Author Topic: Robservations 9/13/02 #645/646 - The Kids "Play" With Roger  (Read 1886 times)

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Robservations 9/13/02 #645/646 - The Kids "Play" With Roger
« on: September 12, 2002, 10:27:15 PM »
645 - (Joan Bennett) - A violent storm continues over the great house of Collinwood-and it has been discovered that two children have disappeared in the middle of this night. While the adults in the house search frantically for them, the children are busy in an old storage room in the abandoned West Wing, about to make a startling discovery of their own--one that will change the course of their lives.

David and Amy crawl into the room they found. Amy nearly falls, and David catches her. He tells her to stand here; he'll flash the light around and see what's in there. They spot a skeleton, dressed in clothing, with a gray, page-boy-coiffed wig on its head!
David and Amy stare at the skeleton, wondering if it's Quentin. Amy admits to being a little scared. David says they should go back out. That door closes and locks by itself, too, and the kids are once again locked in. Now what? laments Amy, sounding near tears. David promises to think of something, but Amy says there's no other way out of the room. David says they must look around, but Amy isn't thrilled at that prospect. David says a skeleton can't hurt them, can it? No, agrees, Amy, her voice shaking. David looks around. Amy complains about how musty it is--she can hardly breathe. It's been closed up a long time, says David, wandering away from her. Amy begs him not to leave her. They find a candle and matches. David lights it. Music begins to play from an old gramophone in the room.

Liz goes to the Old House and knocks on Barnabas' door. Barnabas, in a royal blue robe, answers. Liz apologizes for coming so early, but David and Amy are missing. She explains about Amy coming to stay with them and Carolyn waking up screaming from a dream that the kids were in danger. Roger found both kids gone. We searched the house, explains Liz--I thought the kids might be here, considering David's fascination with the Old House. Locks don't keep David out, Liz reminds him--I hope they are there, since they don't seem to be anywhere else. Barnabas and Liz undertake their own search.

The music is playing, over and over. The only way out is the way we got in, insists David. Amy complains about the constantly-playing music. David tells her to forget that. She reminds him a phonograph doesn't start playing by itself--how did it start?
David doesn't know, and he's annoyed she asked again. He wants to try the door again. They're getting more testy with each other. The door still won't budge. It's no use, says David, discouraged--perhaps there's something we can use to break it down, he suggests. The music stops playing. Both children note the silence. It's so quiet, says Amy. They hear the sound of evil laughter as the door opens by itself. David has his arm around Amy, and both kids look terror-stricken.

Old House - Liz paces the drawing room. Barnabas joins her and reports they aren't downstairs, either. Liz fears something dreadful, and Barnabas cautions her not to fear the worst--this isn't David's first foray out of Collinwood. (Barn's handsome in the blue suit.) Liz wants to go back to the house; Barnabas volunteers to go with her. They leave. David and Amy watch them go, intending to enter the Old House. Amy asks if anyone else lives there. Willie Loomis, says David, but he's away. (wonder where?) David opens the unlocked doors and closes them behind them. Amy is nervous, wondering why HE'S looking at her that way. It's just that he asked us to do something for him, says David, and we promised they would. Amy knows, but. . . David reminds her she doesn't want to go back on a promise--they are going up to the attic, where he told them "it" would be. Amy asks David what's happened to him--you're behaving oddly. Nothing, he insists. You've changed, she says. No, he counters, but I haven't broken a promise before, and don't want to break one now.

Liz enters Collinwood's drawing room. Roger hasn't returned from searching the grounds, she says--I sent Mrs. Johnson to help him. Barnabas asks if she's certain the kids aren't hiding in the house. We searched everywhere, even the West Wing, she says. I'll go search, too, says Barnabas. Liz tells him she's going to call the sheriff if Roger comes back and hasn't found the kids.

David lugs a huge cradle from upstairs. He sets it down, catching his breath. She asks how they will sneak it into Collinwood. The same way we got ourselves out, he says. She frets that they won't be able to fit it up those narrow stairs. Stop worrying, urges David--leave it to me! She guesses he knows best. We had better go before Barnabas returns, says David. They lift up the cradle together.

We see a clock covered with cobwebs, then the skeleton sitting in a chair. David and Amy lug the cradle into the room together and put it down. David reminds her Quentin told them to place it in the middle of the room. Amy wants the two of them to go back downstairs. David curtly asks why. Everyone will be worried about us, she reminds him. He looks her in the eye and, in an odd voice says, we don't want everyone to be worried, do we? No, says Amy, we don't--why are you smiling?
I just like you, he says--you're my good friend, do you know that? He advances on her and touches her shoulder, making her uncomfortable. She wants to go downstairs. "Surely we can," says David. "We can go downstairs and be ourselves again." Amy asks what he means, but he responds, "Nothing," his demeanor is that of an adult. The empty cradles begins to rock by itself. David and Amy stare at it. "Go to the cradle, Amy," orders David, pushing her forward, "she needs you. She needs you. Don't go, she won't hurt you. . .see, she's coming towards you, she wants to be your friend. She needs you, Amy." Amy looks as if she's in a trance, staring at the rocking cradle.

Collinwood - Barnabas returns and reports they haven't found the kids--if they are on the estate, they are well-hidden. What if they've been kidnapped? worries Liz, and is dialing to phone the sheriff when the front door opens and David and Amy come in. They greet Liz casually. Amy, delighted, rushes into Barnabas' embrace: "It's so good to see you again!" she bubbles. Liz turns to David and tells him, we've been worried to death about you two. Barnabas asks where they disappeared to. Liz wants to know, too. Amy walks over to David and says, "And YOU said they wouldn't miss us!" We went out for a walk, lies David. We've been searching for you for two hours! Says Liz--where have you been?--did you get into trouble? No, says Amy--is it all right to tell them, David? David protests. You don't want me to tell because you'll feel embarrassed, says Amy--boys are like that, whenever they do something they should be proud of, it always makes them embarrassed when anybody talks about it. Amy explains that it started early this morning--she had a terrible dream, and woke up crying, ran to David's room.
She told him she was afraid of this big house, it makes her feel small and lost. David took her outside to an open field to watch the sun come up, so warm and peaceful and quiet, and when she looked at the house again, she felt good inside and knew she'd never again be frightened. This made-up tale impresses a grinning Liz, who can't possibly be angry at such tripe. Amy asks her not to be angry. We were frightened, says Liz. Amy chides David for not thinking of everyone else; he apologizes, sincerely, to his aunt.  Liz, proud of his obvious feeling for Amy, says they're safe, and it's all right. Barnabas, puzzled, asks, "If the two of you were out in the open field for such a long time, it's odd no one found you." Amy says, we weren't there all the time, and I have to keep where we went David's secret. David admits they went to one of his secret hiding places, and if they really must know, he'll tell. Liz says he doesn't have to do that, but insists David give his word that it will never happen again. Liz sends Barnabas out to inform the other searchers. Barnabas touches Amy's arm and tells her he wants to see her when he gets back. "What for?" she asks. We haven't seen each other in several weeks, he reminds her, not since Windcliff, and I want to get reacquainted again. She agrees. Liz tells David and Amy to wait in the drawing room; she'll have Mrs. Johnson fix them breakfast. Amy presents Liz with some pretty lavender and white flowers she picked for her. Liz takes them, thanks her, calls her a dear child, kisses her.

David and Amy enter the drawing room. David tells her, I told you everything would be fine--your performance was wonderful. As was yours, she praises. What about tonight? They'll have to be more careful, wait until it's very late, when everyone is asleep--they'll sneak up to the West Wing and play "The Game"--THEY promised them. "And a promise is a promise," says Amy firmly. "Isn't it, David?" He smiles and nods.

1:30 AM, Collinwood - David and Amy let themselves into the West Wing storage room, hoping THEY will be waiting for them. David moves the panel and they crawl into the secret room. "HI, QUENTIN!" greets Amy cheerily, leaving chills running up and down the viewer's spine.

NOTES: There was and always will be a discrepancy about the bones in the West Wing. It appears they are different later from what they appear now.

The kids turned in glorious performances, both for us and for Liz and Barnabas. Always wanted to see more of the relationship between Barnabas and Amy at Windcliff. I bet they were like father and daughter, and you can tell she adores him, and the feeling is mutual. Her greeting was very effusive.

What are these kids up to? No good, that's for sure. What's with the rocking cradle? Is there a ghost baby in there? Who is it? What does Quentin want from them?

646 - (Joan Bennett) - Of all the dark and evil secrets that plague the great house of Collinwood, none have escaped detection longer than the secret behind a wall in the abandoned West Wing. For over 70 years, a vengeful spirit has been imprisoned here. Now, through the curiosity of two children, it has been released, and soon it will bring about the final destruction of the Collins family.

The children face the ghost of Quentin Collins, a handsome, mutton-chopped, cruel-faced man who glares at them.

David and Amy stare at Quentin. Amy asks if he's going to say something, but he doesn't, and, chastened, she retreats behind David. Quentin smiles when David asks him if they're going to play the game. The gramophone begins to play, and Amy comments on the pretty music. David appears to be making serious eye contact with Quentin, who is giving him silent instructions. Amy asks David if he likes the music. You know it's my favorite piece, he retorts, annoyed. This declaration surprises her--you never heard it before last night, she reminds him. A tall, regal blonde woman steps from the shadows. Amy asks who she is.
The woman slightly smiles and locks eyes with Amy. The two ghosts have the children in their thrall.

2 AM - Liz is in the drawing room, reading a book. Roger joins her from the study. He had to work to make up for the time he lost while searching for the kids all day. David gave his word, says Liz, and Roger wryly comments they've heard that before. Have more confidence in David, encourages Liz, but Roger is skeptical. He's too tired, and is retiring. Liz says she feels the woman who came to the seance never left the house--what was she trying to tell them? It can wait until morning, insists Roger.

The kids have slipped into the clothing that was in the trunk. Amy tells David he looks grown-up, and he asks, "Like Quentin?" Yes, she says. He asks her to call him Quentin, and she says to call her Beth. They can pretend this is their room. It is, says David, don't you remember --Beth? Yes, Quentin, she responds. We must keep it a secret, warns David, if we tell, and the adults came up there, they wouldn't let them play our games--we'll block the entrance to the room so no one will find it. Amy suggests they go downstairs, it's getting late and they must rise early. David agrees--they have much to do. Amy agrees. He asks what's wrong. I wonder if we will do what HE wants.
We must, says David--my family has made Quentin and Beth very unhappy and must be made to realize that--must pay for what they've done to them! I understand, says Amy. David touches her shoulder and asks if she's thinking of letting him do this all alone. Of course not, she assures him. Good, says David, because I'll need your help, Beth--you must talk to Roger, but not until tomorrow night--during the day, we have other responsibilities--we must get rid of the skeleton if we are to have fun playing the game--we'll take it and bury it, says David. Amy wonders how they'll get it out of the house. David promises to think of something. The music comes to a close on the old gramophone.

Roger sorts through papers in his bedroom. Liz enters. She wants him to speak to Vicki; she's worried about her--she gives the kids a few lessons but mostly sits in her room waiting for Jeff to come back. Roger pooh poohs this, wondering why Liz didn't tell him before. I tried to fix it myself, she explains, but nothing worked.
Roger agrees to talk to Vicki. Liz asks him not to be angry with the poor girl. Roger says he'll be firm; whatever she's gone through, she still has the kids to be concerned with--left to their own devices, no telling what they'd be up to! (If you only knew, Rog.) Liz looks worried.

David and Amy bring a toy chest into Quentin's room, pushing it through the small space in the paneling. Amy doesn't think the skeleton will fit in the chest, but David says he'll find a way. Amy wonders why they have to do this. David asks if SHE would want HER bones rotting away in a musty old room when she dies. No, she says. All right, then, says David, we're giving Quentin what his family refused to--a decent burial--it's only fair. How can we get the chest down the secret stairway? asks Amy. Through the front door, says David. What if we're seen? asks Amy. We're just taking a toy box outside to play with, says David, and we must prevent anyone from looking inside.

Liz paces the foyer. Roger comes downstairs, briefcase in hand, and tells Liz Vicki's in a sad state--I couldn't have gotten angry with her. She should be spending more time with the children, opines Liz--if she does, it would take her mind off Jeff. It's too much to expect, says Roger, we must wait and hope for the best--what about the children--I hope they didn't pull one of their disappearing acts again.

The kids are at the top of the steps, Amy complaining she almost fell down carrying his toy chest. Roger comes to see what the commotion is. David tells Amy to pick up her end. Liz tells Roger to help them; he and David lift the trunk and carry it carefully downstairs. They put it on the floor and Roger asks what's inside. David says they're going outside to play. ALL your toys? asks Roger, bending to open the trunk.  It's locked, says David, and a military secret. (LOL!) Roger smiles. Amy tells him one of David's soldiers broke while they were playing with it, so they're burying it with full military honors. It wasn't broken, corrects David, but killed in combat. Amy repeats it. Roger, bemused, opens the door so the kids can carry the trunk out. Roger salutes as they carry it past them. Roger remarks to Liz how morbid the game is, but she is relieved they aren't getting into trouble. Roger hopes it wasn't a mistake to let Amy in the house--I get a strange feeling about her, and hope she isn't a bad influence on David. Liz says she thinks Amy is the best thing that ever happened to David.

David and Amy carry the chest far from the house. David tells her he lied to his father about it being locked, and she praises how clever he is. If you sound convincing enough, says David, my father will believe anything you tell him--you will learn that tonight, when you talk to him.

The kids bury Quentin's bones. His spirit is still alive, says David, so no need for prayer--we'll return to Collinwood, play a while, then get ready for tonight. David asks her if she still doesn't feel right about doing it.  Amy assures him she'll do whatever he wants. It's not what I want, says David, but what HE--Quentin--wants-do you understand? Yes, she says. They don't want to anger him, so they must go through with it. The children pick up the box and leave the disturbed plot of earth behind.

Collinwood - the usual storm is raging. David and Amy, now in night clothes, go into the storage room. Amy says she wishes he would tell her what he's looking for. He rummages in the trunk. She worries they'll find them out of their rooms; it's still early. David takes a roll of wire out of the trunk--do you remember what to do? he asks. Yes, she says. We'll go downstairs, wait until one o'clock, then Amy will go get Roger--and David will be waiting downstairs when he comes. David holds the wire between his two hands, feeling the strength of it.

The clock strikes 1 AM. Roger, reading in bed, decides to call it a night. Before he can turn off his light, there's a knock at his door. He shrugs into his robe. It's Amy, who asks to come in--I heard noises downstairs and got scared. Roger assures her everyone has gone to bed, but Amy says the sounds awakened her. He suggests it was a dream, but she says no, it was like someone was trying to get in the door--perhaps a burglar. Roger says he'll go take a look, and withdraws a gun from his night table. Amy is all set to go with him, but he tells her to return to her room and stay there. I'm afraid! she cries, so he orders her to stay in his room. She warns him to be careful, a slight smile curving the corners of her mouth.

David tests the trip-wire he has set up on the third step from the top, then opens the double front door. Leaves blow in, propelled by a strong wind. David disappears into the kitchen area. Roger immediately spots the open doors, holds up the gun, and proceeds down--only to trip on the wire and fall, screaming, down the stairs. David exits the kitchen area, Amy appears on the landing. They survey each other triumphantly.
Roger lies on the floor, unconscious, blood running from the corner of his mouth. Impassively, the kids look at his still body.

NOTES: This isn't the first time David tries to kill his father during DS, but in this case, possessed by an evil spirit, he has an excuse. When David removed the bleeder valve from Dad's brake system, nearly killing him, that was all David. The kids are so very chilling here, and the stoic way they stare at Roger makes my blood run cold. How calculating they are, apparently possessed by Beth and Quentin at various intervals (perhaps when wearing the old fashioned clothes)? When David tells Amy he likes her, there is almost something predatory, sexual, about the way he says it and looks at her. This, IMHO, brings some genuinely frightening moments on DS.

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 9/13/02 #645/646
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2002, 11:04:44 PM »
They spot a skeleton, dressed in clothing, with a gray, page-boy-coiffed wig on its head!
Wig?!  [huhb]  Of course that's not a wig!!  :o  That's the skeleton's OWN hair, perfectly preserved atop its head!!  [smrtb]  I mean, why would a skeleton be wearing a wig??!!  [huhg]

Really, Robin  ::)  - how could you have been fooled into thinking such a perfect Victorian 'do was just a wig?!  [wink2]

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Re: Robservations 9/13/02 #645/646
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2002, 09:00:18 AM »
There were a couple of times when they acted or said something that implied they were becoming possessed by Quentin and Beth. I took that one scene between them - about him liking her - to be Quentin talking to Beth.

As you said, we know David is being possessed or influenced by Quentin this time, but because we know he had made the previous attempt on his father's life on his own, it really is rather creepy. Of course, he seems to have recovered from all of that and become a more "normal" child, but we still know that it's in his background.

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Re: Robservations 9/13/02 #645/646 - The Kids "Play" With Roger
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2002, 05:26:30 PM »
I didn't realize Roger was so strong! As he tripped down the stairs, he actually made the stone walls of Collinwood shake!

BARNABAS: Here at Collinwood, old hates don't die. They lie in wait for the innocent and unsuspecting...

QUENTIN: We're guaranteed to make you believe (spells) exist. Our entire family can be explained in no other way...

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Re: Robservations 9/13/02 #645/646 - The Kids "Play" With Roger
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2002, 10:49:09 PM »
I didn't realize Roger was so strong! As he tripped down the stairs, he actually made the stone walls of Collinwood shake!


Hmmm - perhaps there's a gym in one of the many rooms at Collinwood that we never see. And when we simply assume that Roger disappears for a long period of time because he's on a business trip, all that time he was really in the gym working out. [wink2]


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Re: Robservations 9/13/02 #645/646 - The Kids "Play" With Roger
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2004, 06:53:11 PM »
DVD episodes for July 12th and 13th.
The 1st and 2nd episodes on Set#11/Disc#4 (1st and 2nd episodes on MPI tape Volume #83)

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Re: Robservations 9/13/02 #645/646 - The Kids "Play" With Roger
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2004, 02:15:16 AM »
I never got the 'skeleton' part; why was  :-* :-* Quentin sealed up? And the baby??

But...OYSH!!! The music playing!!!!!

The wire on the stair!!!!!

Phenomenal!!!!! Bravo!!!

Thanks Robin honey!!

What a Woman!