Author Topic: #1087/1088: Robservations 09/02/03: He's Got Liz!  (Read 1170 times)

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#1087/1088: Robservations 09/02/03: He's Got Liz!
« on: September 01, 2003, 01:19:06 PM »
1087 -

How bizarre!-- SciFi repeated an episode

Robservations #1087

1088 - We see the carousel turning, superimposed over Gerard's nasty face.

Gerard is about to slip the rope around Quentin's neck when Julia comes down the hallway and hears Quentin's voice. She opens the door to find Quentin alone. What are you doing here? she asks.  I might ask you the very same question, he counters. She looks around--I thought something was wrong, she says, the way you behaved downstairs. Because I wouldn't have another brandy? he asks, that's not as wrong as it is unusual, eh, so you followed me here? I'm worried about you, she says--I'm worried about you here in this room. And you expect an explanation, of course, he says sarcastically, all right, let's see--the truth is rather boring, I should expect you to want another story, filled with intrigue and romance. Oh, Quentin, she protests. Despite your refusal, says Q, to accept my story about being so tired, I was going straight to my bedroom, and as I was, I happened to hear a noise while going past the door to this wing--I heard somebody walking, I thought it might be David, then I got in front of this door and thought I heard the noise again, so I came in here, but didn't see anyone--then I heard your voice--but there's nobody here, as you can see. Julia feels the chill--don't you feel the evil in this room? she asks--HIS evil?  His evil? repeats Quentin.  Whose room this is? she asks.  I don't have any idea, he says. Was it his? asks Julia.  Was he a servant? asks Quentin. How do you know it's a servant's room? Julia asks. Caught, Quentin says, my ancestors didn't live quite this simply, their rooms were a little more luxurious--I think we should go. No, they should wait here, she says, if you heard a noise...  Quentin angrily says, I'm not so sure I heard one now--you and Barnabas have made us all so jittery, everyone keeps hearing things, looking for a sign of a catastrophe that you keep saying is supposed to happen. Quentin, chastises Julia. Well I'm sorry, says Quentin, but you and Barnabas have created such a tension, when any of us respond to it, we immediately become suspect! That's not true, says Julia. Oh, come off it! he exclaims--one minute ago you were quite willing to accuse me of consorting with spirits. Julia apologizes--you're right, of course, but you doesn't know how insidious Gerard is. Gerard--that's just a name to me, says Quentin (the name of a ghost who was about to strangle you, Q!)  It will be much more, promises Julia. Is this Gerard in love with the other ghost, the one I'm supposed to be so enthralled with?  I don't think Gerard capable of love as we understand it, she replies. But, says Quentin, there WAS a connection between them, wasn't there--some link? Julia looks at him oddly--why? she asks. For the future, Julia, so I'll know, he says angrily.  They exit. We see the rope Gerard held lying on the floor.

Next day, drawing room - Julia, I'm getting like one of those silly women who read their horoscope every morning--I never thought it would happen to me, says Liz, but then, many things have happened that I never expected. She looks over Julia and reads--"an enemy becomes a friend."--I wondered about that, says Liz--I have enemies, I'm sure, but whether I'd want one of them as a friend is something else again. It might be important, says Julia. Or it could turn out to be like a loved one meeting a stranger, says Liz, dialing the phone--Sebastian Shaw--I'm puzzled by something in my chart--could you come clarify it for me this afternoon? He consults a blank appointment calendar--I'm afraid I'm all booked up today, he lies. Really, she says, annoyed--when you drew this up you said you'd be glad to discuss anything that puzzled me. He sighs--perhaps I can make some time this evening, he says--around 8?  If that's the earliest you can make it, it will have to do says Liz. After hanging up, Liz complains to Julia, I can't believe his waiting room is jammed with people until 8 tonight. Neither can I, says Julia--what do you suppose he does with his time?  (I thought he was so good at this--why no other clients?)

Gazing at the blank appointment book, Shaw tells himself, I don't want to go to that house--tonight or ever! Why do I have to see Collinwood again??

Quentin goes to Daphne's room--why did I come here again? he wonders--didn't last night teach me it isn't safe?--if Julia's followed me now, what will I say?--I don't care, I must see her. He enters the room and finds the rope lying on the floor. Was this here before?--why don't I remember?--Is Julia right, are Daphne and Gerard. . .Daphne, he calls, please, I must see you! Please, you don't have to explain anything, just let me see you. He won't let her come to me, he frets, sitting on the bed, we have so little time, they're going to find out, I know it! Daphne, can you hear me? he says--we have so little time left!  He drops the rope on the bed and exits the room.

7:45 - You have 15 minutes, Roxanne tells Shaw--it will take you that long to drive to Collinwood. Teasingly, he says, psychics don't drive, they transport themselves on magic carpets--don't you know that?  There are many things I don't know about you, she says. Of course, you want me to go, he says. You may not, she says, smiling. I MAY not, he says, I may obey my instincts, and stay here, with you, and not answer the phone.
That would be very foolish, she says. Every single thing we've done here has been foolish! he says, furious. You thought it wise at the time, she says. I don't know why, he says, I've always told the truth, it's been a fetish with me. I know that, she says, almost mocking him. Why did I deliberately lie to her and spin out that fiction she calls a horoscope? he asks. You thought it best to tell her what she wanted to hear, she reminds him. You weren't with me yesterday, he says, that witch of a doctor throwing those clippings at me, accusing me of helping destroy them--and that boy, so frightened. Don't be so hard on yourself, darling, you can't stop what's going to happen! she reminds him. I can warn them, he says. They've already been warned by that Barnabas, she says. Mrs. Stoddard would listen to me, he says. That's what you wanted--isn't it? she asks pointedly. He looks away and says, ashamed, yes, that's what I wanted. We needn't give up your plan, she says, I'll go with you tonight. To watch me? he asks. Help you, if I can! she cries. He looks away, unsure. Won't it be better if I come? she asks. It's always easier when you're around, you know that, he says.

We see Liz reflected through Quentin's brandy glass. You seem depressed tonight, she observes. Without reason, he says. There's always a reason, she says. Oh, my, how analytical we have all become, he says mockingly, probing each other's moods--I think I'll probe the meaning of some book--in my room. He goes upstairs. Julia answers the door to Sebastian and Roxanne. Face to face with her, Julia says, "You must be Roxanne Drew--Barnabas told me how much you look like the Roxanne we knew--I'm Julia Hoffman."  Shaw introduces Roxanne to Liz  as "my assistant."  Hello, says Liz--did you have anything to do with my horoscope?  No, responds Roxanne. If you don't mind, Mr. Shaw, says Liz, I'd like to see you alone. Shaw gives Rox a look before Liz closes them in the drawing room. Would you like to go into the study and wait? Julia offers Roxanne. No, responds the redhead, he won't be long. It's incredible, remarks Julia. What, my resemblance to the Roxanne you knew? asks Rox. Julia nods. Mr. Collins, says Roxanne, such a charming man, I'm afraid he had me quite confused with that Roxanne. Yes agrees Julia heartily, understanding why.

Shaw looks over the horoscope papers--Mrs. Stoddard, he says, astrology and charting the stars can't be that accurate to provide you with specific names of your enemy. There must be some way of finding out--please help me if you can, says Liz. There may be a way, he says--I have been known to have a kind of second sight. I'd be very grateful, she says. He sits--don't interrupt me no matter what, he insists.

Roxanne eavesdrops at the double doors.  Do you think something went wrong? asks Julia. No, says Rox--of course not, he just gives too much of himself sometimes. She listens again.
Shaw concentrates. I see a room that isn't used, not a living human being has used this room in over a century. What does the room have to do with the enemy? asks Liz. Don't ask, cautious Shaw--there's pale green walls, a bed, a table, and a figurine on the table, a woman with a long   dress, bending over a child, yes, a teacher! The image fades. Don't go into that room, don't ever go into that room! shouts Shaw.  His head tips backward as if he's going into seizure. Why? demands Liz.  I can't tell you anymore, he says. You've told me nothing about the enemy, nothing, objects Liz. Shaw stands--the enemy may not be of the living, he says. Liz is stunned.

Drawing room - Liz tells Quentin and Julia, I couldn't get Shaw to tell me anymore, she says--he said he didn't know. Surely he must have explained, says Julia, why he said the enemy could be a ghost. He simply said that was all he knew, says Liz. Quentin that was the room we were in, says Julia.  Julia...warns Quentin. What were you doing there? asks Liz. He thought he heard something, says Julia, we should go there now--it's in the West Wing, near where Barnabas and I were found.  NO! says Quentin--for once, would the two of you be sensible!  We ARE being sensible, insists Liz. He told you you were not to enter that room, Quentin reminds her.  I've been in it and so have you, says Julia. Perhaps we were mistaken, says Q, perhaps we're bringing all of this down upon ourselves. All of what? asks Liz. Julia and Barnabas are so anxious to have this disaster happen, accuses Quentin. Quentin! cries Liz. That's not fair, adds Julia. I know it's not fair and I'm very sorry, says Q, but it is a possibility if we go somewhere we shouldn't be, it may cause something to happen. This is my house and I feel I can enter any room I want to, says Liz. We've all got to admit this is a very dangerous time for everyone at Collinwood, says Q--by bungling things, it could be much worse--Julia, you said yourself you believe Shaw to be a true psychic--then accept that, and don't make Elizabeth go somewhere he told her not to go--it doesn't make sense!  You're right, agrees Julia, but you and I could go.
Use your head! commands Quentin, if there is a spirit in that room, it will not show itself as long as you and I are there. Liz says, "But if I am, you think it will."  Quentin stands before her--you've got to promise not to go into that room, insists Q. I don't like...begins Liz.  Of course you don't, says Julia, but you must believe in Sebastian Shaw, and you know it. I'm going to my room, says Liz, I find this all very upsetting. Julia, actually wagging a finger, says, "You will NOT go into that room." Liz gazes at her, astounded--Julia, you sound like me when I'm talking to David--I don't want anything more to happen in this house--she stalks out. Deal with Sebastian Shaw, since she can't, says Julia, you must find out everything he knows. She leaves the room. Quentin gazes coldly after her.

Liz, of course, goes to the forbidden room and is about to enter, but changes her mind, walks away, then goes back and enters. She sees the very figure Sebastian mentioned in his vision!

Lilacs? Liz asks herself, why do I smell lilacs? Oh, it's so cold! Behind her, Gerard observes, his perpetual snarl on his face.

Shaw's house - I shouldn't have told Liz about that room, Shaw tells Roxanne, I know that!--I'm finished with her, I'm never going back there again, and if she ever calls, I'm not available, do you understand?  She turns away.  What's wrong? he asks. You wanted it so much, says Rox, it seemed like the perfect answer--she could have endowed a foundation for you, you could have devoted your life to a serious study of the occult, instead of being some freak who can tell the future--oh, Collinwood seemed so perfect. He grabs her and turns her around to look at him. It isn't! he shouts urgently, there's a disaster that's going to happen there, and I knew it, I saw it in the stars, I could have told her. You saw the future for us, too, she says, please, don't make any decision tonight. All I can see is those people there--they don't know! he says desperately.

Liz stands in Daphne's room--is someone here? she asks--I know there is. Quentin enters.  Annoyed, he says, "I knew you'd come here."  You frightened me, she says. Collinses are a foolhardy breed, he comments, come, Elizabeth. There's a presence in this room, she says. Stop it! he says. There is, she insists, I smell lilacs, and then I felt a chill--there's someone watching us now. It's your imagination, he says firmly. No it isn't, she replies, equally firmly--Julia and Barnabas were right, something terrible is going to happen here. Then your horoscope...he begins. Is wrong, I know that now, says Liz, and I know what I must do--where is Julia? I left her in the drawing room, he says. Liz hurries out. Quentin, left alone, says, "I told you we had very little time."

Liz runs downstairs, through the foyer and into the drawing room. "Julia," she cries, "we must get the children out of this house tonight!"
She flings open the doors and, standing there in the dark, is Gerard Stiles, looking straight at her.

NOTES: Liz has met Gerard, face to face, and it's down to the wire.  Will Collinwood be destroyed?  Have they played right into his waiting hands?

Quentin is pissing me off. I know he's obsessed with a ghost, but he's putting his entire family at risk here, and he knows it and can't seem to control himself. I thought he had become stronger than that, but I guess not.

Julia is treading on a lot of toes--David's, Liz' (love the way she shook her finger at her), Quentin's, Shaw's--she's become a one-woman annoyance squad in her quest for answers, trying only to save a family she loves as her own. I love her feistiness, but considering how important she considers Shaw, she keeps pissing him off, which is foolhardy.

Quentin knows there is a Gerard, but his only concern is that he is a rival for Daphne's affections. Wonder what he'd say if he knew how close to attack he'd come, and that Julia stopped it?

What is with Shaw and Roxanne? Now we know what his plans were--to soak Liz for a big endowment, perhaps use Collinwood somehow--but he's lost his heart, given that he knows the place is doomed to destruction, and now that he's met the inhabitants, he can't go through with his plan.  Just how much power does Rox have over him, we wonder?

Getting to the edge now. Liz has seen Gerard--can he make her forget she saw him? She's finally all set to ignore the horoscope and get the kids out, but that doesn't fit in with his plans at all--so what will happen now?

Love, Robin