Author Topic: #0263/0264: Robservations 11/29/01: Roger vs. Jason  (Read 1281 times)

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#0263/0264: Robservations 11/29/01: Roger vs. Jason
« on: November 28, 2001, 07:03:35 PM »
263 - A moment ago, a gull circled the sky over Collinwood, scanning the sea below for food, on which its survival depends. Its eye, briefly caught a flash of silver in the morning sunlight, it swooped to the sea, only to be caught up by a tidal wave and carried to a watery grave. There is a moment before disaster strikes, a quiet moment, but there is terror in silence, and a rush of destruction to follow in its wake. For one girl, this is such a moment, and her heart is numb with fear.

Carolyn reads the newspaper in the drawing room as Vicki comes in-another girl has been attacked last night. No one is safe, insists Carolyn, terrified, adding that she feels she is to be the next victim. Vicki plans to go to see Sam, and Carolyn wants to see Joe.
Carolyn is grateful she and Vicki are no longer fighting. When Vicki tells her that she is going to be Liz' witness for her wedding, however, Carolyn is upset-she resents seeing Vicki treated as a member of the family, and storms out angrily.

Sam, on the phone with Dave Woodard, hears that there has been no improvement in Maggie's condition, and they must maintain their deception. Sam hangs up at the sound of a knock; Vicki is at his door, offering help. Sam is distracted, ill at ease, especially after Vicki offers to help get rid of Maggie's things-sad reminders.
Sam, desperate to tell her the truth, instead tells Vicki he's keeping everything as is, and thanks her for offering. She leaves the cottage.

On the Collinsport wharf, a seagull perches on a tall pole in the water. Joe sits on the dock nearby, eating his lunch. Carolyn joins him, reminding him they used to meet there.
She has a hard time bringing up Maggie, but Joe doesn't wish to discuss her. He mentions Carolyn's upcoming nuptials, but she insists, defiantly, that she will marry Buzz. She tells Joe she's sorry for her cruelty and selfishness toward Joe when they were going out. He doesn't want to talk about that, either. Carolyn wishes she could be as brave as Joe, wishes she could help him, and confesses that she is indeed trying to hurt her mother. They say goodbye, sadly, and she leaves.

Back in Collinwood's drawing room, Carolyn and Vicki compare visits. Carolyn, impressed by Joe's bravery, admits that she wants to hurt others, and that she's confused. She apologizes to Vicki. Spotting the violets Jason gave Liz, Carolyn's mood turns dark again, and she heads out to meet Buzz.

At the Evans cottage, Sam reports to Joe that Maggie made it to Windcliff without incident and has had her first session with Dr. Hoffman. They MUST keep up the charade that Maggie is dead, for her sake. Sam says he very nearly told Vicki the truth earlier, and Joe says he felt like a fraud when he spoke to Carolyn. They can't trust anyone, however, and they know it.
Furious, Sam hopes that they will find the maniac who did this to his daughter.

NOTES: Carolyn did show her upsetment at Maggie's death, and her sensitive side came through when she was trying to comfort Joe. I really felt badly for Joe and Sam, both of whom feel they must cover up Maggie's being alive. How jubilant Sam and Joe must be that she is alive, and how much they must want to shout it to the world! All Joe could do was ask that Carolyn refrain from discussing Maggie, but you could see it trembling on Sam's lips to tell Vicki the truth! I felt badly for Vicki, too-her world is sort of coming down around her ears, and she knows the truth about why Liz is marrying Jason. She probably wished she could have screamed it out to Carolyn when they were arguing. She came almost as close to a revelation as Sam did.

Loved the dock set where Carolyn and Joe were speaking. How sad for the two of them to dredge up their unhappy past and discuss their unhappy present. As far as Carolyn knows, Joe lost the woman he was going to marry; she's discussing marrying Buzz, but not with much conviction. Until Joe told her the whole town is talking about it, Carolyn seemed ready to change her mind about marrying Buzz.

I was upset when Carolyn and Vicki fought, and pleased when they made up--except Carolyn herself says she can't help lashing out at other people, and she keeps lashing out at those who love her most. The sight of the violets set her off; learning Vicki was to be her mother's attendant flared her anger. Carolyn should have a stint of her own at Windcliff, IMHO! Poor little rich girl!

264 - A tangled web of deception is being spun at Collinwood. Lips have been sealed, because the truth will imperil others. But there is one who has brought his devious plan to the point of fruition. And he is determined not to allow anything to happen that might prevent him from achieving his goal.

Jason pours himself a drink in the drawing room. Roger comes out and informs him, as only he can, that he intends to stop the marriage. Jason intends to take over the estate, but Roger assures him that papers are being drawn up to prevent such a catastrophe. Roger, furious, leaves. Jason laughs, sits down and relaxes, secure in his future.

Old House drawing room - Willie tells Barnabas he's removed all traces of Maggie's existence there. Both are surprised at her death, and Willie defiantly expresses his feelings of guilt in his role in what happened to her.
Don't forget how vulnerable YOU are, Barnabas tells him. He thinks he spots a child outside and sends Willie to check. "I'll try not to think who your next victim may be," says Willie, his parting shot before leaving the house.

Roger comes to the Old House to speak to Barnabas, who serves him Amontillado. He notices how upset Roger seems, and they drink to better times. Distressed over the marriage of Liz to Jason, Roger enlists Barnabas' help, playing the "family tradition" card. Roger explains that he believes Jason has some hold over Liz,
and is concerned because he is sure Jason's after the family money. Barnabas' concern is for the family property (suppose Jason kicks him out of the Old House?), and he offers to speak to Jason right away.

Outside, Willie runs into Sarah, who's looking for someone to play with. You should be home, says Willie, but she tells him she's looking for her family.
She mentions that she's met David, and Willie warns her not to play around here-it's not safe. He asks where she lives; she points to the Old House. He asks her to follow him out of the woods, but when he turns away for a second, she disappears. He calls to her and looks around for her.

Roger and Barnabas return to Collinwood; Roger heads upstairs and Barnabas goes into the drawing room, where Jason has made himself quite at home. They spar for a few moments, back and forth, and Barnabas expresses hope that the estate doesn't fall into the hands of an "unscrupulous person."
If you have specific accusations to make, call the sheriff, advises Jason. Jason, however, has begun to wonder, too, and about Barnabas-why would he hire a man like Willie? Where does Barnabas get HIS money, and by the way, where do you go in the daytime, Mr. Collins?

Back in the Old House drawing room, Willie takes out a candle and candlestick. Barnabas comes in and tells him that Jason is asking too many questions. He's bluffing, Willie assures him, but Barnabas insists that Jason "may have to be taken care of." When Willie describes to him seeing the little girl outside and how she suddenly disappeared, and that she pointed to this house when he asked her where she lived, Barnabas is visibly disturbed.

NOTES: Roger and Jason, verbally at each other's throats! Such a pleasure to watch these two fine actors. Jason looked every inch the lord of the manor in his silky robe, and you could tell his ease as a member of the family really rubbed Roger the wrong way. Roger says he's getting papers drawn up to ensure Collinwood stays with the Collinses (McGuirewood?) Who will win this bout, folks?

Sad Willie worked on Barnabas' guilt button a bit. It struck me odd when Willie indicated that he hates himself for what happened to Maggie, and Barnabas wanted to know if Willie hates HIM, too. "You know how I feel," says Willie quietly, and Barn warns him not to go there. You sense both of them feel guilty, but Barnabas would never admit it, because it would show weakness to his servant, something he doesn't want to do.

Roger appeals to Barnabas to help out with the Jason situation, and although Barnabas maintains it's none of his business, he doesn't waste any time jumping right in to help, does he? Sarah won't appear to everyone, but she does appear to Willie. Why, one wonders? She seems so sad and lost, perpetually searching for her "lost" parents and new friends. Willie was a riot as she kept insisting she lives at the Old House, but when he tried to lead her to her real home, she disappeared, as she always does. Did you see Barnabas' face when Willie told him about the mysterious little girl who insisted the OH was her home? I bet he knew exactly who she was!

The squaring off between Jason and Barnabas in Collinwood's drawing room is one of my very favorite scenes. I've posted the dialogue on the Sci Fi board in the past. Jason, in a sense pursued by Barnabas, wanting to know his true intentions, neatly turns the tables: What does Barn want with an unsavory man like Willie? What does he DO, anyway? Where does he go in the daytime, every single day? Which of them is the more righteous dude? You sense that Jason bested Barnabas here, but little does the blackguard Mr. McGuire know of his opponent. If Jason is a shade of gray in terms of being evil, let's face it, comparing their crimes, Barnabas is blacker than black!

Love, Robin