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Discuss - Ep #0865
« on: January 17, 2015, 07:30:15 PM »
Robservations #865

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0865

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0865
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2015, 06:48:44 PM »
At first Angelique is amused at Charpansy's announcement, but she starts to really pay attention when CP's second sight kicks in. CP describes Petofi's lair at the old mill, down to the last stick of furniture, and declares that that's where the real Quentin is.

Both women are startled when Selbtofi steps onto the landing upstairs. Angelique backs away, but C/P says fearlessly, No, you shouldn’t--you ain’t Quentin. You can fool everybody else but not me. Angelique watches the ensuing conversation with extreme interest. I suggest you explain yourself, Selbtofi says warningly. You’re the one that has explaining to do, C/P replies. Boldly she puts several questions to him, questions that someone should have thought of long since: What is the date of your brother Carl’s birth? And the date of his death? You’re completely mad! he scoffs. You can’t tell me because you don’t know! she shouts accusingly, then asks him, What did Carl give you on your twenty-first birthday? I remember Carl telling me what it was--now _you_ tell me! Selbtofi threatens her, and she wisely runs away. Angelique has seen more than enough to make her suspicious, but she pretends the main thing on her mind is how angry “Quentin” got with C/P.

At the old mill, Aristede is polishing the Dancing Lady, version 2.0: Instead of a serpentine blade that looks like it’s made of wood, this model has a shiny, curved blade. The unhappy Selbtofi is sitting with him. Aristede taunts Selbtofi about Evan's possible fate, but Selbtofi mocks Aristede for thinking that the real Petofi will take him (A.) along when he travels to the future.

They both hear the upstairs entry door open and close. Aristede tells QPetofi to hide in the inner room, but QPetofi refuses. You’re forgetting the game--I am the master and you the servant, he reminds Aristede. In the presence of others you will do as I say. Aristede is furious but knows he can’t do anything. He greets Angelique as she comes downstairs, and QPetofi bows to her. You’re the last person I expected to show up, Aristede remarks. Why? she asks with a brilliant smile. Aren’t I welcome? Of course you are, QPetofi says. What can I do for you? Your quarters are very pleasant, she comments as she looks around, taking in every detail. And the music stand--do you play an instrument, Count Petofi? she asks. Aristede nervously replies, His Excellency is extremely fond of music. She didn’t come to admire our modest furnishings, QPetofi tells Aristede. Yes, Angelique agrees. I came to speak to you alone. By all means, QPetofi says jovially, then orders Aristede to leave the room. Excellency, do you think that would be _wise_? Aristede asks. Are you questioning me? QPetofi asks warningly. No, Aristede replies sullenly. Then get out, QPetofi orders him harshly. Aristede starts to object, but QPetofi strikes him hard across the face and shouts, Get out! Aristede cries out in pain and glares at QPetofi with hatred, but backs out of the room. Angelique comes directly to the point: We had a bargain not to interfere in each other’s plans. But now I suspect you are doing something to Quentin Collins, something that has made him change--something that will bring him to great harm. Wearily, QPetofi says, You should have been the first one I told, but--I was afraid that you would be the last one to believe me. What are you talking about? Angelique asks. Turning away sadly, he answers, You must believe me now, Angelique. However bizarre it sounds, you must believe me. Believe what? Angelique asks. That I am Quentin Collins, he answers, turning to look at her. As she looks into his eyes, stunned, she knows it is the truth.

CP is in her room, wearing a plain pink gown and reading a book, when Selbtofi tries to open the door without bothering to knock first--but she has very wisely locked it. Using his most winning tones, Selbtofi says, There’s no reason we can’t be friends, so why don’t you open the door? Terrified, C/P answers, I don’t want to. There’s no need for you to be afraid of me, he assures her. She backs away from the door, replying, You’re lying. I don’t trust you. I don’t even know who you really are! I don’t think you should say things like that, Selbtofi says with quiet menace. I can’t help it, she answers. It’s the truth, ain’t it? All pretense of pleasantness is gone from his manner as he warns her, Now, you listen to me, you listen to me and you listen carefully. If you go on raving the way you have been, your days are numbered, Charity! She listens in absolute terror.

Selbtofi returns to the drawing room, where he finds Aristede, who has raced to Collinwood to report that Angelique is at the old mill--and it's very likely that she will believe the man who looks like Petofi when he insists that he's Quentin Collins.

At the old mill, the heartless Angelique’s face is suffused with genuine pity and sorrow as QPetofi concludes his story. I do believe you, she says compassionately, but it’s easy to see why others don’t. QPetofi says sadly, One other person who believed me--Julia Hoffman, but before she could help me, she disappeared. Yes, Angelique recalls, Julia was convinced something terrible would happen. Now Angelique starts to plan. Stay here for now, she tells PQuentin, but I will return for you. Where are you going? QPetofi asks. I can’t tell you, she replies. I’m afraid to stay at the mill alone, QPetofi frets. [This is Quentin, who was once afraid of nothing and no one!] You must, Angelique replies. I can’t explain to you now, but you will understand everything when I come back. Aristede must have gone straight to Collinwood and told Petofi about your visit, QPetofi guesses. I know Petofi said he didn’t want this body harmed, but he did say he would kill it if I kept fighting him. Take me with you, he pleads, and hide me until you can help me. Angelique agrees: It’s time you knew the truth, she tells him.

They are about to leave when they hear footsteps on the stairs. QPetofi has returned. Angelique feigns surprise at seeing him. What are you doing here? she asks, smiling broadly. Under ordinary circumstances, I might ask you the same thing, PQuentin replies, but these aren’t ordinary circumstances, are they? QPetofi steps away from them as they talk. What do you mean? Angelique asks innocently. PQuentin replies, You are really very good. While Charity was bantering on tonight, I kept looking at you for a sign, but your face revealed nothing. The fact that you have come here tells me everything. He has told you the whole thing, hasn't he? PQuentin asks, looking right at QPetofi. Neither Angelique nor QPetofi replies. QPetofi sits in the chair by the door of the inner room as if trying to make himself as inconspicuous as possible. There’s no use denying it, QPetofi tells Angelique--he knows. Yes, I know, PQuentin agrees with a grin. Angelique, you are the real loser in the situation, he continues. Yes. Just think of what you might have had--the mind of Count Petofi, the body of Quentin Collins. He laughs darkly as he adds, It is really quite an incredible combination. Believe me, I know. I wouldn’t care to, Angelique says stiffly as she makes for the door. You can’t leave here! PQuentin warns her--you know that, don’t you? You can’t stop me, she retorts. I can, he replies, and how severe I have to be depends on you. I am no ordinary mortal, she reminds him imperiously. Nor am I, he reminds her. You haven’t yet felt the full power of the Hand, my dear, he says, holding it up like a weapon. You can’t use its full power on me, she warns him. I can resist it and you know it. That _was_ true, but not anymore, he answers. It’s still true! she insists. You can’t keep me here. Good night, Count Petofi! she adds pointedly and starts up the stairs. PQuentin calls to Aristede--and Angelique finds herself facing Aristede, who holds a flaming torch before her. She seems to be gasping for breath as she backs down the stairs away from him. Startled, QPetofi stands up again, but no one pays any attention. Aristede forces Angelique into a corner as PQuentin gloats, Now you see, my dear, I did not come unprepared for you this time. You see, before you were able to devote all of your energy and power of concentration on resisting me. But you are vulnerable to fire. While you are concentrating on that, it makes it impossible for you to resist this! He holds the Hand up triumphantly, and Angelique backs away, afraid for the first time. As Aristede thrusts the torch at her, PQuentin seizes her by the shoulder. She screams and falls to the floor, unconscious. Has the agelessly beautiful Angelique met her match?..........

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0865
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2015, 07:49:43 AM »
Aristede probably had to pawn Dancing Lady #1 to eat while he was off on vacation....

Thayer speaks as Thayer in the VO.  He could have had Thayertin speak like that.  Welcome back Aristede?  Thayntin has been convinced to play the part of Petofi, perhaps just in return for food and shelter.  Angelique visits the Lair to see if... she doesn't know apparently.  She just guesses Petofi did something to Q.  I was sure that Angelique had been told about the bodyswap.  All she said to Selbtofi seemed to be from someone who knew the secret but was trying to cover it.  ThayerQ gets to slap Aristede in the face! ... and Aristede has to take it so as not to blow his cover.  Thayntin tells Ang.

At Collinwood, Aristede updates Selbtofi, who races to Lair.  Selbtofi and Aristede smite Ang with the threat at least of fire, then the new Hand... she collapses.  End.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0865
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 03:36:16 PM »
Nope, nobody told Angelique about the body switch. The real Petofi wouldn't have, and after the switch, Selbtofi couldn't get anyone to believe him.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0865
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2015, 10:33:27 PM »
Yeah, but I figured Thayer-Q had at least tried to convince her over at the Rectory, and that she was thinking about it after Selbtofi started acting funny... thanks.
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor