Author Topic: Craig and Big Lou~~An Inspiration to Each Other  (Read 589 times)

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Craig and Big Lou~~An Inspiration to Each Other
« on: September 25, 2006, 11:10:49 PM »
I wanted to start a separate thread on this because it's such a special memory and realization of these two wonderful guys that we've lost.

When I first became friendly with Louis Edmonds in the early 90s, he was still semi~closeted.
Oh, he'd talk openly to close friends in the privacy of his home, but in public.......

Craig Hamrick entered Louis' life in 1993, I think it was.
Louis very much mentored Craig.
I recall meeting Louis for coffee and being told about this terrific, talented young man who he thought would go far.
He was talking about Craig, who I'd not yet met.

Craig, inspired in part by Louis, began writing books. He published 4 or 5 in his lifetime, I've read two of them. Both were/are superb.

When the first edition of Craig's full legnth bio, Big Lou,
was published, Louis' homosexuality and his two long term lovers were talked about openly and publicly for the first time.
This was done with Louis' full blessing and consent.

Craig, always out loud and proud, had moved to New York in part to be part of the gay community.
And it was Craig Hamrick who inspired Louis Edmonds to publicly come out at the age of 71.

Thanks to Louis, Craig pursued his writing career with gusto.

Thanks to Craig, Louis left this world an out and proud gay man.

Gentlemen: I bow to you both!
Sweet journey to you.
