals Ned. This surprises and dismays Chris. She's waiting to see you, says Ned. If she's alive after that night, mutters Chris--she knows. . . Knows what? demands Ned, she didn't tell me a thing! Chris finds that impossible. Ned grabs his lapels--I don't know about impossible, he says, but I know you are coming to see my sister--"Just come and see her," insists Ned, looking Chris directly in the face.

Maggie searches for David, begging him to return to the house. He hears her, but doesn't obey. He runs into Amy, who was also searching for him. "Did Quentin send you?" asks David, upset. Of course not, she says, I was trying to find out why you were hiding. I can never return to Collinwood, cries David--I'm so scared! Of what? she asks. Quentin saw me this morning, he explains, and he was so angry at me because I wouldn't. . .he stops, then finishes--I wouldn't do what he wanted me to do--we can't play the game anymore, it's horrible, Quentin is no friend--he wants me to drive everyone out of the house, and then, we'll live with him there, all alone. Amy protests she wouldn't like that. I told him the same, says David, and got punished. He shows her the horrible burn on his arm, calling it the worst pain he ever experienced. Amy gasps, covering her mouth. If I knew such terrible things were going to happen, says Amy, I'd never have played the game. David agrees. What are we going to do? She asks. I don't know, says David. We can't stay out here, she says, if we return to the house, he'll be waiting for us. We have to tell Maggie, insists David. Quentin will punish us, warns Amy. Maggie wants to help us, he says, if I tell her perhaps she will. Amy is afraid. If we don't do that, we'll have to stay here, says David--so we must go to Maggie, she's our only chance--no one else will understand our problem. Decision made, they're about to head home when they run into Quentin, his face bathed in a terrible light. Amy, horrified, begs David, tell him we didn't mean it--beg him not to punish us! David, enraptured again by Quentin's gaze, tells Amy, "It wouldn't do any good, Amy. Quentin is going to teach us a lesson that we'll never forget." Quentin grins.

Drawing room - Amy works on her puzzle. Maggie comes in, book in hand. David sits by the fire. He tells her he feels fine and asks, "Are you still mad at me?" I just wish you hadn't run from the house like you did, she replies. He apologizes, and Maggie pats his face. Amy finished her puzzle. Maggie and David go to look at it. It's very nice, David says in a disinterested voice. Maggie accuses him of not sounding impressed. That's boys for ya, says Amy to Maggie, boys don't like jigsaw puzzles. David asks Maggie if they're all alone here. (uh oh) We are, Maggie says--everyone else has left the house. David wishes there was something we could do. Amy wants to go outside and play, but Maggie says it's raining, so no go. David notes it's a couple of hours before bedtime--isn't there something we can do? Maggie suggests sitting and talking, getting to know each other, but they opt instead to play a game--like hide and seek. Maggie learned her lesson from the last time, when they went outside and disobeyed the rules, so they won't be doing THAT.
Thunder crashes, giving Maggie a start. Amy asks if it frightened her. No, says Maggie, it just startled me. Amy thought it might be because we're all alone in the house. . . David again wishes there was something they could do. Amy suggests dress-up. David likes that idea. Maggie isn't thrilled, and asks David, hesitantly, why he seems so different from this morning. I'm in a different mood, says David, and they both beg her to play dress-up--it's so much fun. She agrees to let them play, but begs off joining them. They run upstairs to get dressed. David assures Maggie they'll be bringing her a surprise.

Later, Maggie is forced to go searching for the kids. She checks David's room--empty--then leaves to call to them in the hallway. The doorknob on David's closed door opens by itself.

At 7:05, Maggie comes downstairs. She opens the drawing room doors and seems to feel a chill in the room. She walks into the foyer. The outside double doors blow open, startling her, and she shuts them. She hears a man's laughter. Lightning flashes, thunder crashes. The landing door opens. Maggie goes to the study, calling to the children, but there is no response. She orders them not to hide--we aren't playing hide and go seek. More male laughter, louder. Maggie closes and locks herself in the study, terrified. She hears footsteps, then David and Amy laughing. (Chilling sounds!) Maggie backs away from the door as the footsteps get closer. She sees the doorknob being turned. Her eyes widen with terror. David and Amy's laughter. . .David asks if she can hear them--we can hear you, why don't you answer?--there's someone we want you to meet, and he wants to meet you, too--come on out, they urge her, HE won't hurt you! Maggie, trapped, trembles, fearing the unknown.

NOTES: Brrrrr, that was one scary last scene there. If I had been Maggie, I'd have been frightened to death! Aside from the irritating Ned scenes, this was a pretty good ep, and that last scene was a doozie. Bravo, DS, for some truly icy chills in the afternoon!

691 - (Clarice Blackburn) - In the great house at Collinwood, a young woman will soon face the most terrifying experience she has ever known. But she will not be alone in facing this terror, for on this night, the sinister forces that have plagued the great house will begin to fulfill their dreadful prophecy. They have vowed to drive every last Collins from the house--and now the time has come to make good their evil pledge.

Maggie watches in terror as the doorknob turns and she hears David and Amy calling to her to answer them. There's someone they want her to meet, and HE wants to meet her, too. "Come on out, Maggie, we won't hurt you. . ." cajoles Amy's voice.

The kids continue to beg Maggie to open the door--it's dark out here and we're getting scared! They wail. Maggie walks slowly over to the door, hand to her throat, and unlocks the door. She backs away. "Come in," she says. David and Amy, dressed in the old clothes, enter--as does Quentin.
Maggie demands to know who he is, what he wants. The children happily assure her it's Quentin--he won't hurt you, he just wanted to meet you. . . David suddenly cries out, "No!" Quentin is holding a purple scarf in both hands, heading towards Maggie with clear intentions of strangling her. "You promised!" cries Amy. Both kids are horrified--Quentin lied to us! They're begging Quentin, promising to do as he tells them. Maggie screams, loudly, shrilly, Quentin turns to scare the kids out of the room and brings his attention back to Maggie. He is about to strangle her when she faints. The kids are huddling against the wall, holding each other. Mrs. Johnson comes in, sees him, and also screams, but by the time Mrs. Stoddard runs to her side, Quentin is gone. Liz runs to Maggie, asking what happened. Mrs. Johnson says he was there, the same man I saw at the cottage, in THIS very room. Liz insists it's impossible--you only preceded me into the room by five seconds. He's more than a man, insists Mrs. J, evil and sinister. Liz is more concerned about Maggie. Mrs. Johnson tells Liz, if you don't believe me, ask the children--she turns and asks David and Amy to back her up. They can't deny seeing him. David says we didn't do anything, it wasn't our fault. Mrs. J grabs David's arm to force him to admit it. He complains she's hurting his arm. Liz stands and orders her to stop it and take the kids upstairs. David begs his aunt--I don't want to be alone!--and Mrs. Johnson refuses to go anywhere "with that man about!" There is no man! says Liz, assuring David that Amy will be with him. (no safety in those numbers!) Mrs. J agrees to take the kids upstairs, but refuses to stay there--I will lock the door to keep them safe, but I'm not staying there. She grabs the protesting kids and takes them away. When Liz tries to rouse Maggie, she finds the scarf Quentin was going to use to strangle her. Liz looks like she suddenly believes. . .

Up in his room, David begs Mrs. J not to make them stay up there--"He'll hurt us!" cries David. She asks who, and they look at each other. Mrs. J accuses them that there is a man, but Amy protests it's just pretend, and tells David he can't tell anymore, he knows that. Mrs. Johnson says she's locking them in and going downstairs to tell Liz they DID see that man. The kids cling to the door, trying to prevent the housekeeper from leaving. Mrs. Johnson goes all over the room, even looking under the bed, explaining that there's nothing anywhere to scare them--you'll be safe here. You don't know! wails David. Mrs. J. agrees--but I'm telling Mrs. Stoddard what you said. They race after her as she exits, crying, begging her, clinging to the door. "Don't leave us alone! Come back!" they sob. Amy fearfully asks David what they're going to do--perhaps he won't come back tonight, she suggests hopefully. He will, says David--to punish us--you know he will! Amy bites her lower lip, looking as if she's going to burst into sobs.

Liz has Maggie, who is regaining consciousness, seated in a chair. "That man," says Maggie. There is no man, says Liz. There was, insists Maggie, standing there, about to strangle me. David and Amy. . . Mrs. Johnson enters and tells them that the kids are safely in David's room. "They're not all right!" Maggie shouts--you don't understand--I know what's wrong now--David and Amy are possessed! Liz and Mrs. J look shocked.
Liz asks what they're possessed by. By that man, replies Maggie. Ah ha! says Mrs. J. He isn't real, says Maggie, not a real man. You're  not making sense, says Liz. There was a man, says Maggie, but he's evil, sinister, something not real. . .  . . .A ghost? asks Liz. I knew it! says Mrs. J--what I saw at the cottage wasn't quite real. Maggie agrees--not real in a human sense, but he has Amy and David under terrifying control. Impossible, says Liz. Mrs. J explains how David's been yelling that HE is going to punish them--I know there is something terrible about that man, and those kids know what it is. Liz decides to talk to the children--it isn't that I don't believe Maggie, but. . . As Liz heads upstairs, Mrs. J goes over to comfort Maggie.

We must confess to someone, insists David. Amy, however is afraid Quentin will hurt Chris. He'll hurt everyone if we don't, says David--look what he tried to do to Maggie--kill her. Quentin appears in the room.

Both kids are frightened, but David bravely announces to Quentin, I'm not going to let you hurt people anymore, nor play the game if that's what it means. Quentin focuses a malevolent gaze on David, who says, "Amy, tell Quentin you won't play the game, either, for the same reason." She stands--I feel the same, she tells the ghost. Quentin waves his hand in front of Amy, who falls onto the bed, covering her face with her hands, screaming. What did you do to her? demands David. "I can't see!" Amy screams. David backs away, ordering Quentin not to come near him--I'll do anything you say if you leave me alone. David covers his face and sobs, "Leave me alone!" Liz, hearing Amy's cries, bursts into the room. Quentin is gone. Amy is rolling on the bed, "My eyes! I can't see anything." Liz asks David what happened, but he's silent. Amy sits up on the bed, wondering why she can't see anything. Liz orders Amy to take her hands down from her eyes, but the little girl is afraid to. You could see perfectly well downstairs, Liz reminds her, so you can see now. Amy uncovers her eyes as ordered--she CAN see! Liz demands to know what's happened to both of them, but neither will speak. David says it's all Maggie's fault--she made us play a game we didn't want to--she made up a man to frighten us, they say, speaking on top of each other. Liz tells David to stop it--wait for me to get back--I'm going to get Julia at the Old House. David slams the door--you can't leave us alone--he'll come back!! Who? asks Liz. HE, says Amy, and he'll punish us. David walks past Liz and says, "Quentin, we did what you wanted! Please, leave us alone! Leave us alone!" Amy chimes in. Soon both kids are racing around the room, begging Quentin to leave them alone.
Liz listens to this and realizes Maggie was right--they ARE possessed!

8:35 - Maggie gazes at the grandfather clock in Collinwood's foyer. The front door opens, it's Liz. Maggie says Mrs. Johnson is with the kids; they wouldn't let me near them. No one was at the Old House, says Liz. (Hope Barn and Julia are dining out.) Call Stokes, Liz tells Maggie--if anyone can make sense of this, he can--I'll go upstairs while you make the call. The governess agrees. Liz walks slowly upstairs. We see someone run out of camera range as Maggie enters the study and calls Stokes. She begs for an answer as the wind howls. Suddenly, there is silence, terrible silence. The wind can be heard upstairs, too, by Liz, but then it stops abruptly. Mrs. Johnson runs out of David's room and tells Liz to come in--quickly! David lies on his bed, Amy is slumped down on his desk. They were both screaming and yelling, says Mrs. Johnson, then suddenly, everything stopped and they collapsed--it was so unnatural, they were yelling how Maggie was to blame, then there was deathly quiet--what does it mean? Liz doesn't know--outdoors, the thunder and lightning and rain just stopped! Liz suggests it's over, but Mrs. J opens a window and says it's still pouring--there are no usual house noises--it's quiet as a tomb. Liz chastises her for saying that, but the housekeeper is certain something bad is going to happen. As Liz is reassuring her that isn't so, Quentin's music begins to play--both women hear it. It's old music, says Liz, like an old record. Neither know where it's coming form, but it's getting louder. Amy stirs, raises her head. David, too, moves on the bed, sitting up, and says, "It's too late. It's too late to be afraid."
He begins to laugh, uproariously, and his laughter joins with Quentin's and the swelling music, echoing all over the room. Liz and Mrs. Johnson clasp hands, absolutely petrified!

NOTES: Wasn't that last scene excellent? The sounds of silence--so creepy! Quentin is playing all of them like his own terrified orchestra! He's a bad, bad ghost!

The kids were a tad over the top, but then again, who wouldn't be in their position? It always makes me laugh when Liz denies supernatural influences; hasn't she seen her share, or is it that she's always in denial about such things from long practice living at Collinwood? There always has to be a "doubter", and it's generally Roger who pooh poohs the supernatural. When Barnabas does, however, that's stretching credulity too far for me--the man is a former vampire who married a witch!

It's fun to watch this happening with the trio of ladies--Liz, Mrs. Johnson, Maggie--unlikely fighters of wicked ghosts, but staunch protectors of the children.

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservations 10/16/02 - #690-691 - Deathly Silence at Collinwood
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2004, 12:15:31 AM »
DVD episodes for September 16th and 17th.
The 5th and 6th episodes on Set#12/Disc#4 (5th episode on MPI tape Volume #91, 1st episode on MPI tape Volume #92)