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Discuss - Ep #0803
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:26:30 PM »
Robservations #803

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0803

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0803
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2014, 05:42:55 PM »
Sounds like KLS in the VO.  Hi, welcome home, harrumphing Ed.  Quentin tries to get him to understand Jamison's possession.  Ed's processing time on taking the supernatural seriously continues to be as long as ever, despite Laura and Barnabas.  Quentin rips Edward apart, accurately, with the parallel to how he'd dealt with Quentin's children, one of whom was now dead.  Edward banishes "defective" or inconvenient Collinses, and may need to do it to his own son, soon.  That was well written.  Ed tends to go for internal banishments, like keeping someone prisoner in the house, sort of like the Soviets' "internal exile"...?

Beth and Jamison and Count Petofi play cards.  Nice scene.  I like it when Edward later on alarms Quentin, by getting out a revolver and loading it in his presence, calling it a solution to a problem.  "If I wanted to shoot you, would I need six silver bullets?!" asks Ed.  Funny.  Why yes, you would, sometimes...  Ed tells Q that Beth is enthralled to Barnabas.  Edward and Quentin both proceed to treat vamp victimhood totally as if it were some kind of romance.  Q goes into full jealousy mode.  Where does he meet Barnabas and Beth?  Is it the docks?  Or the OH basement?

This ep ends with one of my favorite scenes ever.  Edward's trying to "reason" with Jamison, and in trying to get the black gloves off.... pulls off Jamison's actual hand!!  What can you possibly say or think about what has happened here... Was a child actually maimed and missing a hand?  At this point anyway, yes, it appears so.  Edward, holding his son's false hand, or real hand, or whatever, in his own, feels the floor drop out from under him.  There is just no way to process this.  He only has his human sympathy and fatherliness (a first appearance of it?) to fall back on, offering reassurances to comfort Jamison that are actually half-insane, under the circumstances, but what can you do... It's very affecting, seeing what's going on inside him here.  The pretention falls away, and he becomes naked for a minute.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0803
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2014, 06:33:02 PM »
According to DS Wiki, Terry Crawford did the VO. Fatherhood is the theme of this episode, and LE and DS both are outstanding.

As Edward takes off his coat and hat in the foyer, we actually hear the carriage outside drive off to the stables.

DH has an uncanny talent for mimicry. What a kid. When Jamison/Petofi asks for a brandy, that's the last straw for Edward. He phones Dr. Brooks, who of course can come over right away for the wealthiest patients in town. But wisely, he stays off screen and therefore lives to doctor another day.

You must realize a doctor won't do any good, Quentin tells Edward. Harshly Edward reminds him, Jamison is MY son! Your meddling must stop! What about your meddling? Quentin says.  Let's talk about that. Let's talk about what you did to Jenny. That wasn't meddling, Edward huffs. I was looking after her. Someone had to! You turned her into a crazy woman, Quentin accuses him. You did that, Edward retorts. I just tried to prevent her from hurting herself or others. I see, Quentin says with an angry laugh, but I believe you were preventing the holy, sanctified Collins name from being damaged. I had to look after Jenny because you didn't care for her, Edward insists. Oh, didn't I? Quentin asks. How do you know that? A man doesn't leave his wife when he cares for her, Edward says. You have all the proper Collins answers, Quentin says with growing anger. Answer this question--what about MY children? Shocked at Quentin’s knowledge, Edward tries to deny their existence at first, but Quentin is relentless. Why didn't you tell me about my children? he shouts. Or didn't you think I cared about them, either? Well I did care about the children! I cared a great deal! I discovered how much yesterday, when I found that my son was dead. Dead? Edward asks, even more surprised. My son is dead, Quentin repeats softly. I’m sorry, Edward says quietly, but Quentin isn’t having it. I don't believe you're sorry after all, he says bitterly, because my children are only half Collinses. What did you think when you learned that they were also half gypsy?Edward repeats, I am sorry the boy is dead--why can't you let it go at that? BECAUSE I WON'T! Quentin shouts, apparently on the verge of tears. You and your sense of family, he says scornfully, your demand that things always be exactly right! Well, what did you think when you looked at that little boy with the gypsy eyes and the Collins name? [This is pure conjecture on Quentin’s part, because he never saw his son alive--but his point is no less valid.] Leave me alone, Edward says as he turns away. I never saw the boy after he left this house. Oh, I see, Quentin says bitterly. I should have realized. Why should you have cared that he might have perhaps needed you? That's a startling accusation, Edward huffs. I merely saw to it he was provided for. You saw to everything, Quentin says contemptuously, but most of all, to the Collins name. That’s what you've done all your life. If anyone fails to live up to it--Jenny, my children, Judith, no matter who--you are the judge and jury. You see to it that they are banished before the world finds out the truth! Well, Edward, you call your doctor if you think that's right, and you had better listen carefully to what he tells you, because it may be time for your own son's banishment! Edward glares at him, stony and implacable. [Selby's portrayal of Quentin’s rage and grief is outstanding, and Louis Edmonds’s depiction of Edward’s stony implacability is not far behind.]

J/P plays cards with Beth, who is unnerved by his odd behavior. Then he kisses her on the cheek, and she reacts as if hearing a silent, mental call from her master--Barnabas Collins, she tells Edward, as J/P grins broadly.

Nice ironic touch with the silver bullets. Quentin is horrified when Edward tells him that Beth is in thrall to Barnabas. He runs upstairs, shouting for her.

Quentin pounds on Beth's door, shouting, I must talk to you! I know you’re in there! He barges in without waiting for Beth to answer and finds her lying on the bed. I know what's happened, he says. Don't try to deny it. She sits up and says calmly, I'm not denying anything. As if Beth had willingly betrayed him with an ordinary man, and even though Quentin knows better, he shouts, How can you claim to love me and at the same time be going to _him_? Look at me! Beth doesn’t respond. You know how much I need you! Quentin pleads. I must go to him, Beth says mechanically as she gets up. _No!_ Quentin says as he grabs her arm. No more! Without a word, in a trance, she evades his grasp and walks out. Edward arrives a moment later. Realizing what just happened, he tells Quentin, You fool! Didn't you see the state that girl was in? She needs to be locked up, but you, who supposedly love her, let her out. I had to speak to her, Quentin insists. What did you have to find out? Edward asks. That it's possible for a woman to love some man other than you? [A hit, a very palpable hit!] Get out of my way, Edward! Quentin shouts. I've got business with Barnabas! He storms out.

Apparently somewhere on or near the docks, Beth calls to Barnabas. He wasn’t expecting any visitors, so he stays hidden until he recognizes her. He steps out of the shadows and asks, What do you want? I had to come to you, she explains. Why? he asks in surprise. Why did you come here? I didn’t summon you. I had to see you, she says. He turns away in sadness and remorse. Don't turn away from me, she begs him. Please don’t send me away--I need you so much. Quentin arrives just in time to hear her and tells Barnabas sharply, Leave her alone! Barnabas asks Quentin, What are you doing here? I want to know what _Beth_ is doing here, Quentin retorts. I don't know, Barnabas says unhappily. Don't you? Quentin asks. I don't believe that. She admitted to me that-- That she and I were closer than you knew? Barnabas finishes, averting his eyes in shame. It’s true--it _was_ true. It is true no longer. I know what I am, Quentin, he continues, finally looking at Quentin. I know what I need. I despise it--all of it. I despise myself more, knowing what she meant to you. Why did she come to you tonight? Quentin asks, apparently convinced of his friend’s sincerity. I don’t know, answers Barnabas. I didn’t call her.

Back at Collinwood, J/P is standing in the drawing room. Edward comes in and tells him, Dr. Brooks said you were fine. I think we were just a little overexcited, but all will be well. He isn't a very good doctor, J/P comments. He examined me for over an hour and didn't notice I only had one hand. Edward pleads, The doctor says you're all right. You have a hand--take off the gloves. No, J/P insists, I have no hand. Take off the gloves, or I'll use force! Edward warns him. He grabs J/P’s hand and wrestles off the glove--and J/P’s hand comes off with it. I told you I had no hand, I told you! J/P wails. Edward stares at it in horror. What's happened? he cries. J/P cradles his right arm close to his body as he sobs, I’m frightened! I’m so scared! Don't be, Edward says, holding him close. I'm here, and everything will be all right. I'll take care of you. I’ll look after you--don't be scared. I love you, Father, J/P says and kisses him. Edward stands there, stunned. Jamison takes the hand away from his father and walks smugly out of the drawing room, putting his glove/hand back on as he goes upstairs.

Quentin returns home and finds Edward still in the drawing room, apparently staring into space. What are you doing here? he asks. His demeanor and (suddenly English-accented) voice humble, Edward answers, I’m a stranger in these parts, sir, but certainly in a great house like this one there should be something for an honest man to do--especially one who’s willing to do anything. Oblivious to Quentin’s shock, he continues, It’s a lovely house. What’s it called?...