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Discuss - Ep #0816
« on: October 21, 2014, 03:28:04 PM »
Robservations #816

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0816

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0816
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2014, 11:52:28 PM »
How did they get the coffin to the mill?  Can Petofi transport stuff by will now?  How'd they get into the west wing and out with it without being seen, at least?

At this point, it's almost as if one storyline has ended and a new one has begun, because suddenly, one evil goal, P's recovery of his hand, has been replaced immediately with another, going to 1969.  Things are more contrived at this point, with a possibly unnecessary head to head contest of wills between Petofi and Barnabas, when a thorough discussion of the I Ching and Barnabas's experience with it might settle everything.  They could cooperate a little.


I get the feeling they looked around a little, assessed what they had in the story already that could be used to make a new plot thread, and had to fall back on the time travel, though I actually love Petofi not being thrown by the idea, and contemplating the exciting, exotic "future" of 1969.  I'm only complaining about some simplistic good-n-evil and other contrivances intruding into what had been a more adult story, but this is still my favorite storyline, and it's just painful to see the flaws in something great. 

It's still adult, though, despite some silly "I'll do it 'cause I'm evil" moments.  I wonder how many audience members were screaming at the TV for everyone to stop pushing Petofi, and demanding and guilting him, because it only took an indifferent and callous character and made him openly hostile.  Barnabas and Quentin are clearly taking the wrong tack toward Petofi, and making things worse and worse for themselves, but they never, ever come to see it.  They just go on being puzzled by his "evil" behavior, most of which is retaliation against provocation by them.  This is all an excellent lesson in how not to deal with difficult people, when you want something....

 [candle_in_skull] [candle_in_skull]

The nature of the future starts being revealed by Petofi, through Jamison's channeling of pre-existant David.  Quentin starts to wonder why his name comes up in David's ramblings... Did Q know David was living in the future? 

Classic DS collision of plot threads and characters in great ways, as Tim only now realizes the Hand has slipped through his fingers, while events have moved on SO far beyond him!  It's one of those moments when one part of the story catches up with the other part.  Oh yeah, we think, we forgot about Tim!!  What's he going to do now?!  I love that moment when a totally fumbling and desperate and unrealistic Tim Shaw tries to get the Hand back by demanding that Quentin tell him what the hell happened to it... as if he has some special claim on it, as if he didn't just pick it up off the floor and steal it... Tim's still young and very naive, no matter how worldly he may think he's managed to become, over the weekend in NYC...  Quentin sending him to the mill for it is a classic moment.  Tim's become a total out-of-control fool now.  He'd almost chase the Hand off Widow's Hill if he had to...

 [skull_winks] [female_skull]

Tim's period lines are pretty awkward here, with the word "whippersnapper" coming out of him as uncomfortably as humanly possible...  After he sends Tim in pursuit of a wild goose, Quentin decides to use his awesome magical powers to summon Barnabas... by taking one or two steps forward, where ghostly underlighting from a lamp was fortunately waiting for him, and calling out for Barnabas.  Along the same lines as the look-at-a-candle, cast-a-spell principle, underlighting is all that's needed to summon someone through the ether.  I wonder if Quentin has all the appropriate spots to step into, where a lamp will underlight his face sufficiently, all mapped out in his head, already, in case he needs to do whatever generic magic he needs to do at a moment's notice.

Tim's got a gun, he's at the mill, and he's ready to kill.  He hasn't stopped to wonder why Quentin sent him there, why Quentin hasn't gotten it himself.  Yet another classic DS moment... that very, very strange and intense look on Tim's face, as he tries to take in the sight of the Hand, attached to this man he's never met!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0816
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2014, 04:20:28 PM »
Isn't this the point where DC et al. realized how popular Quentin was, so they had to come up with a way to extend the 1897 story.

It sure does take a lot of time for Tim to realize that the Hand has moved on. His lines are pretty awkward--maybe he lapsed back into pedantic schoolteacher mode in his agitation.

Poor Jamison. Now he's possessed yet again, this time by David. It's really touching to see how devoted to him Quentin really is--although I'm sure poor Nora could have used a share of that affection too.

The scene leading up to Quentin's psychic attempt to reach Barnabas is highly interesting. J/David assumes that he (D.) is dead now and that he and Quentin will hang out together for all eternity. I don't think Quentin realizes what the future has in store for him (at least for now), but Selby conveys his terror very well.

Yah, Tim. He still has quite a bit to learn.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0816
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2014, 09:09:56 PM »
... maybe he lapsed back into pedantic schoolteacher mode in his agitation.

I missed those first few ep's where that was established about him (pedantic teracher), but as changed as he has seemed lately, it's the change a young guy imagines about himself after some big, new more adult life experience.  You have an image about what being fully mature is, then you have that new experience, and you step into that role you assume you're supposed to be assuming, based on that experience, and you're very glad to have "matured".  Then something comes along to shatter the "role", something humbling, you return to what you always were, and you think, what happened?

Then the actual maturing starts, in dealing with that... or it doesn't.

I think Tim's supposed to be a bit younger than Don B seems to be.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0816
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2014, 09:57:40 PM »
Tim a bit younger than DB makes sense, especially since he and Rachel were intended to be pretty close in age. Tim really is very abusive to poor Nora--absolutely inexcusable. No maturing there, Tim.

Quentin isn't having a good day either. He comes into the mill, carrying Jamison in his arms. He’s dying! Quentin tells the count as he lays Jamison on the sofa. Why bring him here? Petofi asks dismissively. Take him to a doctor. That will do no good, Quentin argues, he’s been possessed! Really? Petofi asks An alien spirit controls him, Quentin says desperately, and he’ll die unless you do something! Do you know whose spirit it is? the count asks. David Collins, Quentin replies. Is he an ancestor from the past? Petofi asks. I’m not sure, Quentin answers. Have you heard the name before? Petofi asks. In his desperation, Quentin unwisely tells the count, Jamison had a dream about David Collins. He told it to Barnabas. Barnabas explained it away, saying that David Collins couldn’t exist. He must exist in some time, Petofi comments, otherwise, he couldn’t be possessing the boy now. I don’t know! Quentin cries. All I know is that you must do something to save him, or he’ll die! I? Petofi asks again. Yes, Quentin says, you owe it to Jamison, and I know you can. What an interesting--and preposterous--idea, Petofi drawls. Why? Quentin asks. He got the hand for you when you were too weak to look for it yourself. Surely you owe him something for that! As the count walks away from him, he says flatly, What I wanted, I took. I owe the boy nothing. All right, Quentin fumes. I apologize for thinking there were any human feelings in your heart. How very human you are, the count observes. I find it extraordinary. The question is, Do I find it extraordinary enough to save the boy? Do you? Quentin asks heatedly. Petofi replies, To be brutally frank--I don’t know. From the couch, Jamison calls to Quentin, who hurries to his side. The Quentin he’s calling for--is that you? the count asks. Yes, Quentin answers. How can that be? Petofi asks. Isn’t he possessed by a David Collins--who lived in the year 1969? Yes, he is, Quentin answers. As Quentin looks at him in amazement, he count gets to the heart of the matter: Yet that David Collins is calling for _you_!....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0816
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2014, 10:42:07 PM »
Tim a bit younger than DB makes sense, especially since he and Rachel were intended to be pretty close in age. Tim really is very abusive to poor Nora--absolutely inexcusable. No maturing there, Tim.

There was an image out there, then even more than now, that forcefulness is part of maturing.  Forget sentiment, time to deal with harsh reality, making the tough decisions... being tougher may enable you to get past a lot of hurdles and obstacles in life, but you also miss the point of life, and end up just being a great, big wad of "toughness".  People generally take most things too far... if a little toughness is good, a whole lot is even better. 

Petofi shows this, with his, "What I wanted, I took.  I owe the boy nothing."  Step one is the toughening up, step two is realizing that step one is false maturity, and thawing out.  Many people only get as far as step one.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0816
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2014, 12:10:13 AM »
Interesting, MT. I think it must apply more to boys than to girls, though.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0816
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2014, 03:10:17 AM »
Interesting, MT. I think it must apply more to boys than to girls, though.

Oh, of course.  It's totally male gender role playing.
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor