Author Topic: Idle Thoughts--Mother's Little Helper 7/17  (Read 2522 times)

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Offline Luciaphile

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Idle Thoughts--Mother's Little Helper 7/17
« on: July 24, 2002, 02:17:51 AM »
Only one lone little fashion note and it's really not a fashion note . . .

Adam's new girlfriend appears to be, ahem, stacked.

Onto the show.

Okay, I just have to say that I found the reaction to Joe's response to his cousin's death kind of appalling.  Yeah, yeah, they want to move the plot along, but the same effect would have been more powerful if the writers had spent about ten minutes thinking this stuff out.  Different people react differently to death and I would think that of all people, Julia should know that.  

Her response?  "There are medications for that too."  Yep, just pop that pill and tune out.  Ha!

Also just wanted to comment briefly on the surprise to the sudden burial of the delectable Mr. Jennings.  It's not that uncommon guys, there are a number of ethnic and religious cultures that bury within a very short period of time.  It's not that bizarre and I'd think that Julia would know about it.

But I digress.

It's not just Julia pushing the drugs.  Now we have Barnabas joining the promotion of the ways of Dr. Feelgood.  Note how dismissively Barnabas treats Willie's scruples and suggests that "Julia will give you a sedative."  Yep, just swallow that Valium and everything will be fine.  Ya know in a scary way, I think a case could be made for comparing Barnabas with unsympathetic traditional husbands of the 50s and 60s, "Now, now dear, have you had your Miltown today?"  (With Willie, of course, as the dark side of June Cleaver/Doris Day).

Running away from that scary visual place for a moment, can I just say how utterly and totally bored I am with the angst of Barnabas Collins.

I mean, grow up already.  It is too boring for words.  He moans about being forced to create the monster, but the thing is, there's really no coercion going on here, he's addicted to the drama in the biggest way.  

And I love how it takes Willie who they all treat like something they scraped off the bottom of their shoes, to point out the obvious--the life force.

God, he's such a creep.

As for the crusade to "save" Tom by staking him.  Give me a frigging break.  It's like Barnabas has found a new toy so he puts down the Mr. Science Kit and goes off to play Tag.  I do have to remark though, that Frid delivers his lines with great conviction, far more than the material deserves, which is to his credit.

The thing is though (getting back to the Barnabas bashing), the emperor is wearing no clothes and he's streaking across the graveyard.  

Mr. Speedy Tombstone Engraver strikes again.  The body's barely in the ground and there's a fresh tombstone.  Very impressive.  I can see it now: Drive-thru engraving.

Let's see what else . . . it positively kills me that when Julia is cold-bloodedly trying to lure Joe away from the grave is when she seems to be most effective as a healthcare professional.  Telling.

The biggest surprise I had during these two episodes was that at least twice I was in sympathy with a Roger Davis character.  He's a creep but God help me, he made some good points.  

Of course, then he ruined them by touching Vicki's hair and acting psycho, but still for a brief shining moment, someone was directing reason at Vicki's clueless head.

Jeff doesn't have a real strong sense of privacy, does he?  Yep, no one answers the door and sure it's someone else's house, but hey, he doesn't let that stop him, does he?    ;)

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Re: Idle Thoughts--Mother's Little Helper 7/17
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2002, 04:45:42 AM »
Another excellent commentary, Luciaphil.

Tell me, since I've never seen this particular part of the long does it take the writers to figure out how to write for Barnabas the man, instead of Barnabas the Vampire?  It seems as though they just can't make the transition, and they keep making him speak and behave in ways that are neither here, nor there.  

He's no longer forceful and deliberate, as he was in his vampire state.....nor is he compassionate or protective in his human state.  He vacilates between cruelty and contempt with Willie, and between affection and disregard with Julia.  He doesn't stand up to Adam....he doesn't confront Nicholas, he doesn't seem to be able to think clearly, act decisively or commit boldly to any course of action.  

Was this a failure on the part of the writers?  Where in the world was the master puppeteer, Mr. Curtis, while all this was going on?  I would have thought he'd be imposing a fix on this mess.....and right away!!

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Re: Idle Thoughts--Mother's Little Helper 7/17
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2002, 09:59:09 AM »
You lost me - who are you referring to as Adam's new girlfriend?  At first I thought perhaps you were on to an episode that hasn't aired yet, but when I read the rest of it, you're obviously a shade behind.  Have I forgotten something that soon?

there's really no coercion going on here

I can't figure out where you keep coming up with this interpretation.  Adam is threatening to kill first Vicki and then everyone in the Collins family.  I can't imagine how they could try to stop him.  That sounds like a lot of coercion to me.

it positively kills me that when Julia is cold-bloodedly trying to lure Joe away from the grave is when she seems to be most effective as a healthcare professional.

Very interesting - that did seem to be one of her best moments!

Mr. Speedy Tombstone Engraver strikes again.  The body's barely in the ground and there's a fresh tombstone.  Very impressive.  I can see it now: Drive-thru engraving.

Ha ha!  I always laugh at how the instant someone is dead, they have a ready-made tombstone.  I believe I posted about it a previous time.


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Re: Idle Thoughts--Mother's Little Helper 7/17
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2002, 05:27:40 PM »
That's all very true about the lack of coordination in writing for Barnabas the Vampire and Barnabas the Human Being.  There would be differences as you suggested.

Maybe it was because Barnabas and his travails was indeed what made most people watch DS in the first place that the writers or producers didn't bother. Too bad because the show would have been more interesting and their meal ticket would not have suffered for having better scripts.  I know not everyone loves or has sympathy for Barnabas but most fans of the series do which is why Barnabas continues to be the number one draw.  He's got better looking competition but they don't draw the audience.  Who knows why but that's how it is for whatever reason.

Offline Luciaphile

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Re: Idle Thoughts--Mother's Little Helper 7/17
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2002, 09:51:14 PM »
You lost me - who are you referring to as Adam's new girlfriend?  At first I thought perhaps you were on to an episode that hasn't aired yet, but when I read the rest of it, you're obviously a shade behind.  Have I forgotten something that soon?

Nope ;) Just me being obscure.  I refer to the prone cadaver lying sheeted in the basement.  It's hard to ignore that it's rather well-endowed ;)

I can't figure out where you keep coming up with this interpretation.  Adam is threatening to kill first Vicki and then everyone in the Collins family.  I can't imagine how they could try to stop him.  That sounds like a lot of coercion to me.

They are being coerced because they are letting the situation control them.  Does that make sense?

I think I have problems with this part of the story for a number of reasons.  In the first place, Adam isn't out of sight for long.  He keeps wandering around making regular threats to Barnabas and Julia, who incidentally are obviously not people who feel constrained by legal or moral codes.  The obvious solution is for one of them to keep a gun nearby and next time Adam shows up, dispatch him.  I forget, do they know about the connection between the two at this point?  

The second thing that comes to mind (and is less forthright) is for them to take some control of the situation.  They don't have any.  And that's ludricrous, because it's insane to be expected to put a body together and bring it to life in like three weeks.  They are letting Adam call the shots, even when they have some room to manuever.  Sitting down with him for five minutes and going into some basic anatomy I would think would at least buy you some time.  But they never even do that.  They treat him like he's a baby and it's no wonder he freaks, each and every time.

The third thing is to involve the authorities.  This doesn't have to mean going to the sheriff with the whole story.  At the least they can upset things a bit.  They're being fought on several fronts right now: Adam, Tom, and they surely would have to know that Nicholas is involved somehow.  Here's a thought, make some anonymous calls to the police, ATF, customs about anything--drugs, smuggling, illegal prostitution, anything in reference to Nicholas.  Nothing more inconvenient than a series of calls paid upon your home by various law enforcement entities.  Even if it doesn't come to something, it's a distraction and B&J need that.

It might also behoove them to stop running around like chickens with their heads cut off for five minutes and think about places where Adam might be.  And then to proceed from there.

At the very least, put their bloody heads together and try and come up with some alternative plans of action.  The fact that these folks have no problem breaking the law and going outside the box should help.  A lot.

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Re: Idle Thoughts--Mother's Little Helper 7/17
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2002, 12:23:07 AM »
I refer to the prone cadaver lying sheeted in the basement.  It's hard to ignore that it's rather well-endowed ;)

At least they're not pointy, like those belonging to a certain sleeping beauty.

I forget, do they know about the connection between the two at this point?
