Author Topic: #0309/0310: Robservations 01/10/02: Sad Big Brother  (Read 1372 times)

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#0309/0310: Robservations 01/10/02: Sad Big Brother
« on: January 09, 2002, 12:08:49 PM »
309 - (Alexandra Moltke) - This is a time of suspicion, a time when trust has slipped away into the darkness, an doubts run high. There are those who find the finger of suspicion pointed at them, and they react with a sudden fear of exposure.

Barnabas notes Julia's shakier-than-usual hand when she gives him his injection and grabs her around the throat when she seems reluctant to tell him why she's so nervous. She finally admits that Sam and Joe were prowling around, asking questions about Sarah.
Barnabas grows nervous--of all the people who know his secret, Julia has control over Maggie, he controls Willie, but Sarah knows, too, and she seems to be siding with his enemies. He loved her dearly and she felt the same way about him at one time, but she has come back for a reason, and he can't allow her to destroy him!

Burke comes to Collinwood to see Vicki, who behaves coolly toward him--until he tells her he apologizes for what he did to Barnabas. He figured she'd WANT to know more about Barnabas, but she denies that and insists she and Barnabas are just friends. Burke says all he's concerned about is his future with Vicki. They kiss and make up (she still acts like his breath stinks), but she has one really difficult request to make of him--apologize to Barnabas, too.
(Although Burke insists he's no longer suspicious of Barnabas, one has to wonder how easily he was diverted, considering he not only considered Barnabas a danger to Maggie, but to Vicki, too. One must assume he's more concerned about losing his fiancee than fearful about Barnabas.)

Barnabas shows up with a book on historical Collinsport for Vicki, who sits in the foyer and reads it while Burke and Barnabas are chatting. Burke apologizes to Barnabas for behaving like a snoopy neighbor, but explains that he has a small-town mentality who finds "unknown quantities" like Barnabas a mystery he likes to solve. Barnabas pushes it, asking if Burke would like to know what he does during the day, or clarify any other questions he might have, but Burke demurs;
he realizes Barnabas is just an interesting man who enjoys his privacy. They shake hands on it.

At the Old House, Julia feels a presence, but sees no one. "Sarah?" she asks hopefully.

Burke and Barnabas emerge from the drawing room and assure Vicki all is well with them. She sees Burke to the door and tells him she's proud of him. The camera angle is such that we don't see more than the back of her head when they kiss, which is a relief.

Julia searches the woods, calling to Sarah.

In the drawing room, Barnabas thanks Vicki for her role in acting as intermediary for him and Burke. He offers to answer any questions she might have (or that Burke might have put in her head), but she says she only wants to discuss the book he brought.

When Barnabas returns to the Old House, Julia exultantly tells him Sarah was there, she felt her presence--and there's definitive proof--the book she was looking at is on the table, open to Sarah's picture!
Looking left out and lonely, Barnabas says sadly, "Sooner or later, she'll come to me."

NOTES: A little ghost girl who will appear to everyone except her vampire brother, who longs to see her! You really had to feel sympathy for Barnabas here, as he battles the demons inside him. Sarah is his little sister, and she won't appear to him--how sad is that?

Barnabas does love to grab Julia's throat, doesn't he? Eventually, that will stop, but she'll long for him to do something else to her throat!

Barnabas is fortunate that he was able to get Burke off his trail. Luckily, Burke is more fearful of losing Vicki than pursuing Barnabas' past. It's a huge mistake on his part, but he's a man in love, and his actions completely understandable.

310 - (Nancy Barrett) - Twilight, and the walls of Collinwood are bathed in a curious half light. Soon day will subside into night, but now they coexist. There are moments in time when the past and the present seem to coexist--moments when the land of the living and the land of the dead seem to merge. For one man, this is such a moment.

Old House drawing room - Barnabas hears that, while cleaning the chandelier, Willie spotted Sarah looking in at him through the window and becomes very upset, not, as Willie suggests, because he fears she'll betray him, but because Sarah seems to be appearing to everyone except her own brother!
Willie advises Barnabas to find her before she reveals the truth about him, but all Barnabas can think of is why Sarah seems to fear him. Alone in the room, Barnabas tells himself, "She couldn't be frightened of me--my own sister--she couldn't be."

Collinwood drawing room - Carolyn orders David to get washed up and ready for dinner, but David has spotted Sarah at "the secret place" in his crystal ball, and he's far more interested in that, and wants to find her right away. When Joe comes to the door begging David to help him find Sarah, for Maggie's sake,
David grows even more determined, and refuses to reveal where Sarah's secret place is. Carolyn insists David must eat dinner, and Joe agrees with her, to David's disappointment, but you know our David--as soon as no one is watching, he puts on his jacket and out he goes--alone!

Sarah was sitting in the mausoleum, rocking her doll (how did she get it back from Maggie)?

Barnabas insists to Willie that Sarah wouldn't betray him, and wants to go to Sarah's grave to see if she can sense his need for him, and thus appear to him. (Poor guy really feels terrible about his little sister, and I don't think he fears that she'll tell on him; he just wants to see her again.)

David goes to the cemetery calling to Sarah, who appears and cheerfully greets him. She was lonely, and she's glad to have someone to play with. When he tells her that he'll play ball with her for a while,
but then she must come back to Collinwood and talk to Maggie's friend, Joe (Sarah only remembers a friend named Maggie, but doesn't acknowledge anything about the kidnapping), she tosses the ball so he misses it, and when he turns around after finding it, Sarah is gone.

Carolyn, after frantically searching the house for David, tells him he's gone, and she thinks he went searching for Sarah. She's fearful he's in danger.

David, calling for Sarah, goes into the mausoleum, then into the secret room, and closes the door behind him. He hears Barnabas and Willie enter, Barnabas wondering where "she" (he never says the name Sarah) is.
They're just about to leave, but to keep suspense going, Barn orders Willie to open the panel. David hastily opens the coffin. Willie opens the door to the secret room, Barnabas steps in, and places his hand on the casket, the only hiding place David was able to find!

NOTES: My God! Could they make it any more tense for the viewer? Will Barnabas open the coffin and find David?

Will Sarah ever play it straight with anyone? She's always disappearing! Will she ever appear to her anxious, loving brother? Why is she staying away from him?

Love, Robin