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Discuss - Ep #0684
« on: April 18, 2014, 05:04:02 PM »
Robservations #684

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0684

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0684
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2014, 07:27:31 PM »
Barnabas and Chris are horrified and saddened when they find thIn fact, Chris is almost unbearably distressed when Barnabas reaches into the coffin and removes a pendant with a pentagram whose points are facing down. Chris is almost unbearably distressed that an infant would need protection from a werewolf. Barnabas says, I would guess the coffin is fifty to seventy-five years old, not the pine box of an earlier period. [He can mean only his own time!] I wonder why it wasn't buried in the cemetery, Chris says. Was your family in Collinsport fifty to seventy-five years ago? Barnabas asks. Yes, Chris replies, but they wouldn't have known the Collins family. [Therefore they were not the social equals of the rich and powerful Collinses. Have Chris and Barnabas both tacitly accepted that Chris’s affliction is hereditary?] Barnabas says, I’ll clean the medallion to see if it has a date. We must search old newspapers for reports of animal attacks. But Chris has had quite a different reaction to the discovery. Appalled, he exclaims, Can you imagine a mother buying a pentagram...! He turns away in pain as he recloses the tiny coffin. I’m sure the pentagram will help us, Barnabas says, trying to comfort him. If only that woman could speak! Chris says, saddened and frustrated. Barnabas suggests, Perhaps she can’t or dare not. She wants to do whatever she can for us, of that I’m sure.

Unseen by the other two, Quentin appears out of the shadows, obviously having heard and seen everything. He watches silently as they prepare to replace the tiny coffin in the ground. For once, his expression is deeply sorrowful.

Carolyn (wearing her pretty blue brocade robe) catches David reading a book called Ghosts and Exorcism. As they talk, Quentin appears outside the drawing-room window, behind Carolyn. (We catch a premature glimpse of him.) David catches sight of him and promptly shuts up. After he goes to bed, Carolyn looks out the window but sees nothing. After she turns out the lights, Quentin reappears.

Barnabas and Chris tamp down the earth (a very small plot) over the reburied little coffin. Perhaps the spirit who guided us here is the child's mother, Barnabas says. I wonder if we can learn who the child was, Chris says. Barnabas says, Considering the secret burial, I doubt either the birth or death was recorded. I'm certain we're missing some clue, Chris frets. I think the pentagram is enough, Barnabas says. They go back to Collinwood.

Quentin has returned to his room. His music plays as David insists, I don't want to do it! Every time you ask me to do things like that, something really terrible happens! With great daring, he even turns his back on the furious ghost. But Quentin keeps staring at him, biding his time while his music works its spell. Mesmerized once more, David finally turns back to his tormentor. All right, David says mechanically. I'll get the medallion for you. Quentin smiles.

The next day, David has set up a rubber dart board on a chair in the drawing room and keeps throwing darts at it. Barnabas has cleaned the medallion. Seated at the little writing desk, he is examining it through a magnifying glass. But David's game is distracting and irritating, so Barnabas asks him to stop. Barnabas has found an inscription on the back of the medallion and reads it aloud: To guard you from Cerberus. Who’s that? David asks. You should know that from your studies, Barnabas tells him and explains, Cerberus was a wild dog who guarded the gates of hell. (Fondly deluded into thinking he has to protect David, he omits Cerberus’s three heads.) Carolyn comes in with a tray of coffee or tea. The sharp-eyed David sees a jeweler's mark on the pentagram. Carolyn says it's from Braithwaite's, the local silversmiths. While Barn is phoning them, David swipes the medallion.

Welcome, Abe Vigoda! He told Barn that the Braithwaites have been silversmiths to the Collinses since 1781, and he certainly looks old enough. Barnabas visits Braithwaite’s Jewelers (a great set, used only for this episode!). The design is unusual, Ezra agrees, but we've made some odd things, I can tell you that. [Wonder if he knows about the six silver bullets Joshua had made for Barnabas in 1796?] My father, Ezra Braithwaite, died in 1901. Do you remember him? That was before my time, Barnabas replies with a smile. Ezra--who wears very thick glasses--makes some flattering comments on the fine “Collins taste,“ then remembers something--but it instantly fades from his memory. It happens frequently, he complains, and it’s quite an annoyance. Check the records for the Collins account, says Barnabas, interrupting him--it's important. I’ll check them as soon as the shop closes, Ezra promises. I’ll call if I find anything. You young people, he tells Barnabas. Things are important to you now that you won’t remember six months later. I’ll remember, Barnabas assures him.

David brings the medallion to Quentin and pleads with him not to hurt anyone. Quentin turns away from him, be we can see that he is still sad rather than angry.

Chris arrives to take Carolyn to dinner and promises to curb his impatience when Barn says he doesn't have any information yet on the medallion. Barnabas makes a huge error in telling David that he's expecting a very important phone call and to tell Mrs. Johnson to get him (B.) if the phone rings. He'll be waiting in Roger's study--but why doesn't Roger have a phone??


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0684
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2014, 08:25:07 PM »
Suddenly, a very interesting episode with real pathos, mood, and rteflection, such as with David regarding their strange life in that house, and his scene with Quentin.  We get good character interaction.  The one problem is that Mr. Frid still seems not to be getting into it....  Overall, though, it's as if DS suddenly wakes up with this episode, gets into gear, and becomes itself again, perhaps becoming its newer, faster-paced self for the first time.

Barnabas contacts Ezra Braithewaite, played by "Abe Vigodo", according to the credits.  Great character part and performance.  David pilfers the pentagram for Quentin, who attaches a lot of importance to it.  [spoiler]I think that looking back from after having viewed 1897, not a lot of ghost Q's actions make sense, but maybe ghosts don't make a lot of sense.  I now think of ghosts not as the person continued after death, but as a strange, hobbled fragment of that person-- maybe just a trait, like obsession.  Living Quentin was obsessed understandably with not having his werewolf secret found out... though that really shouldn't matter so much to ghost Quentin (after all, how's it harm him for the story to come out?), Q's living obsession is frozen in place forever by his ghost.  Reasoning with him is impossible, because the obsession is all that's left of him.[/spoiler]

Abe thinks Barnabas is a flighty youngster!  There's humor cropping up in DS now, too.  How many characters in this ep, jeez!  Sam Hall wrote.  I might have remarks on your good post later, DL.  You covered what I didn't.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0684
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2014, 09:02:16 PM »
Thanks, MT. I do like what you say about the nature of [spoiler]ghosts.[/spoiler]