Author Topic: OT--- DS movie scene landmark up for sale!  (Read 651 times)

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OT--- DS movie scene landmark up for sale!
« on: October 11, 2010, 05:54:52 AM »
I had occasion to travel up to Westport, CT this week, and I saw a FOR SALE sign on the front lawn of the historic inn known for many years as the THREE BEARS RESTAURANT. 

As viewers of HODS know, this was the movie's version of the Collinsport Inn, both interior and (in one scene that was deleted, IIRC) the exterior.

Over the years, DS fans in the area have trekked to this location and had (somewhat expensive, I guess!) meals.  The place always got good reviews from restaurant critics and diners.

The actual "Three Bears" name and logo came down in early 2009 (after nearly a century), and a restaurant called "Tiburon" took over the facility.  The family owners of TBR apparently had financial issues which even the restaurant's enduring popularity could not assuage.

However, the Tiburon also failed within a VERY few months.  The food apparently wasn't up to the TBR's standard for the prices.
And it seems nothing else has taken over at the old inn since.  I did not see any signs (of life) at the place, though the property appears to be maintained (grass cut, windows intact, and reasonably-fresh paint job.)

Here is an online listing.  $1.6M.  I hope SOMEONE buys it, as it IS of historic value.