Author Topic: Episode #938  (Read 595 times)

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Episode #938
« on: January 29, 2006, 02:09:01 AM »
Some people might not be aware that Ep #938 is a rather infamous one in DS history and one that caused quite a bit of a backlash. So, in honor (though that's probably not quite the correct term  :- ) of its inclusion in today's slideshow, here are a few excerpts from some past posts:

... The voiceover played over the end titles of several shows during the week in Jan. (?) 1970, a week that, if memory serves, ended with the broadcast of the episode in which Barnabas spills the beans to Julia.

Back in the day, I kept a record of all the DS promos I ever saw (most of which I also audio taped - not that I was obsessive or anything ;)). The text of that particular on was:

"On Dark Shadows Wednesday, Barnabas Collins reveals the actual story of his final day in 1897, the fate of Count Petofi, the tragedy of Josette, and the real story of the terrifying Leviathan plot here on ABC."

It was designed to lure back the fans who deserted the show in droves after Leviathans began...but it also had the unfortunate side effect of ticking off many fans who'd remained loyal viewers, a few of whom wrote in to the various daytime magazines' readers feedback columns to complain that Barnabas' revelations amounted to nothing more than what viewers already knew. (I'll have to see if I can locate those letters...)

Here are three ...:

(This first one is made reference of in the DS Companion)


Dear Miss Znaida:
...As I write this, I am still burning from having been fooled again by a highly-touted-in-advance revelation episode that revealed only what anyone who'd been watching the show already knew. ...

Jane Peyton
Richmond, Kentucky

... I thought things might pick up after ABC began saying that there was going to be a special show on January 28th. Some "special" show - all we found out was the same things we already knew. What a rip-off! ...

Keith Scarsdale
Dover, Delaware

Dear Teen Beat:
... But my biggest disappointment came from a recent episode that promised that Barnabas was finally going to reveal the real story of what's been going on for the past three months. Huh? All that was revealed was things we'd already seen three months ago! ...

Catherine Levine
Medford, Oregon

Anyone wishing to check out/revisit this topic and/or the entire texts of the letters (the one that's referenced in the DS Companion is particularly infamous  ;)) should probably start off here:

Had the show on this a.m. briefly and was reminded again of a fleeting memory that comes and goes in relation to this storyline. ...

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Re: Episode #938
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2006, 07:40:18 PM »
very interesting.

this storyline is so controversial.

this is just a thought but because the 1897 storyline lasted so long i wonder if fans had just gotten used to the show being set in the past(which in and of itself is something of a novelty)so when it returned to the "present" and that element of it was over it read as "boring".i read some comments that it seemed like a regular "soap opera" which of course it didn't when set in another time period.

if barnabas hadn't returned to the present when he did and this storyline had been worked into 1897 i wonder if it would have been so reviled?
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