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Discuss - Ep #0988
« on: October 03, 2015, 08:02:40 PM »
Robservations #988

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0988

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0988
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2015, 09:00:13 PM »
Headstone for PT Thomas Findley, 1927-69.  Bruno, Q, and Alexique are at the mausoleum (Barnabas's in RT?), Q shoos Bruno away after finding him chiseling away at the stone with Ang's name, even though in RT, those were just signs on the wall, not compartments.  Maybe it's not the same mausoleum. 

Horace Gladstone's face is well thought out... it's full of various, subtle, minor palsies or spasms, indicating life setbacks or hardenings of the spirit, that he carries with him wherever he goes.  I'm going to guess he's always at least a little bit drunk. 

Cyrus drinks his chemical cocktail or Purple Cow (on WKRP in Cincinnati, the Big Guy drank those, vodka and grape juice), and collapses onto the floor.  I couldn't help but think of an SCTV Jeckyl/Hyde sketch in which Martin Short drank the potion, collapsed out of sight, then was seen rising back up for a brief second or two as a giant Mr. Potato Head!

 [skull_winks] [skull_winks]
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0988
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2015, 04:30:12 AM »
Lots happening with Cyrus. Sabrina has roughed by someone. The trail leads back to Dr. Longworth but he can't remember what happened the previous evening. First mention of John Yeager.
As in real time, Sabrina has been victimized. Also as in real time, Carolyn is her friend and concerned about her. We learn a few things about Carolyn Loomis in this episode and we get a good view of the Loomis marriage. Like JR and Sue Ellen, Will and Carolyn know each other's weaknesses and know how to really unnerve each other. Carolyn correctly surmised that Will would like to repeat his experience with Angelique with her sister and is helpless to stop it. Alexis seems to take situations at face value and doesn't realize that Will may be motivated by something other than kindness. He tried to curry favor with Maggie with little success. Will Alexis respond better?
What kind of sedative was Sabrina taking (presuming that she followed doctor's instructions)? She's wandered off to Collinwood and talking about a seance that apparently didn't go well. The plot is extra thick now!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0988
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2015, 02:21:00 PM »
Funny exchange between Bruno and Cyrus, when Bruno comes to the lab to ask for Cyrus's help. It makes you realize that Bruno has never examined his own character or motives. I only believe things that I’m certain of and that I can see, Cyrus says, but sometimes I wish I had your daring. He starts making notes as Bruno insists, The woman at Collinwood is Angelique. I would stake everything I own on it. Wrapped up in his work, Cyrus comments, You don’t own a whole lot, so the risk would be minimal. You believe Angelique is at Collinwood because that’s what you want to believe. Of course, he adds, I wasn’t involved with Angelique in the same way. I want you to help me with your scientific knowledge, Bruno says. I have a lot of work to do, Cyrus replies dismissively. How long are you going to stay cooped up in your own tiny little world? Bruno wonders. Your world is the one that is small and narrow, Cyrus tells him loftily. Bruno looks at him in shock as Cyrus straightens his glasses and continues, Because there is no one in it, really, except you. However, my world is open to expansion, and expand it shall--very soon. Having said his piece, he turns away from Bruno and resumes making notes. I’ll go mad if I don’t find out about Angelique tonight! Bruno declares, then stomps up the spiral staircase.

Bruno somehow gets into the Great House again and pesters Alexis again, still sure that she's really Angelique. Later, Alexis comes downstairs and finds Quentin. He instantly loses his temper when she tells him that Bruno is back. Bruno, however, has followed Alexis downstairs and tells Quentin, It’s possible that Angelique fooled us all and didn’t die at the séance (the first we hear of the circumstances of her death). You’re mad! Quentin decides. I’m anything but, Bruno retorts. If you keep ranting about people returning from the grave, Quentin warns, [other] people are going to start wondering about you. Bruno answers, Well, let them wonder. I know what I know. I’m surprised that you don’t realize who she really is! But then, you never really did know her as well as I did, did you? His hatred plain on his face, Quentin grabs Bruno by the collar and snarls, Get out! After a few more snide comments and a bow to Alexis, Bruno does.

Makeup gave Horace Gladstone a very nice prosthetic scar. He breaks into the lab and finds Cyrus's notes. We hear Cyrus's voice as Horace reads: With each passing day I draw steadily closer, morally and intellectually, to the inescapable truth that man is not truly one but truly two, the one being good and the other evil. Now I am prepared to prove that each of these elements can be housed in separate identities. In separate identities! Gladstone repeats aloud. Cyrus confronts him. Horace is a rather old-fashioned gent and refers to Sabrina as "your young lady"--evidently he realizes that Sabrina isn't just Cyrus's lab assistant. Cyrus gets huffy and insists that Horace did nothing to help him. I agree Horace might have been a tippler, most likely because of his own near-miss when he decided to give up his own "lonely, dangerous course." I think his offer of help to Cyrus is sincere.

Alexis offers Quentin a cup of tea, and he actually accepts it. I hope Bruno is gone, she says. There’s no way I can force him from the estate, Quentin admits. The séance he mentioned, Alexis says: Did it have anything to do with my sister’s death? Quentin gets up and walks away. Have I brought up a painful memory? Alexis asks apologetically. You have a perfect right to ask about anything concerning your sister, Quentin replies. But you would rather not talk about it, Alexis realizes.

In his underground lab, Cyrus carefully pours some white powder into some purple fluid, which immediately boils and forms a purple foam on top. He pours a bit of the liquid into a tumbler, then takes it to his desk. As he picks up a pen, he thinks to himself, My theory is ready to be put to the test. I am aware of the potential power of the drug I have created and of the danger that I face. And perhaps I am even risking death, but I am not afraid. As he prepares to drink the purple fluid, Sabrina comes downstairs, dressed in her overcoat, and he quickly hides the glass. Will you ever rest? she wonders. The experiment is almost finished, he replies. It will be nice to see more of you, Sabrina comments, but I realize you’re dedicated to your work. Now that it’s almost over, I hope you’ll tell me about it. If it’s successful, Cyrus promises. Now run along. Since it’s 1970, Sabrina tells him, I don't mind playing second fiddle to your work. You are such a gentle man. That is what I love most about you. She gives him a chaste goodnight peck on the lips and goes upstairs. Cyrus waits till she’s upstairs, then returns to the desk. Very nervously he picks up the glass and quickly drinks off all the liquid. After a moment’s wait, he suddenly reacts as though feeling pain throughout his body. He drops the glass with a scream. He grips his stomach, then drops to his knees. Finally he rolls over on his back, convulsed with agony.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0988
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2015, 06:27:56 AM »
Alexis and Q catch Bruno trying to open Angelique's tomb which must have been built for her in PT but it looks like a combo of Elizabeth's buried alive and Laura's from regular time.
I notice Bruno's jacket is just like a sack on him.
I likes how they filmed Alexis brushing her hair in the mirror with the portrait of her twin. We learn that Angelique died at a seance at Collinwood.
Is it really Angelique or Alexis?  The mystery continues.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times