Author Topic: In Vino Veritas - Episodes 33 & 34  (Read 1112 times)

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Offline Luciaphile

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In Vino Veritas - Episodes 33 & 34
« on: February 04, 2005, 05:40:38 PM »
Fashion notes first . . .

Okay, only one fashion note. Vicki exchanges her dowdy skirt and blouse for a sleeveless paisley shift. The skirt is knee length and has panels. I'm not a hundred percent, but I think it's got a boat neckline as well. I really think they were at a loss about how to dress Moltke. She's a beautiful girl, but the crap they keep putting her in makes her look dumpy. I suspect too that ten years ago, it wouldn't have been so much of an issue because the lines would have favored her figure.

So it's still Day 3, albeit the evening of and it's safe to say that no one at Collinwood is feeling particularly chipper, least of all Elizabeth. She begs Carolyn to get out of Dodge while there's still time (well, not in those words, anyhow). Collinwood is a madhouse. David tried to kill Roger, but he's just a little boy, and what's a little sociopathy in the best of families. When the chips are down, Carolyn's really just concerned about Burke, his hurt feelings, and his reputation. Liz rallies into Ice Queen mode all too briefly.

Meanwhile, the mood at the Blue Whale isn't much better. Joe is determinedly getting trashed when Burke happens along. Some extras get a good couple of close-ups so as to heighten the dramatic tension between their manic dancing and Joe's misery. Too bad the girl looks like she's wandered into a limbo contest. Joe isn't overjoyed in Burke's overtures of "let's be friends." He's seriously bummed. His friend's wife is pregnant so it's no go on the boat partnership deal.

Carolyn is unaware that by opining that she has lots of time to get married, that she's just signed on to about five years of increasingly weird times, loser boyfriends, and general decline. She's shocked to find out that David won't be leaving for juvie hall or wherever. Man, her concern for her family is just touching.

My whole take on Elizabeth's championship of Joe is that she wants to get her daughter out of Collinwood, but not necessarily out of Collinsport. If she'd been wedded to the snob factor, Carolyn would have gone to boarding school and/or a private girl's college to begin with. But since we know that Carolyn is the putative reason for Elizabeth having done what she did, it makes sense that Elizabeth wanted her at home. Well, now she knows the girl has to leave the house and since this isn't Stella Dallas, but she still doesn't want to lose her, she looks around and there's Joe. Joe's about as far away from Paul Stoddard (who wasn't on any Social Register either) as you can get. He's solid. He won't take advantage of her daughter. Carolyn will be in the same town and on hand for Mama. That's my theory anyhow.

Carolyn also thinks she's living in a madhouse. Of course, I think she's missing the key points as she vents to Vicki. For instance, it's more to the point to describe Roger as an abusive alcoholic with violent mood swings rather than just a guy who's insistent about hating Burke Devlin. She also harps on Vicki not getting closer to solving her own personal mystery. Hmmm. These discussions always seem to happen after a bout with her mother. Disinterested concern for a friend? I think not.

Joe wants to get blotto. Well, more blotto, because I think he's already legally intoxicated. Burke is trying to preach temperance. Joe, I think, is at a crossroads personally and professionally. What's more, he's already staring down a long stretch of road that won't be leading him where he wants, and he knows that. He leaves distressed and Burke drinks pensively as another pair of extras take to the dance floor. Dear God, I do believe I may have finally spotted a very young Harvey Keitel. Can't say that I think he was much of a dancer. He's better than his partner though, who's jiving way too fast for the song that's playing.

At Collinwood, Joe shows up drunk. Very drunk. Carolyn thinks it's funny. He predicts a grim future for her darning socks and accompanying her mother to DAR luncheons (that's the basic drift). He also blames Elizabeth for everything that she's done to Carolyn. Then he passes out. Vicki decides this is none of her business and gets permission to go into town. Can't say Elizabeth is looking all that thrilled about her daughter's boyfriend now (which might explain Carolyn's amusement).

Unaware that good girls aren't supposed to go into seedy dives solo, Vicki approaches Burke at his table at the Blue Whale! How brazen! They make this seem far more daring and risque than it actually is. Basically, Vicki wants to take a look at the report Burke's PI wrote about her.

This is actually one of my favorite scenes. The writing is quite charming, as is the delivery. Burke discovers that he's taken with Vicki. They engage in some banter comparing her (and Carolyn) with various drink preferences. He astutely observes that while Carolyn would like to think she's something a little stronger, but she's always soda. Liz is the sherry type. Vicki is something between a chocolate malt and champagne; he's not sure which. I'm not describing this very well, but it's a really lovely little bit. He proposes dinner, but when she realizes the report's in his hotel room, she tells him she'd rather go there. Burke decides she's a champagne gal after all. Since Vicki is going around without benefit of brassiere, his misconstrued reading of her character might be forgiven.

Blackouts can't be a good feeling and Joe looks decidedly worse for wear when he regains consciousness on the Collinwood sofa. He doesn't feel any better after learning what he said and to whom he spoke. Carolyn is sympathetic when she finds out what prompted all of this. Her amusement and supportiveness lessen when she learns that he also told Burke off.

I am going to assume that contemporary viewers were suitably titillated and shocked by Vicki's foray into Burke's bachelor pad. Except it's just such a shabby and pathetic hotel room. Top floor suite or not, that sofa is sprung in the seat and the furnishings scream dreary small town. It's a good thing nothing happened because what a godforsaken spot in which to lose one's virginity. I'm not sure what Burke's thinking is going to happen at this point. He wants to order dinner in though. I will say that Alexandra Moltke has never looked prettier.

Joe looks like I feel (this is my Day 9 of the Cold/Flu from hell). Considering he's just gotten bombed, I'm amazed that he can chow down on solid food, but whatever. We all have our own individual hangover remedies. Somebody really needs to shake this chicky by the shoulders hard. You'd think someone could point out that Burke Devlin is a grown man more than capable of defending himself, his ego, and his reputation. Carolyn, however, has appointed herself his savior and wants her boyfriend to apologize to him. That ain't happening. Joe's less concerned about the damage he's done to fragile Burke and more upset by the fact that Burke paid for his bar tab.

In the Seduction Suite, Burke orders in. Oh yeah. Steak in a mid-priced small town hotel. Yeah, that'll be good. It's like ordering filet mignon at the Holiday Inn. You don't. And yum, black coffee! What's that all about? Nothing sets the romantic mood better than tough meat and the remains of diner coffee. Did someone in props break the wineglasses or accidentally drink the grape juice? Art, baby, you did such a sweet job on the previous scene and now you're back to lousy food writing. On the other hand, these two do have a lot of chemistry together.

Vicki isn't as enthused about the dinner as she is by the report. Like the steak he's just ordered, it's just as disappointing. She seems to have been expecting a full FBI background check. She tells him about herself. After the by-now obligatory "leave town while you still can"/"I can't leave until I find out who I am" bit, he tells her in that case, he'll have to help her.

Most amusing line: Burke [to Joe]: you don't look like a piece of steak. Heh. Clearly Mr. Devlin isn't acquainted with any of the folk around here who practically dissolve into puddles of drool when Joe goes shirtless. Anyhow, Joe spots Vicki's purse, and then Vicki. He does the math and well, let's just say, it's a good thing he doesn't suffer from Maggie's diarrhea of the mouth, because Vicki's reputation would be in shreds otherwise.

Vicki departs post haste. Not sure if it's to avoid damage or if it's because she just realized she could get another better meal elsewhere.
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Offline Raineypark

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Re: In Vino Veritas - Episodes 33 & 34
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2005, 07:04:18 PM »
Goddess....isn't it wonderful to be able to go back after almost 40 years and critique how things were done back then?

And isn't it wonderful that they never imagined for a moment that such a thing would be possible?  They'd have been paralyzed into doing nothing!..." This set looks like the last wagon in a carnival show!!....I can't shoot this....what will they think in 38 years!!"

Fortunately, they never considered the possibility, and even more fortunately, we're around to keep the flame burning.

"Steak and black coffee...."....snicker!!

Thanks, Luciaphil...... ;)
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Offline Patti Feinberg

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Re: In Vino Veritas - Episodes 33 & 34
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2005, 10:17:40 PM »
Since Vicki is going around without benefit of brassiere

!!!Shocking!!! (is she really??)

Thanks for the Harvey Keitel info...

What a Woman!