Author Topic: #1103/1104: Robservations 09/12/03: Beginning of the End  (Read 1225 times)

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#1103/1104: Robservations 09/12/03: Beginning of the End
« on: September 11, 2003, 10:39:52 AM »
1103 - Quentin follows Julia into the room.  Get out! Daphne orders both of them.  Julia pushes Tad into Quentin's arms--hold him! she says.  Let go of me, demands Tad.  It's no use, says Quentin.  Daphne, you're alive! exclaims Julia--how it that possible?  Please, begs Daphne, leave us alone.  Who brought you to life--who is responsible? demands Julia.  You wouldn't understand even if I told you, says Daphne.  I've got to know how this happened to you, insists Julia--Gerard, is he alive, too?--answer me!  No, he's not alive, says Daphne, annoyed--Quentin, try and make her understand.  Quentin, holding Tad tightly, does not respond.  Quentin, you knew Tad wasn't asleep, accuses Julia--and that Daphne was in this room.  What Daphne is doing is the only way to save the children, explains Q.  Take Tad out of the room, commands Julia--I want to speak to Daphne alone.  Quentin starts to argue.  Take him to my office, says Julia--call Dr. Thompson and have him examined.  Tad, says Quentin, I think you'd better come with me.  Don't make me go, Tad begs-- Daphne, I don't have to go, do I?  Go with Quentin, says Daphne, we'll see each other again very soon. Quentin and Tad exit, leaving Daphne and Julia alone.  Julia turns on the light--who brought you to life? she asks again.  You have never seen me before, says Daphne, and I don't know what you're talking about.  I know a great deal more than you think I do, says Julia--I insist you answer all the questions I ask.  Daphne walks away from her--I have nothing to say to you, she says.  Unless something is done to stop Gerard, says Julia, the house will be ruined, the family destroyed and the children will die!  Nothing bad will happen if you just leave me alone here with the children tonight, says Daphne--at this moment, I am their only hope of staying alive.  Julia, skeptical, says, you are talking about Tad and Carrie while I'm talking of David and Hallie--their lives must be restored.  Daphne shakes her head--there is nothing I can do for David and Hallie anymore, she says.  There is a great deal you can do to help, insists Julia--I want you to come to the Old House with me and tell me everything you know about Gerard and the children--the children will die--Quentin will be destroyed.  Daphne looks at her, unsure--if I go with her, she says, what happens to the children now?  They will remain here and will be well taken care of--I give you my word, promises Julia--now you come with me.  I'll go, agrees Daphne, but I won't let you destroy Tad and Carrie to bring back David and Hallie.  I think you want what is best for the children, says Julia--sooner or later, you will help us in order to allow them to survive.  She and Julia leave the room, the candles still burning in the pentagram.  (Fire hazard!)

Old House - A fire burns in the fireplace.  Quentin sits beside Daphne and tenderly pushes her hair back from her face.  You hate being here, don't you? he asks.  She laces her fingers with his--I just don't see what good can come of it, she murmurs.  You've got to learn to trust Dr. Hoffman, he says, because she knows what she's talking about.  Couldn't you have stopped her from bringing me here? asks Daphne.
Perhaps, he says, about to zoom in for a kiss, but I didn't want to.  You know my place is with Tad and Carrie, she chastises.  Yes, he says, but I also know you are dedicated to bringing Gerard back to life.  Not because it's what I want, she assures him.  He kisses her hand--I know that, he says--I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I've decided no good can come of bringing Gerard back to life.  Well, says Julia, entering the room, sounds like you're making sense.  They look at her.  Quentin stands--Julia, he says, Daphne is afraid of what might happen to the children--she's frightened, understandably so.  Julia walks to the window beside Daphne--the kids are being well taken care of and protected, Julia assures her--I give you my word--and you, too, Daphne--Barnabas will be here tonight.  Are we going to wait until tonight to get started, Julia? asks Quentin--I thought you had a plan of some kind.  The day won't be wasted, says Julia, I want Stokes to come here and talk to Daphne.  I'll go to Collinwood to call Stokes, says Quentin--is he at home or the university?  Call both, Julia advises, I'm anxious to find out if anything has come up about his going to Europe.  I don't understand, says Q.  When Barnabas and I were in the future, Stokes said he was in Europe at the time of the catastrophe, relates Julia--yet when we returned and told Stokes about it, he said he had no intention of going to Europe or anywhere else.  Must things always happen the way they happened the first time? queries Quentin.  They have been happening that way, says Julia, that's what's so frightening.  All right, I'll call him, agrees Quentin.

Tad sits looking through a chain link fence that covers his window at Windcliff.  Carrie comes up behind him--where did they take Daphne? she asks--and how long are they going to keep us here?  I don't know, replies Tad, but if they think we are safe here, they're wrong.  What do you mean? she asks.  Remember what Daphne told us, he says--the only way we could be safe is if we bring Gerard back to life.  We can't do that without Daphne, says Carrie.  If Gerard stays dead, says Tad, he'll haunt us the rest of our lives.  Or kill us first, says Carrie--oh, Tad, I'm so frightened!  Don't be, he says--we must think of something to do.  It's all been such a dreadful mistake, she says--we would have been better off like Gerard.
Don't say that, says Tad--we're lucky to be alive and will remain that way.  How?--if only I could see some hope! cries Carrie. Look at me, Tad orders--there is no hope as long as we remain here, so we aren't going to remain here--we're going to run away from Windcliff tonight.

Old House - There's so much you could tell me, sighs Julia, if only you were willing to--why won't you trust me?  I'm sure you mean well, says Daphne, it isn't a matter of trusting you.  Impatiently, Julia asks, what is it?  You are attempting to deal with a power that is beyond your control, says Daphne.  It might not be out of my control, says Julia, if I knew more about Gerard--don't you understand that?  I only understand the price one pays for defying him, says Daphne--I tried it once, and he made the children suffer for it--I will not try again.  Were you ever in love with him in the past? asks Julia.  I find that question irrelevant, says Daphne, what bearing could that possibly have on the welfare of the children now?  That depends on the answer, doesn't it? asks Julia shrewdly, smiling slightly.  Daphne looks at her, comprehending, but not answering.

Woods - Tad and Carrie have escaped Windcliff, God knows how.  We're safe now, says Tad.  I'm not sure, says Carrie--the nurse might have seen us leaving.  If she had, she would have called for us, he says, taking her hand, nobody saw us--don't worry.  We'd better get going, says Carrie--they'll soon discover we aren't there.  I know, he says, but we should sit and catch our second wind.  How far away is Collinwood? she asks (a question we'd all like answered)  A few miles, he says, but we aren't going there--it would be ridiculous to go there, it's just as dangerous at Windcliff, our only chances of staying alive are to get as far from Windcliff and Collinwood as we possibly can.  They rise to their feet and continue on.

It's growing dark outside.  Julia lights the candles in the drawing room.  Daphne sits in a chair,  brooding.  Do you think Quentin is a reincarnation of the Quentin who lived in 1840? asks Julia.  How could I possibly know that? asks Daphne.  Because you were in love with the Quentin of 1840, says Julia, you're in love with this one--are they similar?  Daphne rises--the first Quentin was a more aggressive man, she says, with a will of iron--he led a very troubled life and it was never easy to get to know him--the Quentin I know now is a gentler man, he's easier to know--and to love--I'm sorry, Dr. Hoffman, I'd like to get some rest.  I want you to stay here until Stokes comes, insists Julia.  Quentin joins them.  Did you talk to "Spokes"? asks Julia  No, I talked to his housekeeper, says Quentin, pouring a drink--it seems as if Professor Stokes took a plane to Europe, early this morning. (ohhhhh nooooo!)

Why did Stokes go to Europe without telling me? asks Julia, shocked--there must be some sane explanation!  We will have to wait until we hear from him, says Q--if we do.  Time is running out, frets Julia, soon there will be a murder, and Rose Cottage will be destroyed--and then the disaster at Collinwood.  If there is a way out of all of this, I sure don't know what it is, says Quentin.  Julia looks pointedly at Daphne.

Cemetery - Tad, asks Carrie nervously, why have we come here?  We've been traveling enough tonight, he says, we need a place to rest.  But why here? she wails.  No one will find us here, he says.  I'm scared, she says.  There's nothing to be afraid of as long as we're together, he assures her--we're too close to Collinsport, someone might see and recognize us--follow me.  He leads her into a mausoleum and closes the door.  She wants to leave.  Don't be frightened, he says.  What's that coffin doing in the middle of the floor? she asks nervously.  I don't know, he replies--it must have been here a long time--this crypt hasn't been used for many years.  The coffin opens and the terrified kids hide behind stone pillars.
A black-caped figure rises from it and closes the lid.  We cannot see a face.  The creature exits the crypt.  Tad and Carrie leave their hiding place.  We never should have come here, says Carrie.  Quiet, cautions Tad, he may still be here.  Was it someone rising from the dead? asks Carrie.  I think so, says Tad.  Do you still want to stay here? she asks.  No, but we can't leave yet, he says--it may still be outside.

As Tad and Carrie exit the crypt, dogs howl.  Where will we go now? she asks.  I guess we'll be better off closer to town, says Tad.  They come across a body lying on the ground.  Tad forces Carrie to bury her face in his shoulder.  Don't look, he warns.  Do you know who it is? she asks tremulous.  I don't, he says.  What's happened? she asks.  The dogs howl.  Something awful, says Tad, it looks like he's been attacked by an animal--he has two holes in his neck!--his face is all white, like the blood was drained right out of him.  Tad, the same thing happened in 1840, says Carrie, remember?--and no one could find out what caused it?  Yes, he says, and they run away from the man's body.

Julia has her trusty medallion in hand.  She takes it over to Daphne--I've been trying to identify something, says Julia--an object--would you help me?  She holds the medallion by the chain in front of Daphne--have you ever seen anything like it before?  No, says Daphne, why?  Look at it more closely, urges Julia, it's very old, I thought it might be familiar to you. . .keep looking at it.  I've never seen it before, say Daphne.  Look at it very closely, says Julia, spinning the medallion, see the way the light gives out.  It's really very beautiful, says Daphne.  Concentrate on the light, keep looking deeper and deeper, says Julia, see if you can find the center of the light.  Center of the light, repeats Daphne.  Deeper and deeper, says Julia--have you found the center of the light?  Yes, I've found it, says Daphne, hypnotized.  Julia takes away the medallion--good, she says--now you will answer all my questions.  Yes, says Daphne, rising to her feet, I will answer.  Concentrate on the events destined to tale place before the disaster at Collinwood, instructs Julia--first, there will be a murder--do you know who is destined to be murdered?  Destined to be murdered? asks Daphne.  Do you know who the person is? asks Julia.  Yes, I know who it is, says Daphne.  Julia, upset and excited, demands, who it is?  There's a close-up of Daphne's face; she shakes her head and stands.  The person who'll be murdered is me! cries Daphne.
You! says Julia, I don't understand--do you know how and when it will happen?  The green flag, says Daphne, will be waved in the window three times--three times at the window.  The window in the tower room! says Julia, I saw the green flag there when I followed David--when will this happen?  I don't know exactly when, answers Daphne.  Will it happen before or after the destruction of Rose Cottage? asks Julia.  First Rose Cottage, then the murder, says Daphne.  Then there may be time to save you, says Julia--do you know when Rose Cottage will be destroyed?  Daphne thinks, and says, "The destruction of Rose Cottage will be tonight!"

NOTES:  Not much time left, is there?  Everybody had better get on the stick if they are going to stop this!

The kids seem to have easily escaped Windcliff--you'd have thought they would have had some trouble with all those people watching them.  Did they find the lair of the other vampire?  Who is it?  And who was the victim?  All we could see of him was his shiny shoes.  Does that mean the vampire is on the way to Maggie now?

Kate Jackson is lovely, very ethereal and soft-spoken.  You can hear her Southern twang just a little.  I always liked her on this show.  She kind of reminds me of Joanna Going, who played Vicki in the revival series.  She and Selby make a nice couple.  He really seems to care about her, and she for him--but is Julia right?  Is she just loving Quentin's look-a-like here?  Her description of the 1840 Quentin is interesting, we'd like to meet him, wouldn't we?

Will they have to bring Gerard back to life to ensure the children survive?  Seems like a bad exchange to me!

That scene where the vampire rose in the crypt the kids were hiding in gave me shivers!

1104 - Mrs. Johnson does the intro!

Barnabas sits vigil over Maggie, who awakens, moaning.  Julia joins him--I hypnotized Daphne, she says--there is some hope--Daphne is the one to be murdered--and the destruction of Rose Cottage will be tonight!

Are you positive there couldn't have been some mistake? he asks.  No, the hypnosis worked perfectly, says Julia--she told me the murder would not happen until after the destruction of Rose Cottage.  And that will happen tonight, says Barn--Gerard?  She didn't say, says Julia, but it has to be.  We must get help, says Barnabas, possibly Sebastian--you stay with Maggie, I'll be back as soon as I can.  (Didn't this lead to disaster before?)  He leaves the room.  Maggie moans, tossing on the pillow.  Notching Julia, she asks, how long have you been here?--where's Barnabas?  He left just a moment ago, says Julia, but he'll be back--how do you feel?  A little better, says Maggie--I think--I had a dream about the children, who were terribly frightened because something had happened to them.  Something HAS happened to them, says Julia, don't you remember?  It's so difficult to remember, she says.  The children have been possessed, says Julia.  Yes, I know, says Maggie miserably--I don't want anything to happen to them.

We see the ultra modern light fixture in Sebastian's home.  Roxanne on the phone with him, says, I'm warning you one more time--don't go to Collinwood--I don't think I have to tell you the answer to that--listen to me--I want you to come back here--I promise I'll be here when you get back.  He apparently hangs up on her; she slams the phone down.  Hearing the doorbell, she answers the door--Barnabas.  What do you want? she asks.  To see Sebastian, says Barn--is he in?  No, she says, closing the doors.  Do you know when he'll be back? asks Barn.  I don't even know where he is, she says, extremely annoyed.  I see, says Barn.  Notching how disturbed she seems, he offers to help.  This is something I don't care to talk about, she says--"And nobody, including you, can do anything to help me."  Very well, he says, but you might tell Sebastian I want to see him--I'll be at Cumberland Road, Rose Cottage, just outside Collinsport.  I'll deliver your message, she says, but I think it only fair to warn you--Sebastian will never be able to help you--never!

He looks at her oddly--why do you say that? he asks--Sebastian is a clairvoyant, I don't see any reason he wouldn't help me.
I'll tell you the reason, she says--Sebastian is frightened of his powers, always has been--and he'll never be able to use them again.  You seem very certain of that, says Barnabas.  More certain than I've been of anything, she says--now, will there be anything else?  Has Sebastian done anything to hurt you? he asks.  What a strange man you are, says Roxanne, you barely know me yet you have this compulsion to help me--why?  She moves in close.  I don't know, he says, perhaps it's because of the other Roxanne, the one I told you about, the one you resemble so.  Oh, yes, says Rox, smiling, the one you met in another time--but I think there may be still another explanation.  What do you mean? he asks.  That Roxanne and I are obviously different people, she says, yet from the very first time I met you, I had the strange feeling there was a bond between us--I feel it now, I can't define it, I don't even understand it.  Perhaps in time, we will both know what it is, he says, at least I hope so.  Yes, she says, grinning, I hope so, too--I'm sorry I behaved so badly when you first came in--I look forward to seeing you again--Barnabas (first time she called him by his first name).  He kisses her hand, gives her a long look, and leaves.  She smiles like a woman in love.

Maggie, pale, sits up in bed.  Lie back and rest, encourages Julia.  I keep thinking about the children, says Maggie, and that strange phone call from Windcliff.  The children will be all right, Julia assures her--the police are searching the woods now.  Barnabas enters--Julia, he says, Sebastian wasn't there, but I left word.  While you was gone, says Julia, I got a phone call from Windcliff--the children disappeared at four this afternoon!  (What took so long to find them and tell Julia, one wonders.)  Have you notified the police? he asks.  Yes, she says, but I haven't heard anything yet.  The frightening thing is, they've disappeared the same night Rose Cottage is to be destroyed, says Barn.  You don't think they'd go there? asks Julia.  I don't know, he says, but I want to go there right now.  I'll go with you, volunteers Julia.  No, stay with Maggie, says Barn--don't worry about me, I'll be all right--perhaps Sebastian will be there to meet me.  After he leaves, Maggie leans up on one elbow--what was that all about? she asks--why would the children go to Rose Cottage?  I can't explain now, says Julia, but everything will be all right.  Dogs howl.  Maggie listen intently.
Don't listen to that, says Julia--resist the urge to respond.  I feel so helpless, says Maggie, who looks it, too.

Rose Cottage - Barnabas calls to Carrie and Tad.  Hearing the carousel music, he enters the room from which is appears to be issuing.

Barnabas enters the only room we've seen in Rose Cottage.  He finds the carousel there, turning and playing.  It wasn't in this room when I was here before, says Barn, why is it here now?--Gerard--he must have brought it as a way to lead the children here.  He calls to the kids again- answer if you are here! he begs.  The music stops, as does the carousel.  The door closes.  Gerard, I know you're here in this room! says Barnabas.  He turns--Gerard IS there.  Gerard Stiles! exclaims Barnabas, I know you want to do harm to me, but I won't let you--I've come here to get the children.  Gerard expresses puzzlement.  I take it you don't know where they are, either, says Barn--so much the better--I've come to drive you out of Collinwood--I know you intend to destroy this house tonight, then murder Daphne Harridge
--I intend to stop you!--I am here, Gerard, and you will not be able to do anything to this house unless you deal with me first!

1:45 - Mrs. Johnson exits the kitchen and walks through the darkened foyer.  She hears the carousel music and hesitantly enters the drawing room.  Is anybody in here? she asks.  She walks in and is about to turn off the light when Gerard grabs her hand.  Who are you and what are you doing in this room? she demands.  Gerard locks eyes with her, hypnotizing her.  What do you want with me? she asks.  He grins.
You want me to do something for you, she says--tell me what it is and I will do it.  He smiles, wickedly, sticking his tongue out from between his teeth just a little.  His cruel grin fills the screen.

Julia checks the window in Maggie's room.  Mrs. Johnson comes in--I'm here to stay with Maggie, she says.  I didn't expect you for about an hour or so--I thought you were resting, says Julia.  I was, says Mrs. Johnson, but. . .just now woke from a terrible dream--I was dreaming a frightening dream about Barnabas.  Barnabas?--tell me about it, says Julia immediately.  I don't remember it too clearly, says Mrs. J, but he was in a strange house, one I'd never seen before, and something dreadful was happening to him.  It's clear she's lying, but facing away from Julia.  What was it? asks Julia anxiously.  I don't know, says the housekeeper, but he was screaming, and there was someone else in the house with him--a man.  Describe the house to me, says Julia.  A large, stately house with great columns in the front, says Mrs. Johnson.  Stay with Maggie, orders Julia--don't leave under any circumstances--I'll be back.  Julia leaves.  Mrs. Johnson, horrified at what she's done, covers her face with her hands.  Gerard appears, grinning, nodding approval.

Barnabas paces the room at Rose Cottage.  Julia joins him--Mrs. Johnson had a dream that you were in this house and something dreadful was happening to you, she says.  You've been tricked by Gerard! cries Barnabas.  What are you saying? asks Julia.  I'm going to get you out of this house right now, says Barn.  As he's leading her to the door, it closes, and he can't open it.  He checks the window, but that isn't an exit, either.  Look! cries Julia.  The room fills with flames.

"Gerard knew it!" says Barnabas--"He knew I wouldn't leave you alone and I won't!"  What about Daphne? shouts Julia, you've got to save her and the children!
Someone unlocks the door from outside--it's Roxanne, of all people, who grins at them joyously.

Woods - Roxanne asks Barnabas, who started the fire and locked you both in that room?  It's somebody you wouldn't know, says Bar--how did you happen to come to Rose Cottage?  Julia wipes her face with her scarf.  I got a call from Sebastian, says Rox, after you left--he told me he had plans for the evening he couldn't change (she sounds bitter and angry)--I decided to come and let you know.  I see all this has upset you, says Barn, ignoring Julia, who stands by mopping her face--is there anything I can do for you?  No, she says, this is a problem I must handle by myself, and I will--in my own way.  (Sounds like it bodes ill for Shaw.)  Barnabas, we must get to Daphne! Urges Julia.  I can't thank you enough, Roxanne, he says.  There's no need to thank me, we'll be seeing each other again soon, I hope, she says.  Very soon, he says, and he and Julia leave.  Roxanne gets that love-struck expression on her face again.

At first, when they return to Collinwood, Julia insists, there's no need to come in, then says, you should come up and see how Maggie and Mrs. Johnson are--then we will check on Daphne.  They go upstairs.

Maggie is out of bed, putting on her robe, looking trancelike.  When Julia and Barnabas enter the room, she's gone, and Mrs. Johnson lies in a faint on the floor (caused by Gerard or the vampire?).  Julia checks her pulse.

The black caped and hooded figure is waiting in the woods for Maggie, who slowly approaches her vampire lover.

NOTES:  Are we going to learn the identity of Maggie's attacker now?  Everyone is going to be pretty surprised, at least those who haven't seen this before.  I know I was!

Gerard really seemed to enjoy himself in this ep, the SOB.  He played poor Mrs. Johnson like a bass on a hook, and left Maggie in danger, too.  Julia should have known it was a trap, she knows Barnabas is almost indestructible, but I suppose she could have feared Gerard had silver bullets.  Her love for her blinded her.  I could tell she wasn't pleased by the exchange with Roxanne in the woods after she saved them from the fire.  One senses Julia wished someone--anyone else--had saved them.

Continuity doesn't reign here--they ascertained that only Barnabas could truly protect Maggie, yet they had Julia and Mrs. Johnson keeping watch over her, knowing the vampire could put that person to sleep.  Not very careful, are they?--but then again, to be fair, they are torn in so many different directions--Daphne, the kids, Maggie.

Stokes went to Europe after all, why?  Knowing what he did, how could he dare to fulfill that part of the events?  Very peculiar actions on the part of usually-dependable Stokes.

This explains how and why Barnabas didn't just dematerialize from the room (he didn't want to leave Julia alone) but since there was a key in the door outside, why couldn't he just go out there for a second and unlock it?  I know they needed Roxanne to save them for plot purposes, but still--sloppy!  Or why couldn't Barnabas, with his super-strength, pull the door off the hinges?

I wonder, who has more power--an evil ghost or a vampire?  Wouldn't you love to see Gerard and Barnabas go head to head to see who would win?

One more bite and Maggie is a goner, isn't that what Julia said?  Who will save her this time, or indeed, will she be saved at all?  And now that Rose Cottage is being destroyed by fire, how far behind can Daphne's murder be?

Love, Robin