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Discuss - Ep #0987
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:52:49 PM »
Robservations #987

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0987

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0987
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2015, 09:56:14 PM »
I see we're in October!  [hall2_grin]

Quentin and Alexis exchange apologies, and she ends up staying at Collinwood. No no no no no.

Bruno tries to put his icky moves on Cyrus's cucumber-cool assistant, Sabrina. Cyrus arrives, and Bruno is caught. Sabrina is still perfectly calm, serene in the knowledge that she has done no wrong. Cyrus tells Sabrina he’s expecting a Special Delivery (!) package, so she goes upstairs to wait for it after glaring at Bruno.

Bruno waits tensely for Cyrus to give him what-for for hitting on Sabrina--but the expected storm never arrives. You seem very cool, considering what just happened, Bruno says finally. Or else you don’t care. About Sabrina? Oh, yes, I care--very much, Cyrus replies, with just the faintest hint of anger. Then why wasn’t there any blowup? Bruno asks as he takes off his coat. It didn’t mean anything, Cyrus lies, preparing a tourniquet and an alcohol swab. How can you say that, knowing me the way you do? Bruno asks. I can say that, Cyrus answers, knowing Sabrina the way I do. Don’t forget that I am a man with a lot of tricks, Bruno warns as he rolls up his sleeve. I play the game pretty ruthlessly. I know, Cyrus says. That is why I am interested in you. He ties a tourniquet around Bruno’s arm and swabs a spot with alcohol. Is that why you want to take samples of my blood? Bruno asks. Do you think ruthlessness is a blood factor? He smiles at the thought. Cyrus answers, We know so much about man’s chemistry, and yet we know so little--so very little. Bruno yelps as Cyrus jabs the hypodermic home, rather harder than strictly necessary. What is it you would like to know? Bruno asks. More, Cyrus answers as the syringe fills, just more. What makes me such an invaluable part of this experiment? Bruno asks. Oh, you think you are invaluable, do you? Cyrus answers. Why else do you pay me as much as you do? Bruno asks. I mean, you could get someone else. I am patronizing the arts, Cyrus replies. After all, you are a composer. In other words, you aren’t going to tell me anything, are you? Bruno says. Do I give that impression? Cyrus asks. Definitely, Bruno answers. Well, good. That is exactly the one I wanted to give, Cyrus replies with satisfaction. He smiles at Bruno--but it’s a rather scary smile. Bruno actually has an insight: You know, I am beginning to understand why you and Sabrina hit it off as well as you do. I mean, you two are very much alike. One thing on the outside, but inside--who knows! Cyrus raises his eyebrows in appreciation (but neglects to bandage Bruno’s arm).

As he smokes a post-donation cigarette, Bruno explains that he's playing a game too.  I think we’re not interested in the same things, Cyrus replies. Why not? Bruno wonders. You’ve always been so interested in the occult. Cyrus looks up from his work at this word but loftily tells Bruno, I am a scientist, and my experiment is for the betterment of mankind. My experiment concerns the dead coming back to life, Bruno says. Do you think Angelique will return? Cyrus asks. Just then, Sabrina comes down to tell Cyrus that the package has arrived. Before she can go back upstairs, a rather seedy gentleman comes downstairs anyway. My name is Horace Gladstone, he announces. (Welcome back, John Harkins--the Master of Dartmoor in 1897.) He politely takes off his hat, and we can see he has a large scar on his forehead and a crooked smile. He stares closely at Cyrus, who a bit nervously asks to speak to Gladstone alone. Not the least bit put out by his disappointments--he tells Sabrina, See ya, honey--Bruno leaves by a side door that Cyrus bolts after him from the inside (an important detail).

Sabrina is inclined to hang around, but Cyrus sends her back upstairs. Gladstone says, I was interested in meeting the man who is working with the "chemical synthesis" you ordered. I’d like to know the intention of the experiment. I don’t discuss my work with anyone, Cyrus huffs, but his voice scales up with nervousness as he clutches the package to himself. Gladstone remarks, From my own former experience in chemistry, I wonder if you’re aware of the potency of the synthesis. More aware than you are, probably, Cyrus answers and thanks Gladstone in dismissal. But Gladstone says what he came to say: It seems he is a former chemist because he backed off from his work when he saw that it might lead to “truths better left unknown.” As always, Cyrus is impervious to any warning, and Gladstone leaves none the wiser.

Bruno learns that Alexis couldn't have come from Genoa on a commercial ship--and instantly starts choking. He tries to get Alexis to "take the pins out of the doll." Alexis waves a wicked-looking pair of shears at him. (She was trimming a flower arrangement.) Insulted, she tells him, I sailed to New York on a rich friend's private yacht. How dare you accuse me! I’ll leave, Bruno says, but my experiment isn’t over yet. Why don’t you want me to know the truth? Leave me alone! she screams at him. He does.

Cyrus’s chemistry set is bubbling away at top speed as Sabrina notes, You seem quieter than you used to be, more secretive. (As he sits at his desk, we can see two Spy-type or even Max Beerbohm-type cartoons, with the men’s feet cropped off, and other small pictures surrounding what looks like his diploma.) As she straightens up the lab, she finds a small box with a ring in it. I hoped you would find it, he stammers when she asks about it. Am I about to make a fool of myself and fling my arms around you, she asks, or is this an engagement ring? I certainly hope so, he answers. Do you like it? They embrace, rather tentatively on his side, as Sabrina replies, I love it and you. You know how heavily I concentrate on my work, Cyrus reminds her. Would you mind? Why should I? she answers (well, it was 1970). Some women would, he says. Very happily, he says, I’ve spent my whole life excited about my work. Your devotion to work is just one of the things I like about you, Sabrina replies. Tell me about your new experiment. I don’t want to tell you even now, he says. I’m sorry, she says. You have a right to work on anything you choose. Do I? he asks, as if in answer to another question altogether. Do I really? Of course, Sabrina answers. What a strange question. Cyrus says, I wonder if there are any limits. Suppose I was to do something that was harmful to mankind? Something evil? Shocked, Sabrina asks, What are you talking about? Oh nothing, he answers, I was just bringing up age-old ethical questions. I tend to do that. I can’t imagine you would do anything that wouldn’t be in the best interests of everyone, Sabrina enthuses. Yes, he agrees, his voice scaling up with nervous excitement. You see, that is exactly it. That is exactly what I want to do. I want to achieve something that will help everyone, that will help every single man, woman and child. It would bring out all of the yearnings of good, and it would be undeterred by evil impulses. None of them would stop it. They destroy and they blunt all of the good things in this life. Now, if I could just find a way to.... He trails off as he realizes Sabrina is staring at him strangely, and he finishes lamely, I'm afraid that I get carried away and speak clichés. I'm sorry. Shall we get back to work? Sabrina asks, You weren't just talking about your new experiment, were you? With a high-pitched near giggle, Cyrus answers, No! My experiment? Heavens, no. I mean, have you ever heard such a long list of abstractions in all your life: mankind, good, evil. I mean, darling, I am a scientist. The only things I deal in are things that are scientifically attainable. No one has ever found an abstraction in a test tube--at least, not yet. Good, evil--I will never find that here. But the lab equipment percolates on as if contradicting him.

A very frightened Bruno goes to the Collins mausoleum (past the grave of Thomas Findley, one of Jeb Hawkes’s little zombie army) to make sure Angelique is really, truly dead. He finds her grave marker (with her name and the dates 1939-1969 below a beautifully engraved drooping lily). He has brought a claw hammer with him, and now he starts to pry the marker from the wall............

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0987
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2015, 10:36:01 PM »
I see we're in October!  [hall2_grin]

Come back in a couple of hours and you'll see that we're really into October! [hall2_wink]

But getting back on topic, I have to say that I really love how they play with the Is She Or Isn't She aspect of Alexis. I remember being quite intrigued when I first saw this storyline in 1970. And even though I now know what the answer is, I still think the mystery of it holds up well...

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0987
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2015, 10:48:49 PM »

Bruno tries to put the make on Sabrina who shuts him down very effectively. Sabrina seems to genuinely adore Cyrus. Their relationship reminds me of Barnabas and Julia in some ways. He goes off on his tangents and she tries to keep him focused.

Bruno's attempt to check into Alexis' story backfire on him big time. Someone apparently felt that he was being a little too nosy and he's suddenly choking. Alexis is angry that he's poking around in her business and rightfully so. No question that something is going on here. But who is responsible? Alexis? Angelique? Or someone else?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0987
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2015, 11:20:32 PM »
I remember how much fun it was to see this for the first time. They really kept the mystery going, didn't they! I knew they were toying with us, but it was really intriguing.

Strange to say, I always thought the choking must be a coincidence, but now that I think of it again..... Maybe SOMEBODY really, really didn't want Bruno to do all that investigating. But yeah, who?

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0987
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2015, 12:12:48 AM »
I see we're in October!  [hall2_grin]

Come back in a couple of hours and you'll see that we're really into October! [hall2_wink]


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0987
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2015, 04:48:27 AM »
The house is the mirror image in the VO.
Now Q&A kiss and just seems weird.
I'm not sure I'm going to like this Cyrus plot. Pretty sure Imdidnt the first go round.  Suddenly He asks Sabrina to marry him.
Bruno learns there were no,ships from where Alexis was. I'm guessing there are more than one port of departure from Europe and what about Planes. The next thing we see is the tiny guy going to Angelique's crypt.   I see the writer is Joe Caldwell.  It seems to me he wrote for the show in the earlier days.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0987
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2015, 09:12:51 PM »
I see the writer is Joe Caldwell.  It seems to me he wrote for the show in the earlier days.

That was my thought, too.

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