Author Topic: WITHOUT DARKSHADOWS  (Read 3388 times)

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« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2003, 04:00:29 AM »
This is crazy!  I had a time getting in here -- I kept getting sent back to the home page.  Then, I get in here & can't post my response!

I did a "recap" & had a bit of a different twist on it that last night -- more of the focus was lamenting that we don't have more officially authorized (by TPTB) stories like THE LABYRINTH OF THE SOULS...

Anyway, I was smart tonight!
or , so I thought...
I typed it in my word processor.  I came over here intendind to do the cut and paste trick.  It doen't paste!  This works on other message boards, but not here!

So, I did the recap, Mark, of your beautifully-written book -- but it didn't post.

I'll try again (I saved that, but I can't save this)

Offline wes

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« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2003, 04:13:42 AM »
Mark, I found your email & sent what I couldn't post here.

subject: Dark Shadows Message Board (Not)

Everyone else, you must read DARK SHADOWS: THE LABYRINTH OF SOULS!

Offline Midnite

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« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2003, 04:14:12 AM »
I typed it in my word processor.  I came over here intendind to do the cut and paste trick.  It doen't paste!  This works on other message boards, but not here!

Right click is disabled for security reasons, which isn't uncommon on posting boards, but that doesn't mean you can't cut/copy & paste text into your post.  Highlight and copy/cut the material in your word processing program as usual, place your cursor over the response window, select Edit in your browser's dropdown window, and click Paste.

I'll try again (I saved that, but I can't save this)

The same works in reverse-- highlight the text on the forums, select Edit, then click copy.

Hope that helped.

Offline wes

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« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2003, 04:40:43 AM »
Of course I can provide a recap on DARK SHADOWS:  THE LABYRINTH OF SOULS¢â‚¬¦

 :-X First, I won't reveal (and didn't last time) anything that would spoil the story for anyone else¢â‚¬¦

 [angl2] The most important observation, other than that it was a great read, is that it is very true to the organic characters/original concept of DS.  This goes along with the two DS novels that were done by HarperCollins.  Sadly, it has not been the case with the other various updates and rip-offs metered out over the years.  In hindsight, the post-DS franchise can only be described as mismanaged.  Look at the Star Trek franchise.  While they were on, DS beat ST in this dept (by a mile).  Now, look at what has happened to these franchises since then.  Compare the "Next Generation" approach to the "Revival Series."  See the difference?  Now, back to the book.  Mark's books are the way these characters should be "updated" (though, I would favor a "Next Generation" approach to these characters; but, let me set that aside).  LABYRINTH takes the characters and updates them successfully.  It respects the characters.  Yet, the story is written for a modern audience.  It also incorporates elements (snow) that the original series did not.  These additions enhance, rather than detract, from the original characters.  The character that uses too much disinfectant in the bathroom might be startling, at first, but it is accurate; this is exactly how the character would be written in 1966 -- if TV writers were able to address that sort of thing.  There is more stuff like that in the story, and it makes the characters more enjoyable  The original writers and actors created wonderful characters -- it's so sad that we have so little done with them.  LABYRINTH treats the characters so well; it's a crime that this book isn't published.  Forgive me, but why consider a musical version of DS?  Why tell the Barnabas story for the FOURTH TIME?  Why, when Mark Rainey, Elizabeth Massie, & Lara Parker can treat this subject with love & respect & tell NEW STORIES.  It's a shame!

 [hello] Mark's LABYRINTH is not only a true representation of DS -- it is also a professionally written, modern story.  It is not a retro or nostalgic book.  It is not fan fiction.  It is a professional, modern book (didn't I just say that?).  I do think I would add some more background information for readers with some degree of unfamiliarity with the original series  (a couple paragraphs here and there).  DREAMS was more "stand-alone," and could have fit in with the 1991 show, too.  LABYRINTH is much more dependant on the original series.  DREAMS OF THE DARK was pretty much set around late 1968/early 1969, if I recall.  This was never specifically stated (wisely).  LABYRINTH has more to go on if you want to pinpoint the exact year.  I would change a few things.  Again, I am not going to reveal anything that will ruin the story¢â‚¬¦ David is described as 15.  I would take that out.  That puts the show at approximately Christmas 1970.  I don't think that's where you want it.  I would say it's supposed to be more like in the range of Christmas 1972, 1973, or 1974.  I think it's better to stay vague (like in DREAMS).  You could say Julia is "several" years older than Quentin, rather than a "few" years older.  That still flatters her.  There is one page where David calls Julia "Julia" and "Dr. Hoffman."  He really should call her "Dr. Hoffman" consistently.  One Windcliffe needs an "e" removed (to match your favored "Windcliff").  I was not editing, but I did notice one "." that should be a comma & one ".?" that should be a "?" only.  But, really, there isn't much wrong with this book.

 ;D If I were editing, I would change one more thing.  I would leave out one phrase.  I couldn't explain it last night & I still can't explain¢â‚¬¦ it's the way you describe a character.  There is one phrase that gave something away, for me¢â‚¬¦ I don't know if anyone ease would get it¢â‚¬¦ maybe not.  Anyway, this is such a beautifully written book, it hardly matters anymore!  The story is delicious.  It  just grabs you.  The pace is perfect.  I had to leave it for supper, once (alas, not at Pennock's); to digest what was happening.  There were several points when I thought it would be nice to have 20 more chapters like this.  The setting was beautiful!  I could picture the scenes beautifully.  I quoted some beautiful bits of language last evening.  I am not going to try to recall that -- but the language is beautiful.  Collinwood on  a snowy morning¢â‚¬¦ "skeletal tree branches" seemingly swayed by a "mischievous hand" and "a loose shutter on one of the upper windows occasionally struck its sash with the sound of a cruel slap."  The poetry/prose/writing is never overdone/overwrought, though; it elevates the Dark Shadows.  The use of italics is perfect.  Here, I could say stuff to ruin the story.  I really recommend everyone read this story; then, you'll see what I mean!  The story is not only faithful to the original DS -- it also adds to the understanding of the original show.  That would be an example of the italics¢â‚¬¦

 :D I could "cast" all the characters, except one¢â‚¬¦ P Mathis.  Who would play P Mathis?  I made some references in the great "lost" response from last evening to the character Rathburn.  I miss him!  I like what you did with him.  I remember very well the beautifully done flashback with Rathburn and Jonah Collins.  There are dozens & dozens of stories to tell (like these) without altering anything already in the canon.  All you need is imagination¢â‚¬¦

 [crazd] I also mentioned in that (now legendary!) lost response that I thought Dan Ross and some of the original actors/writers would enjoy LABYRINTH.  I know Dan and Grayson aren't with us, but maybe Marilyn & Sam would like the story?  I caught the nods to Ross, of course.

 >:( I see that I did focus on different things tonight.  Last night, I was more into the love LABYRINTH.  I think tonight I'm a little down because of my disappointment that this doesn't get published and promoted.  It's so sad to have all these great characters out there¢â‚¬¦ just wasting away while someone like Mark Rainey is so capable of breathing life into them, but cannot.  What nut is responsible for this crime?

 >:D It's almost Christmas, so everyone get over to that web page and read LABYRINTH OF SOULS for a fine Christmas present (you'll like it better than a Mexican silver broach in the shape of a Quetzalcoatl!).

-- wes

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« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2003, 05:51:39 AM »
Thanks for such a detailed review, Wes.

Your points are very well taken, and I quite understand certain aspects you might wish to see done differently. That's inevitable in something like this, and I'll be the first to acknowledge that it helps to have a professional editor give a book a good going-over. It's very difficult for a writer to edit his own work, and that extra set of eyes will always find things the writer didn't. Some of the points you make are definitely those that an editor would catch. Of course, LABYRINTH is a first draft and an only draft, since I probably won't be going back to work on it; I'm sure if I did, any number of improvements could be made.

Above and beyond pitching this to HarperCollins back when it looked like the series would continue, I completed LABYRINTH for two reasons. First and foremost, for personal enjoyment; the ideas I'd had for the original proposal bit me like a case of lockjaw, and I couldn't just pry them loose. Basically, they demanded I do something with them. Secondly, once I made up my mind to do this thing without the usual paycheck to accompany it, I figured I could at least expose it to this select group of DS fans, for better or for worse. You, as a group, have been terribly kind in your support of DREAMS and my other books and stories; some of you have even plunked down yer hard-earned cash to buy stuff with my name on it, and I felt maybe it was time to offer a freebie before somebody got wise and started clamoring to get their money back. ;)

Seriously... being a writer with a certain mercenary mindset, I like to get something for what I do, and in this case, the feedback I've gotten, both positive and negative, has made the project worthwhile. I can look back and say that, even though I didn't get paid for LABYRINTH, it was a profitable endeavor. Although this particular book is DARK SHADOWS, I can apply readers' observations about it -- and my writing as a whole -- to other projects and hopefully better myself as a writer. Because of the vast, varying amounts of criticism, both good and bad, about DREAMS OF THE DARK, LABYRINTH is a far better work than if I were simply writing in a vacuum, without the kind of interactivity with other DS fans I'm lucky enough to experience here. Although it don't buy groceries, it's worth an awful lot to me personally, and I appreciate it. ;)



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« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2003, 06:13:36 AM »
Getting back to Annie's original post about the final weeks of DS on Sci-Fi . . .

I was greeted this evening with a lovely missive from my cable company informing me that they will be adding Sci-Fi to their non-digital lineup at the end of the year. Swell timing.  ::)

Dark Shadows Alumni Movies (Includes a DS News page.)

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« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2003, 07:58:06 AM »
There is one page where David calls Julia "Julia" and "Dr. Hoffman."  He really should call her "Dr. Hoffman" consistently.

Hmm....I don't see that.  He's older now - at one point Quentin observes that David is nearly as tall as HE is.  Plus, I seem to recall David calling her Julia here and there later in the show.  (?)

Anyway, it's a great read, isn't it??


I've been meaning to thank you for posting the link to the story.  I lost it in a drive failure a few months ago and wondered if I'd ever see it again.
 :'(  :-   :'(

It is now happily back in residence.  Ah...   ;D

Mark Rainey Fan
(Who was reading chapter after chapter last night when I was SUPPOSED to be doing something else.)   ::)

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« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2003, 08:58:02 AM »
 ;D Yes, he does call her Julia on the show, I believe. I think you're right, it should be Julia after 5-6 years.  LABYRINTH has one of the main characters returning after two years.  That seems to fit best & would put David in the 17-year-old range; so, Quentin's compliment on his height ("I hardly recognize you. You're almost as tall as I am.") would make sense.  I did get the impression Quentin was trying to make David feel more "grown-up," rather than meaning that he really was approaching Quentin's loftiness...

 ::) YES, the book is great!  I would advise everybody to scrooool up and find Mark's link to the book before it disappears, again, into cyperspace.  Anyone you loves the show should love this book!

 :o "You have passed through a land that few human beings have ever witnessed.  You are to be congratulated.  And you are also to be very afraid, for this is but the beginning." -- The Labyrinth of Souls, by Stephen Mark Rainey, chapter 10