Author Topic: "The Christmas Presence" Audio Drama Talkback **SPOILERS**  (Read 1155 times)

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Offline PennyDreadful

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"The Christmas Presence" Audio Drama Talkback **SPOILERS**
« on: March 07, 2007, 09:06:07 PM »
I figured I'd start up one of these talkback threads for the new audio dramas.


 I listened to "The Christmas Presence" last night and quite enjoyed it!  I'm curious what folks think of the "return" of Professor Stokes?!    I wasn't expecting that at all!  I thought the actor did an interesting impression of Thayer David's voice with his own twist added.  I haven't made up my mind about him yet, but I'm open to hearing what this fellow can do with the character.

  I'm a little confused about what this other-dimensional being Stokes accidentally unleashed WAS exactly?  It seemed to be a being which fed on people's dreams.  Is there a mythological basis for this being or was it something invented by the writer?  Clever concept.

  My favorite moment in "The Christmas Presence" was a *very* effective scene where this nightmare being offers to reunite Barnabas with Josette.  Andrew Collins is really doing a marvelous job in the Barnabas role.  I actually had a tear in my eye over his reaction to Josette's name being mentioned and, later on, during Barnabas' visit to her grave.  I don't buy that Barnabas would *really* let go of Josette though.  I always thought the "letting go" was a sham in the classic series as well.  In one way or another, the Barnabas/Josette/Angelique triangle is an essential part of post-Barnabas DS IMO.  It always comes into play sooner or later.   Back to Andrew Collins - he's retaining aspects of the classic Jonathan Frid portrayal, but is also incorporating other interesting elements into the role.  These changes are actually explained within the context of the story.  I'm quite sure I'll always prefer the Frid version of the character, but I am enjoying Andrew Collins' version more than both Ben Cross' and Alec Newman's Barnabas. 

  My second-favorite moment in "The Christmas Presence" is a rather disturbing audioscene which is wonderfully played by Lara Parker and John Karlen.   In the scene, Angelique viciously taunts Willie and forces him to recall the horrible things he's seen Barnabas do.  Both actors shine here.  Angelique is at her most sadistic, and Willie's disturbed shrieks of horror are completely chilling. 

  David Selby is marvelous as always, though I do wish Quentin would have snuck in a few more snarky remarks.  I feel the Quentin in the first audio drama "The House of Despair" was the most accurate rendition of the character since the original series.  In that first audio drama, he still possessed some of that "charming," sarcastic quality (albeit tempered by his world-weary immortality).  I hope the sarcastic aspect of the character is retained in future audios. 

  KLS does a good job again with Maggie.  Maggie has seen some awful things in that house, and her reluctance to be at Collinwood is played well by Kathryn Leigh Scott.  I was not fond of the turkey bit though.  That was kind of weird, in a non-scary way.  Okay, I'm sure I'd be freaked if a dead turkey suddenly came to life and attacked me, but in the context of the audio drama it came off as sort of funny to me.  When Maggie started insisting "The turkey attacked me!!" I couldn't help but roll my eyes and crack a smile at the idea.  Maybe it's just me.  Guess I've seen too many rubber chickens in my life (but really, IS there such a thing as too many rubber chickens?).

  The music is great.  It was nice hearing Josette's music box again.  And the child CAROLERS - how deliciously creepy !

   I still haven't listened to "The Rage Beneath" but am very much looking forward to it!  As I've said before, I feel these audio dramas are the best NEW thing to happen to "Dark Shadows" in quite awhile.  Give them a try if you haven't done so already!  So far the first one is definitely my favorite, but the others have been very good as well.

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Re: "The Christmas Presence" Audio Drama Talkback **SPOILERS**
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 10:30:42 PM »
Wonderful review as always!

There were a few great snarky moments in there, though none of them belonged to Quentin. I loved Willie's "Goodwill to all men... and stuff." (Or something along those lines). And I agree that both Lara Parker and John Karlen are fantastic, as is Andrew Collins. He is so well cast in the role.

I found the premise of Maggie being invited up to Collinwood for Christmas and then shoved into the kitchen to prepare dinner for everyone else a little annoying. Also, where did the turkey come from? Did somebody go out and shoot it? When you get a turkey from a farm (or even better, the supermarket) haven't the head and feet and feathers already been removed for you?

A good job picking Good King Wenceslas as the creepy monotone children carol. It's one of my favorite carols, but lends well to the creep factor.

I can't wait to read your thoughts in The Rage Beneath, it ranks up there at the moment as my favorite of the four.

Offline PennyDreadful

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Re: "The Christmas Presence" Audio Drama Talkback **SPOILERS**
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 02:10:27 AM »
 I forgot to mention how great it was to hear the cameo by [spoiler]Nancy Barrett![/spoiler]

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Re: "The Christmas Presence" Audio Drama Talkback **SPOILERS**
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 03:36:40 AM »
Oh yes! I almost forgot about that! It totally came out of left field and was a very nice addition to the story.

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Re: "The Christmas Presence" Audio Drama Talkback **SPOILERS**
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 06:28:27 AM »
I thought "The Christmas Presence" was the best out of the four CD tales.  I completely agree with everything Penny Dreadful said--Andrew Collins is a rockstar in the role of Barnabas, Stokes' return was a great one, Angelique's taunting of Willie was true-to-form of both characters and reminded us that Willie and Angelique really haven't changed, and the final scene was spectacular.

Unfortunately for me the carolers did not work at all, and the Maggie-being-attacked-by-the-turkey thing was a complete and utter waste of time, not to mention hilariously funny rather than hideously creepy. C'mon! The ol' blonde wig Maggie would've fwaped that turkey with a rolling pin and shown it who was boss.

And "The Rage Beneath" may as well have been left out of this first series, IMO, because it does not measure up to "The Christmas Presence" at all. Mostly because I'm a firm believer that when a cliffhanger, like the one we were left with, is put into place, it is a useless card because I am rarely surprised by stunts like that. Not to mention that I didn't particularly care for the story, but that's a discussion for another thread.

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Re: "The Christmas Presence" Audio Drama Talkback **SPOILERS**
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2007, 09:31:48 PM »
Quote from: PennyDreadful
I'm a little confused about what this other-dimensional being Stokes accidentally unleashed WAS exactly?  It seemed to be a being which fed on people's dreams.  Is there a mythological basis for this being or was it something invented by the writer?  Clever concept.

Hello there... I don't normally post to threads about my stuff, but thought this was probably worth explaining, just become I'm very fond of the creature in question... And somebody did ask, so it's always nice to have an excuse!

The basic idea - which is actually horribly complicated in some ways - came from a nightmare I had one morning, where the geography of my surroundings had been altered just enough so that I could still recognise where I was, but it bore no relation to reality - something quite a few people tend to experience when dreaming. This got me thinking: what if, when we dream, our minds manage to break through into other realities (hypothetical realities) and manipulate them? Then, turning that on its head, what if a creature from one of those relaities found a way to manipulate our world instead...?

So that, in a nutshell, is what the creature was or, more precisely, where it came from...

And the turkey was inexcusably camp, but I still love it for that very reason: a small bit of silliness in a Christmas romp where even Quentin turns round and rolls his eyes at her... God bless 'im!

Normal service shall now recommence!

Cheers x
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Re: "The Christmas Presence" Audio Drama Talkback **SPOILERS**
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2007, 04:19:19 AM »
I did LOVE Quentin's reaction to Maggie. It was GREAT! He was all "Oh please! We have vampires, werewolves, time travel, and now you're trying to get me to believe that the turkey is possessed." Not an actual quote, but that about sums up what he was thinking IIRC.

So, the Stokes-demon-thing was born because Stokes fell asleep, broke into another reality with his dream and let this thing escape, and it took on Stokes' form. Or, no. He went into a trance and it happened. I think that's what it was. Well, I'll give you this, it is ORIGINAL.
Brandon Collins

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Offline PennyDreadful

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Re: "The Christmas Presence" Audio Drama Talkback **SPOILERS**
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2007, 03:21:16 PM »
The basic idea - which is actually horribly complicated in some ways - came from a nightmare I had one morning, where the geography of my surroundings had been altered just enough so that I could still recognise where I was, but it bore no relation to reality - something quite a few people tend to experience when dreaming. This got me thinking: what if, when we dream, our minds manage to break through into other realities (hypothetical realities) and manipulate them? Then, turning that on its head, what if a creature from one of those relaities found a way to manipulate our world instead...?

 Scott, thanks for giving us the background on the concept for the dream creature.  Very cool.

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