Author Topic: Dark Shadows Festivals - 2003 vs. 2004  (Read 925 times)

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Dark Shadows Festivals - 2003 vs. 2004
« on: October 06, 2004, 08:08:51 AM »
Sorry for the lateness of this report.  It has been almost two months already since the 2004 Dark Shadows Festival!  Since the 2003 DS Fest in Brooklyn and the 2004 DS Fest in Tarrytown were the ONLY Fests I attended, I thought it would be a good idea for me to compare my experiences there.

The major difference between 2003 and 2004 was...THE LINES WERE MUCH SHORTER THIS YEAR!  That's because the venue was much smaller.  There were 12 DS stars last year and only 8 this year.  Also, I believe there were about 1,000 less attendees this year than last year.  My feet were pleasantly surprised at this! :D

The difference in locations made for much different Festival experiences for me. 

Last year, the Fest was held at the Brooklyn Marriott.  Since I registered VERY LATE last year, this hotel was already booked.  So I ended up staying in Lower Manhattan at the Millenium Hilton, right across the street from Ground Zero!  I had to take the subway to the Fest.

This year, the Fest was held at Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown.  I registered as soon as I could, so I was able to stay at this hotel.  All I had to do was ride up and down the elevator!  In fact, I only left the hotel twice - once to eat at the diner down the street, and once to go on the outing to Lyndhurst.

Speaking of food, the food was more expensive in Tarrytown.  There were LOTS of fast-food restaurants within a block or two of the hotel in Brooklyn in 2003.  However, the Tarrytown hotel, which was located in a business park, had only two high-priced (at least to my standards) restaurants located inside, and the nearest restaurant outside was about one mile away.  Even so, I spent more money on food in 2003, because I ordered room service for most of my meals last year.  This year, remaining faithful to my Weight Watchers diet, I only ate 2 meals a day; breakfast consisted of bars that I brought with me which I ate in my room.

As far as the outings go, it's hard for me to say which one I liked better.  Since LAST year was my first trip EVER to New York City, the Harbor Cruise was really exciting.  However, THIS year was my first trip EVER to Tarrytown, so the Lyndhurst Tour was really exciting, too.  There was a bus trip offered last year, also, but I missed it because it was full when I signed up.

On the subject of meeting new and old online "DS friends", I had a little bit more fun this year.  But that's only because I already knew lots of people who I became acquainted with for the first time last year.   This year, I was able to recognize many people I had met before, as well as encounter many more new fellow fans.

As far as the traveling days go, even though I flew to the same airport - JFK - I had two very different experiences. 

Last year, I traveled alone and took SuperShuttle to and from the hotel.  I traveled with other passengers who were "strangers" and dropped off elsewhere.  On the way home, I was lucky to get to the airport with plenty of time to spare before my flight.  I was picked up only 3 hours before the scheduled departure time, and one passenger was dropped off at LaGuardia Airport!  I got to the airport less than one hour before the plane was boarded, but was pleasantly surprised to find the airport was practically deserted, with NO WAITING through Security! :D

This year, I met 3 fellow DS Fans at the airport, and we took Dominic's Limo (actually, it was a car) DIRECTLY TO THE HOTEL.  They came from Long Beach, and I came from San Jose on the same airline, different flights.  I thought it would be a breeze to meet up with them and the car driver when I arrived. But, with all the people and delayed flights there, I wasn't able to connect with them for about 20 harrowing minutes!  I was relieved to finally see them.  We all shared the car on the way back to the airport as well.  Although their plane was SCHEDULED to leave BEFORE mine, their flight was delayed by several hours and my flight was on time, so they left AFTER ME.

It was much more pleasant to share a car and ride with friends, all going to the same hotel.  It was a great deal less time consuming than SuperShuttle was last year.

I was greatly relieved to discover that they DID NOT "clear the room" before the "Big Performance" on Sunday this year.  Two fellow fans and I were able to "save" some great seats in the SECOND ROW!  I was able to take GREAT pictures that way, and be REALLY CLOSE to my favorite DS star, David Selby, when he was on stage!

I thought it was pretty stupid last year when the room was cleared before "Return to Collinwood" - only to have us all come right back in!  Because of that brilliant move, my seats were farther away than they had been earlier.

This year, Denise Nickerson was the only star in attendance who was not there last year.  I enjoyed meeting her.  Even though there were 4 more DS stars last year, I did NOT get to "meet" two of them - James Storm and Nancy Barrett - because the autograph line was cut short on Sunday evening for the start of the banquet.  That was disappointing, because after HOURS of waiting in line, I was ALMOST at the front of the line!  My program was rushed to the stars to sign.  I didn't get to be "up close and personal" with them and take their pictures.

I was able to watch the late-night movies this year.  LAST YEAR, I was stuck in the autograph lines and was talking to the people who were in line with me.  THIS YEAR, I didn't do as much talking to other people in line, so I was free to watch the screen until the line left the room.  I must say, it was THRILLING  to watch "House of Dark Shadows" and "Night of Dark Shadows" RIGHT AFTER touring Lyndhurst! 

I really enjoyed David Selby's movie - "The Girl in Blue" - too.  As I was watching, I was thinking about how great it would be if the man himself was watching HIMSELF in the movie.  Later, I found out I was right - HE WAS THERE WATCHING!  I guess my ESP was working that night!  LOL!

One thing that was the same this year and last year was the HUMIDITY!  I was sweating bullets at Lyndhurst THIS year AND at the subway stations LAST year.  It also rained both years, too.  I got stuck in the rain last year on Labor Day when I was on my own with the sightseeing.  I was drenched when I walked around "Ground Zero" and Times Square.  Luckily, it was only raining LIGHTLY when I went to Lyndhurst this year.

Oh, a few words about the Banquet.  In a way, I  enjoyed myself more THIS year than LAST year.  That's because I didn't need any autographs on Sunday, so I had some extra time to "freshen up" before it started.  There was virtually NO LINE to wait for the ticket, and the line getting into the room was MUCH SHORTER than last year.  Of course, I had just as much fun with the PEOPLE I was seated with at the table - ALL of us DS fans are fun to be around!  It was great fun to see the old "movie trailers" with DS stars - trying to guess which one was in the movie!

Finally, I must mention the program differences.  LAST YEAR, there were many "Cast Reunions", with all or most of the stars on the stage at once.   THIS YEAR, there were many times when only one or two stars were on the stage at a time.  Although I enjoyed seeing all of the DS stars on stage together last year; in retrospect, I think I prefer the way it was this year - it made it more intimate and personal.  However, I WOULD like to see ALL the DS stars in attendance together on the stage at least ONCE during a DS Fest.

Well, that's all for now.  Another report will follow soon.  The next report will be specifically about the 2004 DS Fest.  I hope you enjoyed reading this and will enjoy my future reports.  Again, I apologize for taking so long to post this.  I hope you think the wait was worth it.

8) ---- Sally ----- 8)

----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]

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Re: Dark Shadows Festivals - 2003 vs. 2004
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2004, 04:36:07 PM »
Very interesting EmeraldRose - I enjoyed your account of the two fests very much.  I wasn't able to attend the one in Brooklyn but made it to Tarrytown this year. 

I share your frustration with the autograph line on Saturday.  I really had all the autographs I wanted at that point with the exception of Nancy Barrett's and one of John Karlen that I was taking back for my sister (she's not a big DS fan but she adores him after meeting him when she accompanied me to the 2001 fest).  Anyway, after at least an hour or more in line, with my feet and head throbbing just as I was in site of the autograph tables they announced that the actors were being rounded up for a group photo.  After that short delay it was further announced that Nancy Barrett would not be returning to the tables.  Ahhhhkkkkk! I was so disappointed.
:'( >:( :(
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Re: Dark Shadows Festivals - 2003 vs. 2004
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2004, 08:23:08 PM »
Thank you for posting your comparison of each Fest, Sally.  It was lots of fun and very interesting to read.  :D


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Re: Dark Shadows Festivals - 2003 vs. 2004
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2004, 12:00:38 AM »
Hi Sally, thanks for posting your report i loved it
reading about the two FESTS. Hope to meet you
at the 2006 one.    Love Anne
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Offline EmeraldRose

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Re: Dark Shadows Festivals - 2003 vs. 2004
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2004, 01:18:26 AM »
  I share your frustration with the autograph line on Saturday.   Anyway, after at least an hour or more in line, with my feet and head throbbing just as I was in site of the autograph tables they announced that the actors were being rounded up for a group photo.  After that short delay it was further announced that Nancy Barrett would not be returning to the tables.  Ahhhhkkkkk! I was so disappointed.:'( >:( :(

Well, CastleBee, I was lucky that day! :D  I must have been just ahead of you in line.  Right after I got my autographs and pictures, they announced the group picture!  :P

8) ----- Sally -----  8)
----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]

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Re: Dark Shadows Festivals - 2003 vs. 2004
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2004, 02:28:10 AM »
You were lucky! If I didn't have such a talent for going the wrong direction when it comes to lines, I might have made it to a better spot in line.  When they first opened up the lines, I zigged when I should have zagged and ended up near the very back.[/size] Doh!  ::) 
“There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery." ~ Joseph Conrad

Offline EmeraldRose

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Re: Dark Shadows Festivals - 2003 vs. 2004
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2004, 02:45:19 AM »
  When they first opened up the lines, I zigged when I should have zagged and ended up near the very back.[/size] Doh!  ::) 

Don't worry!  I've done that many times before!  (Especially at last year's Fest!) ::)

---- Sally ----
----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]