Author Topic: Robservations 8/1/02 - #586/587 - Things Come to a Head  (Read 2192 times)

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Robservations 8/1/02 - #586/587 - Things Come to a Head
« on: July 31, 2002, 08:56:42 PM »
586 - (Nancy Barrett) - Clouds obscure the moon over Collinwood. The house is as dark as one man's intention, for he feels he has been betrayed by the man who promised to make him a mate, and now he must do what he has threatened to.

Vicki can't answer Barnabas' frantic calls because Adam is strangling her, vowing Barnabas will know the loneliness he promised him. Barnabas continues to knock, trying the door, which is locked, over and over. Vicki falls unconscious in Adam's lap and he looks at his hands and wipes one on his shirt as if it's coated with something gross. (guilty blood?) Carolyn comes down the hall and asks Barnabas what's wrong. She says she'll get the key to Vicki's room. Adam slips back out the window as Carolyn rushes to get the key. (Why didn't Barn just break it down?) Carolyn wonders why he thinks something is wrong. Barnabas is unable to fit the key in the lock at first. He finally forces the inside key to drop out and he and Carolyn rush into Vicki's room. Vicki is unconscious. They both tend to her, and Carolyn asks who did it. Adam, reveals Barnabas. Carolyn asks why. Get Julia, orders Barnabas, they desperately need a doctor. Carolyn goes, reluctantly, because she wants to know Adam's connection to this. Barnabas laments to Vicki using her as a pawn in all this, but he had no choice--or at least that's what he's told himself.
He has caused this--the curse! Is it still alive, even if Angelique isn't? Must everyone he loves die, even now, after 200 years? he asks himself. (a very good question!)

Carolyn calls the police. Nicholas, dapper as always, offers to help her instead. He's much more polite and effective than the local gendarmes. (LOL!) She asks if he's been with Adam, and he asks if she's calling the police about Adam. He plucks the phone from her hand and hangs it up, infuriating her. Nicholas insists he wants to talk to her. She accuses him of lying to her--he wasn't with Adam--Adam just tried to kill Vicki. Carolyn says Vicki is unconscious, with Julia, but Adam tried to choke her. Nicholas expresses his sorrow, but asks who said it was Adam. Barnabas, she says, but it makes no sense. Nicholas asks if he SAW Adam. Carolyn tried to question Barnabas, but he's too upset about Vicki--Barn knows it was Adam, sans explanation.
Nicholas suggests Adam has been rendered the local whipping boy; whatever happens, he's responsible. Carolyn, upset, says if Adam did this, she can't keep him here. The police aren't the answer, insists Nick. Carolyn says so many strange things have happened since Adam came here, but Nick says he was with Adam all evening, playing chess for two hours, so he's providing Adam with an alibi. He lives there, too, Nick reminds her, and doesn't want a potential murderer on the estate. Nicholas brings up Jeff's bad temper--he and Vicki broke up, right, and others have a very good reason, while Adam doesn't. He invites her to see Adam--they will have a game of cards. He suggests she go check on Vicki, then join him in Adam's room.

Carolyn goes to Vicki's room. Barnabas sits in a chair, anxiously watching Vicki. He tells Carolyn Vicki is in some kind of shock, and Carolyn asks if she's spoken yet. No, says Barn, but she will be all right. Carolyn tells Barnabas he saved Vicki's life; she heard nothing in the next room. She wants to know why he thinks it was Adam, but he insists on answering her questions later. Yes, she says curtly, you will answer my questions--I intend for you to.

Nicholas berates Adam for his insane behavior--Carolyn, his FRIEND, was about to call the police. He lied and told her they were together. Why did he do this thing now? You wouldn't understand, as Carolyn doesn't says Adam--Barnabas doesn't intend to finish his mate. Nicholas tries to explain how hard it is, much harder than Adam understands. It's so complex, no one could do it before Adam. Barnabas is stalling, insists Adam, the life force is holding him up. Nicholas says he should have come to him when Barn was looking for the life force. Nicholas' mouth drops open when he hears Barnabas' choice for the life force--Maggie Evans. Nicholas assures Adam he knows where the lady lives. Barnabas went to get Maggie, says Adam, but Nicholas waves a finger at him and says, in a ragged voice, "NO. . .no, we must stop them NOW!" Adam gazes with puzzlement at the angry warlock. (Nicholas cares for Maggie as much as Willie does, so of course, he doesn't want his lady used for this experiment! Interesting--love over duty!)
Nicholas paces. Adam wonders why he's so upset. Adam tells Nick that Willie took Maggie, but he doesn't believe that. Nicholas wonders where Willie took her, and Adam says, contemptuously, that Willie is in love with her (why is Adam so contemptuous? He loves Carolyn). Nicholas tells Adam that if anything happens to Maggie, he will hold him responsible. Adam rises from the bed, looks at Nick, and says he never told him they couldn't use Maggie.  He'd have stopped them, says Nicholas, and Adam accuses him of being in love with Maggie. "Love isn't a word that I use," says Nick, but Adam wonders why he's so upset and angry, then. Nicholas doesn't want anything to happen to her. Adam asks if he believes Barnabas' story about Willie, and is pset to hear Nicholas answer absolutely not to Adam's question about using Maggie if she is found. There's a knock at the door. Nick orders Adam to deny everything to Carolyn--better still, let him talk. Nicholas admits Carolyn and she bids Adam good evening. He is upset, says Nick, he told him what she believed had happened. Adam apologizes, and Carolyn wonders why. He says he's sorry, he heard what happened. Carolyn tells them Vicki is still in a state of shock and hasn't spoken. She apologizes to Adam for jumping to a wrong conclusion--she couldn't imagine why Barnabas thought it was him. Nicholas says Adam's getting used to being blamed. Adam insists he is NOT used to it. Carolyn realizes Adam is angry and disappointed in her, but he says he's just angry at the crappy way his life has turned out. You must not be, she says. He says he'll feel better tomorrow. She assures him they all will feel better tomorrow, and bids both men good night. She tells Nick to stay with Adam, and tells the big guy she'll see him in the morning. Nick closes the door after her. Adam is sorry he lied to her--he promised he never would. Nicholas observes he loves her very much, and Adam sorrowfully says for as long as he lives.

Carolyn turns off the lights in the foyer. Julia is staying with Vicki, Barnabas tells her, but he says he's tired and can't offer an explanation. She can't sleep until he does, and wants to know why he thinks it was Adam. Julia was heading for Collinwood and saw Adam in the woods. She assumed he was coming here and ran back to the Old House to tell him.
WHY? demands Carolyn--if Julia thought Adam was coming to Collinwood, why didn't she just come to Collinwood and warn them? She was closer to the Old House, says Barnabas, and figured he could head Adam off. Carolyn asks why Vicki is involved. Barnabas always felt Adam was connected to Vicki's disappearance. Have you any proof? queries Carolyn--she finds it all difficult to understand--he isn't a man who lives by his prejudices, so he must have a reason for believing it was Adam. And Barnabas feels she has her reasons for refusing to believe them. She knows where Adam has been hiding, and she must care more for Vicki than Adam. Carolyn admits she feels a great deal for Vicki, but Barnabas has given her no proof. "Then we've reached an impasse, haven't we?" he asks pointedly, and leaves.

Nicholas is asking Adam if "that plan" is acceptable to him, and it apparently is. Adam must start it, and be very cool with Barnabas--stay in charge, don't lose his temper. Adam tells Nicholas how grateful he is, Nicholas IS his friend. Go, orders Nicholas, Barnabas has no choice but to do as you say. Adam leaves, looking self-satisfied, as does Nicholas, grinning in that Snidely Whiplash way of his.

Old House - Barnabas finds his front door ajar. Adam is waiting for him, sitting in a chair. "Good evening," he greets him, playing solitaire. Barnabas is surprised Adam believes he'll help him, after tonight. Adam tells Barnabas to sit down, and Barnabas asks him how dare her come there. Vicki is still alive, Adam reminds him. No thanks to you, says Barnabas. Adam would like Vicki to stay alive, but Barnabas believes him capable of going back there tonight to finish the job. Adam again asks him to sit down, and comments what an imposing gentleman Barnabas has always been--I find it hard not to be frightened by your manner. Adam has decided to believe his reason for not doing the experiment--he believes him about Maggie. Too late to bring that up, says Barnabas, but Adam realizes Maggie is unsuitable, anyway. Who they use is no concern of Adam's, says Barn, but Adam insists the life force must be suitable to him. You must try and please me, says Adam, but Barnabas, sitting at last, says he doubts it possible. Adam tells him he is to be ready to bring his mate to life tomorrow night. Do you know where Maggie is? asks Barnabas. No, says Adam. They need a life force, insists Barnabas. They'll have one, Adam replies, but he doesn't need to know who. Barnabas says they can't use a stranger who will talk. It isn't a stranger, Adam assures him. Barnabas insists on knowing. Adam responds, "The only woman I want to bring that body alive--the woman I want my wife to be like--Carolyn Stoddard," says Adam calmly. Barnabas' face registers shock.

NOTES: Adam aims high, obviously with Nicholas' assistance. He wants to use Carolyn for this potentially dangerous experiment, where she could die, if the experiment proceeds the way the first was supposed to. I can't believe Adam accepting this, but Blair talked him into it in his inimitable way, we can be sure. And the calm way Adam presents this suggestion to Barnabas is priceless.  To suggest using Carolyn Stoddard, heir to Collinwood, in such a dangerous experiment? Yet Adam TELLS Barnabas that's the way it's going to be.

587 - (KLS) - A cloudy, windless night, and those who sleep in the great house of Collinwood do not dream their lives are in danger. But two men know. And, in an old house on the estate, they meet, and one who, six months ago, did not even know his name, is now giving the orders.

Barnabas and Adam reminded me of a father and son having a serious talk as Adam tells "Daddy" he wants Carolyn to provide the life force for his mate.
Impossible, says Barnabas, out of the question--he can't ask Carolyn to do it. Adam says he won't have to ask, but Barn suggests he's overestimated his influence. Barnabas insists he listen--he's considered the life force very carefully and decided on Maggie because she lives alone and wouldn't be missed. (she would by some!) Most importantly, she can be controlled--Julia will hypnotize Maggie and she will have no memory--that's vital. Carolyn won't talk, says Adam, but Barn says she can't be missing for a length of time. Barnabas says that if he has all this affection for Carolyn, he can't expect her to do it, it's too dangerous. Barn explains that the giver of the life force is supposed to die. Adam asks if Barnabas was willing to die to bring him to life, and Barn explains that he was to live in Adam--think, react as he does--he'd BE him. This is news to Adam--that I would have thought what you thought? He can't even understand him now! Adam realizes he would have lived in this house, and Barnabas says the family would have thought him a cousin. Adam asks how he could hate himself so much he'd want to change his body? Past history, says Barn, but Carolyn is the present. Adam reminds him he didn't die, but Barn says that's because he didn't go through with the experiment as Lang had originally outlined. So, says Adam, Julia will do this experiment the same way as the first--simple. No, says Barn, if Julia forgets one move, no telling what will happen. If Adam is so fond of Carolyn. . .he can't change it now, says Adam. Tell her all this, insists Barnabas, she might refuse--and talk. No, she won't talk, says Adam. So, says Barn, you are willing to sacrifice her. As you are willing to sacrifice Maggie, retorts Adam--using Carolyn, you and Julia will be even more careful, and that is good. Barn asks if he could have Maggie there tomorrow, get her back from Willie. . .Adam remembers a day when Barnabas controlled him and Willie, and not long ago. They will use Carolyn, Maggie will stay wherever she is, Adam insists, returning to his game of solitaire and defiantly slapping down the cards.

In the mausoleum, Willie ponders Maggie sleeping on the cold floor, and wonders, how can he keep watching her all the time? How will he know if it's safe to let her go? Where will he get food? He can't go to the Old House. . .into town. He kneels and is about to touch Maggie, but stops. He opens the step the contains the hidden door release and leaves the secret room. Willie creeps to the wrought iron gate. Maggie stirs, sees the still-open door, and quietly slips out. Willie returns to the secret room and sees she is gone. "Maggie!" he cries, looking around. Maggie crouches behind Sarah's coffin, out of Willie's view. He returns to the secret room, calling her. She leaves her hiding place and rushes for the door. Willie spots her, grabs her, and they struggle. She begs him to let her go, and he tells her he's doing this for her own good. She tells him he's crazy, making up a story about Barnabas trying to hurt her. Willie protests he's more sane than he's ever been, and she sobs how cold, tired and hungry she is--let her go home! She looks at the plaques on the walls and realizes they are in the Collins tomb. Maggie grips the gate and begins to scream for help. Willie covers her mouth and she nips him, making him cry out in pain. He finally catches her, covers her mouth again, and forces her back into the secret room, but not before she bites him again. She triumphantly tells him he'll have to close the door and she'll see him do it. She refuses to accept he's doing this for her own good.
"I hate you!" she cries twice, and vows to go straight to the police as soon as she escapes--she doesn't think someone like him should be running around loose! He pleads with her, saying she'll change her mind someday, when she knows. Someday, perhaps he'll tell her part of it, so she'll forgive him. Maggie vows never to forgive him. Willie, standing behind her, opening the bottle of chloroform, says he knows she is cold and hungry--he'll get her food and blankets, he says, if she lets him. . .he covers her mouth and nose with the rag, apologizing again. She falls limp in his arms, and he lowers her to the steps. He gently moves her hair off her face, leaves the secret room, and pulls the ring in the lion's mouth, closing it behind him.

Nicholas waits impatiently in the gazebo. "You took long enough," he says to an approaching Adam, who tells him Barn is upset about using Carolyn, but didn't talk him out of it. Barnabas told Adam it would be dangerous, which Nicholas said he would do. He made Adam believe it, but Nick insists that was just a ploy to scare him. No, says Adam, he wants him to wait until he finds Maggie. NO, says Nick, Maggie won't be used--he wants Adam to love this woman, which will only happen if she's like Carolyn. Yet I am not like Barnabas, states Adam. Nicholas says he'll see Carolyn in the mate, just as Adam and Barnabas share certain traits. Adam doesn't feel Barnabas believes they share any characteristics, but Nicholas insists that's only because Barnabas won't admit it. Nicholas asks Adam if he saw Willie, and Adam replies no. Adam wants Nick to tell him how he's going to get Carolyn to cooperate, and, grabbing his arm, insists he not use violence on Carolyn. Of course not, says Nicholas.  Adam wants Carolyn to WANT to be part of the experiment, and Nicholas says he understands that. She must want to do it, says Adam, for HIM, and Nick promises that will happen. Adam wants to accompany Nicholas to speak to Carolyn, but Nicholas says it's impossible--he's doing this as a favor to him and must choose his own time and place, and deal with Carolyn without interruption--Adam wouldn't control himself. Nick tells Adam to stop worrying, and Adam again grabs his arm, staying him--he can't stop worrying! Nicholas orders him to let go of him, and Adam accuses him of being more concerned about Willie Loomis. I am, confesses Nick, at the moment--"now let go of my arm!"

Nicholas and Adam hear Willie skulking through the woods. They don't want to be caught, so they hasten away, Adam taking a look through the trees. Nicholas tells Adam to stay where he is and approaches Willie, who is scared. Nicholas orders Willie to come to him, but Willie protests he has to go. Nicholas tells him he knows he's lying, and Willie takes offense. Nicholas' eyes seem to glow as he stares at Willie. "You can't take your eyes away from mine," intones Nicholas. "Come here, Willie. You need my help very badly, now come here." Willie, in a trance, comes forward. Nicholas tells him he knows about Maggie Evans. . .
Adam watches from the bushes as Nicholas tells Willie he knows he kidnapped Maggie, and for her own good. He understands that. Nicholas assures Willie Maggie is out of danger now--take his word for it. Willie realizes this man knows just about everything, but Nick says he's too modest to admit it. He orders Willie to let Maggie go--that's an order, but not to say HE gave him the order. As a bonus, he'll let him forget this meeting ever took place. Willie isn't sure about that, but he knows what he's supposed to do. Willie backs away and leaves. Adam rejoins Nicholas, tells him to follow Willie, see where he's hiding Maggie. No, says Nick, he doesn't want her to know he's involved. Adam wonders how he knows Willie will let her go, and Nicholas explains he has "a way" with people, which should assure Adam of success with

Carolyn. Maggie Evans will be freed tonight, he predicts.

Maggie lies asleep in the mausoleum. "Willie," she mutters. "Willie." She dreams of a table set for two in the Old House, Willie opening Josette's music box and setting it on the table, lighting the candles. He hears knocking, and Maggie is there. He tells her to come in. She's wearing a hideous dress! She notes the music, and Willie says he was told to play it for her. She asks where she is, she knows she shouldn't be here, there's something wrong with her being here. Why is she here? You'll know soon, Willie says. A place card on the table says Josette, but Maggie knows she's been dead for centuries, so why does that card says Josette? Willie tells her he follows "his" orders, and Maggie wonders who that is--Barnabas? What does he want from her? She wants to go now. You can't, says Willie. Let me go, she says, don't keep me here. You must stay, says Willie, he's coming. Maggie asks why she feels this way, but Willie says she'll be all right. No, she won't be if she sees him, she protests, if she stays here. You will stay and see him, insists Willie. No, says Maggie, what's happening to me?--something's wrong, why am I afraid. Willie warns her to be quiet, he can hear her. She doesn't care. Barnabas appears, and there is a blood-curdling scream (the fake one).
Maggie sees Josette Collins' gravestone as the screams go on and on.

Maggie awakens. Barnabas! she whispers. Why? Why was she afraid of him? Because everything that happened that night actually happened! She remembers that evening, she was terrified--why?

NOTES: Nicholas marvelous as always, and Maggie's dream creepy. Barnabas and Adam's conversation was quite civilized, and I enjoyed it.

It appears that everything is now coming back to Maggie, and if she remembers what happened to her when Barnabas was a vampire, it will be so ironic, given that he no longer is one of the living dead.

Nicholas and Willie both have a similar motive in not wanting Maggie used for the experiment--love. Barnabas doesn't want his cousin risking her life, nor does Adam, so they are not at cross-purposes, either, when you get down to basics. Nicholas lied to Adam about the potential danger to Carolyn, but won't explain why he so vehemently is against Maggie being used--a very interesting scenario, huh?

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 8/1/02 - #586/587 - Things Come to a Head
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2002, 05:21:45 AM »
I find it hard to believe that Adam spent so much time attempting to strangle Vicki and then didn't even succeed.  This is a man who bent the iron bars of his cell and broke a hearty deputy's neck with ease.  Why is it so difficult for him to attack a young girl?  Is it because Adam's conscience is subconsciously preventing him from carrying out his threat? Or is it because we need to drag out the suspense by cutting away to Barnabas hammering at the door and shouting?

If Willie would only mention Adam's name in relation to the danger Maggie faces, I'm sure she would be a little more willing to listen to him.  Adam did (inadvertantly) kill her father.  All Willie has to say is that Adam is blackmailing Barnabas--he doesn't have to go into details--to make his story sound more credible.  Instead we get to hear him and Maggie yelling at each other.  ::)


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Re: Robservations 8/1/02 - #586/587 - Things Come to a Head
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2002, 07:14:17 AM »
I find it hard to believe that Adam spent so much time attempting to strangle Vicki and then didn't even succeed.  This is a man who bent the iron bars of his cell and broke a hearty deputy's neck with ease.  Why is it so difficult for him to attack a young girl?  Is it because Adam's conscience is subconsciously preventing him from carrying out his threat? Or is it because we need to drag out the suspense by cutting away to Barnabas hammering at the door and shouting?

I didn't get the impression that he was trying to strangle her at that point.  I thought he was just restraining her and trying to keep her quiet.  I felt that he didn't realize his own strength and was surprised to see what he had done to her, and that was partially why he was looking at his hands like that, as though he couldn't believe what he had done.

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Re: Robservations 8/1/02 - #586/587 - Things Come to a Head
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2002, 09:31:17 PM »
I didn't get the impression that he was trying to strangle her at that point.  I thought he was just restraining her and trying to keep her quiet.  I felt that he didn't realize his own strength and was surprised to see what he had done to her, and that was partially why he was looking at his hands like that, as though he couldn't believe what he had done.

Josette, this was my impression too.
Wiley S.

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Re: Robservations 8/1/02 - #586/587 - Things Come to a Head
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2002, 09:33:39 PM »
If Willie would only mention Adam's name in relation to the danger Maggie faces, I'm sure she would be a little more willing to listen to him.  Adam did (inadvertantly) kill her father.  All Willie has to say is that Adam is blackmailing Barnabas--he doesn't have to go into details--to make his story sound more credible.  Instead we get to hear him and Maggie yelling at each other.  ::)

LOL agree that Willie should have just mentioned Adam's name. Definitely one of those yell-at-the-t.v. moments.
Wiley S.


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Re:Robservations 8/1/02 - #586/587 - Things Come to a Head
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2004, 08:20:12 PM »
DVD episodes for April 15th and 16th.

The 3rd and 4th episodes on Set#10/Disc#2 (3rd and 4th episodes on MPI tape Volume #71)