Author Topic: Robservations 7/9/02 - #552/553 - Adam Takes Rash Action  (Read 1418 times)

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Robservations 7/9/02 - #552/553 - Adam Takes Rash Action
« on: July 08, 2002, 10:22:25 AM »
552 - Barnabas is quite surprised at Adam's request. It's impossible, he says, but Adam says he can and will. It isn't within his power to create life, says Barnabas, and he didn't create Adam. Lang found the way to artificially create life--that is the truth. Adam refuses to believe, but Barnabas says he can't do it because Dr. Lang is dead. When did he die? demands Adam, and Barnabas explains it happened two days before the experiment. Then Lang didn't give him life, points out Adam, Barnabas did. Barnabas explains he was part of the experiment himself, he understand how difficult life has been. While he sympathizes, he can't help him. Adam refuses to believe him. If he came alive two days after Lang's death, someone else completed the experiment. Barnabas notes Adam is capable of reasoning, but not understanding. "It was you who finished his work," says Adam, but Barnabas denies this--it was Dr. Hoffman who completed the experiment. Adam orders Barnabas to get her and she will help him. It isn't that simple, explains Barnabas, try to understand. Adam understands only one thing--he can't be happy until there is another like himself. He has great strength and a good mind, but he also gave him strong feelings with which to love--but what good it is to love, if he can't be loved? (good point.) If Barnabas creates a woman for him, he'll take her and go away and never see or trouble him again. But if he doesn't do this. . .Willie interrupts this discussion, asking Barnabas if he can go into town tonight. Adam greets him, and Willie whirls around, terrified. Adam assures him he won't hurt him. Willie asks what Adam wants, and is shocked at how well Adam speaks now. Adam says he wants nothing from Willie, just Barnabas. Barnabas tells Willie to go downstairs, but poor Willie can't get over how well Adam communicates now. Defiantly, Willie tells Adam to take his learning somewhere else; he and Barnabas don't need him. Adam tells Willie he doesn't need HIM, but he does need Barnabas. Barnabas won't explain the situation to Willie but tells him to go downstairs. Willie is about to go, but Adam stops him--stay, Willie, maybe you can convince Barnabas to help. Barnabas tells Willie that Adam wants him and Julia to create a woman for him. Willie calls Adam crazy, but Barnabas assures him the big guy isn't crazy. I knows what I want, insists Adam--it can be done, it will be done, and very soon. Barnabas says he can't believe Adam came up with this idea alone--who helped you? No one, says Adam, and Barnabas says now he is the one who is lying. Who else knows of Adam's origins? asks Barnabas. No one else, states Adam--I have to leave and I want an answer. Barnabas says he can't give him what he wants. Adam says he doesn't believe that. He'll give him time to change his mind, until 9 PM (20 minutes hence).

Jeff, smiling confidently, arrives at Collinwood. Vicki answers his knock and flies into his arms. He told his boss he was sick, which is technically true--he's lovesick, a very bad case. Vicki leads him inside. He wanted them to go out, he says, to dinner. She says she's also going out, she wasn't expecting him--she's going to the Old House to see Barnabas.
Why, asks Jeff, and she says she wants to tell him about their engagement. Jeff asks if she still feels that close to Barnabas, and she insists he's her friend. Does he have to be consulted on what you do? asks Jeff, why are you in such a hurry that Barnabas know?--he's also in love with you, Jeff points out, but that couldn't matter, could it? She asks if he's jealous of Barnabas, and he tells her not to be ridiculous. She and Barnabas are friends and she wants to tell him this important piece of news. The fact Barnabas is in love with her is something he can't change, but the fact that she is in love with Jeff is something Barnabas can't change. Jeff seems relieved, and tells her to go along; he'll go with her for protection. She reminds him Cassandra and Nicholas are gone, so there isn't any danger in the house or outside any longer. They kiss; she tells him to wait there for her--she won't be long. He's grinning as he stares at the clock, which reads 8:55.

Nine PM, the same time Nicholas gave Cassandra not long ago. Barnabas is sitting in the chair, Adam is right next to him, reminding him it's now nine o'clock. Willie stands watching. Barnabas says his answer is the same-no. Then I will leave now, Adam says. Barnabas asks why he must leave, where is he staying, who's been protecting him--is it Stokes? Adam won't give. He got his answer and that's all he came for. Barnabas promises him the same protection he's been getting, with him. Adam says he doesn't trust him and wouldn't stay there again. Barnabas asks Adam to stay long enough for him to get Julia. Why? Asks Adam. I don't want you to leave not trusting me, thinking I had lied, explains Barn--if you stay and sees Julia, you'll learn why we can't grant your request. Adam knows Julia is Barnabas' friend and will lie for him. Barnabas comments that whoever has been teaching him hasn't done him a favor by making him so cynical. All Adam knows is that he knows what he wants can be done, and Barnabas has the power to do so, but refuses.
"You will be very sorry, Barnabas, for your decision you will be VERY sorry." "Adam," says Barnabas sternly, but the big guy walks out the door, leaving it open. Willie tells Barnabas he must stop Adam, but Barnabas says there's no way to do so. Willie has a way, and retrieves the rifle. Barnabas orders him to put it away, but Willie argues with him--Adam threatened him and Willie, and they have to get Adam first! Barnabas can't harm him; he's heard the tape recording.
Barnabas explains about Lang's message, and Willie recalls the tape David brought to the Old House a couple of weeks ago, looking for Julia. He asked a lot of questions about Barnabas, and Willie sent the nosy kid home. Barnabas says what is on the recorder is important to him, vital to his survival. Willie doesn't care about that, they have to find Adam and get rid of him permanently, and won't be safe until he is dead.

Adam walks through the woods and hears rustling. Vicki comes by, stops, goes on. Adam starts to walk away, then decides to follow Vicki. He sees that she is heading for the Old House.

Barnabas is pleased to see Vicki and invites her in. Adam spies through the window, peering in. Barnabas tells Vicki that now that Cassandra is gone, he'll spend more time at Collinwood. She says she wanted him to be the first to know of her impending marriage; Barnabas' feelings are very important to her. He doesn't have to ask the identity of the lucky young man, Jeff, but Barnabas points out she hasn't known him long.
She feels she's made the right choice. He offers his very best wishes, he wants her to have every happiness. Adam watches as Barnabas kisses her cheek, then tells Vicki that this won't change his feelings for her, nothing ever will. Vicki thanks him, but says she must return to Collinwood; Jeff's waiting for her. Barnabas escorts her to the door as Adam hides, and again wishes her happiness. He watches her go, heartbroken, and gazes up at the moon, then goes inside. Vicki walks back through the woods and is horrified to encounter Adam. She asks how he got there. "You will help me," says Adam, covering Vicki's mouth. She passes out, and he carries her off.

NOTES: Whoa, baby, Adam has turned into quite a Nicholas clone, at least in his way of doing business. He observes Barnabas with Vicki, notes how much he cares for her, and varoom, he kidnaps the woman he knows Barnabas loves! Way to go, Adam, you get an A in Nicholas Blair's course for Wicked Intentions and Actions 101.

Why does Vicki want to marry Jeff over Barnabas? Sorry, I don't understand her preference here. Jeff's such a toad, too, questioning her reasons for wanting to tell Barnabas, I just wish he'd go away.

Perhaps Adam has a point. He knows Barnabas and Julia conducted the experiment without Lang and successfully brought him to life, so why would it be so hard to do it again and create a mate for him to love--especially since he's offered to go away?

I don't like this obnoxious version of Adam. He grates on my nerves.

553 - The way Adam subdues his victims is better than the Spock neck pinch, isn't it?

Jeff waits for Vicki to return to Collinwood. It's 11:30, a bit late for dinner, and he lights up a cigarette. When Carolyn greets him, he tells her he and Vicki have a date--she went to the Old House to tell Barnabas something, and she's been gone over 2 hours. Carolyn finds that odd. She offers Jeff a drink. He wants to go check on Vicki. He didn't want her to go to the woods alone, and now look. Carolyn suggests she and Barnabas, who are good friends, are just shmoozing. He insists on going out to look. He knows the way to the Old House, somehow, probably a Peter Bradford flashback. He tells Carolyn Vicki once gave him the directions and he remembers them. Carolyn stands there, finding it all very peculiar.

Adam carries Vicki into his room and places her on the bed. (no girls in your room, Adam!) She comes to and Adam orders her to keep quiet. She asks where she is, and he says she doesn't need to know. She says she's been there before, the West Wing of Collinwood. She asks why he brought her there, and he says she doesn't need to know that, either. She insists she has a right to know. He's only seen her a few times, once in the jail. He says he saw her kissing Jeff at the fountain. You were watching us, observes Vicki--you can't keep me here; I haven't done a thing to hurt you-why are you hurting me?
He says he doesn't intend to hurt her, he needs her to help him. She remembers him saying that before--what does it mean? He says she needn't be frightened, just be quiet and not run away, and he'll be nice to her when he gets what he wants--if she screams for help or tries to run away, he warns, he'll have to kill her. Vicki looks terrified.

Old House - Barnabas, reading, answers Jeff's frantic knocking at his door. Tell Vicki I'm here, instructs Jeff, but Barn says she left already. Jeff said she never made it back, or he wouldn't be here. Barnabas, perturbed, says Vicki left 40 minutes ago. Jeff wonders if there's another way back, but Barnabas says the path is the most direct way. Jeff says he should have run into her, then. Barnabas asks if he's implying he didn't tell the truth; his tone implies that. Jeff says he'll pose it another way--he came to get Vicki, and if they took the same direct route, they should have met at some point. Barnabas agrees, but. . .then Barnabas remembers Adam's threat that he'd be sorry for his decision not to give him a mate. "Oh my God!" Barnabas exclaims as an annoyed Jeff continues blathering. Jeff realizes Barnabas was thinking about something else, but Barn says he was thinking of Vicki, hoping she was all right. Barnabas says they are both to blame if anything has happened, for letting Vicki to walk alone through the woods. Now they must find her, says Jeff. Barnabas says he'll get some flashlights and they'll go search. Jeff asks if Barnabas has reason for believing Vicki is in danger; Barnabas sidesteps the question.
Jeff has a feeling Barnabas knows something he doesn't, which Barnabas assures him is nonsense. Jeff glances out the window and waits.

A storm is raging as Jeff and Barnabas, flashlights in hand, call to Vicki. Barnabas suggests they split up and take two different paths. Lightning flashes. Jeff says if they don't find her, he's calling the cops--Barnabas agrees. They proceed on, separating.

Carolyn is working at the desk when someone knocks at the door. It's Barnabas.  He asks if she's alone, and says he must speak to her at once. He requests that they go into the drawing room, which they do.  He closes the doors. He tells her she must reveal Adam's hiding place, but she insists she doesn't know. Barnabas says he didn't believe her before or now, but now is different--Vicki's life may be in danger--she disappeared after visiting the Old House, and he and Jeff searched the woods and couldn't find her. Barnabas is certain Adam had something to do with it, Adam came to visit him earlier, too. Carolyn starts to say that's impossible, but stops, and he gazes at her, commenting that she seems upset by what he told her. She says she's surprised, she had no idea Adam was anywhere near Collinwood. Barnabas insists she and Stokes have known of Adam's whereabouts all along, and that Carolyn has been protecting him. Carolyn asks why Adam came to the Old House, but Barnabas refuses to say. Slyly, Carolyn says, "And you think I have something to hide."
He asks if she is concerned about Vicki, and she says she is. If that's so, says Barnabas, you must tell me where Adam is. Carolyn wonders why he feels Adam is connected with Vicki's disappearance, and Barn says if she's really Vicki's friend, she'll be concerned about her whereabouts--they must hope Adam hasn't harmed Vicki. Carolyn still insists she doesn't know where Adam is hiding, and Barnabas says if Adam HAS had anything to do with Vicki's disappearance, she will be the one responsible. He gives her a "I blame you" look and marches out. Carolyn rushes upstairs to investigate this matter for herself.

Carolyn goes to visit Adam in the West Wing and see if he really does, as Barnabas suggested, have a girl in his room. No one answers her knock at first, but Adam finally opens the door. She's relieved to see him and asks why he took so long to answer the door. He was reading and fell asleep, he says. She asks if he's hiding something from her. He assures her he'd never lie to her and asks what's the matter.
She asks, demanding the truth, "Did you leave your room this evening?" Adam admits he did, he went out to get a book. Did he leave Collinwood? No he says.  Did he go to see Barnabas? No, he says. She asks if he's only saying no so she won't be angry. He accuses her of not believing him, and she says she wants to. She doesn't understand why Barnabas would tell her he went to the Old House if he hadn't, and Adam says Barnabas is the liar. He seems to be barring the door, and she asks if there's some reason he doesn't want her to come into his room. No, he replies. She reminds him he always invites her in. He invites her in. There is no sign of Vicki. She looks around. She asks if he knows Vicki, and he says she once visited him in jail. He hasn't seen her since then? She asks. No, answers Adam. He observes she is looking for something and again says she doesn't believe him. Carolyn tells him how precious Vicki is to everyone in her family, and earlier that evening, she disappeared--Barnabas insists Adam had something to do with it, and she had to check out his claim. Adam is angry that she doesn't trust him; it isn't true! Carolyn says she does and apologizes for hurting him. She asks him not to be angry with her, and he says he never could be. She says she's glad it isn't true. He touches her shoulder and assures her he's always happy when she comes to see him. Once again discomfited, she says it's late and she has to go. She promises to bring him his breakfast and bids him goodnight. He closes and locks his door. "Good night, Carolyn," he says, then strolls over to his closet and opens it. Vicki, gagged and bound, is inside, and she gazes up at him.

NOTES: Adam bad. Adam lie. Adam picking up too many bad habits too damn fast!

Funny how Carolyn appears to be believing Adam over Barnabas. Would it have taken so much effort to check out his closet, the only possible place he could he hiding someone? I guess she chose instead to prove to him she believes him, a serious mistake. This is no longer her Adam, but Nicholas Blair's very large puppet.

Now, for Adam's threats-before, he only hurt people by accident, now it's by design. It's hard to believe this once-sweet man actually would go through with his threat to kill Vicki, even if Barnabas refuses to acquiesce to his demands.

Love, Robin


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Re:Robservations 7/9/02 - #552/553 - Adam Takes Rash Action
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2004, 05:22:23 PM »
DVD episodes for February 25th and 26th.

The 9th and 10th episodes on Set#9/Disc#2 (4th and 5th episodes on MPI tape Volume #64)