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Discuss - Ep #0753
« on: July 24, 2014, 03:24:39 PM »
Robservations #753

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0753

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0753
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2014, 04:06:32 PM »
Voiceover:  Quentin's curse will apparently follow him all his life.  I was going to say that this gives things away, but come to think of it, it's interestingly alarming to hear something that doom-laden and definite.  It makes things darker.  It doesn't always hurt the story to let out a bit of information like that.  It's not all about surprise and suspense.  We all knew Barnabas had to be chained in the coffin at the end of 1795, but we kept watching.

Beth very definitely sees the transformation... and to her credit, no white hair, no paralysis... and it comes right after the murder, too.  She again has sense, stepping into the pentagram.  The ridiculously short werewolf tries to penetrate the force field, actually losing his balance from it.  Then he apparently thinks, nothing more to do here, I'm bored, and rushes off.  It's getting to be slightly funny to me, the moment when the werewolf becomes himself, looks around the room, concludes well nothin's goin' on here, gotta go.....!

Welcome Tim Shaw, though the rest of you have probably seen him already.  Chris gets on my nerves a bit, but I have to love Tim, the voice of smartassery in the service of reason and humanity.  DS sorely needed some irony and sarcasm.  Quentin can't supply it all himself.... especially with other matters on his mind.  Quentin's going to be a somewhat more serious sort of guy from now on.....

I love Tim milking Jamison's escape via Greg's very BIG book of mediations, for irony!  I wonder, would Jamison have survived the wolf, because he's the one person Q really cares about?  It was funny, Beth telling Jamison that Quentin was "out for the night".  Charity tries to push for searching the house for Jamison-- the boy's own home, his father's house, her father's patron's mansion.  Ridiculous.  Note that what caused her to call off the search was Tim telling her she might get into trouble with her father, basically. 

Nice visual moment:  the wolf's bright eyes dissolving as a shot of the full Moon appears.  I don't expect the subtleties in such a rushed TV program.  The wolf approaches Beth, who grabbed a gun (from where?) specifically to use against Quentin.  she's hopelessly lovestruck, but also, always practical.  Will she shoot?  End.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0753
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 02:25:02 PM »
Magda had already told Quentin that the curse would follow him all the days of his life, but yes, it is scary to hear the voiceover confirm it.

At the start of a long teaser, the werewolf (who is wearing a very dapper brown suit, although Quentin’s was gray, and who is a foot shorter than Quentin to boot) chases the screaming Beth around the room. It springs up to attack her, but she makes it inside the pentagram, showing great presence of mind.

MT, Tim already has made several appearances before this episode. And yes, he's always been a smartass!  [ghost_grin]

Jamison is still in the punishment room at the House by the Sea. The punishment room (actually a kind of closet) and the classroom look remarkably similar to their counterparts at the burned-out Worthington Hall, right down to the hexagonal window in the punishment room. (Another example of Trask’s bad influence on architecture?) Tim Shaw arrives in the classroom with a cloth-wrapped bundle. He lights a lamp, which glows brightly at first but dims by the end of the episode. When he hears a knock, he hides the bundle in the stand-up teacher’s desk, then opens the door to admit Charity Trask. Barnabas must have found some other victim(s), because Charity is just as prim and obnoxious as she was before he bit her. She warns him about whatever is out there, but Tim wants her gone. The moment she finally takes the hint and leaves, Tim bolts the door behind her, opens the punishment room and gives Jamison the cloth-wrapped bundle, which of course is food. Jamison asks why he's still being punished. Perfectly dead-pan, Tim explains that Trask wants complete and total obedience, but Jamison hasn't shown that. Jamison looks crestfallen until with a rare genuine smile of pride, Tim continues, Instead, you have shown an independent spirit and enterprise. Do you know what that means? Jamison proves that he does know when he smiles back and says, If I’m going to escape, I’ll have to do it alone. Be careful, Tim warns him.

Charity comes back, and Tim decides that he and Jamison should just show her the food. She's extremely miffed. ppalled, Charity sniffs, He’s supposed to be getting only bread and water. He needs discipline--and I’m going to have to tell my father about this when he returns. Tim insists, If anyone should be punished, it’s me. Charity says, I’m going to give Jamison something to think about till her father comes back. She steps out and returns with a thick tome, telling Jamison, This is my father’s favorite book of meditations. Tim sighs loudly, but Charity ignores him as she continues, Read it and realize the error of your ways! She locks the door on Jamison again. After you, she tells Tim as they leave. The moment the closet door is closed, Jamison puts his independent spirit and enterprise to work. He looks at the book and then the box, and promptly puts the book on top of the box. Now he can just reach the window, so he starts to scramble out.

Back out in the classroom, Tim asks Charity to say nothing to her father about the incident. I must, she insists. Even concealing it would be a form of lying. He certainly has done a thorough job on you, Tim comments sardonically, but his remark goes right over Charity’s head. They hear a noise coming from the punishment room, so she opens the door to check on Jamison again. Of course the closet is deserted. Tim comments that Jamison used the book to help him escape. The boy is insufferable! Charity fumes. Her consternation at this use of her father’s favorite book of meditations only makes Tim laugh. No, he says, the boy is very original. He’s proud of Jamison’s ingenuity and notes, All of you have underestimated his intelligence. Charity is eager to assign Tim the blame, arguing, I wouldn’t have given him the book if you hadn’t first given him the food! I’m going to be in a lot of trouble with my father now! Tim offers to go find Jamison, but Charity declares angrily, Most likely he’ll go to Collinwood, so we’ll just go there and get him. She picks up the telephone to call the Great House.

Only Beth is available to answer the phone and is horrified that Jamison is outside somewhere, alone. And indeed, Jamison just misses getting killed by the werewolf. Does it recognize him as Quentin's beloved nephew? We'll never know. But Barnabas's mission to the past could easily have all been for nothing.

Charity and Tim arrive at Collinwood. Then I’d like to wait in the drawing room, Charity says. Beth has no choice. She steps aside, but rudely makes Charity open the doors herself. Charity notices her hesitation, but the drawing room seems deserted when they enter. I’d like to search the house, Charity announces. You must get permission from Mister Edward first, Beth quite properly insists. Suspecting that Jamison is hiding behind the drapes, Charity calls to him to come out. When she gets no reply, she pulls them aside but finds nothing. (Tim smiles.) It must have been the wind, she says, mortified. She decides, He must have escaped through the window. I opened the windows myself, Beth insists. Tim suggests, I think we should go back to the school and call the police. If Jamison isn’t here, he must be out in the woods. We might find him on the way back. Reverend Trask would be quite angry if he gets back to the school and finds that you aren’t there like you’re supposed to be. And what if he finds Jamison before you do? Even Charity can see the force of Tim’s extremely plausible arguments. You’re right, she decides reluctantly. We should leave--and you can help me explain to my father why Jamison isn’t there. She marches out. Tim follows but breathes a “Thank you” to Beth as he passes her, and he and Charity leave the house. Thinking that Jamison simply stepped outside the French windows, Beth calls to him softly. On getting no answer, she puts her shawl on and leaves the house.

With a little pistol in hand, Beth searches the woods for Jamison. She approaches the tall rock Jamison stopped at earlier. But now the werewolf is crouched on top, waiting. It growls, ready to spring on her. She looks up at the sound, aims the gun at the creature and screams....