Author Topic: #1138/1139: Robservations 10/23/03: Stick Domesticity  (Read 1196 times)

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#1138/1139: Robservations 10/23/03: Stick Domesticity
« on: October 22, 2003, 10:31:03 AM »
1138 - Judah, unable to attack Gerard because of the conflagration, begins to cough.  Gerard escapes from the underground vault, leaving Zachary to burn below.

Collinwood - Barnabas, begs Julia, let me go to him!  Judah is dead, says Barnabas.  No, she protests.  Leticia told us so, says Barnabas.  No, pleads Julia, I can help him, I can save him!

As the flames surround him, Judah picks up the mask and places it over his face.

Judah is dying, Julia frantically tells Barnabas--I've got to go to him, I've got to!  She is about to leave, but suddenly shivers and cries out, "He's burning--his body is burning!"  Abruptly, she stops, calmer--it's over, she says--Barnabas, why did I help him?
--why did Leticia and I do it?--"Judah's eyes, staring into his eyes", she says--"Barnabas, what have we done?"  You have managed to destroy Judah Zachary, says Barnabas, smiling.  Think how close we came to making him live--it's terrible! cries Julia--the control he had over me!  He must have had enormous power, agrees Barnabas.  You can't understand how I felt, she says--he was the most important man on earth to me--I had to do whatever he said--protect him, even from you, and I did it without remorse or guilt--he was my life and everyone and everything else was an intrusion!'s over.  (Sounds like a similar hold to what Gerard had over Julia in 1995.)  We must find out for sure, he says, we must see for certain that Zachary has been destroyed.  If somehow he isn't? asks Julia.  I don't know what we're going to find out, he says, but we've got to go there now.  The two of them hurry out of Collinwood.

Cemetery - Smoke issues from the underground crypt.  Barnabas and Julia stand over it.  Judah must be dead, says Barn, or you would still be under his power.  She looks at him pleadingly.  "You needn't come with me," he assures her.  I want to, she insists.  They both go down into the vault.  It's a shambles, observes Barnabas.  An explosion, says Julia.  The place is littered with debris.  They find an arm sticking out from under heavy stones.  Julia takes a pulse.  Where was he when you left him? asks Barnabas.  His body was on the table, says Julia.  Then he must have been there when Leticia thought he died, says Barnabas--what could have caused the explosion?  The lightning must have done it, she says--I had a great deal of ether that just exploded--where's the mask?--it was on his face.  Probably under there now and just as well, says Barnabas.  I wonder if it ended this way before, asks Julia, or have we changed history, just by being here?  We will never know, will we? asks Barnabas.  We must tell Leticia, says Julia.  Yes, he agrees--and Desmond and Quentin, too.  Julia looks around, surveying the destroyed crypt.  The hand, covered with dirt, remains motionless.  Up above, Barnabas says, Julia, close the grave.  She pulls the ring; the cover slides over the opening.  So it is a tomb again, remarks Barnabas, Judah Zachary's tomb!  He smiles, pleased.

10:40 - Drew cottage - Roxanne reads a note from Barnabas: "My future of necessity must be with my wife, Valerie--in a way, that is fortunate for you--I can say no more--you will find other happiness, I'm positive, you have the ability to make any man happy."  Any man but you, Barnabas, says Roxanne bitterly.  She reads: "I write this with great sorrow, knowing that we will never be alone again."  Trask interrupts--I've been standing here a full moment, at least--you were so absorbed.  I was just trying to understand the male of the species, she says coldly.  I would willingly offer myself for your study, my dear, he says--how are you feeling?  I think I'd prefer to leave Collinsport, she says--I prefer the city, I could study there, become one of those new professional women.  There is one place for a woman, he says--sharing the life of the man who loves her!  (Oh, please!)  She grins--what of that woman? she asks--shouldn't she love her husband--what of the woman who cannot love?  I know this mood, says Trask, you are merely impatient with your life, angry over some small hindrance.  You're right, I AM angry, she admits.  She leans on the mantle and explains, when Samantha and I were young, we had tantrums when we didn't get what we wanted--and I haven't changed--merely grown older--but why am I confiding in you?  I am honored that you are, he says, delighted.  You mean that, don't you? she asks.  He nods, smiling.  Perhaps if Father hadn't forced us on each other, then everything would be different today, she says. Your father never forced me to want to see you, he assures her.  What if he had denied you that right? she asks--what if someone had told you that you could never see me again?--what would you do?  I would leave whomever the person was and come immediately to you, he says.  Oh would you? she asks. There is not the slightest doubt in my mind, he says--the moments I've spent with you have been the happiest in my life.  (He really doesn't seem such a bad guy here, very convincing, isn't he?)  And I always thought you were happiest in your chapel, she says.  You do not love me, I know, he says, but that could change--my mother honored my father, respected him--she said that love was a luxury few could afford. (That's a sad confession, Lamar.)  Were they happy? Roxanne asks.  They were truly devoted, all their lives, he said, they protected each other.  Would you protect me? she asks solemnly, even from myself?  If I thought that was what you needed, yes, he says.  Oh, I need it so! she says desperately.  Do you want to know the peace of a settled life? he asks.  I think I do, she says sadly, yes.  The warmth, the security of knowing you could count on me? he asks--to do anything in my power to make you happy?  But I don't love you, she reminds him. That is the romantic girl speaking, insists Trask, not the woman I see now.  She turns away.  You've changed, he says, I will not even ask why, the change only makes me more interested--you want everything to be different, I can make that happen.  Can you? she asks.  If you will marry me, he says.
She looks at him.  This is the last time I will ever ask you, he says, I mean that, I am a man of my word--will you marry me?

Rose Cottage - Judah Zachary, says Gerard to himself, Julia and Leticia were making him whole again--what powers that man must have had!--why am I so sleepy?--a moment ago, I felt wide awake--here I am dependent upon the whim of a woman like Flora Collins--and yet all that was going on around me--I didn't even know it.  He falls asleep, and dreams of flames, of a voice telling him, find it, find it, find it!
Gerard, standing in the fire in the crypt, asks the disembodied voice, what are you looking for--what are you doing here?  Aid!  Aid! says the voice.  For what? asks Gerard.  The voice begins to laugh at him.  Gerard awakens.  Of course! he says, and races to leave his room (which looks much like Quentin's).

Gerard returns to the underground crypt, vowing to "get it."  He pulls the ring and opens the panel.

Julia sits by the fire at Collinwood, staring into the flames.  Barnabas enters--Quentin and Desmond agree with me, Julia--it's not wise to let the police know about this now.  Because Leticia and I were involved? inquires Julia.  Zachary is dead, says Barn--there will be no more murders--I think it wise we spare the family as much unpleasantness as possible.  Trask enters-- good evening, he says--it's a cold, wintry night--Julia, is Samantha home?  She is, says Julia, upstairs.  Then I shall just warm myself for a moment by the fire, he says, looking happy--unless, of course, I'm disturbing you.  Not at all, says Julia.  I heard you use the word unpleasantness as I entered the room, says Trask, I trust there has not been anymore unfortunate incidents at Collinwood.  Nothing to concern you, says Barnabas.  I am very much concerned with everyone in this house, says Trask--I feel a growing kinship with them, yes, indeed.  Barnabas and Julia look puzzled.  And how is your beautiful wife? asks Trask, rubbing his hands together with satisfaction.  Very well, thank you, says Barnabas.  Such a surprise to us all that you had a wife, remarks Trask.  Julia looks at Barnabas.  Most men do, points out Barnabas.  Yes, says Trask, I have always regretted not having entered the holy state of matrimony, until tonight, at least--now I'm glad I waited.  Oh? asks Julia.  Well I'm sure it will be of no surprise to you--you both, of course, will be invited to the festivities--nuptials require a certain amount of levity, which has always been foreign to me (oh, he'll be a fun hubby), I've never been one for social occasions, but I shall change--we have not actually set a date for the wedding, but it will be soon, I'm positive of that.  He grins--she has accepted my dear mother's engagement ring, says Trask.  Who are you marrying? asks Barnabas.  I assumed you'd guessed, says Trask, you're both quite aware of my devotion to my Roxanne.  Barnabas gets it, and isn't happy.  Trask grins at him--aren't you going to congratulate me? he asks.
When Barnabas is silent, Julia says, it does come as a surprise, but we both hope you will be very happy.  Thank you, says Trask, we intend to be--yes, it is a happy night, one I have long looked forward to--I am a fortunate man.  Yes, agrees Barnabas miserably, you are a most fortunate man.

Crypt - Gerard looks around, searching through the devastated crypt.  He finds the arm sticking out, kneels and holds the hand for a moment.  He rises and begins pushing debris out of the way.  Finally, a greedy grin on his face, he spots the mask, covered with stones and dirt.
He lifts it from the face of Judah Zachary, who opens his eyes and gazes directly into Gerard's.

NOTES:  Judah Zachary isn't dead, not quite yet.  Gerard thinks he's gotten an invaluable artifact, but what is he going to have to pay for it, ultimately?  Will the same fate that befell Desmond happen to him?

Roxanne, deciding Barnabas is lost to her, makes a bad decision--to accept Trask's proposal.  He has a good job, but somehow, one senses that his sensitivity will disappear once they are wed, especially when he gets her alone in the bedroom.  I fear for her happiness if she marries him, as does Barnabas, but his hands are tied, to his dismay.  Roxanne is bitter and desperate, but to do this?  I personally could never marry a man who doesn't understand levity.

1139 - Beaming, thrilled to be rubbing it in, Trask assures Barnabas, it is true--Roxanne has agreed to marry me, of her own free will, and I can assure you the wedding will take place very soon--you will be invited of course, digs Trask--and you, too, he tells Julia--I'm heading up to break the happy news to Samantha.  Trask leaves.  I never thought Roxanne would do a thing like that, says Julia.  I'm going to see her, insists Barnabas--I can't let her go through with this, she'll be ruining her life.  You can't, says Julia, remember your agreement with Angelique.  She'll never find out, says Barnabas.  He starts to go, but Julia grabs his arm and warns, she will, and she will carry out her threat to Roxanne.  Someone's got to stop her, insists Barnabas--will you go to her?

An ecstatic Gerard, now in possession of the mask, returns to his room at Rose Cottage.  He hugs the artifact, caressing the gold.  He's brought back the head of Judah Zachary, too, which is back in the glass case.  Open your eyes, he orders the head, just like you did down in the vault--show me what powers you have.  The eyes remain closed.  Open your eyes! commands Gerard--you are in my hands now, and all your secrets will be mine!  Did I just imagine the eyes were open and staring at me? he asks himself--no, I saw him look at me, I felt the strength within him--and I'm certainly not imagining this--he picks up the mask again and places it reverently on his night table, then turns off the lamp and lies down.  Between the two of them I will be able to have all the power I ever wanted! he exults.

Julia has a heart to heart talk with Roxanne at the Drew home--are you in love with Trask? she asks the younger woman.  He always said I would learn to love him, she says, sounding defeated.  Are you doing this because you feel Barnabas has rejected you? asks Julia.  That's a curious thing that he's done, says Roxanne, sending you to face me instead of coming himself.  You must try to understand, says Julia--Barnabas and Valerie have a very unfortunate relationship--he still cares about you as he always has.  (I think that was a mistake to say, Julia).  Did he tell you to say that? asks Roxanne.  No, replies Julia, but he told me how he felt--he wants you to be happy, and you won't be happy if you marry Trask--but you know that, don't you?--promise me you'll think about the step you are about to take.  I will, promises Roxanne--thank you for coming to see me.  Roxanne sits down to think.

Collinwood - So you think you made some impression on her? asks Barnabas.  Yes, I'm sure of it, says Julia--I think she was grateful to have someone to talk to.  Good, says Barn--let's hope Mr. Trask has a major surprise in store for him.  I'm getting some tea, then going to bed, she says--is there anything you want me to do?  No, he says, I'll just stay here alone for a while.  She leaves the drawing room.  Barnabas settles by the fire.  Hearing the front door open and close, Barnabas goes to see who it is--Roxanne.  "Barnabas, I've decided," she says excitedly, "I'm not going to marry Lamar Trask!"  He quickly closes the doors--you can't stay here, he says urgently. You wouldn't come to me so I came to you, she says--I love you, Barnabas!  Roxanne, please! he begs.  And you still love me, don't you? she says, her hands on his shirtfront.  You must leave here now, he says.  If you still love me, we can conquer anything, she vows, there's nothing on earth that can keep us together or apart--please, don't you understand?--we won't have anyone stand in our way!  (She is wearing a diamond engagement ring.)  I wish this were possible, he laments.  Barnabas, she says, we'll MAKE it possible--I believe in the power of love, I believe in it very deeply--she touches his face--tell me that you love me, please, my darling, I want to hear it--tell me!  Oh, Roxanne, Roxanne, I love you, he says, and kisses her.
At that moment, of course, Roxanne still in Barnabas' arms, Angelique walks into the drawing room.

Well, what have we here? asks Angelique.  It isn't what you think it is, says Barnabas hastily.  You can do better than that, says Angelique.  It's exactly what you think it is! says Roxanne proudly.  Let me settle this, suggests Barnabas softly.  Be quiet, Barnabas, I think the young lady's trying to tell me something, says Angelique.  He's never loved you--never! proclaims Roxanne--he loves me and I love him.  How deeply touching, says Angelique.  Roxanne, you must stop, warns Barnabas.  No, says Ang, go on, Roxanne, let's play out this tawdry little scene to its conclusion.  I'll do anything I can to make him happy, vows Rox, but I'll never give him up.  Leave here now, let me talk to her alone, Barnabas begs Roxanne.  All right, she agrees, but my mind is made up--and nothing can change it, she viciously informs Angelique before storming past her.  Barnabas watches her go, then steels himself as he turns to face Angelique.  Listen to me, he says, you must not think it anything more than a temporary emotional outburst--if you do, you'll be making a great mistake.  I made a great mistake when I trusted you, she says, but I've made that mistake before, haven't I?  I kept my word to you, protests Barnabas, I didn't go to her or send for her, she came to me--I promise, she will not come and see me again--you mustn't do something we'll both be sorry for.  Angelique (who is really gorgeous these days), turns away from him and closes the doors, leaving Barnabas by himself in the foyer.  Julia joins him, setting a tea tray down on the table.  You heard that? asks Barnabas.  Yes, says Julia.  I don't know what to do now, he says.  The question is, what will SHE do? wonders Julia.  Barnabas doesn't know.

Roxanne returns home.  Trask awaits her.  I've been looking all over for you, he says, where have you been?  I went for a walk, she says.  Oh, he says, please sit down, my dear, I have been giving considerable thought to our wedding plans.  She springs the bad news on him--there isn't going to be a wedding.  I beg your pardon? he asks.  I've changed my mind, says Roxanne--I can't marry you--sorry, I don't know what else to tell you.  You might tell me who persuaded you to change your mind, he says testily.  No one persuaded me, she retorts, annoyed at the implication she has no mind of her own.  I find that difficult to believe, he says, where were you just now, you obviously weren't just out for a walk.  I went to Collinwood, she says defiantly, to see Barnabas Collins!  What did you go there for? he asks.  You might as well accept the fact that I'm in love with him, Lamar, nothing can change that!  His eyes stormy, he says, you can't possibly be in love with him--I'll never believe that--he has some kind of strange hold over you!--I will find out what it is!

Angelique sits by the fire, clay Roxanne doll in her hands.  She speaks to it: "If you want Barnabas so desperately, my dear Roxanne, then you shall have him--but only on my terms."  She readies two pins, hovering them over the doll's throat.

You didn't reach this decision voluntarily, Roxanne, fumes Trask--Barnabas Collins has cast some evil spell over you!  Don't you see? asks Roxanne--I'm doing you a favor by not marrying you--I never could love you, never.  It's monstrous what he's done to you! rails Trask.  He's done nothing to me, says Roxanne.  I know,  there are dark secrets in his life, says Trask.

We see Angelique's pins moving close to the doll.

How can I make you understand? demands Roxanne, I'm not marrying you because I hate you, I've always hated you!  She suddenly grabs her neck.  What's wrong? asks Trask.  Leave me alone, she says, moaning with pain.  I demand to know what he's doing to you! says Trask.  Get out! she cries.  I'll go, he agrees, but I intend to find Barnabas Collins and get to the bottom of this--he leaves.  Roxanne, her hands covering her throat, struggles to move.

Trask bursts into Collinwood, screaming, "Barnabas Collins, where are you?"  Julia comes downstairs--what are you doing? she asks.  I demand to see your brother, where is he? demands Trask.  I don't know, says Julia--is anything wrong?  I intend to find out what he's done to Roxanne, says Trask--she's been irrational ever since she left here--and just a few moments, ago, she seemed to be suffering great pain.  Take me to her at once, insists Julia, reaching for her cloak.  Only Barnabas can undo what he's done, insists Trask--where is he?  I don't know, repeats Julia, but if you care about Roxanne, take me to her right now.  They leave together.

Roxanne lies on the sofa, blood dripping from her throat.  She weakly turns her head.

Julia and Trask enter the house.  Julia kneels to check on Roxanne, who murmurs, "Barnabas," then dies.  She's dead, says Julia.
He kneels beside her and closes her eyes (which weren't open in the first place).  He leans his head down, seemingly on her bosom, and turns dark eyes to Julia.  Barnabas Collins will pay for this, he snarls, he's exerted an unnatural influence on her life--when I first met him, I instinctively knew there was something evil about him--something dark and sinister as the pits of hell!--someday, I will know his secret!

Collinwood drawing room - Roxanne, dead? Barnabas asks Julia, I had hoped that Angelique would understand, but of course I was a fool to think she would--if there was only some way to destroy that woman!  You know that's not possible, says Julia--the thing to worry about is the aftermath--after Roxanne is buried she will rise.  Yes, says Barnabas sorrowfully, and live a life of darkness.  Unless we do something to prevent that, says Julia.  We must put her to her final rest, agrees Barnabas, and spare her the misery of the living dead.  It's almost dawn, says Barnabas, there's no time to make plans now--meet me at dusk, then we'll decide what to do.  He leaves.

Rose Cottage - Gerard sleeps, the Judah-in-a-box across from him.  He awakens, musing to himself, I slept all night, yet still feel tired--I feel as though I haven't had any sleep at all.  He realizes the mask is missing form his bedside table, and finds it's been relocated next to Zachary's box.  I put it on the bedside table! he tells himself, how did it get over here?--no one could have come in my room, I locked the door.  He takes the mask in hand and tries his door, which is still locked.  He finds Zachary's journal on his desk--but that was in the cabinet downstairs!  He sits at the desk, opens the journal and finds a new entry, in HIS handwriting.  "My body has been destroyed--I know it can never be replaced, but I will live again."  The handwriting has changed, notes Gerard--it was mine, but it isn't now!  He looks back in the journal and sees it's the same handwriting, but on an earlier entry.  "I will live again with help from one who craves the power I can bestow upon him," reads Gerard.
He closes the journal and goes to the Zachary's head, asking, what does the writing mean?--tell me!--tell me what is going on here!  The head is silent.

Gerard continues to entreat the head, tell me what the writing in the journal meant--how did the journal get into my room?--it's not my imagination--masks and journals don't usually move around by themselves--what is going on around here?  There's a knock at his door.  He hastily covers the head and moves a changing screen in front of it, then puts the mask and journal in the desk.  He unlocks the door.  It's Reverend Trask--who were you speaking to a moment ago? he asks.  I was having a nightmare, says Trask.  Nightmares are often the distorted reflections of a troubled conscience, says Trask, sounding very like Daddy Trask.  Yes, says Gerard, everyone has them now and again--what do you want?  I have sad news, says Trask--Roxanne Drew is dead.  I'm sorry, says Gerard, I knew you were quite fond of her.  More than that, says Lamar, she was to be my wife--I believe her death was caused by an act of sorcery.  Do you have any substantial proof about that? asks Gerard.  At the moment, I have only my unerring instincts, says Trask, but I feel the presence of an evil force--I believe Barnabas Collins caused her to die.  How? asks Gerard.  I was with her last night, explains Trask, when she was suddenly stricken--for no apparent reason the wounds on her neck re-opened and she began to bleed--something or someone caused that to happen.  And you think Barnabas Collins is responsible? asks Gerard.  Yes, says Trask--what we must do now is intensify our investigation into his background--I have seen your work, the seance at which you called forth my father's spirits was proof to me of your special abilities--it was amazing, indeed!--together, you and I can learn what his secret is, before he victimizes others
--I trust I can still count on you.  Yes, says Gerard, of course.

Gerard returns to Collinwood, where Julia is having tea in the drawing room.  Have you seen Leticia around? he asks.  No, says Julia, I haven't seen her this morning--isn't she at Rose Cottage?  If she were, asks Gerard, do you think I would be here?  Are you upset? asks Julia.  I'm only upset, says Gerard, barely controlling his impatience, that I can't find Leticia, I need her.  Why? asks Julia.  Are you writing a book, too, Doctor? He asks sarcastically.  I'm terribly sorry, she says, if I see Leticia, where should I tell her you'll be?  I don't know where I'll be in the future, he says distractedly, all I know is I have enough time here for one drink--he pours some booze.  Julia rises from the sofa and watches him down the alcohol.  Angelique enters and sees Gerard--I don't believe we've met, she says.  He introduces himself to her.  How do you do? she says.   He stares at her.  Is something wrong? she asks.  Your name was Miranda, he says.
Angelique's eyes widen in astonishment.

NOTES:  Who is Miranda?  Why does Angelique/Valerie seem so astounded at being referred to by that name?  Why is Gerard REALLY so perturbed?  Surely it's not Roxanne's death that has him rattled, but the odd goings-on with the head and the journal?  Is he now becoming possessed by Judah, too?

An angry Angelique, refusing to listen to reason, went all the way, killing Roxanne and putting her at risk for becoming a vampire.  Everyone can't figure out how Barnabas was Roxanne's sire if he was still in his coffin the first time around, but we can see what happened in this version of the timeline--Julia released him from the coffin, he bit Roxanne, and, with or without Angelique's interference, she became a vampire and lived all the way through 1970.  It's too bad Roxanne wasn't so reckless; if she hadn't insisted on going to Barnabas, she wouldn't have been caught in his arms.  And come to think of it, had Julia not told her Barnabas still loves her, Roxanne wouldn't have decided not to marry Lamar (whom she HATES!) and wouldn't have ended up dead.  Tragic story.  Can't really blame this one on Barnabas; he tried to send Julia to fix it, but she made the mistake.

Lamar is such a hypocrite!  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!  To tell Gerard that Roxanne was going to be his wife when he knows she had changed her mind and, indeed, said she hated him, was really rotten, especially since the poor girl isn't there to refute his claim.

Will Barnabas and Julia do away with Roxanne, thus removing her from 1970?

Good episode here.  Angelique is just being so bitchy, it's fun to watch her manipulate, plot and destroy.  By the way, are you aware this Angelique is straight from 1795/96, never was Cassandra, never was Mrs. Rumson?  As far as she's concerned, she and Barnabas are married 44 years already!

Love, Robin