Author Topic: Good-bye, WGN, this Cubs fan thanks you  (Read 1051 times)

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Good-bye, WGN, this Cubs fan thanks you
« on: September 19, 2019, 04:07:39 PM »
Back in 1966 our B&W TV went on the fritz and instead of fixing it, my father bought a color TV (which I was thrilled about because Lost in Space went to color that season) - but how this relates to DS and the following article is that I was in the exact opposite predicament to the guy in the article. My mother was a huge Red Sox fan and in 1967 they were having a fantastic season and they went on to be in the World Series. Great for them - bad for me because I often had to fight my mother for the TV whenever a Red Sox game was on opposite DS. As a result, I missed several '67 eps, including ones when David was trapped in the mausoleum, because the Red Sox were on opposite DS while they were on their way to winning the American League pennant. Compared to David in the mausoleum, the pennant fight meant nothing to me, well, nothing that I had to see live. My father was caught in the middle of my mother and me, but most often sided with her (no surprise there, right?). But when the Red Sox clinched a spot in the World Series he knew the situation was only going to get worse, so what did he do? He had held onto the B&W TV and decided to have it fixed (turns out it only needed a tube (remember TV with tubes?!)). Apparently the author of this article wasn't lucky enough to have two TVs in his house. And before you comment on what a wonderful father I had, you should know that he had the TV fixed more for his own sanity than so I could watch DS, and he was only too happy to make sure I knew that. But hey, whatever the reason, I still got to watch DS...

Good-bye, WGN, this Cubs fan thanks you