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Discuss - Ep #1006
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:10:52 PM »
Robservations #1006

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1006

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1006
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2015, 05:07:33 AM »
Was surprised this was a kinescope. I noticed the top of the skull had a line all the way round as if it had been cut off like a lid.  The Angelique's have the same spell casting music in both times.  Buffy has a TV set in her apartment. I wonder if it is story driven?
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1006
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2015, 07:46:55 AM »
Kinescope... this may be responsible for the creepy look of it, when the camera backs away from Edwards' skeleton.  Nice effect either way.  Welcome, square lawyer Larry Chase.  He looks like he'd fit in, in 1966 DS.  Have we seen the actor? 

It's nice to have a night at the Eagle with just side characters... Larry, Buffie, Horace.  Even Yaeger isn't a core character in a way.   I like the new music when Buffie preens at her mirror.  It's an elaboration on some familiar music. 

Gladstone's my favorite thing in this storyline.  He seems to give it gravity, and make it all matter.  I love it when we feel we can see the character thinking.  When he talks to Buffie at her place, I feel we're seeing the old Cyrus side of him, the way he used to be before his own experiments.

Cliffhanger-- Gladstone delivering very well, very pointedly and aggressively, the line-- John Yaeger is Cyrus Longworth and vice versa.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1006
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2015, 04:23:26 PM »
According to my notes, when Don Briscoe left the show suddenly, his character, Chris Collins, was replaced by his "partner," Larry Chase. Ken McEwen, who continues as Associate Director, plays Larry Chase.

Farewell, Jered Holmes!

Angelique heartlessly tells poor Damian, I preferred Bruno's kind of loving to yours. He pleads and protests, but in vain. Poor Damian, Angelique says pitilessly as she snuffs out the candles: Just as handsome as you ever were in real life, and every bit as meddlesome--but not for much longer. Goodbye, Damian, she says as she snuffs out the last candle. No, please, Angelique, don’t do it! Damian cries. He screams in despair as he fades away, and that is the last we see of the Playboy of Collinwood. Nothing stands in my way, Angelique gloats. Collinwood and Quentin will be mine again--and nothing can stop me.

Buffie is cleaning up at the Eagle when her hand is suddenly devoured by Yaeger's hairy paw. She wants nothing more to do with him, but of course he doesn't believe her. I hope you’re not saying nasty things about me to Dr. Longworth, he sneers. Leave me alone, Buffie says again. Oho, I’ve touched a nerve, haven’t I? he says, grabbing her arm. You are going to talk to the doctor, aren’t you? You are the most evil-minded man I’ve ever met, Buffie retorts. I’ll wager you’ve met a few, haven’t you? Yaeger laughs as he lets her go. A few moments later, an unknown man in a black suit arrives, carrying a briefcase. He is the lawyer Larry Chase (Chris Collins's partner), here by appointment.

Yaeger turns out to be a stickler for punctuality. You’re fifteen minutes late, he complains to Chase, then demands that he produce the papers he has brought, which will open a bank account in Yaeger’s name. I’ll buy you any drink you like, Yaeger offers. I prefer not to drink while I’m working, Chase replies shortly. Yaeger is ready to sign, but Chase says, I want you to explain why Dr. Longworth wants to deposit so much money in your name. He told me that it was part payment for services you’ve rendered, but the I don’t believe that. You think I’m trying to blackmail Cyrus, Yaeger notes with amusement. So you don’t deny it? Chase asks. Oh, I most emphatically deny it, Yaeger says, his contempt increasing as he continues, As a matter of fact, how could anyone blackmail the good Dr. Longworth? The man is a vegetable. He neither smokes nor drinks. He doesn’t know the meaning of adventure. In short, the man is a cloistered bore. Now, how could anybody possibly blackmail a man like that? Chase replies, You are not only arrogant and disgusting, but also a model of ingratitude, considering that the doctor is being more than generous. I’m just calling it as I see it, Yaeger replies as he signs the document. I’m going to see the doctor tonight and tell him all about you, Chase says. He won’t be at the laboratory tonight, Yaeger informs him. I’ll convince Cyrus that he has no more need of you, Chase argues. Don’t count on it, Yaeger replies. To prove how confident he is that he can make his case, Chase rips the document in half. I don’t like your attitude, Yaeger says. Don’t get in John Yaeger’s way. Chase doesn’t flinch, but Yaeger says, There’ll be trouble if you get in my way. He calls to Buffie and promises her that he’ll see her later, just as Horace Gladstone quietly enters the bar. Did you see the doctor at the laboratory? Yaeger asks and laughs when Horace says not. As the good doctor might say, try, try again, Yaeger says as he leaves. As Buffie fixes a drink for Chase, who now wants one rather badly, Chase questions her about Yaeger. You’re not interested in him, are you? he asks with concern. He comes in here a lot, that’s all, Buffie answers. Horace listens attentively, but Buffie says tells Chase, I don’t know him very well at all. You know a lot more than you’re telling, Chase realizes, but you’re too afraid. After a moment’s silence, Buffie begs off. I’m tired and going off duty soon, she pleads. Chase agrees, gets his briefcase, and leaves. Horace steps over to the table and picks up the paper that Chase tore up, carefully tucking it into his coat pocket.

Yaeger has no choice but to take the antidote in order to let Cyrus persuade Chase in his own person. He drinks the antidote, and once again the transformation back to Cyrus again proves just as painful as the emergence of Yaeger. After a moment, Cyrus is satisfied that the agony is over and fishes his glasses out of a drawer. But Cyrus's first visitor turns out to be the very angry Buffie. Cyrus doesn’t understand why she’s so furious and laughs nervously. Why did you go to Yaeger and tell him all those terrible things about me--that I had come here and "made advances" to you? You knew how mad that would make him. Now, why did you do it? Cyrus turns away. I didn’t use that phrase at all, he replies. Yaeger saw you leaving that day and questioned me. Why didn’t you tell him the truth--that all I wanted was to make sure you signed the check for damages to the Eagle? Yaeger is a suspicious person, Cyrus replies lamely. You don’t have to tell me that, Buffie answers. What can I do? Cyrus asks her. Do you want me to talk to Yaeger? No! Buffie says quickly. That’s the one thing I don't want you to do. One wrong word out of you and he’s liable to beat me up again. He beat you? Cyrus gasps, completely horrified at what is news to him. That’s terrible, that’s terrible, he stammers, his voice scaling up as he hides his face in his hands. I didn’t know he could get that angry. It doesn't take much to get him angry, Buffie retorts. You have every right to be upset with me, Cyrus admits. I’l do anything to make up for it. This mollifies Buffie a bit as she steps over to peer through the magnifier light. (It seems the anti-amnesia formula works only one way: Yaeger is aware of Cyrus, but Cyrus never remembers what Yaeger has done.) Anything at all, Cyrus stammers again. You really are a strange one, Buffie says, having more or less forgiven him. I wonder what it would be like to get to know you. I hope you do, Cyrus says. I hope so too, she answers with a smile. When Chase arrives upstairs a moment later, Cyrus shows Buffie out by the side door. She doesn't notice Horace Gladstone step out of the shadows and prepare to listen at the door.

Chase urges Cyrus to end his friendship with Yaeger. Cyrus just looks at him without speaking, so Chase tells him, I met with Yaeger as you asked me to, but now I’m even more appalled at your plans. I got the signature, but tore the document up. Cyrus is fit to be tied but refuses to discuss it. There must be someone else who can perform whatever services Yaeger is doing, Chase argues. Yaeger is my trusted colleague, Cyrus insists. Going even further, he orders Chase, I want you to change my will so that in case of my death--or disappearance--everything I have will go to John Yaeger. Chase is horrified that Cyrus wants to leave everything to “that foul and evil man,” but Cyrus knows his rights as a client: Chase must carry out his wishes, whatever they are.

Back in her room, Buffie glumly prepares herself for another bout of Yaeger's fearsome attentions. When the expected knock at the door comes, it takes her a long moment to master her fear before opening it. But it turns out to be someone she's seen only once before--Horace Gladstone. He introduces himself and asks her all kinds of questions about Yaeger, which only annoy her and make her suspicious that Yaeger sent Horace to grill her about Cyrus. But Horace is suddenly stopped cold by the sight of the painting hanging over the mantel. When he asks Buffie where she got it, she replies haughtily, A gentleman friend gave it to me. Horace asks who, and Buffie of course has no reason to deny that it was Yaeger. To Buffie's surprise, Horace’s attitude alters completely and he leaves quickly.

Horace hurries back to the lab, where he annoys Cyrus by using the side door again. I want to talk to you about you and me and our little secret, he begins coyly. Cyrus is puzzled, but Horace says blandly, It’s inconceivable that I wouldn’t find out sooner or later--and you helped me in your own way to solve the mystery. You led me to the truth. What truth? Cyrus asks faintly, even though he can guess by now. Horace announces, That Cyrus Longworth is John Yaeger and that John Yaeger is Cyrus Longworth!.…

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1006
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2015, 04:47:53 PM »
Kind of late in the run for a kineoscope. Is this the final one?

Horace Gladstone figures out the Cyrus/Yaeger thing. He may have too much information to last many more episodes. Time will tell.

Ken McEwen was apparently an emergency recast. He does a reasonably good job as Larry Chase, better than a lot of the other day players.

Speaking of which, it's time to say goodbye to Damien Edwards. I didn't notice this on the original run but the Damien subplot just seems like a time filler and doesn't do much to advance the overall story.  That being said, the story raises far more questions than it actually answers. Okay, Damien was one of Angelique's many lovers. But at some point, she became tired of him and wanted him out of the way. But she apparently couldn't be bothered to take care of the matter herself and had the "B" team do her dirty work.

I am somewhat amazed that she had Damien murdered but kept Bruno around. And she wanted Damien out of the way because he was meddlesome? Wait until you meet Barnabas, honey!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1006
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2015, 11:14:31 PM »
Kind of late in the run for a kineoscope. Is this the final one?

There's even one in 1841 PT.

This time, I'm getting confirmation that others also have trouble remembering who and what DE is all about.  I think, though, that he was crucial in the plot, as the supernatural warning that Angelique was coming, and that this was going to be a very bad thing.  It's meant to build up the suspense.

She kept Bruno around because he was the guy who got rid of people, him and Trask.  Who would she have have gotten rid of him with?  PT Ang isn't a witch per se; she needs henchmen to do her dirty work.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1006
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2015, 11:42:20 PM »
Damion Edwards was really a sideshow to pad things out until everyone came home from Lyndhurst.  I do enjoy the scene where Angelique banishes the rebellious spirit.

This Angelique was somewhat practiced in spellcraft, though she was even more guilty of tending to use a sledgehammer where a fly-swatter would do than her counterpart in our own band of time. And some of her spells simply went right off the rails.
