Author Topic: Robservations 6/19/02 - #527/528 - Cass and Nick Bickerson  (Read 1333 times)

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Robservations 6/19/02 - #527/528 - Cass and Nick Bickerson
« on: June 18, 2002, 08:32:08 PM »
527 - What a coincidence that you were walking in the woods, Nicholas says to Jeff. I was looking for Vicki, says Jeff defiantly, and I don't believe she was sleepwalking. Nicholas is delighted the evening ended so well-Vicki and Cassandra both safely back. He proudly shows them that the painting is completely restored, which shocks everyone.  Jeff is perplexed, and before leaving, Nicholas tells him he'll find that the more interesting things in life are the most unexplainable.

Vicki wishes she had never bought that painting, it's brought nothing but bad happenings into the household. Nicholas knows you weren't sleepwalking, insists Jeff, and tells her about the button. I can't remember anything, she says, upset. Jeff is sure Cassandra and Blair possess similar powers, and perhaps Nicholas is stronger. They are both frustrated by their respective losses of memory, and Jeff expresses concern that if she learns he isn't Peter Bradford, she won't love him. She assures him she will, no matter who he is (but let's face it, the edge goes to Bradford).

Drawing room, Collinwood - Nicholas is very pleased with the denouement to this evening, and feels he's now free to leave, and to let Cassandra make more errors. Jeff bursts in and warns Blair to keep away from Vicki. I don't know what you're talking about, insists Nicholas. You're missing a button, says Jeff-and Vicki was carrying it.
Really? asks Nick coolly-I must thank her for it-I was out walking earlier, and it IS possible to lose a button, you know. Jeff gives Nicholas a warning glance-Vicki will regain her memory, he tells the warlock, and when she does, he, Peter, will do what's necessary. (Ballsy, isn't he?)

Stokes' home - Stokes shows Adam the dictionary, which is filled with so many words. It must have been quite daunting to the poor fellow, trying to learn words one at a time, to see how incredibly many there are, and Adam is glum. Stokes, however, thinks his pupil is doing very well.
Stokes plays psychiatrist, asking Adam about his earliest memories. Adam is reluctant to discuss them, but Stokes urges him to do so-it will help if he talks about it. "Barnabas," says Adam. "Bed like table. Straps." Fascinated, Stokes asks when this happened. Adam replies, "I open eyes, I see Barnabas." Stokes asks what else he remembers. "Dr. Hoffman-hurt Adam!" the big guy says. In the Old House? Queries the professor. Gesticulating wildly, Adam says, "Ride. . .car. . .house. . .Willie live there. . .room. . .chains. . .chained to wall. . .Willie, bad! Adam tear chain. . .run. . .grab Willie!" Stokes requests more details--what did Barnabas do? Nearly crying, Adam answers, "Barnabas hurt Adam!" The doorbell rings, and Stokes encourages Adam to remember why he was chained, then sends him to the bedroom. It's Vicki and Jeff, arrived for his little herb "trip." Stokes suggests that Vicki go so she won't distract Jeff, and she does so. Stokes asks Jeff to sit down and begins hypnotizing him. Who were you before you were Jeff Clark? He asks. I was lost, replies Jeff, it was raining. Dr. Lang gave him food, but he despised him-he made me do horrible things. Intrigued, Stokes asks more questions. Lang thought himself God, says Jeff, he planned to make a human being and use my face!-I didn't want to help Lang, but he told me I was a murderer-I now know I'm not.
Stokes asks about Barnabas and Julia's participation, but Jeff has no knowledge of that. If you saw Lang's creation, would you recognize it? Stokes asks. I would, says Jeff. Stokes retrieves Adam from the bedroom and asks Jeff is this is the man Lang was trying to bring to life. Jeff goes to Adam, who recoils, afraid. Stokes reassures him it's all right. Jeff looks over Adam's arm and screams, "Yes! He's alive!" Stokes sends Adam back into the bedroom and tries to calm down Jeff, who is very agitated, fearful that Lang created HIM as well. Stokes brings him out of the hypnosis, telling him he will remember nothing of this. Jeff awakens, eager to hear the results, but when he questions Stokes, the professor is silent.

Drawing room, Collinwood - Vicki answers the door to find Stokes, but not Jeff, and she's immediately bent out of shape. I need to see Julia, says Stokes urgently. She went to town with Cassandra, says Julia (why, I wonder)? Stokes is shocked to hear of the witch's reappearance. Nicholas joins them and Vicki makes introductions. We've met before, says Stokes, at the antique shop in the village-you were selling a painting, Mrs. Blair, says Stokes-the same portrait you bought, Miss Winters- quite a coincidence. Nicholas laughs, assuring them he's never been in Collinsport before, and excuses himself and leaves. Where is the painting? demands Stokes. In my room, says Vicki. Is the painting restored? asks the professor. She nods-yes. You must leave Collinwood immediately, he says, unless you do, you will have the dream. Cassandra will find some way of forcing you to have it, despite Sam Evans' death, and if you do, Barnabas Collins will be your beckoner, you will tell him the dream, and he will die. You MUST leave this very night."
NOTES: Stokes barely knows all the people involved in this little drama, yet he's right here, ordering Vicki away, protecting Barnabas, fathering Adam, being an all around good guy. Of course, you know he's fascinated and intrigued by all this, by the trappings of the supernatural he sees here, but he seems to really give a damn about all of them, too. He's a nice guy, and putting himself in danger for strangers. He hears what Barnabas and his friends did to Adam and wants to hear more-but surely he must think Barnabas a cruel person for making Adam so afraid. Loved the way Stokes used Jeff to learn more about Adam, and how cleverly, but he didn't even help Jeff figure out his own identity, which is why Jeff was there. Questionable moral ground.

Julia was out with Cassandra? Hopefully spying on her. What other reason does she have, now that she knows the truth about her?

528 - In the drawing room, Jeff and Vicki argue over whether she should leave Collinwood. He wants her to stay because the dream is no big deal. She says it's a curse, and Stokes believes she will be the one to bring the dream to Barnabas. Jeff says Stokes isn't infallible-- after all, he sure didn't help him!
He whines that he still doesn't know who he is, and even though he's taking his frustrations out on her, he needs Vicki to be with him. (oh, get a grip!) He also doesn't like the idea because Vicki's doing it for Barnabas. Then Jeff has an brainstorm-- Vicki can just tell Cassandra that she's going to Boston, but in reality, she can stay at the cottage with Maggie. That way, he can still see her. They start to kiss but are interrupted by Cassandra, who has come looking for David. Vicki uses the opportunity to tell Cassandra that she has to go away for a week and must leave immediately. Cassandra says that's impossible, because David's schooling has been far too casual as it is. Apologizing for the short notice, Vicki insists she must leave tonight, but Cassandra says the timing couldn't be worse, and if she leaves, she might not have a job to come back to.

Gazebo - Nicholas waits, complaining to himself that Cassandra has been wasting too much time--it's time they had a chat. Touching his temples, he issues a command for Cassandra to come to the gazebo, NOW.
Hesitating a moment in bitching at Vicki, Cassandra quickly excuses herself, abruptly leaving a confused Vicki and Jeff.

Cassandra arrives at the gazebo and informs Nicholas he's interrupted something important--she was trying to keep Vicki from leaving so she can have the dream. He moans that she's wasted too much time on Barnabas, calling her "some commonplace suburban housewife with little human worries."-why hasn't she yet made him the way he was before? Don't start with me again! she warns, and he grabs her wrist and orders her not to speak to him that way. You're hurting me! she protests. I'm not Roger Collins, he retorts, and you must remember the reason behind your return. She admits she's only here now because of what he did to bring her back. He chastises her for the length of time she's spent on the dream curse-I think you like it here, he accuses, and you want to tease and scare Barnabas. She says it's not her fault that Sam died, and he scoffs that she has let a little thing like death stop her. Cassandra assures him Vicki will have the dream tonight if she stays at Collinwood, but she needs his help. Impatient with this "tawdry affair," wondering why he should assist her in something as trivial as stopping Vicki from leaving, he accuses her of being in love with Barnabas, which she denies. He finally agrees to help her, if only to put an end to the delays. She gives him a potion that will make Vicki fall asleep and have the dream. He says he's too talented to be drugging drinks and calls her unimaginative. He'll do it to get this over with, but he'll never forget how incompetent she has become... and "never", for them, is a very looonnng time!

Later, Nicholas is playing with the vial of potion in the drawing room. He spots Vicki coming down the stairs with her luggage and asks if she's going on a holiday.  In a way, she replies. He tells her she deserves it and insists they have a bon voyage drink. As he mixes the potion in with her sherry, he recommends vacationing in the winter, adding that he's allergic to the cold. (Satan's minion would be!) She answers that she likes winters because they are peaceful (and her birth month, right?) Whatever. He offers a toast, "Cheers!", but before either of them take a sip, there's a knock at the door. It's Jeff, and Vicki says she's all ready to leave. Nicholas protests that she hasn't touched her drink, and invites Jeff to join them. Jeff thanks him but says they don't have the time. Some other time, promises Vicki. Nicholas tells her to have a pleasant trip, and they rush out, leaving him standing alone with the two glasses of sherry. Noticing Cassandra coming down the stairs, he teasingly offers her the drink, adding that it would be only justice if SHE had the dream. Cassandra accuses him of not even trying, and he reminds her that drugging drinks is not his style-"I felt like an apprentice." She should have handled this herself, and asks, slyly, if it's occurred to her that she could be losing her powers. You're playing games with me, she accuses.
He tells her she'd better find out where Vicki has gone, or else--can you do that much-because, if you can't, I wouldn't be you for anything in this world? He leaves. Cassandra sits determinedly before the fire and asks it to show her Vicki's location. The Evans cottage appears in the flames, and she is happy.

Evans cottage, spare bedroom, 11:00 PM - Vicki lies in bed, gabbing with Maggie, who hates living alone here now, and regrets every harsh word and she Pop ever exchanged. Vicki sympathizes and thanks Maggie for letting her stay at the cottage. Maggie asks if Vicki and Jeff are having problems, and Vicki explains she just had to get away from Collinwood for a few days. Vicki asks her why she and Joe haven't gotten married yet, given how good things seem between them. I don't know, says Maggie, disturbed.
Maggie changes the subject by deciding it's time for bed and tells Vicki to have pleasant dreams. Vicki wonders why Maggie said that, then realizes Maggie meant nothing by it and explains that she's just tired. Joe and I will probably get married soon, says Maggie-it's what my father wanted. I'll give you a shower, offers Vicki, and Maggie, pleased at the idea, turns out the light, says goodnight and leaves.

Vicki closes her eyes and sleeps. It's 11:05, 11:30, midnight. Out of the dark shadows of the room, Angelique suddenly materializes. Indicating a large blue bottle she has brought with her, she gives Vicki instructions-when you awaken, you will use this rosewater as a perfume-you will fall asleep again and have the dream. Remember...remember... Just then, Maggie comes in, calling for Vicki. Spotting Angelique, she screams. Vicki awakens just as Angelique disappears.

NOTES: Using the old rosewater trick, eh, Ang? Worked so well with Josette, why not use it again? You really do need a new repertoire, my dear!

Some of the best dialogue between Cassangelique and Nicholas. I love it when he complains about her asking him to put potions in drinks-it makes him feel like an apprentice? These two together are a riot, and their crackling, nasty dialogue, especially his threats, are absolutely delicious.

Jeff is a whiner. He really does seem different from Peter, and his jealousy of Barnabas is annoying. Vicki clearly cares about him, but he doesn't believe it. I don't believe it, either!

Love, Robin


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Re:Robservations 6/19/02 - #527/528 - Cass and Nick Bickerson
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2004, 06:45:53 PM »
DVD episodes for January 16th and 20th.

The 5th and 6th episodes on Set#8/Disc#4 (5th episode on MPI tape Volume #59, 1st episode on MPI tape Volume #60).