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Discuss - Ep #1108
« on: November 18, 2010, 12:02:04 AM »
Robservations #1108


KLS makes her final appearance on DS in this ep...

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1108
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 02:12:41 AM »
Gerard wants the kids to die in certain clothes, which I guess he went out and got at Kids-'R-Us or something, since to my knowledge ghosts can't whip up clothes out of thin air.   I'd noticed that ghosts seem to spend eternity in whatever they wore when they died, and we're expected to know that here, strangely enough.  I assumed these would be period 1840 stuff, but in Tad's case it was a perfectly contemporary 1970 suit.  Yes, I know that "David" wore it in 1995, but does Gerard know that?  Why would he care?   Has he been deputized by the continuity police?

Not good.  Sebastian Shaw, vampire victim and part-time vampire controlee, is entrusted with getting another vampire victim, Maggie, to safety.   Maggie: "I just realized that if we keep going like this, I'll never see Collinwood again, or any or the people I love."   Guess not.   Bye, KLS.   Hope Paris was nice.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1108
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2010, 10:07:11 AM »
Sometimes, during a four-person episode, I feel as though I've seen a whole houseful of people, but today I felt as though I had seen just two: Barnabas and Julia, ineffectually surveying what has become of Collinwood and the Collins family.  In parallel time people were dropping like flies, but Barnabas and Julia couldn't manage to get anybody killed here, so people just kept getting possessed.  They might have had a chance if Barnabas had killed them.

Gerard wants the kids to die in certain clothes, which I guess he went out and got at Kids-'R-Us or something, since to my knowledge ghosts can't whip up clothes out of thin air.
I assume he got them out of the attic.  Gerard has been a strangely physical ghost all along - ripping up a piece of paper in 1995, closing the drawing room doors when he was taking control of Elizabeth, filling in Quentin's grave yesterday - and I have felt like Vicky, thinking: "What does it mean?  I don't understand!"  Quentin's ghost just stood there looking commanding, but Gerard's not above manual labor on occasion.

It's sad to see Kathryn Leigh Scott go.  La Vie en Rose is breaking up that old gang of mine - or something.  There's still glory to come in Dark Shadows, but I'll miss KLS.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1108
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2011, 12:55:24 AM »

I always thought Grayson had nice legs and apparently she did to according to her biography! I particularly think her legs look sexy in her dark stockings! :) And the outfit she has on with the long necklace is my favorite of hers. I want that necklace!!

Is that the Naga box on the table?  1808-1840=32 for those who can't count! ;)

I think they did a good job of spiriting off Maggie away from Collinwood! I wonder if DC had hoped she would return or if the show had continued they would have recast Maggie? One has to wonder if they had a going away party for someone who had been with the show so long.  I know DC told her she would never work again. Boy he was wrong. She may have not had the biggest career but she more than made up for it with her book publishing.

I am glad that they spent some money on a nice car for Maggie to be taken away in.  Good effects for that time
It was sad to hear Maggie say that she will never seen Collinwood again. Sniff. I have never been the biggest KLS or Maggie fan but it was sad to see her go! FARWELL KLS! There is a lot of farewells going on. It's sad.

The heartbeat stuff has never really made sense to me with Barnabas but with Quentin I guess I can accept it. With Barnabas I would think a vampire didn't have a heartbeat but I am sure Quentin does. I have always wondered if Quentin could die? Apparently his portrait just makes him immortal and not invincible. However, I have to think back to Petofi cutting Quentin and the portrait protecting him.  Hmm….

Good to see another room in the Old House. 
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