Author Topic: Robservations 8/7/02 - #594/595 - A Life Force of Dubious Origins  (Read 1948 times)

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594 - (Humbert Allen Astredo) - On this night, a stillness pervades the great house of Collinwood, an ominous stillness, for unknown to the others, one member of the Collins family is dead--and because of her death, Barnabas Collins has made a terrifying decision--a decision that may result in his own destruction.

Carolyn greets the dumbfounded Barnabas and asks him why he's staring at her. Can't you see? Can't you speak? she asks. He comes in looking dazed and says it's not possible. Is she all right?
Yes, she says, and he shouldn't have been alarmed--she just fainted during the experiment, and she's sorry for Adam's sake that it was unsuccessful--the only thing she remembers after fainting is waking up in her bedroom--she assumed Barnabas and Julia took her there, but it must have been Adam. Yes, says Barnabas doubtfully. He doesn't know what he and Julia are going to do now, but they're not going to try the experiment again. She remarks how strangely he's acting. He says everything's fine and he's got to leave, then dashes out the door. (his face was really something; no one does shocked to the core better than our Barnabas, and Carolyn was so deliciously casual about all this!)

Once outside, he's mystified at Carolyn's being alive--Julia's a doctor, she couldn't make that big a mistake. Carolyn was dead, now she's alive. How is it possible?

How is it possible? echoes Adam, in his room, as Nicholas tells him the good news about Carolyn. Nicholas grins as he boasts of his special powers.
(OK, NOW HERE IS A HUGE DISCREPANCY! Nicholas claims he can't give life to the dead, right? Well, obviously he was responsible for bringing Carolyn back to life, so why can't he do so on his own without forcing Julia and Barnabas to create a mate for Adam? Is it because he can't put a "perfect" body together, then give it life? It seems to me he can do anything, yet can't. . .anyone else find this weird?) Adam agrees to let Nicholas supply the life force for his mate. Nicholas toys with the chess pieces as he assures Adam he'll be very happy with his mate--she'll possess Carolyn's qualities, but will be more beautiful. Adam doesn't care--Carolyn is the only one who matters. Nicholas assures him he'll learn to love the mate as much as he loves Carolyn. Adam says right now he can't think of anybody but her, and he wants to see her. Nicholas says he'll go get her, but Adam must say goodbye to her. The experiment is going to be completed tonight, and Adam will begin a new life. Adam says he's frightened, but Nicholas reassures him that he'll see to it that Adam and Eve are happy. (I guess that name made sense, but it would have been more original to give her a different name--although I suppose the bastardization of the biblical reference amuses Nicholas.)

Carolyn arrives and is surprised to hear Adam say he's never been so happy to see her. She thought he'd be disappointed at the failure of the experiment--and she's willing to go through it again.
He's amazed that she is willing to do that for him, but he feels it's too dangerous, and besides, somebody else is going to be the life force. She insists she wants to help. Adam tells her she makes it difficult to say goodbye--after the experiment, he will leave and probably never see her again. Carolyn looks unhappy, but bravely points out that it's dangerous for him to stay in Collinsport--she'll miss him. Adam pleads with her not to forget him. Carolyn says she will always remember him--always. He says he's got to go now, but can he hold her for a moment? Of course, she says. He embraces her and strokes her hair for old times' sake. She then agrees to allow him one tender kiss. He gazes at her, gives her hands a quick kiss, says an abrupt goodbye, and rushes out the door. (Aw, tell me she doesn't care about the lug, just dare to tell me! She loves him, but is in total denial. A pity, because the guy she DOES end up with. . .well, no spoiling allowed, but those who have seen the show know what I mean.) Carolyn looks almost brokenhearted.

Adam, now no longer in a good mood, goes to the Old House, pissed off at Barnabas--where's Julia?--Barnabas has to find her so they can complete the experiment tonight--Adam's going to provide the woman for the life force, and Barnabas doesn't need to ask questions--just tell Julia to get everything ready. The experiment WILL be completed tonight. Adam heads out the door.

Carolyn tells Nicholas how helpless she feels--she wishes she could do something for Adam. Nicholas just happens to know a way she can help--she can assist him with a ritual to summon the spirit of a woman who has been dead almost two centuries.

The nervous Carolyn accompanies Nicholas down the winding staircase to his cellar. He gives her a pack of matches and instructs her to light four candles on a small table. He has her sit down, then points out a double circle drawn on the floor around the table. No matter what, she mustn't cross those lines; if she does, the woman they're summoning will kill her. (oh, how nice!) The minute Danielle Roget is in the room, Carolyn won't be safe anywhere but in the circle. He explains that Danielle lived during the French Revolution, then came to America and died here. Miss Roget enjoys the spectacle of death--she sent seven people to the guillotine, two of whom were members of her own family. Carolyn wonders why he wants to summon somebody like that. Nicholas only replies that he must.
She'll appear only to kill somebody, but Carolyn mustn't be frightened--he'll protect her, but she has to stay in her chair no matter what happens, and the sooner they begin, the sooner it will be over. He hands her a paper and tells her to read it. With a quavering voice, the frightened Carolyn reads out loud: "Danielle Roget, you will hear me calling to you. You will hear my voice and you will come to me..." Laughter fills the room, and Nicholas explains that Danielle Roget is in the room. The laughter is replaced by a series of bloodcurdling screams. Carolyn screams she can't stand it--she's got to get out--and she jumps out of the chair. Nicholas grabs her, but she's hysterical. Look at me, orders Nicholas, and calms her down with his hypnotic stare. He gets her to sit back down in the chair, where she collapses with her head on the table. A female voice asks why Nicholas is protecting her. A ghostly female figure, dressed in an elaborate old-fashioned long dress with big ruffled sleeves, appears in the room. Nicholas sternly says that he didn't summon her there to harm Carolyn. He asks Danielle if she'd like to live again. She says it's not possible, but he assures her there is a way. She must come back to this room when the clock strikes 3:00 - but she must appear as she was in life. She reminds him that she can exist that way for only a few hours, and he says that's all they need. If she shows up again at 3:00, he'll explain then. She doesn't want him to banish her before she can destroy Carolyn and watch her die. Nicholas orders her to return to her grave and starts putting out the candles. The apparition is snuffed out at the same time as the last candle.

Nicholas wakes Carolyn up and tells her she's safe--he'll take her home. With his assistance, she staggers back up the spiral staircase.

As the Collinwood clock strikes 2:45, Nicholas helps Carolyn through the door and seats her in the chair under Barnabas' portrait. She can't forget that terrible laughter and screaming. Nicholas hypnotizes her into forgetting everything, including the experiment--she'll only remember that Nicholas dropped by to see Roger. (at this hour? Why not, doesn't everyone visit anytime they want in good old Collinwood?) After he snaps his fingers, Carolyn giggles and tells him Roger isn't home--should he phone when he returns? No, just tell him I stopped by, says the grinning Nicholas. He gives her a courtly kiss on the hand and departs.

As the clock on the Old House mantle chimes 3:00, Barnabas wonders where Julia could be. And what did Adam mean--how can they conduct the experiment tonight?--who could he find for a life force? He answers a knock on the door. A blonde woman dressed in modern clothes and coat tells him that Adam asked her to come. Her name is Leona Eltridge. Adam appears from behind her to tell the amazed Barnabas that she is the one who will provide the life force for his mate.

NOTES: Some people find this woman rather interesting, but I'm not one of them. I found her voice interesting, but her behavior wooden. She didn't seem like the kind of gal who could have been responsible for so many murders. I think Adam should have stuck with Carolyn, but of course, Nicky wants his Adam to have a BAD girl for a wife, one he can control and who has the potential to produce BAD children for Satan!

595 - (Grayson Hall) - The great house of Collinwood is shrouded in darkness, and a cold night wind seems to whisper secrets, ominous secrets. In the Old House on the great estate, a frightened man waits, not knowing what will happen next. If he knew, his fear would mount to terror, for he is about to be confronted by the living dead.

Adam triumphantly tells Barnabas he promised them a life force and here she is. He's perturbed to learned Julia isn't there, and insists the experiment must be completed tonight. Adam leads Leona upstairs to rest and await the experiment. Barnabas, surprised this stranger is willing to participate in the experiment, asks to know more about her. Why? he asks Leona She replies, "for a variety of reasons," but doesn't want to answer further questions, she's tired.
Barn insists on knowing where she's from, etc. Adam orders Barnabas to find Julia, now, so they can begin the experiment. Barnabas isn't pleased at all! Julia comes in with Stokes; she didn't know what else to do. Stokes asks if Barn told the Collinses the truth, and Julia is relieved to hear he didn't. Stokes says no police visits are likely. Barnabas tells her some weird stuff has happened since she left, things he can't explain.

Adam leads Leona to Josette's room and helps her off with her coat. (Nice yellow outfit and scarf, and the coat matches.) Adam asks who she is, and she says she's a friend of Nicholas'. Quite a good friend, says Adam, and she agrees. He asks how long she's known Nick, and she says he asks as many questions as the guy downstairs. She reminds him of two things Nicholas said--no one must know they only met tonight, and most importantly, no one must know her relationship with Nicholas--or that he has anything to do with this. Adam promises, and Leona watches him leave, disdain on her face.

Julia can't believe Carolyn is alive, but Barnabas assures her it's true. Stokes asks if Carolyn believed she'd only fainted. Barnabas explains that she even wanted to do the experiment again. Adam told him he would provide a life force and just came back with this girl--Leona Eltridge--that's all she told him about herself, refusing to answer any questions. Stokes considers the name, thinking it's odd. Adam comes in and tells them to begin the experiment again. Julia says they must re-set the equipment, and Adam says it must succeed this time--and his mate must live.

Adam tells Julia to let him know when he's ready. Stokes calls to Adam, who refuses to answer any questions.
Stokes doesn't have any, and Adam says he always asks the most questions. Stokes requests a meeting with Leona, but Adam refuses--she's resting. Barnabas accuses him of being afraid to allow them to speak to her, but Adam says he's assuming she's not up for company. All assumptions aren't necessarily correct, says Stokes, and suggests Adam ask her. Adam says if Leona refuses to speak to them, he is to stay away from her.

Leona rests, staring at nothing. If this experiment succeeds, she says, if she can live again through the creation, she'll destroy ALL of these people. (nice gal!) When Adam comes in, she sits up, flashing quite a bit of thigh. She tells him about Stokes, who she's already heard about from Nicholas. To Adam's surprise, she says she'll be glad to see him. Adam seems concerned; Stokes is a smart, suspicious man, but Leona sits down at the vanity, combs her hair, and tells him to let Stokes in. The professor greets her warmly and they shake hands. He expresses his view that she's a mystery--how did she meet Adam and become involved in all this? She tells him she's known about the experiment all along, via Eric Lang--she was the only one who knew; they were in love and since it meant so much to Eric, she felt the same. She did love Eric, but she isn't risking her life; she's going to die anyway, she explains. She and Eric met as doctor and patient, and he discovered she is suffering from an incurable disease. It's hard for her to talk about, but the fact is, she's going to die, soon, very soon, and it will be a painful death. She doesn't like to think about it. She wants to die the way Eric died--making his experiment a success.
Stokes calls her brave, but she says she hasn't had much of a life without Eric, and she isn't afraid to die. How did Adam find you? Stokes asks. She responds that she'll answer his questions gladly, but she wishes to sleep for a while; the waiting is driving her crazy. Stokes thanks her for seeing him and departs. Leona grins, pleased at her ruse. Adam comes back in and asks if Stokes believed her. Every word, she assures him, and he'll tell the others and convince them as well.

Stokes relays the tale and says Leona was very convincing, but he finds her very "curious." They must use her for the experiment, says Barnabas. Stokes spells out her name and Barn asks about it. Stokes says it might be important and he has to leave--he'll explain later. He leaves, Barnabas gazing, dumbfounded, after him.

Down in the lab, Julia turns on the power, then stops it. She lets the fluids move, then turns them off. Barnabas comes downstairs; she tells him they're ready to start. She doesn't look too happy about it, and we see the bandaged face of Eve. Julia tells Barnabas she doesn't believe the woman's story, it's too pat and sentimental. We must use her, says Barnabas, and Julia agrees. Leona, dresses in a nightgown, comes down with Adam. They will begin now, declares Adam, and Julia asks if the woman is aware of the risk and is willing to go through with it anyway. Leona says she explained it to Stokes, surely she needn't explain it to her. Adam says they're wasting time, let's go, and Julia instructs Leona to get up on the table. Adam gazes at the bandaged face of his creation. "Soon, you will live, and you will be mine," says Adam. Barnabas tells him if the experiment is a success, she will come alive without knowledge or experience and must be educated--who will do that? I will, says Adam. Julia injects Leona with something. Barnabas is wondering if Adam can see to her education, but the big lug feels he can take care of her--she will be his. Leona defiantly refuses the injection for pain, insisting she can stand it. Adam says too much time is being wasted arguing. Julia doesn't give her the shot, but tells her she must be prepared--first, she'll feel a slight shock, then a tingling, then she'll lose consciousness, and after that, she can't say, too many unpredictables. Leona says she understands. Julia tells Barnabas to stay with Leona, take her pulse and let him know if it begins to weaken--she'll shut down the experiment. Julia assumes it's useless to ask Adam to leave, and asks him to stand out of the way. Adam refuses--he wants to stay with Eve--he wants to see the moment she comes alive. Julia tells Leona that she's putting on the first control--be prepared.

Everything flares into life, then darkens. Leona feels dizzy, strange. Julia plays with the controls. Barnabas stands with Leona, Adam with the creation. Lights flash. Leona feels pain and licks her lips. Barnabas announces Leona's pulsebeat is getting weaker. Julia pushes up the power. Leona can feel it. The pain, she murmurs. Julia calls for the pulse. Barn announces it's much weaker. Leona screams and passes out. Julia announces the gauge has reached 50 and shouldn't go higher. Barnabas calls for Julia to come, he feels no pulse. Something is wrong, blares Adam. Julia shushes him. Julia listens to both womens' hearts and turns off the juice. There is silence. She's dead, Julia tells them. She begins to unstrap Leona, muttering, "I don't want to think of what we've done." Adam demands to know what's happening. Julia tells him they've failed--his mate won't come alive. "I should kill you both!" declares Adam. Julia says they did all they could. Suddenly, the woman on the other table begins to moan. Adam insists he must see her and starts unwinding her bandages. They all cluster around eagerly. Julia tells him to be careful and he promises he will. He unwinds the bandages to reveal the face of his mate, whose eyes are open.
"She is alive!" Adam cries in exaltation.

NOTES: Why would Barnabas fear being faced with one of the living dead? He used to belong to that club himself.

The way Leona introduces herself sounds like she's a guest on TO TELL THE TRUTH, doesn't it? To me, this was one of DS' worst actresses.

I always smile when Julia performs this experiment. It just smacks of such bizarre science, making little sense, but I suppose neither did Frankenstein.

This time, Adam felt more concern for Eve than the woman on the other table, but that wasn't Carolyn. This chick seems downright nasty, but that's no surprise, given her origins. Nicholas just might find out that a murderer has a mind of her own!

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 8/7/02 - #594/595 - A Life Force of Dubious Origins
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2002, 06:22:11 PM »
NOTES: Some people find this woman rather interesting, but I'm not one of them.  I found her voice interesting, but her behavior wooden.  She didn't seem like the kind of gal who could have been responsible for so many murders.

And then there are those who don't believe she is a "she" at all. ;)

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Re: Robservations 8/7/02 - #594/595 - A Life Force of Dubious Origins
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2002, 07:49:08 PM »
And then there are those who don't believe she is a "she" at all. ;)

You mean she wasn't played by ERIC Fitz?  [wink2]

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Re: Robservations 8/7/02 - #594/595 - A Life Force of Dubious Origins
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2002, 09:18:20 PM »
And then there are those who don't believe she is a "she" at all. ;)

You know, I never thought about it before, but looking at your screen captures of "her" I can see what you mean.  :o

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Re: Robservations 8/7/02 - #594/595 - A Life Force of Dubious Origins
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2002, 10:33:24 PM »
(OK, NOW HERE IS A HUGE DISCREPANCY!  Nicholas claims he can't give life to the dead, right?  Well, obviously he was responsible for bringing Carolyn back to life, so why can't he do so on his own without forcing Julia and Barnabas to create a mate for Adam?  Is it because he can't put a "perfect" body together, then give it life?  It seems to me he can do anything, yet can't. . .anyone else find this weird?)

I wonder if Nicholas was responsible for Carolyn's 'death' as well as her 'recovery'.  I thought he went along too easily with Adam's request that she act as the life force, considering how determined Nicholas was that the most evil woman in the world (as moody and demanding as she can get, Carolyn certainly isn't that bad) should be the mate.  I wonder now what other spells the warlock worked on Miss Stoddard when he hypnotized her into joining the experiment.  Was this miracle just a set-up to make Adam more willing to use 'Leona Eltridge'?


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Re: Robservations 8/7/02 - #594/595 - A Life Force of Dubious Origins
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2002, 07:55:44 AM »
And then there are those who don't believe she is a "she" at all. ;)

Oh my goodness, my dad said the very same thing!!  I had never really noticed this until now.  MB, you really are perceptive. ;)
"Calamity Jane"


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Re:Robservations 8/7/02 - #594/595 - A Life Force of Dubious Origins
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2004, 09:59:00 PM »
DVD episodes for April 27rd and 28th.
The 1st and 2nd episodes on Set#10/Disc#3 (1st and 2nd episodes on MPI tape Volume #73)