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Two More DS References
« on: July 11, 2005, 04:23:15 PM »
Two more online articles that mention DS:

The Fort Wayne, IN's News-Sentinel has an article about the Three Rivers Festival (Saint Francis student's TRF logo means ¢â‚¬Ëœfun') which mentions that:

When the festival made its debut in 1969, its main purpose was to promote business and industry and to emphasize Fort Wayne's historical heritage. The first festival parade had two grand marshals - Jonathan Frid, who played the vampire Barnabas Collins on the television show "Dark Shadows," and John Bammer, who portrayed Sergeant Schultz on "Hogan's Heroes."

(Interestingly, both versions of the DS Almanac say that Frid's appearance at the Festival took place on May 22, 1968 - though, given the scores of inaccuracies in the PomPress books, it's anyone's guess whether the almanac has the date wrong or the News-Sentinel article.  ::)  When I get a chance later today I'll see if I can find a photo from back in '68 or '69 that might pin the year down better...)

And if you're still smarting from the Sci-Fi Channel dropping DS, you'd like to take it out on someone, and all you're lacking is a name, well, craft that crude fetish doll, name it Bonnie Hammer and get busy with your pins.  ;)

Excerpt from the Cleveland Plain Dealer's Embattled Galactica' triumphs:

Sci Fi Channel's ambitious reworking of "Battlestar Galactica" is championed in many quarters as the best first-run science-fiction series on television. And if you're running an operation with Sci Fi in the title, that's a decidedly nifty thing to have on your schedule.

Bonnie Hammer, the executive who runs that operation, has fought her share of battles with genre fans upset over, oh, everything from the cancellation of "Farscape" to the dropping of "Dark Shadows." So these days, she's overjoyed to be taking the bows for "Battlestar."

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Re: Two More DS References
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2005, 07:35:16 PM »
Interestingly, both versions of the DS Almanac say that Frid's appearance at the Festival took place on May 22, 1968 - though, given the scores of inaccuracies in the PomPress books, it's anyone's guess whether the almanac has the date wrong or the News-Sentinel article.  ::)  When I get a chance later today I'll see if I can find a photo from back in '68 or '69 that might pin the year down better...

Well, it's like this. Glancing through my DS collection I came across definite confirmation that Frid did indeed visit Fort Wayne, IN in 1968 (as part of a whirlwind 10 city public appearance tour), though nothing that I came across says that appearance was connected to the Three Rivers Festival. However, even given that, I was completely willing to chalk the discrepancy up to the writer of the News-Sentinel piece just not getting her facts correct. (How many times have we lamented the fact that too many journalists, particularly those who write online, don't seem to bother to confirm their info?  ::)). But then it dawned on me to do a Google search for the Three Rivers Festival, and lo and behold I discovered info on its official Web site which also says that Frid was one of the Festival's Grand Marshalls in 1969. So, unless the festival's site has its own historical facts wrong, it would certainly seem as if Frid was there in 1969 and his 1968 visit to Fort Wayne was to some other venue, making the info in both DS Almanacs suspect...

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Re: Two More DS References
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2005, 08:44:35 PM »
This reminds me of another passage in the original DS Almanac that still gives me a headache everytime I think about it:  they quote an interview with Grayson Hall about a time when she and Jon appeared together at some event and the crowd of screaming teenagers literally broke through the police barricades. GH is quoted as saying something like "Now, I'm an old warhorse, but that was enough to rattle even me."

In all my research for the biography, I never could find the interview where Grayson recalled that incident, nor have I ever seen a photograph or other reference to GH and JF appearing together at such an event.  I asked Jonathan about it once, and he recalled a time when he was being chased and had to run into a building to take shelter (sort of like the start of A Hard Day's Night, I guess).
It was not clear to me whether this was on the same occasion, however, or whether he was gallantly attempting to remember SOMETHING from the blur of all those public appearances to give a good answer to my query.

I figure that Malia might have done a listing of all JF's recorded public appearances, but unfortunately, I don't own her book (which I hear is excellent).

Sorry to natter on and on about this.  I periodically post here hoping somebody will have a clipping, or something, to provide further info on this.  I have sort of figured out that the interview must have been one that Melody Clark (one of the authors of the original DS Almanac) did with GH when she was running her fan club--as such, the material may never have seen the light of day, apart from this snippet.
