Author Topic: #1159/1160: Robservations 11/07/03: Shocking Revelation; Another Death  (Read 1158 times)

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1159 - Gerard enters the drawing room where Valerie has just seen Quentin's face appear in the fire--I thought I heard someone here, he says.  Observing how upset Valerie is, he asks, are you quite all right?  She touches her hand to her forehead--I am, she assures him.  Are you sure? he asks again, enjoying her shock.  Yes, she replies.  She drops his watch fob in her lap; he sees it.  She quickly tells him that she found it on the floor--he must have dropped it when the gypsy was telling his fortune.  She hands it back to him and he thanks her very much for finding it for him--he thought he'd lost it outside--he doesn't know what he'd tell Quentin, who gave it to him as a token of their friendship.  Valerie stares at him, wide-eyed and wide-mouthed.

Have I said something to upset you? he asks.  Quentin gave you that watch fob? S inquires in disbelief.  Yes, while we were sailing the seas together, he tells her--does that surprise you?  No, she says, I don't think anything in the world could surprise me anymore, Mr. Stiles.  He says he'd like her to call him Gerard.  She says she supposes they do know each other well enough to be on a first-name basis.  Providing I don't offend you by calling you the wrong first name, he says--remember when I called you Miranda?  Yes, and I still don't understand why you did that, she says.  Gerard says he doesn't understand it himself, until this evening, when it just came to him--a few weeks ago he was looking through some books at Desmond's and came across Judah Zachary's journal.  Valerie looks shocked, and he asks if that name is familiar to her?  No, she says, go on.  Gerard explains how, while reading the journal, he came across a description of a girl named Miranda--he became very fascinated with the description--and the night he met you know you resemble her quite a lot--it was as though she just appeared from the dead right before my very eyes.  You say this journal belonged to Desmond? asks Valerie.  Gerard says he doesn't know if it belongs to Desmond; he does know Quentin bought some books somewhere.  Quentin? she asks, once again taken aback.  Yes, he and Desmond are very good friends, Gerard says.  Yes, I know they're good friends, says Valerie--I'm very glad we had this chance to talk--I think you and I are going to be very good friends (oh, no, Val, get back on the right scent!)  He takes her hand and kisses it, bidding her good night.  She sits back down by the fire, thinking it's really true--it's Quentin Judah has possessed--of course, it would be the perfect revenge--and now Quentin is in jail, and I'll see that he stays there--the irony of it is too beautiful--I'll be responsible for his execution all over again--I will see him beheaded as he was in 1692!

Gabriel is with Daniel, who is eating a meal on a tray.  Would you like another pillow, Father? Gabriel anxiously asks Daniel, who is spooning soup into his mouth.  I'm quite comfortable, thank you, says Daniel.  More broth? offers Gabriel (sucking up nicely).  Daniel sets the tray away from him--no more broth, he says.  Is there anything I can get you? Gabriel asks.  Yes there is, says Daniel sourly--I would give everything I own for a little peace of mind, but that can't be bought, can it?  I know you've been through a horrible ordeal, says Gabriel.  Yes, I have, says Daniel, but in my time of need, I have you, Gabriel--I'm simply overwhelmed at my own good fortune (said quite sarcastically)--why are you here, Gabriel, why are you not in church, praying for the soul of your poor, unfortunate brother?  Gabriel tells him he was going to church tomorrow morning.  See that you do, says Daniel sternly, and say a prayer for yourself while you're there--you'll need the lord's guidance, after I've gone.  Gabriel's eyes dart back and forth in his head; this doesn't sound good.

Barnabas enters Collinwood.  Valerie meets him in the foyer and asks if he's going to see his dear sister.  Barnabas curtly tells her that the two of them have nothing to say to each other after what she's done to Roxanne and Julia.  I would have succeeded if it hadn't been for you! she says bitterly.  Consider yourself lucky you didn't succeed, he advises, I would have killed you if you had--I would destroy you even if it meant my own destruction.  You are really that devoted to Julia? asks Valerie, taken aback by the force of his hatred.
Yes, he says, I am that devoted to her.  Well, she says, for the time being I'll allow this masquerade of her being your sister to go on--but you know what continues to amaze me?--that you continue to survive!  What does that mean? he asks.  You choose the most atrocious friends, she says--Quentin Collins!  Quentin is a fine man, argues Barnabas.  Wait, just wait, she promises viciously, because soon you'll find out the truth, and when you do, as usual, you will come to me for help--but this time, my dear Barnabas, I will not help you!  Barnabas stares at her.

Barnabas gazes out the window in the drawing room, putting his finger to his mouth, thinking hard.  Daphne hurries in and asks if he's heard the news about Quentin.  Yes, says Barn, I've already been to see him.  You don't believe the charge, do you? asks Daphne.  Of course not, Barnabas assures her, but Quentin told me that his father apparently does--I'm planning to have a talk with Daniel--someone's got to convince him Quentin is innocent.  A disbelieving Daphne spots another letter on a table addressed to her.  She picks it up and Barnabas asks her what's wrong.  She asks how long he's been in the room.  Just a few minutes, he says, why?  Has anyone else been in here? she asks.  Valerie left just a moment ago, but...he sees her distress and asks her to please tell him what's wrong.  Nothing at all, she says, crumbling up the letter and racing out of the house.  From the top of the stairs, Gerard watches her go.

Gazebo - Daphne runs and sits on a bench there, reading the letter: "You have not heeded my warning; therefore I shall protect you and watch over you. "  Gerard appears.  She tells him he shouldn't have followed her here, she would prefer to be alone.  Gerard asks her why--being alone will only make it worse--why doesn't she show him what the letter says?  Daphne hands it to him, calling it the most frightening one of all--it means Joanna is in the house.  Yes, agrees Gerard, this note implies that--there must be an explanation for it, either natural or supernatural--I wouldn't advise you breathing a word of this to anyone--if it became public knowledge, it could be used against Quentin.  Daphne looks at him for a long moment; he asks why.  She says she doesn't know, she supposes it's because he confuses her when he begins to defend Quentin, she never knows if he's really sincere or not.  You will know when you make your final decision about me, he vows.  I'm not sure, she says, whether I really want to know.  But deep down inside, I know you do, he says, because I'm the only one you can count on, now that Quentin's gone.  Quentin isn't gone, she protests.  Gerard orders her to look at him--you're very confused, he says, and I can help you because I'm the only person you can count on right now--Quentin wanted it that way--it's what he asked me--"look after Daphne"--you must believe me in that.  He kisses her, and she responds for a few moments, then pulls away.  "Why did I do that? she asks, horrified.  Why indeed? he asks.  She says she doesn't know, she doesn't understand him or the things she does when she's near him, or why he frightens her so.  I only frighten you, he says, because you are frightened of yourself.  She tells him she's going back to the house and runs off.

Collinwood - Gabriel thanks a messenger making a delivery, a letter from Quentin to Daniel.  Gabriel holds the letter in his lap, thinking, My dear brother is obviously trying to get Father to change his mind--and he might succeed--he's always been very persuasive--no, I don't think dear old Father shall ever see this.  He's about to destroy the letter when he spies Barnabas staring at him from the top of the stairs.  Barnabas comes down and tells Gabriel he heard the messenger say there was a letter from Quentin to his father.  Gabriel holds up the letter and says he was just about to take it upstairs to him.  Barnabas takes the letter from him and says he'll be glad to save him the trip--he'll see to it that he gets it and reads it immediately.  Barnabas smiles at him, and Gabriel looks at him with fury as Barnabas walks upstairs, letter in hand.

Daniel's room - Barnabas tells Daniel he appreciates his letting him read the letter.  Daniel takes it back and asks his reaction.  From what Quentin says in there, Barnabas explains, I'm more convinced than ever of his innocence--surely you must have been moved by the letter.  Yes I was, says Daniel--but then I know Quentin better than you do--he's capable of being most eloquent when it suits his purpose--there is more than a little of the politician in him--I know this sounds cynical coming from his own father.  True or not, says Barnabas passionately, he remains an innocent man.  No one would like to believe that more than I, says Daniel.  He was deeply hurt by your decision to change your will, says Barnabas.  I did what I felt I had to do, says Daniel; I followed the dictates of my conscience.  Now Daniel, says Barnabas, as a good friend, I urge you to reconsider what you've done.  I've searched my conscience, says Daniel desperately, I've tried to find a way that would give him the benefit of the doubt--I could not find it!
You say you know your son better than I do, says Barnabas--I believe you're wrong or you've deluded yourself--your son is very devoted to you--when I talked to him in the jail, I was moved by the way he spoke of you--how he grew up in this house under your guidance--he said that when he was young, you were the whole world to him--he looked up to you, respected you, wanted to follow in your footsteps because he knew you were basically a good, fair man like no one else he knew.  He said all this to you? asks Daniel, moved.  Yes, says Barnabas, and he was counting on you, above all others, to be at his side during this crisis--I urge you to think again about this whole matter--you must be fair to him as the law must be--in the eyes of the law, he is innocent until proven guilty.  I will take your advice and give more serious thought to the matter, promises Daniel, but I cannot make a decision at this time.  Barnabas seems disappointed his entreaty didn't work immediately.

Collinwood, front door - You've seen me back to the house, Daphne tells Gerard, against my wishes, I don't think it's necessary for you to follow me in.  He assures her he isn't following her, he merely has business inside.  Daphne smells perfume, the same scent Joanna used to wear all the time, she'd know it anywhere.  Gerard tells her not to let that letter upset her like this--isn't it quite possible there could be another woman who wears the same perfume your sister used to?  I suppose so, she says, hurrying into the drawing room.  He smiles and heads upstairs.  No! cries Daphne, alarm in her tone.  Gerard, about to go upstairs, hears her and runs back to her side.  Daphne holds a purse and gloves, which, she says, belonged to Joanna--she is somewhere in this house!

These things are hers, says Daphne, somehow she has come back to warn me.
Listen to me, says Gerard, if you are right, and your sister has come back, why doesn't she simply appear and tell you what you want to know?  I don't know, says a distracted Daphne--I can't think clearly.  You must, he says, there are many things we must find out--I'm going to help you whether you like it or not.  He smiles and tells her to go upstairs and try to get some rest.  Yes, I think I'll do that, she says, and leaves the room.  Gerard picks up the gloves and purse.  Gabriel wheels in and accusingly asks him where he's been.  Out for a stroll, says Gerard--what's the matter, you looks a little pale.  Barnabas has been upstairs with my father for over an hour, says Gabriel.  So?--I don't know why you should get worked up about something like that, says Gerard.  Gabriel points out that Barnabas took a letter from Quentin to him--it's quite possible he and Quentin are going to change Daniel's mind completely--do you understand why I'm worried?  Gerard assures him he understands.  Barnabas comes downstairs.  Gerard suggests to Gabriel he keep his cousin company--he will go upstairs and talk to Daniel.  Gerard exits.  Gabriel calls to Barnabas, who has his cape on.  I think I should have taken that letter to my father, not you, says Gabriel.  I don't know that it would have gotten to him in your hands, says Barnabas evenly.  Gabriel tells him there are going to be some changes around here very shortly--a new regime as my father might put it--and when this happens, there will be new rules and regulations, and one concerns interference in matters that do not concern you--such interference will NOT be tolerated!  Barnabas raises his eyebrows at his angry cousin.

3:10 - Gerard heads downstairs.  Well? demands Gabriel.  You were right, says Gerard, I couldn't get a word out of Daniel, except that he plans to send for Desmond early in the morning--this could mean only one thing--that he has had a change of heart--that he intends to revise the will all over again.

Daniel sits at his desk, re-writing his will.  Aloud, he reads, "I Daniel Collins, being of sound mind and body, do hereby...."  Gabriel enters his room.  Daniel is furious--how dare you enter without knocking?  So it's true--you are revising the will again! says a furious Gabriel.  Leave this room at once, orders Daniel.  No, Father, says Gabriel, I've taken my last orders from you and everyone else--and I'm not going to let you ruin my life--give me that piece of paper!  He wheels in towards his father, who orders him to stay away from him.  YOU SICK, SENILE OLD MAN! shouts Gabriel viciously.  Senile, am I? asks Daniel--well, that's where you're wrong, you ungrateful wretch!  What do I have to be grateful to you for? demands Gabriel, answer me that--I've sat in Quentin's shadow all my life, watched you give him everything, and me nothing!--you changed the will once, Father, and once is enough for me!  When I'm through with you, says Daniel, you'll have nothing because you are nothing--yes, I love Quentin, and do you know why?--because he's 10 times the man you are--you've done nothing but bathe in self-pity ever since you settled in that wheelchair--you did it to make people feel sorry for you so you could have your own way--do you know what would have happened had it been Quentin who had had the accident and not you--he would have fought, and gone on fighting, until the day he rose up and walked--that's why he's always had my love and admiration, while you've never had it and never will have it--you're nothing but a weakling and a coward.  THAT'S ENOUGH! shouts Gabriel, rising from his wheelchair and facing his father.
Daniel is stunned to see his son take tottering steps toward him.  I don't believe it! says Daniel querulously, staring down at Gabriel's legs.  You're right, Father, I can walk, says Gabriel--I've been able to walk for years!  You're even worse than I thought you were! exclaims Daniel.  I've been able to walk for years, repeats Gabriel, and for years I've been waiting to get back at Quentin!  Quentin?--you did it, you! cries Daniel.  Yes, Father, I did it--I killed Randall Drew! says Gabriel exultantly--and now Quentin's going to pay for it, and you're going to give me that will, you're not going to change it!  The men struggle for the will.  Daniel falls to the floor, clutching at his chest.

NOTES:  Wow.  What a powerful last scene.  Were you shocked to see Gabriel stand up?  He reveals he's been walking for years, and just using his affliction for pity, as Daniel accused him.  He actually killed Randall in order to frame Quentin!  What a terrible man he is.  Has he killed his father now?  The acting here with Pennock and Edmonds (what a loss to us!) was superb.

It's nice to see that Barnabas can be so reasonable with Daniel, but it looks like, whatever they said to each other, may be moot now.  Barnabas apparently did convince him to reverse his decision on Quentin, but Gabriel will never let that stand (pun intended) if he can help it.

Is Joanna haunting Collinwood to protect her little sister?  Looks that way.  Her perfume isn't identified, but we know she's there.  It's always ghosts and perfume, isn't it, on DS?  Daphne with her lilacs, which is never actually mentioned in the storyline, Josette with her jasmine.

Gerard is really playing with Daphne's head, isn't he, getting her to kiss him without her even knowing why.  Powerful dreams, turning her toward him despite her feelings for Quentin--and her distaste and mistrust of Gerard.

1160 - Gabriel shakes Daniel back to consciousness.  You walked!--you walked! accuses Daniel.  Don't tell anyone, please, begs Gabriel.  Daniel falls unconscious.  If you're going to die, die! cries Gabriel, you have nothing to live for, you wretch, you die!  Gabriel settles back in the wheelchair and calls to his father.  Samantha enters.  Gabriel asks her how long she's been standing there.  She notices Daniel lying on the floor and asks what's the matter.  Father's had an attack, says Gabriel, he's still alive.  Get Julia, she says.  You get her, says Sam--you can't move him.  He must not be moved, get Julia, I'll stay with him, says Gabriel.  When she leaves, he climbs from his wheelchair, closes the door and grabs the paper out of Daniel's hand.  He reads that this will reinstates his original will, leaving everything to his beloved son, Quentin.

Rose Cottage - Gerard asks to speak to Desmond for a moment--has he been to see Quentin in jail today?  Yes, says Desmond, looking somber.  It hurts me terribly to see him down there, says Gerard--if he asked me to help him escape, I believe I would try--we've always had our differences.  Yes, and still have, insists Desmond.  Must we? asks Gerard--I know you're going to represent Quentin at the trial--if there's anything I can do...  Yes, says Desmond, you can start by telling me who is trying to get rid of Quentin Collins and why--you seem very friendly with Trask.  Not at all, says Gerard.  He's around this house a lot, points out Desmond, and it's not to see me or Mother--but I still can't believe that Trask, mad as he is, is obsessed enough to put voodoo dolls in Quentin's lab--or to kill Grimes' herd--no, there's someone else, someone who hates him much more.  Who? asks Gerard.  Who, indeed? Asks Desmond.  You don't think me, do you? asks Gerard.  Desmond says it doesn't matter what he thinks, only what he can prove.  You always, always take your personal hatred toward me, don't you? asks Gerard--but I am Quentin's best friend, I told you that, I want to help him--I believe he doesn't have a chance for an acquittal in that trial.  Desmond tells him he's afraid he disagrees with him--the murder, as far as the evidence goes, it all circumstantial.  But they have a motive, says Gerard, Quentin said that he was going to stop Randall from getting to the police--he told Gabriel that.  That could mean he was just trying to talk sense to Randall, couldn't it? asks Desmond
--no, as far as I'm concerned, Quentin will be completely cleared of the murder charge--and I hope that relieves your mind, Gerard, since Quentin IS your closest friend.  Desmond walks out and slams the door.  But the charge against Quentin Collins will not be murder, says Gerard to himself--no, murder is only the first step!

Samantha and Gabriel stand vigil beside Daniel.  There's no need for you to stay, she tells him.  I'm not leaving, insists Gabriel.  Julia said it was possible he might come to, says Samantha.  If he does, I'm going to be here with him, insists Gabriel.  You always upset him, Sam points out, you don't want to kill him, do you?  How dare you say that? demands Gabriel.  Daniel calls to Gabriel, who orders Samantha to leave--he wants to be alone with me, get out!  Gabriel, says Daniel, shaking a hand at him, a life of  Gabriel stares at his father warningly, gulps.  Sam asks her father in law what he's trying to say.  "Gabriel can...can..."  He closes his eyes, gasps, and falls dead on the bed.  Samantha offers to get Julia, but Gabriel takes his pulse and says there's no need.  He's dead, says Samantha, and Gabriel looks up at her and tells her, "We'll never know what he was going to say."  He's gone, says Sam.  And everything is going to be very different now, says Gabriel threateningly--now leave me alone with my father, Samantha.  She says no.  I think you had better get used to my orders, he says through gritted teeth--now get out of here and leave me alone with my father!  Regretfully, she does.  Gabriel tells his father, "I never  could explain why you were alive, Father, live, you never cared for me much, even as a boy--you always said be like Quentin--you've got to get out and lead men someday--you've got to play games--and win!--I played games, Father, until Quentin stopped them forever--I made him stop them--do you know why?--so that you'd have to take care of me--why didn't you take care of me, Father?--I did--God, that's it!  He takes the will and wheels himself to the desk.  Edith comes in, thrilled--Samantha just told her!--I thought someone dead would look peaceful.  She sees him burning the paper and asks what he's doing.  Burning what was to be, he tells her--it's a will, Father's will, he wrote it over again and left everything to Quentin.  The will burns in the fireplace, and Gabriel says, "And there it goes, Edith, there goes Quentin's fortune, Edith?"  What did you do to Daniel? Asks his wife.  I was merely here with him, says Gabriel, just as a loving son should be.  You made him have that attack, didn't you? she asks, sounding proud.  Don't you ever say that! he orders.  I know you, she says bitterly.  No, I don't think you know me at all, because I don't know myself, he says--I'm the new Gabriel Collins, the new master of Collinwood--and I'm now the master of you, Edith, and you'll do everything I tell you without questioning it--because with the money comes the power--now go to Rose Cottage and tell the family Daniel I gone.  You can send one of the servants! She says resentfully.  Yes, I can, he agrees, but I choose to send you--do as I tell you--get out--go to Rose Cottage.   She gives him a dirty look and leaves.  Gabriel leans back and smiles, saying that it's just the beginning of a new order, Edith, just the beginning.

Rose Cottage - Uncle Daniel is dead? a shocked Desmond asks Edith.  Gerard steps forward and demands, "When--who was there?"  What difference does that make? asks a grief-stricken Desmond.  My husband was there, says Edith.  Does Quentin know? asks Desmond.  No, says Edith, they sent for Lamar Trask, that's all I know.  I've got to tell Quentin immediately, says Desmond,, then I'll come back to Collinwood.  Gerard offers to come along, but Desmond shouts that won't be necessary and leaves alone.  So, says Gerard, Gabriel was with Daniel, eh?--that's very interesting.  Why? she asks.  It just is, replies Gerard.  Gabriel feels he's getting all of the money, says Edith--every bit of it.  Doesn't that make you happy? Gerard asks her.  No, now he has something to hold over me, she complains.  Poor old Edith, he says.  You don't mean that, she accuses, you're as bad as Gabriel, only worse--you keep promising me some way out of this!  Perhaps now is the time to keep my promise, he says, and orders her to look into his eyes.  She does, after he says it twice.  I have powers, he says, and you will have them, too, if you will follow my master--will you follow?--will you follow?

Gerard continues to gaze into Edith's eyes, asking if she will follow him as he follows his own master.  You don't serve anyone but yourself, she says, puzzled.  You're wrong there, he tells her, I have powers, Edith--this hand is as hot as fire, and if you touch it, it will burn you.  You're crazy! she says.  Am I? he asks, holding out his hand.  Touch it, he says.  She does, and pulls it away with a gasp.  You see he says, now, Edith, touch it again.  She shows reluctance, and he says, "You must!"  This time, she finds it cold--but why did it burn me before? she asks.
To show you that there are certain mysteries pertaining to life and death he says, that will make a difference of your life--and living.  Teach me them, she begs.  Do you really want to know what they are? asks Gerard--you must start and there is no turning back--you will never be able to leave our little group.  There are others? she asks.  You will never be alone again, he promises.  Oh, if only I could believe that, she says, disbelieving but hopeful.  You will, he assures her.  You frighten me a little, she admits.  You have a right to be frightened, he says, if I say a few more words and you run out of this room, well, then you are my enemy--and I am not kind to my enemies.  She tells him she will not be an enemy--teach me the mysteries.  You must listen to me, he says, and repeat every single word I say.  His lips are close to hers as he says, "Devil help me."  Edith looks away, unsure.  "Say it, Edith--devil, help me!"  She repeats the words.  Gerard:  "My body and soul I give to thee.  Edith repeats.  Gerard: "For in return I ask to be granted the secret powers from the darkest pits of hell!"  She repeats all his words.  Gerard:  "You will accept me as I accept my master."--and he plans a big kiss on her to seal the deal.

Collinwood - Desmond relates to Samantha and Gabriel that he has never seen Quentin so upset.  With good reason, says Gabriel.  "He kept saying, over and over, if only I had been with my father," says Desmond--"if only I could have made it up with him--why did he have to die thinking me a warlock?"  Quentin should have thought of that before! says Samantha meanly.  Before what? demands Desmond, before someone decided to plant the evidence in his room?--I'm shocked that you could even suggest that Quentin is guilty!  You always defended Quentin, she accuses.  You would have been better off if you had, too! Desmond angrily tells her.  Gabriel orders the two of them to stop it--this is not the night for such talk, even if it is typical Collins behavior--I'm sure Quentin's remorse is quite genuine--after all, it isn't every day one loses a fortune.  You talk as if you've already read the will, says Sam, I can't believe Father Collins would...  I don't imagine you can, interrupts Gabriel.  If he changed the will when Quentin went to jail, says Samantha, I'm sure it was in favor of Tad! She smiles.  Perhaps we should read it right now, suggests Gabriel.  GABRIEL, your father's body is barely in the grave! rages Desmond--the will will not be ready until after the funeral, when it is customary!   We are not a customary family, Gabriel reminds him, then asks Samantha is she can bear waiting three whole days?  The question is better put to you, isn't it, Gabriel? She shoots back.  I know what the will says, Gabriel tells her.  How can you know? she asks.  Because I have ways and means, he says--Desmond, I think you should go get the will--it's in Father's safe--as his attorney, you are the only one who knows the combination.  I will NOT! insists Desmond.  You're a lawyer, you're not God, says Gabriel--we don't have to follow the rules, we can make our own--go get the will! Yes, get it! says Samantha greedily--there won't be any peace until he finds out--please, Desmond.  Desmond looks from one to the other and leaves the room without a word.  Gabriel smirks at Samantha, assuring her he will be kind to her--just as kind as she was to him when she controlled the family fortune
--and when Father was locked in the tower room, and Quentin lost at sea--don't worry, I'll give you and Tad a room--and perhaps a small allowance--yes, very, very small.

Edith returns to Collinwood to find Gabriel in the foyer.  He demands to know why she didn't return to Rose Cottage with Desmond.  I did not care to, she tells her husband.  Oh, you preferred to stay with Gerard Stiles?  Yes, I was with him, she brags, and I don't care if you prefer it or not.  Gabriel says that's not surprising, although he thinks she has seen the last of Mr. Stiles--"Now go to your room!"  I will not! she says.  Gerard enters and offers his condolences to Gabriel.  As I said before, Edith, get out of here and go to your room!  Hands on hips, she looks to Gerard, who nods his permission.  Edith goes upstairs.  How nice of you to drop by, says Gabriel--would you mind pushing me into the other room?  They go into the drawing room.  We're going to read the will today, Gabriel informs Gerard, we decided not to wait.  I see, says Gerard, I do hope that you'll remember me afterward--that I was a little help to you, anyway--I should receive some reward.  My friend, you shall, promises Gabriel, and what do you think a just reward would be?  I'll leave that up to your judgment, says Gerard, but you must not forget how delighted you were that I did help you in writing the will.  I was more than delighted, says Gabriel, frankly, you saved my life.  Gerard smiles and says he'll appreciate whatever he does.  Then I'll tell you, says Gabriel, his face ugly--as soon as the will is read, I want you out of this house and never to come back--and if you do return, I will have you thrown off the property--and if you come back, I will have you arrested, because I have the power to do that--do you understand?  Samantha enters and starts to tell Gabriel, "I would like..."  She spots Gerard and demands to know how dare he keep coming to this house?"  He's my very special guest, says Gabriel--I want Gerard to share in my moment of glory.  Samantha insists she will not stay in the same room with Gerard--this is none of your business, and no concern of yours.  I'm afraid it is, he tells her, I was there to witness the will.  You witnessed the will? she asks, surprised--do you know what's in it.  I'm afraid I didn't see him writing it, says Gerard, although he did suggest a few things.  You put them in his mind, she accuses.  Desmond enters and they all converge on him, asking if he's read the will.  Desmond says the envelope is still sealed.  Pointing to Gerard, Samantha asks, Does that man have to stay here? I told you, Samantha, Gerard is my very special guest, Gabriel reminds her.  Gerard looks at him, his gaze hooded.  It is unusual, says Desmond, this whole procedure is--Gabriel, I beg you to reconsider, this is not the time...  Gabriel insists they will not argue that again, then tells Samantha to sit down and make herself comfortable--Gerard.  Gerard sits on the sofa by Samantha while Edith stands.  Let the learned attorney start to read, says Gabriel.  Yes, do, says Sam.  Desmond, standing by the fireplace, opens the paper and reads, "I, Daniel Collins, being of sound mind and body do hereby on this day make out my last will and testament, superseding any other earlier, for I am troubled of spirit, and desirous of ending this struggle that has so occupied me since the rest of my son.  I do hereby decree that this will be accepted as final, and may it bring peace to my troubled family.
We see everyone's faces in turn as Desmond reads, tense, anticipatory.  Gabriel snaps, "Get on with it, who gets it?"  Desmond, stunned, looks up.  Oh my God! He says.  Everyone stares at him in horror, and Gabriel grins.

NOTES:  What suspense!  Who gets the fortune?  Gerard has convinced Gabriel that he, as the other son, will be the heir, but why would Desmond be so shocked about that?  I know, but I'm not spoiling.  It will be a shocker to some.

Looks as if Edith binds herself to Gerard in more ways than one, and wasn't she cocky about it, too?  She didn't even mind telling her husband that she had been "with" Gerard, and was proud of it.

Given that Gabriel pretty much killed Daniel, it doesn't seem fair for him to inherit the fortune.  He really is a horrible human being, bitter, cruel, murdering SOB.  He seems worse than Judah Zachary, who at least has a reason for his vendetta against the Collins family.  Gabriel IS a Collins, for God's sake!

See how greedy Samantha and Gabriel both were?  She is sure Tad's getting the bucks, Gabriel is sure it's him.  Both were willing to forgo the proper waiting period, insistent upon it.  Desmond was scandalized.

Poor Quentin, stuck in jail, probably won't be allowed to attend his father's funeral.  Sad.

Equally sad was watching Daniel die in this episode.  With Louis Edmonds' real death fresh in my mind, it was a heart-wrenching scene to see.  I'm so glad we can still watch him on DARK SHADOWS, at least.

Love, Robin