Author Topic: #0449/0450: Robservations 04/19/02: Joshua Tries to Make it Right  (Read 1700 times)

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449 - (Nancy Barrett) - A seance has been held in the great house of Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one woman Winters on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795. Where, in a tower room, one man, a secret from most of the family, waits impatiently for a curse to be removed.

At the Old House, Joshua impatiently checks his pocketwatch, then paces a few steps. He looks out the window. Natalie knocks at the door and he lets her in. He thanks her for meeting him. He sent her a note, which has made her curious. He gave great thought to where they could meet, which she calls flattering. This is difficult for him, he admits. She tells him she hoped never to enter the house again. Josette's portrait is gone, shocking her. He says Barnabas hung it in Josette's room. It was there the night he died, she reminds him, he must be mistaken. Joshua agrees, the portrait was there, and Barnabas DID move it. He tells her Barnabas isn't dead, which puzzles her. He doesn't understand himself, says Joshua. She wants to see Barnabas--why did Josette jump if he is alive? Joshua refuses to let her see him, reopening her sorrow. He needs her help. This surprises her. Naomi doesn't know, says Joshua, and it would be cruel to tell her. How has he changed? demands Naomi. He's under a curse, reveals Joshua, and again asks for her help. Joshua tells Natalie Miss Winters isn't the witch, and Natalie guesses Angelique--Peter Bradford told her that, too, so she must accept it. Joshua asks her about her powers; he needs to fight this thing, undo it. She says if she had that power, she would have stopped what was happening long ago. He hopes she can help him-provide a witch to take off the curse--she might know of something. He reluctantly confesses that Barnabas is at Collinwood. She says they are dealing with the unknown, so the house must be empty--she will send a psychic message and if it's heard, whoever responds may have the power to lift the curse, and this person must be a friend or enemy.
Joshua promises he will make it so, and she says she knows of one curse that was ended. As they are leaving, the candles blow out. Angelique's portrait appears in place of the one over the mantle. They realize she heard and will try to stop them--they must hurry! Angelique's portrait continues to glow malevolently after they leave.

Nathan and Millicent come home and greet Joshua. The servants are all leaving and Joshua wants them to go to the Inn with Naomi and Daniel to hear the governor speak--they cannot miss it and will stay overnight. Joshua isn't going, and Nathan is suspicious, observing that he is walking well. Are you ordering us to go? Queries Nathan, and Joshua indicates he will if necessary.
Forbes insists on speaking alone with Joshua, and tells Millicent the decision to go or not should be theirs. Nathan asks why Joshua is clearing the house. He asks about Barnabas, and Joshua orders him never to mention that name again. He has interests, insists Forbes; yes, says Joshua, which he has used to blackmail him. Will Barnabas be gone when they come back? Nathan asks. Take your wife and leave, says Josh. Are you afraid you're losing your power over him? demands Nathan. Get Millicent out of the house, repeats Joshua, and marches upstairs.

Millicent complains her headache is worse. She sees the light in the tower, and she asks if he sees it. He says no, and he will spend the rest of his life trying to understand her mind. Who lives up there? Nathan asks her. She should go up there and find out, he says slyly--face the reality. She couldn't, she says. There is no light in the tower, he insists, and she must check it out for her own good. She'd be afraid, but he says she must conquer her fear-for their lives. He refuses to go with her. She refuses to go. He says she made him so many promises, how can she be afraid to walk upstairs to a place she lives in? Even though she still sees the light, Millicent claims she doesn't see it anymore. He accuses her of telling him her first lie--she still sees the light, admit it!
Yes, she cries, she does see it, but she doesn't want to find out what's there. You must-you will-tonight, her husband insists, and she gazes at him fearfully.

Joshua watches the carriage drive away. Impatient, he goes into the drawing room where Natalie waits for him. There is a table with a candle in the center. Think of Barnabas she advises. That's all I ever think of now, says Joshua. She warns him strange things might happen-ignore them. She puts out all the candles. She sits across from him. One is held hostage by a witch's curse, says the Countess--he needs help--the curse must be lifted by someone--whoever hears my call, come to us-come now! Nathan walks stealthily down the stairs. He listens at the double doors, then deliberately knocks his sword into them, making a loud sound. Joshua pulls open the doors and demands to know what Nathan is doing there. He can't find Millicent, says Nathan. She's with Naomi, says Joshua--follow the carriage on horseback. Joshua closes the doors and returns to the table. They must start again, says Natalie, and once more, she calls for help to lift the curse.

Millicent, a candle held in a trembling hand, approaches the tower room. She sees the light and is terribly afraid. She remembers that Nathan told her to open the door and see what was there. She resolutely returns, unlocks it and pushes it open. We see her shadow, then shadowed hands grabbing her from behind. "Why did you have to come here?" demands Barnabas of a hysterical Millicent, clutching her tightly. No! she cries, and sees the coffin. She thinks he's going to kill her, that the coffin is hers. She pulls away from him, screaming for Nathan. He grips her again, warning her that she must not tell anyone she saw him there, but she is too far gone to be rational--I must tell! She wails--you must let go of me, Nathan will kill you when he hears of this! He asks her to promise not to tell anyone, but she says she can't, pulling out of his grasp again.
She sees his face, his fangs, as he says, harshly, "Then, my dear Millicent, you give me no choice!"--and he bites into her throat (and gets a good mouthful of blonde curls) as she screams uncontrollably.

Joshua paces, waiting for a response to Natalie's entreaty. She sits at the table. The candle goes out. She doesn't know what that means-perhaps Angelique doesn't want whoever is coming to see the light from the window. They go into the foyer, and the lights go out there, too. Both are afraid. They hear footsteps outside. Joshua opens the door. Natalie orders him to get away from the door--someone is coming. The doors blow open, and an old woman in a black hood stands outside, leaves blowing around her. "You have sent for me," she says, in a creepy voice, "but the man you have sent for me to see-that man has already gone!" Joshua holds Natalie and they exchange looks of terror.

NOTES:  The tower room scene was brilliantly done. Poor, crazy Millicent, if she'd only been able to promise to keep her mouth shut, Barnabas would have let her go. But she didn't, and he had to bite her and now things are really going to head downhill!

Great stuff. Joshua loves Barnabas so much, you can't doubt it for one moment here, so desperate is he to find a way out of this for Barnabas. He and Natalie haven't been especially close, but he turned to her in his time of need, and it's apparent he respects her. It occurred to me that Natalie and Joshua make a very nice-looking couple, too!

450 - (Nancy Barrett) - A seance has been held in the great house of Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one girl on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795. And a father, determined to save his son from a curse, indulges in black magic himself to summon someone-anyone-who can make his son well again.

It's hard to think of Joshua as someone who is participating in black magic, as the intro states, but to cure his only son, he's willing to do anything. You also see here how very determined Angelique is to force Barnabas' curse to continue.

Joshua asks the old woman to clarify her statement about Barnabas. There is no one under a curse now, she says, but there is madness locked in a room--not a man, a woman. She hears laughter, a woman is laughing at them. Angelique, guesses Natalie. The old woman says they can't see and hear everything she can, and they should be glad. She gazes at the portrait. Both Joshua and Natalie insist Barnabas is still there, and she sends Joshua upstairs to check. Much tragedy and tears have been in this house, says the old woman, with more to come.
No, protests Natalie, help him! To remove a curse, fight evil for a man's soul is tough, the woman says, I've been tempted to place curses, too, and understand both sides--life and death, and not only for me--the moment the curse is removed, Barnabas might die. Again, Natalie protests. Do they want to take that chance? asks the old woman.

Joshua calls to Barnabas and enters the tower room. He finds Millicent there, and she tells him it's improper for him to be in her room. Barnabas is in England, she says, though others think him dead--I can't stay in this house with everyone coming into my room!--everything's always my fault, always. Joshua grabs her and demands to know what Barnabas did--where is he?
She smiles, giggles, and thanks him for asking her to Barnabas' wedding. Joshua realizes she's truly lost her mind, and cries, "Millicent" in a horrified voice. She asks if he's feeling well, then asks again what he's doing in her room. He begs her to remember how long ago Barnabas left. He spots the marks on her throat, but she says they're nothing. "Barnabas, oh, my poor Millicent," sobs Joshua, promising to make it up to her--Barnabas can't help it. She tells him to stop the man claiming to be Barnabas to cease using his house-he resembles him, but he's clearly not Barnabas--so different. Joshua says he's doing what he can about it. Millicent giggles again. She doesn't remember what he does, but Joshua does, and he gazes sadly at her.

Bathia Mapes, the white witch who responded to the Countess? call, sits at the table in the drawing room. Natalie fears something has happened to Joshua, but Bathia says he didn't find what he expected. She doesn't know the exact form of the curse, says Natalie, but Bathia says all of them are in danger-if they love him, or he loves them. Joshua returns and reports that Barnabas is gone. He tells Bathia she was right, about Barnabas and mad Millicent. She didn't go to town, says Joshua, she went to Barnabas, and now he is not there. He tells Natalie to stay with Millicent until she goes to sleep. Joshua asks Bathia if she knows where Barnabas is. No, she replies--the witch who placed the curse is very strong. Fight her, begs Joshua, or he'll kill a stranger--don't allow it to happen, so many lives have been ruined, taken! She asks Joshua to bring Barnabas' portrait into the drawing room so she might try to bring him back--Barnabas might hear her, but the witch is countering their efforts, too, she reminds him.
Barnabas, huddling against a pillar on the docks, says he'll never go back after what he did to Millicent. He's scared. Where can he go? Hide?

Joshua sets up Barn's portrait in the drawing room. You didn't tell me everything, she says--you must trust me, tell me all--I need a name for this enemy. "My son. . .my son is a vampire," Joshua says painfully, made so by the curse--won't he be human after the curse has been removed? Nothing is sure, she says, but now she knows how to start. Joshua closes the doors on Bathia and the portrait. Natalie comes downstairs--Millicent is asleep, she says--what happened to her? Joshua can't tell her; he's too distraught. She asks about Bathia, and he explains she's trying to bring him back, probably from the village--his mother is in town, Nathan, Daniel, what if he's seen?--what if his mother sees him? Joshua is very close to tears. She comments on how human he is and touches his arm in sympathy. Bathia calls to Barnabas, summoning him. He's still on the docks, in a storm, when he hears her call. A doxie appears and smiles beckoningly at him. He approaches her slowly. The devil need not own you, chants Bathia. You will see a light, and when you see it, follow it--flame, go where I send you-bring him back to me--follow the light. The doxie is caressing his face, but Barnabas, puzzled, pulls away when he hears Bathia's call, and sees the candle flame appear in front of him. The doxie stares at him, confused.

Joshua paces and demands to know how long this will take. He sends Natalie up to check on Millicent. Bathia comes out-he has heard, she says. She doesn't know whether he'll listen, but he had heard.

In the tower room, Joshua and Bathia wait. He is here! she announces. The door opens and Barnabas, shamefaced, enters. Bathia gazes at him, tight-lipped. Barn asks her what she's going to do to him. Fight she who set the curse, says Bathia, and your mind and soul will be my battlefield. He tries to speak the name of the one who placed his curse and chokes, but she presses her hand to his throat and he gasps out, "Angelique!" He asks her to send his father out, but she insists there must be a witness. The takes out a cross, holds it in front of him, and he cries out and covers his face. She tells him she will place it on his coffin to deny him sanctuary. I cannot be cured, says Barnabas--it will end in your. . . "I will end it," promises Bathia--I will keep Angelique from doing you harm, a circle of faith she will dare not trespass, and the evil in you will come out. She calls to Angelique's spirit and tells her to speak to her through him. Barnabas? face changes at his dead wife's essence enters him. "You will die!" promises Barnabas. Bathia isn't afraid.
"No!" screams Barnabas, laughing. I will put my hand on your heart, she says. He orders her to not touch him; the hand will burn if she does! I am not afraid, says Bathia. She places her hand on Barnabas' heart. Joshua cries out, "He's dying!" but she orders Angelique to not hide from her. You are lying, still in him, carrying the curse, accuses Bathia--we won't give up until you leave his body! With a harsh shout, Barnabas rises from the chair and begins strangling the old woman across his coffin. Fiercely, Joshua calls out his name: "BARNABAS!"

NOTES:  To watch the anguish on Joshua's face as this elderly woman tries using good magic against evil is very painful. Barnabas is so ashamed over what he did to Millicent, his guilt is palpable, and my heart aches for him, and for Joshua, for Millicent and even Natalie, who realizes now that HER servant was the author of all this terror and death, and is still working on the Collins family from her grave. We want so badly to see Barnabas beat this curse, get out from Angelique's power-but which witch will win-good or bad?

Love, Robin

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Re: #0449/0450: Robservations 04/19/02: Joshua Tries to Make it Right
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2002, 11:38:14 PM »
449  NOTES:  Great stuff. Joshua loves Barnabas so much, you can't doubt it for one moment here, so desperate is he to find a way out of this for Barnabas. He and Natalie haven't been especially close, but he turned to her in his time of need, and it's apparent he respects her. It occurred to me that Natalie and Joshua make a very nice-looking couple, too!

     Yes, they do! Makes good fodder for fan fiction, too! I could see Joshua turning to Natalie in his time of need.

     Btw, are you still organizing your Robservations for eventual sale according to DS time periods? I sure hope so. Would love to order a copy.


"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream" - Edgar Allan Poe

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Re: #0449/0450: Robservations 04/19/02: Joshua Tries to Make it Right
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2002, 07:55:13 AM »
I agree Robin, Natalie & Joshua do make a nice couple. Both are strong willed people and both have minds of their own.  A nice pairing. :)
"Calamity Jane"

Offline ROBINV

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Re: #0449/0450: Robservations 04/19/02: Joshua Tries to Make it Right
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2002, 10:07:24 AM »
Yes, Carol, I do plan to put Robservations together in a book, perhaps not by time periods, but in two or three volumes.  I had hoped to do it in one, but there is just too much--unless someone knows of a program that can condense a whole lotta text!

My plan is to have something available at next year's New York fest, but the book (or perhaps CD rom, I'm still mulling that over), will also be available via mail order for those who don't attend the fest.

Love, Robin