Author Topic: Dark Shadows 1991 Revival Episode 5....  (Read 446 times)

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Dark Shadows 1991 Revival Episode 5....
« on: October 18, 2013, 04:44:57 PM »
Rather than go over into detail over everything that happens in the episode (I simply don't have that much time anymore), I'm just going to try to express my own thoughts and feelings over the characters and their actions from now on starting with this episode.

I must say I didn't think very much of Julia when she started to mess up the experiments once she learned of Barnabas and Vicki's relationship and what he has in mind for her. As some of the events progressed I started to like her even less and less and by the end of it found myself really not liking her one bit. She's in denial about her feelings about Barnabas and uses the experiments as an excuse to try and sabotage his relationship with Vicki, but that doesn't excuse what she does in here.

In the OS, Julia's jealousy did play a big part in her trying to turn Vicki against Barnabas, but I honestly believe she did like Vicki and didn't want to see her being reduced to simply being Josette, Barnabas' 'perfect' woman. That's not the case in here. What Julia does in here is purely out of jealousy and spite, no matter how much she tries to convince herself she's doing it for the 'right' reasons. When she tells Barnabas that Vicki is wrong for him and always would be, she didn't sound so much like a professional, clinical woman, but a jealous schoolgirl who is mad that the handsome popular boy preferred to be with the prettier girl over her. At least that's the way it came to me.

I can't help wonder why Maggie didn't warn Carolyn about her vision? Did she think Carolyn would not believe her? Even if she didn't I still think Maggie should have said something. I know she didn't know the identity of the vampire or even when the attack would happen but still why not let Carolyn know she should be on her guard.

I liked the minuette scene between Barnabas and Vicki, very sweet and cute. And I don't mind saying I can see why any man would prefer Vicki over Julia. She's very friendly, very warm, sensible, good sense of humor. I enjoy any scene with her, and again I must stress how much I really love Joanna Going in the role.

It was hard watching Barnabas slowly reverting to what he was before.

The end where Barnabas shatters the mirror with the candlestick after discovering he can no longer see his reflection was devastating. I have to say I don't blame him for being vengeful towards Julia afterwards. And it's sad to see that Carolyn also suffers because of Julia's actions. From here on, she will no longer be herself, but will be reduced to be Barnabas' slave and night snack.

Good episode though, hardly a dull moment in it.