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Discuss - Ep #0852
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:58:00 PM »
Robservations #852

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0852

Offline MagnusTrask

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0852
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2014, 07:52:05 PM »
Kitty strangles Angelique. Very nice dress on Kitty, though with a covering over it she looks from the back as if her slip is showing. Then it becomes clear that it's a dress underneath with a lot of grey-white underneath, and a black framework that looks interestingly dark and almost industrial or mechanical, in a Victorian sort of way. "Too much good fortune can make the gods jealous of you! Jealous of you! Jealous of you!" Is that Robert Burns too? The Collinsport Fly likes Kitty an awful lot. It can't get enough of her face and hand and the camera. It has the gall to fly right into the close up of KLS's hand. It manages to stay on camera so much it qualifies as a character. Perhaps it's an emissary from Barnabas, that old romantic. Vampires consort with flies I believe, or Renfield did.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0852
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2014, 08:10:01 PM »
Actually, this episode gives us our last look at the train station. Farewell.

Defeated, Quentin follows Angelique back to Collinwood. You would think that she would have learned by now that forcing someone to marry you isn't a good idea.

Kitty is wearing a knockout mauve gown with bejeweled double spaghetti straps with a net blouse over, and a lacy black shawl. She wanders around the woods but runs back to the house when she thinks someone is following her.

Edward calls the sanitarium to see how Judith--remember Judith?--is doing. He speaks to Dr. Seward, who preserves his life by wisely remaining off camera and not even having a speaking part.

Kitty hurls herself into Edward's arms a moment before Angelique leads Quentin back into the house. Edward introduces her as Quentin's fiancée. We get our first hint (I think) of the Kitty-Josette possession when Kitty shouts, You! You were in the woods watching me! You have always watched me! Always spied on me! Well, you won't spy on me anymore! So saying, Kitty grabs Angelique and starts to strangle her. Edward gets her aay from Angelique, and she promptly faints. When she revives, she remembers nothing and has to be told what she just did. Completely mortified, she allows Edward to take her to her room.

Left alone with her reluctant fiancé, Angelique wants to set a date. But Quentin is far more interested in his hypothesis that his hatred for Angelique somehow telegraphed itself into Kitty's mind. That’s an interesting theory, Angelique says, but you’ll come to know sooner or later that the reason that woman attacked me has nothing to do with either of us. [Seriously, Angelique! Surely you’re having a flashback!] Let’s go into the drawing room, she suggests again. May I have a brandy? Quentin puts his hands in his pockets by way of reply. Please, Angelique says. After all I’m still a little shaken after my close encounter with death. I’m sorry she failed, Quentin comments as he pours the brandy. I would be free now. Well, she didn’t, Angelique retorts. You might as well face the fact that you will never be free--so learn to love your jailer. He hands her the drink. Just one more thing, she adds. The wedding--anytime this week will be fine. A week from tonight then, Quentin shoots back: That will put it off as long as possible. She merely smiles at him over her drink.

Up in her room, Kitty has taken off her black sequined top and we can see the straps of her gown and KLS's lovely neck and shoulders too. She is so shaken by recent events that she wants to leave, but Edward insists that she must stay. He says, I would so very much like to look after you. Please don’t talk of going away! I may need a great deal of looking after, she warns with a simpering smile. I will provide it, he replies with manly resolve. She says, I have the feeling that what happened today is only the beginning of something. I’m terribly frightened--something I hadn’t even admitted to myself, and now I’m admitting it to you. And now I’m crying! she sobs as she turns on the waterworks. Taking her in his arms, Edward urges her, Go ahead, it’s good for you--it can be a relief from fear. Then you’ll always protect me when I’m frightened and have patience with my tears? she asks in her best helpless-female manner. I will, he promises, falling for it. I’ll be safe no matter what happens, she says. She touches her fingers to her lips, then to Edward’s; this time, he doesn’t pull away. Good night, Edward, she says. Good night--my dear, dear friend. Good night, he replies and leaves. But once she’s alone, the little schemer gives us a too-satisfied smile.

Angelique is planning a simple wedding, no doubt remembering her first one. Edward returns, and Quentin pointedly moves away from her as she tells Edward that she and Quentin will be married in a week. Edward congratulates them, and Angelique leaves, possibly to sew another wedding dress, and Edward castigates Quentin. I don’t like the way you treat your fiancée, he rails, or your attitude about your marriage. My attitude is my concern, not yours! Quentin snaps. That girl has suffered enough because of this family, Edward fumes. I don’t want her to suffer more--she was victimized by Barnabas Collins! So she was, Quentin agrees, but I will treat my bride-to-be in any way I damned well please. And I assure you, Edward, she understands. He is about to leave when Edward has a question for him: I want to talk to you about another matter--a little less personal, but it concerns us both. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it ever since Barnabas was killed. You found Barnabas Collins in his coffin. Yet, despite knowing that he was a vampire, that your brother Carl was killed because of him, despite all of that, you walked away and let him live! Why, Quentin? Why?

Quentin has a commercial break in which to think up an answer, and he comes up with one that’s plausible because it’s truthful. Looking hard at Edward, he admits, I didn’t kill him. Why, knowing what he was? Edward exclaims. It was Charity Trask who killed him, not you--why? Maybe, in the end, I was as human as my brother, Quentin replies. He sips his drink, then continues, Remember, Edward, you had Barnabas locked up in the cellar of the Old House and could have destroyed him. You had the gun and the silver bullets and could have ended it all right there! So why did you wait for the dawn to do your work for you and give him a chance to escape? We have both faltered, he decides. It’s enough that a “mad child” (as he terms Charity/Pansy with gentle charity) has done our work for us, so we should drop it. You certainly can be convincing, Edward comments. I remember your glib tongue even as a boy, but I pride myself on being a good judge of character, and no matter what you say, I doubt I’ll ever trust you completely. Quentin laughs heartily, then remarks, I didn’t think I would ever laugh again, and you caused me to do it, so I’m grateful to you (to Edward, of all people!). I don’t know what I said that was humorous, Edward huffs pompously. Enlighten me, Quentin. You just said that you are a good judge of character, Quentin replies. Well, if that lady upstairs is any indication of your approval of people, we are all in a great deal of trouble. What do you hold against Lady Kitty? Edward asks indignantly, referring to her incorrectly. [She be Lady Kitty only if she were the daughter of an earl or higher-ranking peer.] I wouldn’t dream of telling you, Quentin replies cheekily. That would be interfering in your personal affairs. No--I’ll let you find out all by yourself. He sips his drink again.

At 10:30 p.m., Kitty Soames, Lady Hampshire is already tucked in bed and fast asleep. But her sleep is unquiet--she tosses and moans. She hears Angelique’s voice calling, Mademoiselle! Then Angelique appears, laughing, in her 1795 maid’s plain gown and a doily atop her head. She tells Josette/Kitty, I have come from Mademoiselle’s bridegroom. I told him that in our country, it’s flirting with misfortune to ever let the bridegroom see the bride before the ceremony! What did he say to that, Angelique? K/J asks. Angelique replies, He assured me that he would never want to cause you misfortune--oh, no, not for the world! But he begged me to give you some tokens so you would not forget him. Angelique laughs her trademark laugh as K/J protests, I would never forget him! I told him that, Angelique assures her. Let me see the tokens, K/J orders. Here is something for the nose and for the eyes, Angelique says as she holds out a bouquet of red and white roses. And something for the mind and heart, she adds as she holds out a book. “The Poems and Songs of Robert Burns,” K/J reads. How did he know that was my favorite? She opens the book and reads what what was also poor, mad Jenny’s song: "My love is like the red, red rose that's newly sprung in June, my love is like the melody that's sweetly played in tune.... And I will come again, my love, though it were five thousand mile!“ It is beautiful! she exclaims. Yes, yes, beautiful, Angelique agrees, her smile now acrid and her tone sarcastic. Everything is always so beautiful for the little mademoiselle. But be careful. Too much good fortune can make the gods jealous of you.

Jealous of you. Jealous of you. Jealous of you.... Kitty hears these words over and over as she finally wakes up with a fly buzzing around her face. Who was I? she wonders. Where was I? What was happening to me? Why was Angelique my servant? I don’t understand--but I don’t really need to, she assures herself quickly. Edward said it was all in my mind. She sighs with relief, then looks at her nightstand--and sees a bouquet of red and white roses, identical to the one in her dream, with the identical book of Burns poems underneath. As she reaches for the book, the persistent fly alights on her hand, then tries to land on her face and she has to brush it off, so it lands on the book. [It reappears in the next episode.] Nonetheless she exclaims fearfully, It is not in my mind! It's not! It is happening! Something is really happening!....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0852
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2014, 10:46:19 PM »
Quentin has a commercial break in which to think up an answer,

Then Angelique appears, laughing, in her 1795 maid’s plain gown and a doily atop her head.

Chuckle and LOL.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0852
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2014, 11:17:56 PM »
Thanks, MT. Actually, Quentin's answer would have convinced me. He made good use of the time.