Author Topic: What's love got to do with it?  (Read 798 times)

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What's love got to do with it?
« on: October 30, 2007, 02:05:07 PM »
I was thinking of a post I read where someone wondered what Angelique saw in the dull Sky Rumson. It didn't appear to make sense that she would fall for him, but then it hit me that it DID make sense. Angeliqe always sought out men in a position . Her attraction to Barnabas was partially due to his position as a member of the wealthy Collins family. She makes note of this in an early episode, she being a lowly servant. Sky was wealthy and this gave Angelique the opportunity to live well. Even later, when she found someone like Joe Haaskell attractive, she had little use for him because he was a lowly working, blue colllar guy.

Barnabus had other relationship problems. He would never work out with Angelique for one specific reason. She was someone who had a mind of her own and was not docile and proper. Barnabus was attracted to women who were proper and whom he could protect. He was a typical male chauvinist in this respect and did not want a woman to challenge him. When he picked Maggie for the next Josette it could not work out because she had a strong will and that turned him off. Its also the reason he could never fall in love with Julia. He could care for her, certainly, but never love an independent,  intelligent woman. 

B & A did have a love/hate relationship, in many ways, and there were certainly stong feelings between them, although with B it was mostly lust and with A obsession as well. She saw what she wanted and would  not give it up, instead of logically trying to latch onto another wealthy man.

Those are my thoughts on the relations of B & A. I'd be interested in hearing comments, pro or con. Being new here I may have missed out on some earlier discussions, so I apologize if this has all been discussed before.

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Re: What's love got to do with it?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2007, 05:15:30 AM »
Good points.
"If you've lived a good life and said your prayers every night, when you die you'll go to Collinwood."  - Mark Rainey