Author Topic: The July 14th Episodes (Spoilers!)  (Read 471 times)

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The July 14th Episodes (Spoilers!)
« on: July 14, 2005, 09:15:28 PM »
A monumental first in DS history occurs in ep #14: the very first thunderstorm (though, of course, no one actually gets wet from it  ;)).
And while we're still discussing this ep, one wonders if today's soap writers would write a scene in a bar in which one man tells another man that he's not interested in any more of that man's "propositions"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but does the idea of one man propositioning another in a bar carry quite the same connotations today as it might have back in '66? One might suspect that today's writers wouldn't want their viewers' minds wandering in directions other than the one they're trying to get across.  :D

An actual piece of real life honest to goodeness continuity occurs in ep # 275: when Carolyn enters Liz' room, she's actually carrying the same kerchief that she wore in preceding location footage of her walking on the beach! (How did that ever happen?! Apparently someone was far more on the ball than back in ep #75 when Vicki is seen in her own location footage walking the beach (and discovering THE PEN) because she's mysteriously wearing a completely different coat than the one she was wearing when she left Collinwood, and she manages to retun to Collinwood wearting the same coat as when she left. But then, doesn't everybody change coats at least twice while they're out?  ::))
Also, knowing how things will play out two years down the road, it's interesting to hear Carolyn speaking about her father - though I think I'll save that comparison for December and the Leviathans eps.

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Re: The July 14th Episodes (Spoilers!)
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2005, 09:36:05 PM »
MB, I thought both the caption re propositions and the choice of shot (especially the expression on Burke's face) were HIGHLY salacious.  I can just see the dialogue running along these lines: "Haskell, believe me, I'll make it worth your while.  You keep going on and on about that boat you say you want.  I'm offering to pay you extremely well for something you're going to enjoy anyway." heh!

I thought today's 1967 episode had some great moments.  The scene between Liz and Carolyn played so plausibly, although I think it would have been even better if the writer had not chosen to have Liz under sedation for that first scene.  And the wind-up with Willie and Jason is wonderful payback for us viewers after having to squirm through how horribly he treated Liz over the preceding months.  Grand stuff.

It would be interesting to speculate on just why Claude North dropped so suddenly out of the scene in PT 1970.  He was set up to be the central figure in the next arc of the PT story.  One can only presume that DC initially planned to have the PT storyline continue through much of the summer, and then abruptly changed his mind, leaving his writers to take on the task of tidying up some extremely botched plot-threads.  It's often forgotten that sudden switches in plot direction were dictated directly by DC in story conferences the writers were required to attend.  I've always wondered whether DC paid himself the Head Writer's salary because of this.

Wonderful work again, MB!  thanks!
