Author Topic: #0289/0290: Robservations 12/18/01: Julia "Finds" Barnabas  (Read 1297 times)

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#0289/0290: Robservations 12/18/01: Julia "Finds" Barnabas
« on: December 17, 2001, 06:57:10 PM »
289 - (Alexandra Moltke) - There are those who watch in the night. They move about, unseen, covered by the mantle of darkness. Some who are watched never become aware of it, but others who are more sensitive can feel the burning eyes upon them.

A storm raged over Collinwood in the second ep, and Carolyn comes into Vicki's room because she's feeling scared. Vicki, who is sure she has seen someone outside in those lightning flashes (and she has, Barnabas, lurking in the bushes, although she doesn't see him), finally convinces Carolyn, who asks to be called "Miss Jitters, 1967," to return to her room. Vicki listens to the music box a few moments, then closes it. While she is asleep, Barnabas comes into her room, fangs bared, intending to bite her throat. She stirs, and he is unable to complete what he intended; instead, he moves to the other side of her bed and opens the music box again. He gently touches her, and when she awakens, he is gone.
She's puzzled that the music box is open again and closes it, then finds out the electricity is gone. Carolyn comes into her room with a candle, and Vicki reveals she felt that someone was in her room, and that she was in danger, but something intervened!

They go downstairs to find Julia in the drawing room, trying to read one of the Collins family books by candlelight. While Carolyn goes to get coffee, Julia quizzes Vicki about Josette and Barnabas. Vicki's fondness for Josette comes through clearly, but Julia is more interested in the connections she recalls from her therapy with Maggie Evans--the strong scent (Jasmine), and the "tinkling" sound of the music box, which Vicki opens for her. When Julia suggests to Vicki that Barnabas is trying to recreate Josette
through Vicki, however, the latter becomes upset and dismisses it as "an absurd notion", so upset that Vicki retires for bed after demanding to know what Julia is insinuating about Barnabas. When Carolyn returns with the coffee, she and Julia sit down for a cup. Julia asks Carolyn if Vicki has inclinations towards the supernatural, and while Carolyn says things do tend to happen in Vicki's presence, when Julia tries to ask about Barnabas, the lights abruptly go on and Julia never gets a chance to finish her question. Carolyn goes up to bed. Julia glances at Barnabas' portrait before heading out into the diminishing storm.

Willie tells him dawn is approaching. Barnabas is only too aware of the depressing fact that he has no control over it, and wishes that the night could be eternal. Barnabas gives Willie instructions, which the spying Julia overhears through the window--go to Portland and do some shopping, but come back right away--that inquisitive, snoopy Miss Hoffman is making him nervous, and he wants to be sure he is watched over, just in case.
Knowing he is unguarded, Julia climbs in through the ever-unlocked window, and apparently finds the basement door unlocked, too, because the next time we see her, she's standing before Barnabas' coffin, taking a deep breath, and opening it up.
Seeing Barnabas slumbering within, she half-smiles, looking smug and ecstatic. She knew it!

NOTES: Picture it--I'm all of 13, watching this lady doctor opening MY Barnabas' coffin. She knows he's a vampire, but what are her intentions now that she knows? What does plan to do to him? Oh, how I worried, fretted, just praying this overbearing woman wouldn't hurt MY Barnabas. Once again, he has a shot at biting Vicki and doesn't do it. What's different about her and Maggie? Why did he so easily nibble the latter, but can't put that first bite on Vicki? What's on Barnabas' mind?

And what about that expression on Julia's face when she sees Barnabas in there? Why the triumph?

I couldn't WAIT to get home and see this show, especially after episodes like this one!

290 - (Alexandra Moltke) - The quiet nights are longer now at Collinwood, as the season continues its advance toward the still-distant fall. Succeeding days surrender to the coming night without complaint, and nature would seem to have made a truce within itself. But deep within the night, opposing forces stalk each other, forces so opposite, no peace is possible--and their meeting when it comes will shatter the ancient truce between the living and the dead.

Drawing room, Collinwood - When Dave stops by looking for an update on Maggie, Julia insists she has nothing to report. Well, then, I want to take you off Maggie's case, says Dave--you're neglecting her case to concentrate on research at Collinwood. I'd like to stay at Collinwood a little longer, says Julia, and
smoothly convinces Dave to permit Maggie to remain at Windcliff for now. We'd better not meet at Collinwood again, cautions Julia; it might jeopardize the success of my investigation. We can meet in my office from now on, says Dave. As Julia is escorting Dave out, Vicki has come down to answer the door to Barnabas, who looks suspicious at seeing Dave and Julia together. Woodard exits. Julia explains to Barnabas that she and Dave are old med school friends. I want to talk to you, says Barnabas. Julia rushes off to get her notebook, leaving Barnabas and Vicki alone. I'm afraid the past is going to trap me, says Vicki, which is why I want to give you back the music box--it has an odd effect on me, like it's casting a spell.
If you play it more often, it will become commonplace, advises Barnabas--don't be afraid of being trapped in the past, but more so of being trapped in the present.

Drawing room - Barnabas offers Julia apologizes for his ungentlemanly behavior the other evening. She asks him questions about the first Barnabas and Sarah Collins. Barnabas backs off once more, tells her that his ancestor died in obscurity in England.
I've heard differently, says Julia slyly, reminding him that she'd offered to exchange information earlier, but that he'd refused. Let's meet in the daytime, she suggests, but he demurs--he can't be reached until evening. I understand completely, she says, with great significance. When Barnabas goes to the foyer to get his cloak, Julia comments on how very much he looks like his ancestor--"You are closely related," she adds, "VERY closely related." "Yes, aren't we?" he agrees, without saying more. I'm very much looking forward to our next meeting together, she says eagerly--I can hardly wait. Barnabas grins at her, looking for all the world like Satan himself. "I can't wait until tomorrow," Julia says almost to herself, "and I'm sure you can't, either."

Vicki comes to Julia's room after midnight and informs her that she's resigning as her research assistant on the family history book--I'm afraid of my own obsession with the past, she offers as explanation. When a dog howls outside, Vicki, scared, recalls Maggie's death. They gaze out the window. There's nothing for you to be afraid of, Julia assures her. Vicki leaves Julia's room.

2 AM - Barnabas appears in Julia's room. He goes to the bed, where her body lies under the covers, and reaches out to strangle her. A voice from across the room says, in an even voice, "Good evening, Barnabas Collins." Barnabas whirls around to see Julia, clad in her nightgown, hands behind her back, rising from an armchair.
"I've been waiting for you for a long time," she declares--"A very long time." Barnabas looks amazed, Julia, filled with confidence. They face each other.

NOTES: Oh my God! This has to be one of the most amazing cliffhangers EVER on DS, at least IMHO. I still remember watching this show for the first time--I'd gone to Amagansett, Long Island, with my friend and her mother, who owned a summer home out there. We watched the show on a little black and white TV set, all clinging to each other as Barnabas bent over Julia, intending to strangle her. The ocean was right outside the window, the perfect setting for DS, and we had a blast watching it all week. When we saw her awaiting him, we screamed, then babbled, "Does she have a cross behind her back, or a wooden stake? What is she DOING there, putting herself in so much danger? She's so brave? Or is she stupid? Is he going to bite her? Kill her? She really surprised him, and it's so good to see a woman one-up a vampire man!

It was so good, I could hardly wait for Monday to come! And Monday's episode brought even more amazing revelations.

This was DS at its best, at least to me! INCREDIBLE!

Love, Robin