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Discuss - Ep #0839
« on: November 21, 2014, 05:06:05 PM »
Robservations #839

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0839

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0839
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 11:50:58 PM »
Grayson VO.  Quentin ruminates in the woods, about his big bullet he just dodged.  He was just saved from the death that led to his haunting of Collinwood 75 or so years later... and without Barnabas!  Oh the pain, the pain!  (For Barnabas.)  Barnabas's arrival led to Petofi being in the neighborhood, though, so he can claim credit if he wants.  He'd look pretty silly doing it, though.  Poor guy, he works so hard, or supervises and yells and threatens while other people work hard for him, on this problem for months, then he has to go to the coffin on the fateful day.  (Bound to happen?  Chances were good that the death would happen in daytime.)  And Petofi swoops in, and saves the day. 

I wrote down in my notes: "Why do I taste embalming fluid?"  Oh I remember why, now.  It was the scene in 1969 where Roger mourns David (?!? I know you from the old days Roger, and I know better!), then David comes back to life.  So I imagined him saying the above...  It must be at least a bit funny in context.  Julia was watching this in her mind, from back in 1897.  This is a slapped-together storytelling contrivance, but I like it and buy it, as part of Julia's whole difficult crossing of the barrier between times.   Barnabas sells it well, describing her state to Quentin.

About Barnabas's authoritative explanation of how Q was saved, how he has life he didn't have the "first time around", he shouldn't have played it with such a smug attitude, I think.  He made a lot of mistakes, and in the end, couldn't save Q, so the canary-eating-cat delivery was too much...  It occurs to me that the goal became saving Q's life rather than just gathering information on how he died, and we didn't see the shift taking place.  Well, this makes more sense anyway.

Oops,  Barnabas thinks, I've mislaid Julia.  End...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0839
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2014, 08:36:10 PM »
Quentin walks a very fine line indeed. In the end he doesn't betray Barnabas but Julia.

Good point about the embalming fluid.  [hall2_grin]

Quentin insists that no one can come back to life. But at least one person in the room actually has. Between them, Barn and Julia explain everything to him. But did they really not know about the skeleton in Quentin's room? I guess not, since David and Amy put it into that trunk. I guess this means that the skeleton in Quentin's room never was Quentin after all. Maybe Quentin the ghost didn't like it cluttering up what was, after all, his room, and so got the kids to bury it, and they naturally assumed it was his.

Quentin continues his attempts to fulfill his bargain with Petofi without harming Barn or Julia. He comments, It seems that all of my life I have caused trouble. I find that I really hate having come back and continuing after my death. If you will excuse me, Barnabas, I don't want to talk about it. I thank you. To Julia he says courteously, I am glad that you are feeling better. The next time, you will have to tell me all about the world that you know. Barnabas was very secretive about it. Don’t say anything to anyone about this, Barnabas cautions him. Who would I tell? Quentin replies, though he has the grace to look a bit ashamed as he makes a hasty exit.

The big reveal of this episode is that we know for sure that Chris truly is Quentin's great-grandson. I'm guessing that Lenore married someone whose last name we don't know and had only one daughter. She never knew about her father's curse, and so she never was able to warn anyone about it. Joe Haskell told Maggie or Julia that Tom was a cousin of his, so Lenore's daughter must have married Joe's mother's brother, whose last name was Jennings. They had three kids--Tom, Chris, and Amy--before they both died. But Tom never became a vampire--was it supposed to happen when he turned 21, and he hadn't yet? Or did vampirism trump the curse?

I'm sure Barn would hate to admit that he failed where Petofi succeeded. But he soon gives himself a new mission--to save the Collins family (again). Julia tries to talk him into returning to 1969 but concedes defeat: I always lose with you, don't I? she admits resignedly but fondly. Barnabas tells her, You must cure me again so that I can live in the daytime and deal with Petofi. I can’t do that, Julia protests. I don’t have the right drugs with me. As the discussion becomes more heated, they unconsciously draw closer together so that they are almost nose to nose. Don’t fight with me! Barnabas says with all his old imperiousness. You will use substitutes. That is impossible! Julia argues. Barnabas breaks away and shoves an 1897 gown at her (where did he find one so quickly!) as he gives her instructions: Here are your clothes. Now there is a certain lawyer, Evan Hanley--he practices the black arts. You will go to him as a member of the New York coven. When you introduce yourself to him he will know you. [How, if they’ve never met??] He will be afraid to do anything else. [Okay, I suppose he’ll pretend he knows her.] He will help you get the things that you need quickly. Now, this is what you are to say to him. He leans forward to tell her, as if they are talking about a far more intimate subject.

Quentin tries to drown his betrayals, as usual. Barnabas confronts him about the portrait and how he saw it change on the night of the full moon. The portrait changed, but you yourself didn’t: Why? Because the gods laugh sometimes, Quentin answers bitterly. I refuse to accept that explanation, Barnabas snaps. Quentin says, There is none, then. There is, Barnabas insists. Did you asks Tate? He can give no reason either, Quentin replies. Did you see Petofi? Barnabas asks. Quentin looks away guiltily. No, he answers much too quickly--why would I? I think you did, Barnabas says, because you know that he was a werewolf and you know that he is not one now. Quentin answers, I also know that he is an enemy! An enemy doesn't give kindness or explanations. With guilty anger he goes on, That is all there is to it, Barnabas. Now, my throat is parched. I have talked too much tonight. He takes his glass back and fills it. Holding it up in a mock toast, he tells Barnabas, Now, if you are in charge of finding my mystery, _you_ find out why I didn't change. _You_ discover the secret of the portrait. I am tired of secrets. I am tired of living this way. I want to be decent again! I want to be normal again! I want to be myself again!

The clock at the rectory reads 4:35 when Barnabas returns, bringing a storm with him. He calls out to Julia as he steps into the upstairs room. He gets no answer and looks around. To his horror, he suddenly realizes that the room has been ransacked and Julia is gone......

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0839
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2014, 10:54:08 PM »
DL, did Barnajulia seem not to know about the skeleton in Q's room?  But you're right, they shouldn't.  [spoiler]They're leading up to having it revealed that another party used that skeleton in life, of course, but DS could just have had that be another history change... no skeleton in the room anymore.  They had a good use for that skeleton in the plot up their sleeves, though...  I always alter early 1969 in my mind, having it be Trask's skeleton all the time, but not only is the red glittery sparkly death vest not Trask's style, it's not Quentin's either... but my point is, David and/or Amy actually came out and said onscreen that they'd been told that it was Quentin's skeleton.[/spoiler]

Very strange to ponder knowing you were destined to haunt a house in the future.  I don't know about all of you, but if I were to find out ghosts are real, I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it, as my future, if it happens to a lot of people.  Then imagine living with knowing it's your future...

I just imagined someone like Julia asking why the rectory is available, wouldn't a minister be using it?  Oh I had to put him out of the way, Barnabas answers off-handedly... No time for trivialities, let's save us some lives!!

PS-- A rectory would be a big danger zone for running into crosses...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0839
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2014, 01:09:09 AM »
Very true about rectories! I suppose the church must have been deconsecrated and all the crosses, etc. removed some time before now. Barn wouldn't have been able to go near it otherwise. I used to work near a deconsecrated church. There were no religious remnants at all except for the churchly shape of the building, which had been turned into a discotheque.

I'm pretty glad ghosts aren't real, but yeah, imagine if they were....  [hall2_shocked]

[spoiler]I don't remember the red glittery sparkly vest of death.  [hall2_smiley]  I'll have to find the ep. it appears in and hope there's a frame grab at DS Wiki.[/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0839
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2015, 06:34:47 PM »
Wow - talk about a crazed face in this screen capture:

Though, of course, that makes it perfect for the "Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897" and "Caption This! - 1897" boards.  [snow_cheesy]