Author Topic: #1091/1092: Robservations 09/04/03: Carolyn Finds the Playroom  (Read 1568 times)

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#1091/1092: Robservations 09/04/03: Carolyn Finds the Playroom
« on: September 03, 2003, 09:59:18 AM »
1091 - Henesy does the intro, which is rare, and very well, too.

Julia assists the weak, staggering Maggie into the drawing room and onto the sofa. Can you hear me? Julia asks--let me help you, Maggie--don't be afraid, I'm going to help you. In...the...woods! moans Maggie. Don't try to talk, says Julia, her face filled with guilt, exhaustion and horror--I'll take you upstairs to your room.  To see you like this, says Julia, I should have known it would happen.  Hallie comes downstairs, heading for the drawing room. Don't come in, orders Julia, using her body to shield her from seeing Maggie. What's happened to Maggie? cries Hallie, launching immediately into shrill, hysterical mode. Go to your room, orders Julia. But something's happened to her! wails Hallie. She's just feeling a little weak, that is all, please go to your room, Hallie! says Julia again. You've got to tell me what happened! insists Hallie.  Go to your room, says Julia, more firmly this time. Stunned, Hallie stares at her. I'm sorry, says Julia, I can't help Maggie if I stand here answering your questions--please go. Why did this have to happen to her?--she didn't do anything wrong! says Hallie, and goes. Julia helps Maggie, who continues to mutter, "walking in the woods," up to her room, urging her not to talk--please.

Old House - Barnabas sits reading in the drawing room. When Julia joins him, he instantly notices something in her face--"What is, it, Julia?" he asks. You know very well what it is, she retorts, tight-lipped. What happened? he asks, --something to the children? Why did you do it? demands Julia, we've been trying so desperately to save Hallie and David from Gerard, and now to do this to Maggie! What are you saying? he demands. You can't get away with it, she says, you can't possibly. Get away with what? he asks, genuinely confused--tell me--what's happened to Maggie!  He grabs her by the shoulders. You know as well as I do, she accuses--you cannot possibly get away with your attack on her tonight. Barnabas' eyes widen with shock.

Julia, are you absolutely sure Maggie was attacked by a vampire? asks Barn. I saw the marks on the neck myself--marks only YOU could have made, she accuses.  I swear, I didn't do it, he says.
She walks away from him--stop it! she orders--you attacked Maggie when she was walking through the woods--how can you deny it?  I can deny it, because I didn't do it, says Barnabas softly. What you have done is terrible enough, she says, hurt, but to lie to me, the one person you can trust... Julia, he says, the sun will be up soon, I must convince you--I tell you that I never lie to you. I want to believe that, she says, but it's so incredible. I know, he says--there must be someone else with the same curse as me--someone nearby. Who could it possibly be? she asks--in all these years, we would have heard! (Neither considers it might be Angelique, who was once a vampire before.) He thinks it over. Maggie was with Sebastian tonight, says Barn, HE hasn't been here long. I've seen Sebastian during the day, says Julia--I want so much to believe you, she says. The cock crows. I must go now, he says. Please believe me, he begs--stay with Maggie--there's no point in questioning her as long as she's under the influence of another--but she may let something slip to give us some clue. Barnabas...protests Julia. Go to Maggie, urges Barn, she needs you--I will see you tonight--and I will find out whoever has done this!  He heads down to the basement. Julia stares helplessly after him.

Collinwood - drawing room - David, says Hallie, Maggie couldn't speak, walk or anything--it was awful!  And Dr. Hoffman wouldn't tell you what happened to her? David asks. I heard her say this morning, to Mrs. Stoddard, that Maggie was attacked in the woods, by a wild animal, explains Hallie--but I wonder if she knows something about us, about the playroom and Daphne. Don't speak so loud, warns David. Maybe Gerard did this to her, to punish her, suggests Hallie--I wish we knew for certain. David considers. Why don't you go to Maggie and try to find out whatever you can, he advises--without giving too much away.  What are you going to do? she asks. I'll tell you later, he says. All right, she says, but you've got to promise you won't try to contact Gerard. Why would I do a thing like that? he asks. You mustn't contact him directly, she warns, promise me, we've got to stay far away from him. Are you going to see Maggie? he demands. Just promise me that, she persists. Either you go or I'll have to, he says, not answering her question--are you going? I'll go, she says, but gives him a sad look before she heads upstairs. He stands at the foot of the steps.  They look at each other for a long moment before she proceeds. David thinks to himself, I know it's dangerous, but if it will help Maggie, I've got to try to make contact with Gerard!  He goes upstairs, too, a lonely figure on the landing.

Maggie fangs marks don't look too good as she lies restlessly in her bed. Hallie, who has stopped by for a visit, says, Dr. Hoffman said I could only stay a few minutes, but I wanted to know how you were feeling. I'm going to be all right, Maggie assures her. Is there anything I can do? asks Hallie. You and David keep up your lessons, says Maggie. We will, says Hallie, I promise. You're a wonderful girl, did you know that? asks Maggie. Am I? asks Hallie. Of course you are, says Maggie. But sometimes I do things I shouldn't, says Hallie. I wouldn't like it if you were perfect, says Maggie. What if I did something wrong and someone was hurt by it? asks Hallie.
This puzzles Maggie--you aren't making any sense, she says.  Aren't you sick because of something I did? asks Hallie.  It has nothing to do with you, insists Maggie. Are you sure? asks Hallie. I was attacked in the woods by something, says Maggie, I'll be all right--what happened to me has nothing whatsoever to do with anyone else, only me (she says this with vehemence). Julia comes in to shoo Hallie out--Maggie needs her rest.  All right, says Hallie--Maggie, try to get better real soon. I'm going to be all right, says Maggie in a faraway voice, staring at the ceiling--"Very soon."  Hallie, concerned, leaves, closing the door behind her. It's a good sign you feel you're going to make a quick recovery, says Julia. Belligerently, Maggie says, I'm not as sick as everyone seems to think. Still, you should rest, advises Julia, I'll sit and read for a while. There's no need for you to stay with me all the time, says Maggie testily. I have nothing else to do, says Julia. Really? asks Maggie, adding sarcastically, I thought you and Barnabas were so busy looking for clues to the coming catastrophe. I thought you thought our search more important than that, says Julia, stung. Things that seemed so important once don't seem as important now, says Maggie quietly. Surely you don't think the safety of the children is unimportant, says Julia. Of course not, says Maggie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that--perhaps it's just my illness. I'm sure it is, says Julia.

Playroom - The carousel turns, spinning out its music. David looks at it intently--I know I shouldn't summon you, he says, but won't you appear to me?--I have a question to ask you. . .I've always done what you wanted me to, and probably always will, so won't you please appear to me? The carousel stops turning, as does the music. David feels a presence in the room. Gerard? he asks. Is that you?--Gerard?  He turns and sees the ghost of Carrie standing there, grinning at him.

Carrie, it's you! says David, speak to me, please, if you can! She just grins. I have a question for Gerard, but perhaps you know the answer, he says--Hallie and I were afraid Maggie learned what's happening to us, and that Gerard punished her--she was attacked in the woods--we wouldn't want anything to happen to Miss Evans--did Gerard do this to her?  All Carrie does is smile. You don't have to speak to me, he says desperately, just nod, yes or no--did Gerard do this to her? She shakes her head. Then Maggie doesn't know anything about what's happening to us? asks David.  Again, Carrie shakes her head. That's what I was hoping you'd say David says--then Dr. Hoffman must have been right--it must have been an animal!--I have another question--I know I shouldn't, but I have to--what's going to happen to us?--I mean Hallie and me--can't you tell us?--now that we know we can't do anything about it, won't you tell us, please?
She nods, grinning. David, excited, wants to go find Hallie--wait here, Carrie--you will wait, won't you?  He leaves without getting a response. Carrie stands beside the carousel, which again begins to turn and play its tune.

8:15 - Drawing room - All the symptoms are there, explains Julia, seated beside Barnabas on the sofa--the disinterest in other things, weakness, hostility. Did you at any time imply to her that I might have done it? asks Barnabas. I almost did, says Julia, when it first happened, then I realized I couldn't say anything that would implicate you. Isn't it possible, asks Barn, that deep, deep down, you knew I didn't do it?  No, says Julia severely, I was certain that you HAD done it!--I'm sorry, but I don't want to lie. You still have doubts, don't you? he asks sadly. I don't know, she says. Take me to her, says Barnabas, you'll see by her actions that I didn't do it. If you insist, agrees Julia. In a way, I almost wish I had done it, says Barnabas as they stand--that shouldn't be too difficult to believe--if I had done it, at least we'd know what to do--as it is, she's in constant danger from an unknown source, a source we must find before any further harm is done. Julia looks at him, says nothing, and leads him upstairs to Maggie's room.

Maggie's room - Maggie, asks David, are you sure you don't know where Hallie was going?  I don't remember, mutters Maggie, half to herself. If you do speak to her, he says, tell her I have to see her, it's important. I will, says Maggie. Julia and Barnabas enter.  David, what are you doing here? asks Julia. I came to see if Maggie was all right, David says--have you seen Hallie? No, says Julia. If you do see her, tell her I have to see her, it's important, says David. Barnabas gazes at Maggie, his forehead furrowing. Maggie, how are you feeling? he asks. I'd be a whole lot better if people would leave me alone, she says coldly. Julia and Barnabas exchange looks. Is there anything I can do for you? he asks. Yes, she says--tell Julia to stop hovering around me, I'm really quite well. Julia knows what she's doing, he assures her. Does she? asks Maggie, I doubt that, in this particular case, I doubt that very much--she turns away from them.
Julia calls Barnabas out of the room. It's better to leave her alone, says Julia in the hallway--she isn't responsible for any of the things she's saying now--I know now that you didn't have anything to do with it--she wouldn't be that cold to you if you were the one who attacked her.  So this is what it's like, he remarks--the agony I've inflicted on so many--do you see how hopeless she is, how lost to herself and others?--Julia... Don't, please, Julia begs him. A dog howls.  They listen with fear. He's out there, somewhere, says Barnabas. We've got to guard her, says Julia. Stay with her--don't leave her side, orders Barnabas, I'll search the grounds--if he comes in, you know what to do. I have a cross, says Julia. Listen to them, says Barnabas of the howling dogs, how I know that sound--the summons to Maggie is now a summons from someone else--I hearby swear, with all solemnity, on the graves of all my ancestors, that when I find who has done this to her, I will drive the stake myself!  He leaves, Julia watching with sympathy--and love. She returns to Maggie, who is trying to struggle out of bed despite Julia's protests--you're weak and must stay in bed. I'm not weak at all! Maggie insists, don't try to stop me--I'm not a child, I'm not sick, I can do whatever I wish--I have no obligations to you--I'm well, doctor, I won't leave your help any longer. Maggie puts on her robe and leaves the room. Julia comes out and realizes Maggie is being summoned--she'll go to him, whoever it is, if I follow, I'll know--yes, Maggie, lead me to who it is--lead me! And, cross in hand, Julia pursues the vampire.

NOTES: This was so much more interesting than the episodes that mainly feature the kids. I love this new addition to the show--a vampire who isn't Barnabas. Who is it? Why has Maggie become the victim?

It was very realistic when Julia told Barnabas that she DIDN'T know, deep down, that he hadn't done this. She was honest enough to admit she suspected him and only him, in love with him or not.

I wonder why Carrie appeared to David, so sweet, grinning and benevolent, instead of Gerard? I guess the latter wouldn't want to admit to NOT having done an evil deed, but he apparently had nothing to do with what happened to Maggie.

Now Julia, fearless vampire hunter, is on the prowl, cross in hand. Will she be able to save Maggie? Stay tuned!

1092 - Henesy does this intro, too, in a confidential voice.

Woods - Maggie, looking really ill now, extremely pale, walks through the woods in a storm, searching for her vampire lover. Julia steps on a branch, alerting Maggie to her presence;  Maggie stops, eyes widening. Maggie! calls Julia, but only the howling dogs respond.

Collinwood - Hallie sits on the top step, reading. David spots her--where have you been?--I've been looking all over for you. David, wait until you hear this, she says, it's Mrs. Stoddard's horoscope for today. Does it say something about us? he asks It could be us, Hallie says, and reads: "Loved ones will finally reach their home." It can't be us, says David, sitting beside her on the step. It was before, she reminds him, when it said loved ones will meet a stranger--we met Gerard. Yes, but we are home, he says. This isn't my home, she says. It is now, he says. I'm just a visitor, she says. No you're not, he insists, a visitor only stays a week. It says loved ones, so it can't be just you, he says, we'll find out--Carrie--she's going to tell us everything--I asked her if she'd tell us what was going to happen to us, and she nodded yes--that's why I was looking for you. Hallie suddenly looks perturbed. You do want to know, don't you? he asks. Maybe I don't, replies Hallie. Are you afraid? he asks, because if you are, I'll go myself--because I want to know. He walks away; she pursues him and asks, do you think Gerard will let Carrie tell us?  She promised she would, he says. If Gerard wants us to know, says Hallie, then he'll be mad at me if I don't go--she holds her wrist--and I don't want him to punish me again!  We've got to go, he says. I don't think we should, says Hallie, I don't want to find out what's going to happen--ever! And she goes downstairs.

Woods - Julia holds her coat closed against the chill, searching for Maggie. Barnabas, looking for the other vampire, runs into Julia. You frightened me so! she says. Why aren't you with Maggie? he asks. She was being summoned, says Julia. You let her go? asks Barn, horrified. I thought I could follow, she says. She might have been killed! exclaims Barnabas. She just disappeared, says Julia, we must find her. I must--you go back to the house, he orders. Two of us would be better, she says.  He's so insistent, however, that she agrees to return to the house.  I can protect myself, he reminds her--I'll find Maggie, now come, we must hurry, I'll take you back. No, protests Julia, reaching in her pocket, I have the cross!  No, says Barnabas, the person is vicious, I can protect myself--now come.

Sitting together on the steps, David suggests to Hallie, what's going to happen to us might not be so bad as we think. You don't believe that--I know, says Hallie--sometimes you're just as frightened as I am--and you are right now, aren't you?--admit it. The dogs howl outside. I am a little frightened, he says. Then let's not go! she cries. Carrie calls to David--where are you?--we're getting ready now--David...David.  We have to go, Hallie, he says They're about to go upstairs when Julia returns--where are you going? she asks--shouldn't you be asleep?  We couldn't sleep, she says. Why? she asks. Those howling dogs, says David. I hear them, too, says Julia--there's nothing we can do about it--go upstairs to bed. They go. Julia walks into the drawing room and looks out at the storm. Dogs howl.

Barnabas finds Maggie lying on the ground in the woods.
"Oh my God!" he cries, spotting the freshly-opened neck wounds.

Julia, growing more nervous, paces the drawing room. Barnabas enters, supporting Maggie--we must get her to her room, he says, she's very weak. It's my fault, laments Julia.

Playroom - David calls to Carrie--why won't you come to us?--we want to see you, we want to know what's going to happen--you told us you'd come. Gerard has stopped her, says Hallie. I don't believe that, says David. I hope he has! says Hallie--when I see Carrie, she looks so much like me, she scares me! Maybe she knows that, he suggests, maybe that's why she isn't coming. I'll go then, says Hallie, heading for the exit.  No, says David, she said she'd come and she will--we have to wait, that's all. The carousel begins to turn and play. Who's here? asks David--Carrie, is it you?--who's here--who??

After examining Maggie, Julia tells Barnabas, she's lost a great deal of blood and needs a transfusion. If we take her to the hospital, says Barnabas, there will be questions asked that we can't answer. I will go to town and get what I need, says Julia.  (the all night blood store?)  We've got to decide what we're going to tell the family, says Barnabas. We can't waste time, says Julia, her condition could be critical--I'll go and get everything right away. Left alone with Maggie, Barnabas gazes down sadly at her. She opens her eyes.  You'll be all right, he assures her--you can trust me, but must tell me exactly what's happened to you--I can help you only if you tell me.  She gazes up at him, perspiring. It will be our secret, he promises--we'll tell no one else, but I will stop it. She turns away from him. Don't, he pleads--look into my eyes. She does. Look deep into my eyes, he urges. No! she cries, turning away again.  Barnabas realizes he isn't the one with power over her, and hypnosis won't work.

The children stand in the playroom with the turning carousel. There's no one here, says Hallie. Someone started the carousel, points out David. Why won't they come to us? demands Hallie--what kind of game are they playing?--they don't intend to tell us anything, they just want us to come to this room! Why? asks David. I don't know, she wails, wringing her hands. Don't get all scared! says David. We see lights go on in Rose Cottage. "David, look!" says Hallie.

Hallie and David circle around the huge dollhouse. What makes the light, David? asks Hallie. I don't know, he says, and you know I don't--but this time I'm going to find out. Don't go near it, warns Hallie.  It can't hurt me, insists David. They look into the dollhouse.  There's no explanation for the light, says David--everything is as it should be--the dolls are in their seats. But what makes the light go on? persists Hallie. I don't know, he repeats. (This exchange is very annoying.) She'll tell is, though, says David, when she comes to explain.

Julia takes her patient's pulse.  She has set Maggie up with a transfusion. She lies in her bed, dozing, Barnabas and Julia at her side.  You must not leave the room until we find out who has caused this, insists Barn. I don't understand why you couldn't get Maggie to tell you, says Julia. It's a battle between me and whoever has control over her, he says. Julia leads Barnabas to the foot of the bed, reminding him, watch what you say--Maggie is asleep now, but she could awaken. How well you look after her, Julia, praises Barnabas.  Embarrassed, Julia says, "A habit, I suppose--all this could work against you--what will we tell the family, they're bound to see the bite marks."  (I thought Julia already told Liz it was an animal.) We'll have to tell them she was attacked by an animal in the woods.
What if Elizabeth calls the police? asks Julia. Barnabas doesn't have an immediate answer for that one. She could, continues Julia, just to report it. There's nothing we can do to stop her from doing that, says Barn. The police will link this up to the other cases, says Julia. There have been none recently, says Barn, almost proudly. No, but they're still there, in their files, says Julia. Barnabas looks away, disturbed. I'm sorry, she says, I keep thinking about why this should happen now, that perhaps we mis-read some of Carolyn's things in 1995--isn't it possible it's linked up with that, with something that is to happen here? I don't see how, replies Barnabas. I can't believe it's just by chance, says Julia--"You have always had the ability to summon those that you control--isn't it possible there is some link between you and whoever is controlling her, some supernatural awareness?"  I don't think so, says Barn--there would only be a link if I caused that person to exist. If you concentrate, suggests Julia, do you think you might be able to summon the one who's controlling her to come here? Barnabas thinks about it a moment, then goes to the window. Let me try, he says. Julia takes his arm and apologizes--I can't let you do it, she says, because then that person will know about YOU--we can't take that chance. I'd be willing to sacrifice myself, says Barnabas. Julia takes his arm in both of hers--I won't let you, she insists--we must think of a better way. The dogs howl. Barnabas watches Maggie sleep, the life-giving blood flowing into her vein.

David and Hallie sit in the playroom, still waiting for Carrie.  The carousel turns, but no music comes out; the upper floor is still lit up. How long do we have to wait? complains David. Hallie feels a chill--someone is in the room, she says, I felt cold air pass by me. She hugs herself. If you can, follow it, advises David.  Hallie tries--I still feel it, she says--no.  She moves toward the dollhouse and looks inside. David, look! she says. Something new has been added, they note--on top of a miniature armoires is a miniature of the Java Queen, flag and all!

It can't be the same ship, protests David.  It is, says Hallie.  Mine is big, says David, that one is so little. (is he bragging?)  I bet, says Hallie, if you go to your room, you'll find yours is gone. How can that be? demands David, who would have brought it here, and why don't they appear to us? I don't know, she says. It doesn't make sense, says David--remember our dream.  In our dream, says Hallie, when we were in the doll's house, we were the same size as the dolls--the same thing has happened to the ship. Yes, but that was only a dream, says David. Let's take the dollhouse out of the room and destroy it, suggests Hallie.
We can't, says David. We've got to, she insists--we'll bury it or take it apart. We can't, he says, we simply can't--remember when we took the dolls from here, and we burned them, we watched them burn, and when we came back, they were still there, right in the doll's house? Then there's nothing we can do--nothing, wails Hallie. Just wait, says David, that's all. Hallie sits in the rocker and David on the rocking horse. They sit silently, waiting to learn their fate.

Maggie continues to receive her blood transfusion. Barnabas watches over her, ruminating. Julia sits reading a book. Get some rest, Barnabas suggests.  I can't sleep, she says.  (change that hideous brown dress, Julia; it's going to walk away by itself!) You have to stay with her all day tomorrow, he reminds her. I'll be all right, she assures him. He looks out at the storm--to think, he says--somewhere in the village is another coffin in another secret room. Julia gets excited--listen, she says, and reads from the book, "On October 14th, 1839, the original Quentin wrote, “Tonight I do what I dread--I must go and see G at the cottage." G must mean Gerard, says Julia and the cottage must mean Rose Cottage--Gerard must have lived there. Yes, says Barn, and it also could be the cottage on the estate. If we only knew what Gerard's connection with the family was, says Julia--and he wasn't a servant, he wouldn't be living here--the original Quentin's diary doesn't mention him as a friend--I'll go to town tomorrow and check the real estate records again--I am sure, of all the clues, Rose Cottage seems to be the most important. I'm not sure it is, says Barnabas--the murder fascinates me--you'd think there would be some record of it in one of the diaries, but there hasn't been. If we learn about Rose Cottage, says Julia, we'll know about the murder, too, I don't know why I feel so strongly about it, but I do. The dogs howl. Barnabas checks on Maggie.

Playroom - The kids still sit in their respective places, not speaking. The carousel soundlessly turns. David suddenly climbs off the horse--we should get out of here, he says. But you were the one that wanted to stay, she reminds him. I've changed my mind and want to go, he says firmly, taking hold of her hand--"Please." All right, she agrees. Before they leave the room, however, Hallie notices the dolls are gone from their seats in the dollhouse. They were there, says David. We haven't left the room, says Hallie. Spirits keep coming in and out of here, taking things, says David--we can't even see them.  Why? Hallie. I don't know, he says, but I want to get out of here. They are about to leave the room when they hear Carrie's soft voice calling their names, telling them not to go--"We're ready now."  We don't want to see, says David. You must, says Carrie--look in the house--Rose Cottage--you asked what would happen to you--find out...find out--you must know--look through the window. David and Hallie fearfully return to the house and peer through the window.
Inside they see themselves (actually, Tad and Carrie) sitting at the table. "See David? See, Hallie?--now you know what's to happen to you--now you know," says Carrie's voice.

NOTES: What is Carrie trying to convey to David and Hallie--that they are going to become Tad and Carrie? Take their places? In 1840? In 1970? It's rather confusing to me, but these scenes are growing so wearying, I think I'm having trouble paying attention. I guess I found this fascinating the first time around, but now, not so much. From my point of view, I don't feel any mystery was cleared up!

Nice how Barnabas is willing to sacrifice himself for Maggie, but Julia won't allow it. Her love glowed on her face when he complimented her on how well she was caring for Maggie. She still has trust issues with him, but then again, he IS the only vampire she knows right now, and it seems logical she would blame him before considering there is another vampire in their midst.

A bit of a discrepancy there--it was indicated that Liz was already told it was a wild animal that attacked Maggie, so why is Barnabas fretting about telling the family?--it's already been done.

I think those kids need to be packed off to boarding school; they have way too much time on their hands. Frankly, I think I'd rather they were having sex than doing what they are doing, it would be a hell of a lot more interesting. Perhaps, when I watched this the first time and was Hallie's age, I was more forgiving.

Carrie is very creepy, doing nothing but smiling. Ah, well, it's better than Hallie's shrill whine.

Who is victimizing Maggie? Will Barnabas and Julia find out? Anyone out there have any guesses?

Love, Robin

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Re:#1091/1092: Robservations 09/04/03: Carolyn Finds the Playroom
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2003, 07:54:15 AM »
Episodes wrong - I guess because of the repeat at the beginning of the week.  The first couple of days are listed correctly and Friday is correct (a repeat of the second one listed here and then the one that followed).  However, the second episode that belongs here is missing.

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Re:#1091/1092: Robservations 09/04/03: Carolyn Finds the Playroom
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2003, 05:28:45 PM »
It's fixed now.  Thanks!